At this point I'd hope no rational human being, which means he can still win in November. I know this because Two Broke Girls is a ratings hit and because the distortions and out and out lies that I watch people paste on FB accounts and Twitter feeds, without doing anything approaching due diligence to investigate tells me that you still won't go broke underestimating the general public.
It's time to do better than that.
Doing better is not currently an option. You might want to do better but are not afforded the oportunity.
News flash! You do not live in a Christian or even a moral society.
See, I think that's by and large true, though adding the time line feels like part of the lame maelstrom of misdirection going on to gloss over and defend the indefensible by marginalizing it. I think it's easy, when times are good, to look at the guy leading us through it and excuse the inexcusable. It's personal, we say. Sure, he's a scoundrel, but the trains are running on time and we're prosperous. Who's perfect? They're all like that, it goes. No normal human being wants or seeks that sort of ego gratifying power...and on and on. Any number of ways to justify what we should repudiate.
I understand the justifications. I've done it myself. It took this horror show of an election cycle to shake me awake on the point.
Look, the system is what it is. You and I didn't make it but we do have to live with it. The reality of the matter is that if you do not vote for one, you are helping the other win the election. Choose which you want to make it harder to get into office and cast a vote for the other.
And there, right there, you abandon any semblance of the moral high ground. The minute you insist on choosing between evils, you choose evil.
The alternative is allowing the system to run you over. This argument is the equivalent of refusing to refrigerate meat because it doesn't prevent it from spoiling it merely slows it down. Your alternative to voting against the worse of two evils is to concede the Presidency to those who despise this country as founded and to allow them to cement themselves into power in perpetuity.
There is no such thing as a perfect human being. There is no such thing as a person that the left will not attempt to destroy, even if they have to make stuff up. If you're going to wait around for an opportunity to vote where you don't have to vote for the lesser of two evils, you'll never ever vote at all, which I believe is one of the reasons why God hates democracies and why this whole system is corrupt from its foundations.
The bottom line is this. Will you have some effect or will you have none? That's the choice you have, there is no third option, you will do one or the other.
Resting in Him,