New Low From Trump

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Trump is RIGHT on issues and policy, and Clinton is WRONG, and that's ALL that matters to people who actually want to fix the nation's problems. All the rest is just opportunism, propaganda, political correctness, snivelling, whining, and other nonsense.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Trump is RIGHT on issues and policy, and Clinton is WRONG, and that's ALL that matters to people who actually want to fix the nation's problems. All the rest is just opportunism, propaganda, political correctness, snivelling, whining, and other nonsense.
There's a tragedy in that declaration. It's the thing that makes the unacceptable ordinary, clothes it in the robes of pragmatic necessity.

But the clear, unassailable fact of the matter is that character doesn't only matter, it determines.

We should expect and do better.


Also, you seem to be justifying Trump's terrible behavior by saying "but Hillary does it too!" What kind of childish justification is that? Why would you vote for either of them?

What's childish is liberals being perpetually offended, throwing tantrums over words and simmering an allegation from every single godforsaken thing one can muster.

It got to a point a long time ago where people literally want to punch you out, and that's exactly what happened at those rallies :plain:

People have gotten tired of it, and that's one of the reasons they are inclined to Trump. I think you all need to get a grip because it's coming full circle right back to you :wave2:

Jose Fly

New member

I've seen that, but also seen how those laws that bind electors are unenforceable and likely unconstitutional. So say for example an elector goes to the electoral college and says "I cast my vote for the Republican nominee" rather than "I cast my vote for Donald Trump". If someone in that state charges him with violating the law, that raises obvious constitutional issues that would have to work their way through the federal court system.

removing trump now would be like handing over the white house to Hillary.

For sure, but that's kinda where we're at now's just a matter of the GOP choosing which way they want to lose the Presidential election.


For sure, but that's kinda where we're at now's just a matter of the GOP choosing which way they want to lose the Presidential election.


The delusional mind of the atheist liberal.
It's hilarious that there are people out there still holding to that declarative claim.


New member
What's childish is liberals being perpetually offended, throwing tantrums over words and simmering an allegation from every single godforsaken thing one can muster.

"But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies."

Words reveal what's in the heart.


Well-known member
Take a look at the Christian men here who've been the most vocally supportive of Trump. That motley crew is the base that Trump feeds. Breitbart cowboys. Trump's their superman.
How do you think this is reflecting on religious Christianity in general? Very badly, I would say. And that's a shame, because most Christians do not support this mean-spirited idiocy. Yet their kindness and generosity is being constantly overshadowed by these pseudo-religious Christian thugs. The politicization of the "Christian right" has been the single most powerful factor in the decline of religious Christianity in modern times. Even more-so than the pedophile priest scandal.


Well-known member
Hillary Clinton did not deny dismissing Monica Lewinsky as a “narcissistic loony tune” after Lewinsky’s affair with her husband went public
I have not denied calling Monica Lewinsky as a “narcissistic loony tune”, either. But that doesn't mean that I have actually called her that.

It also doesn't mean that she was NOT a “narcissistic loony tune”. Though I think that label would better fit Bill Clinton, than Monica Lewinsky. She at least had the excuse of a youthful indiscretion. He had no excuse at all, that I can think of.

As name-calling goes, though, that's a very mild example, and coming from a wounded wife certainly makes it understandable. And nor does it denigrate all womankind.


Well-known member
How is taking money from misogynists with the idea being to protect the way of life that allows them to abuse women being receptive to women's issues?
Taking money from a thief does not make one a thief any more than taking money from a misogynist makes one a misogynist. What it makes her is a corrupt politician who takes money for favors. The favors she will do, however, are not as likely to be directly damaging to women as the policies of Donald Trump, who is clearly a misogynist, himself, and has shown himself to be in both words and deeds, throughout his life.

And the more you try to deny this the more dishonest and perverse you show yourself to be.

The one thing that this election is doing is that it's showing the true colors of the republican party and it's supporters. Both to the good, in some cases, and to the worst, in others.

Same is true of American Christians. The Donald campaign is definitely separating the phonies from the faithful.


Well-known member
As for this election, we are stuck with two and only two viable options. A vote for some third party is the equivalent of staying home and removing yourself from having any effect whatsoever

And there, right there, you abandon any semblance of the moral high ground. The minute you insist on choosing between evils, you choose evil.



Rationalizing evil with evil begets only more evil.


"But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies."

Words reveal what's in the heart.

That's nothing but poetry coming from you all. If anything, one has a lot of nerve bringing up scripture while ignoring liberals keying others cars, trespassing on their properties, and making public inquiries on Trump supporters.

And at that, suing people and closing businesses, calling good people bigots, anon anon :AMR:

Actions speak louder than words, but both have condemned the Left. So you can just go on with all that nonsense.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
At this point I'd hope no rational human being, which means he can still win in November. I know this because Two Broke Girls is a ratings hit and because the distortions and out and out lies that I watch people paste on FB accounts and Twitter feeds, without doing anything approaching due diligence to investigate tells me that you still won't go broke underestimating the general public.

It's time to do better than that.
Doing better is not currently an option. You might want to do better but are not afforded the oportunity.

News flash! You do not live in a Christian or even a moral society.

See, I think that's by and large true, though adding the time line feels like part of the lame maelstrom of misdirection going on to gloss over and defend the indefensible by marginalizing it. I think it's easy, when times are good, to look at the guy leading us through it and excuse the inexcusable. It's personal, we say. Sure, he's a scoundrel, but the trains are running on time and we're prosperous. Who's perfect? They're all like that, it goes. No normal human being wants or seeks that sort of ego gratifying power...and on and on. Any number of ways to justify what we should repudiate.

I understand the justifications. I've done it myself. It took this horror show of an election cycle to shake me awake on the point.
Look, the system is what it is. You and I didn't make it but we do have to live with it. The reality of the matter is that if you do not vote for one, you are helping the other win the election. Choose which you want to make it harder to get into office and cast a vote for the other.

And there, right there, you abandon any semblance of the moral high ground. The minute you insist on choosing between evils, you choose evil.

The alternative is allowing the system to run you over. This argument is the equivalent of refusing to refrigerate meat because it doesn't prevent it from spoiling it merely slows it down. Your alternative to voting against the worse of two evils is to concede the Presidency to those who despise this country as founded and to allow them to cement themselves into power in perpetuity.

There is no such thing as a perfect human being. There is no such thing as a person that the left will not attempt to destroy, even if they have to make stuff up. If you're going to wait around for an opportunity to vote where you don't have to vote for the lesser of two evils, you'll never ever vote at all, which I believe is one of the reasons why God hates democracies and why this whole system is corrupt from its foundations.

The bottom line is this. Will you have some effect or will you have none? That's the choice you have, there is no third option, you will do one or the other.

Resting in Him,


New member
That's nothing but poetry coming from you all. If anything, one has a lot of nerve bringing up scripture while ignoring liberals keying others cars, trespassing on their properties, and making public inquiries on Trump supporters.

And at that, suing people and closing businesses, calling good people bigots, anon anon :AMR:

Actions speak louder than words, but both have condemned the Left. So you can just go on with all that nonsense.

You seem to be assuming I'm a liberal. Or at least that I'm not disturbed by the evils done in the name of liberalism.

Is it only possible to critique one side of evil?


New member
The reality of the matter is that if you do not vote for one, you are helping the other win the election.

By this logic, my non-vote for one cancels out my non-vote for the other.

The alternative is allowing the system to run you over. This argument is the equivalent of refusing to refrigerate meat because it doesn't prevent it from spoiling it merely slows it down.

False dilemma, or false dichotomy fallacy. My alternative is to speak the truth that none of these candidates are worthy of my vote, and to petition God to move in justice and mercy.

Your alternative to voting against the worse of two evils is to concede the Presidency to those who despise this country as founded and to allow them to cement themselves into power in perpetuity.

I see contempt for the ideals of the constitution on both sides.

There is no such thing as a perfect human being. There is no such thing as a person that the left will not attempt to destroy, even if they have to make stuff up. If you're going to wait around for an opportunity to vote where you don't have to vote for the lesser of two evils, you'll never ever vote at all, which I believe is one of the reasons why God hates democracies and why this whole system is corrupt from its foundations.

Straw man. No one is arguing that we have to have a perfect candidate.

The bottom line is this. Will you have some effect or will you have none? That's the choice you have, there is no third option, you will do one or the other.

Resting in Him,

Looks like you don't have any faith in the believer's witness nor in prayer.


Well-known member
That's one of the most ridiculous posts I've ever read.

Quote Originally Posted by Gurucam View Post
There is no such absolute position.

One person's pig is another person's food.

Ask a Christian person, then a Moslem person.

The above are moral positions. Legitimate and widely accepted but different moral positions.

There are no absolutes in moral positions.

The law (the ten commandments) defines and determines the moral position for none Christians.

God given freedom, liberty, justification and instruction to transgress the law (the ten commandments) so as to serve spirit/love defines and determines the moral position for Christians.

There are no absolutes in moral positions. This is simply the way it is for Jesus and the world.

Galatians: 3 King James Version (KJV)
24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster (i.e. the ten commandments moral code) to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.
25 But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster (we are no longer under the ten commandments moral code)

Those who have come onto Christ have God given freedom, liberty, justification and instruction to transgress the law (the ten commandments) so as to serve spirit/love.

However those who are not onto faith and Christ are still under the ten commandments moral code.

Christians and none-Christians have opposing moral codes.

There are no absolutes in moral positions. Not even the ten commandments.

This is according to literal and clear revelations in the Holy KJV N.T.

There are many false spying prophets who came in Jesus' name as prophesied:

Galatians: 2 KJV N.T.
4 And that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage (under the done away with ten commandments)
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New member
Well you see the heat of this thread and come on it with that, so :idunno:

I critique both sides, particularly the far ends of them.

Good, then maybe we can agree that the evil Trump reveals with his speech is more than "just words".