New Low From Trump


Literal lunatic
I love the conspiracy theorists that think Russia is releasing hacked information - It's probably a 400 lb guy on his couch

Yep, yesterday she said her and the current administration knew it was Russia as a fact.

Tonight she said she's outta the loop.



Well-known member
Trump wasn't seen as a racist or sexist until he ran against the Democrats.
Why is it not surprising?
Because that is what the Left does- they are professional liars and defamers.

You are deluded if you think this is only on the left. If you didn't know it before how do you miss that now in this election?

No one cared what Trump said before running for president. He is a walking, talking defamation machine. That was quite clear in the Republican debates.


He is a walking, talking defamation machine.

And it's all based in reality- Trump hasn't said anything bad to anyone who didn't straight up deserve it.
People can act all in shock about it like some 60 year old Puritan virgin who's never heard a rap album-- I don't really care :idunno:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
That's something that all women universally agree with, even if they don't think so when they are on 'self worship' mode- where when even being looked at is commensurate to rape :chuckle:

Dude, you aren't in a position to dictate what any woman may or may not agree with, let alone 'all' of them. You've proven yourself time and again to be some gormless little misogynist crank with a chip on his shoulder so big that I'm only surprised it allows you to be still able to type.


like marbles on glass
You are deluded if you think this is only on the left. If you didn't know it before how do you miss that now in this election?

No one cared what Trump said before running for president. He is a walking, talking defamation machine. That was quite clear in the Republican debates.



Dude, you aren't in a position to dictate what any woman may or may not agree with, let alone 'all' of them.

It's not a dictation, it's an observed and confirmed reality. Anna's argument doesn't hold up to sense, along with the rest of all that feminist driven nonsense.

You've proven yourself time and again to be some gormless little misogynist crank with a chip on his shoulder so big that I'm only surprised it allows you to be still able to type.

That's a bit illegible.

All I can make out is "I'm British".
Feminism is swallowing you all whole over there :rolleyes:


like marbles on glass
Annabenedetti————Pace Bene
In response to your #184

1. My age is none of your business.

2. If you choose to refer to me as "Mysogynist", well then I shall refer to you as a Misandrist, fair enough?

3. I end my posts with whatever comes to my mind; sometimes it's Deo Gratias, or Fiat voluntas tua. My favorite is Domine non sum dignus.

4. My entire day is based on AMDG and I begin each day at rising with s simple prayer—"Benedicamus Domino"

5. I will let Him be the judge of what is appropriate or not. Kapeech.

Deo Omnis Gloria

It's capisce, not kapeech.

Anyway, just a consideration: if you're going to talk like a misogynist, it doesn't do you any favors to end your posts with something like AMDG.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It's not a dictation, it's an observed and confirmed reality. Anna's argument doesn't hold up to sense, along with the rest of all that feminist driven nonsense.

Dude, the only 'confirmed reality' is that you're just some bonkers nut who knows about as much about women as what my cat left in the back yard this morning. You're either a stupid little kid who needs to get over being dumped or a borderline sociopath in the making. You don't even seem to realize how little respect you get from anyone here for your asinine views. Get a life dude, preferably one away from a basement.

That's a bit illegible.

All I can make out is "I'm British".
Feminism is swallowing you all whole over there :rolleyes:

Noodle doodle quack quack.

That a bit more intelligible for ya? It's the language you 'parrot' on here often enough.

Absolute moron, you really are.


Dude, the only 'confirmed reality' is that you're just some bonkers nut who knows about as much about women as what my cat left in the back yard this morning. You're either a stupid little kid who needs to get over being dumped or a borderline sociopath in the making. You don't even seem to realize how little respect you get from anyone here for your asinine views. Get a life dude, preferably one away from a basement.

Noodle doodle quack quack.

That a bit more intelligible for ya? It's the language you 'parrot' on here often enough.

Absolute moron, you really are.

So now YOU 'dictate' what other people think :AMR:

You got a ~thanks~ from a woman, so I guess it's mission accomplished :chuckle:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
So now YOU 'dictate' what other people think :AMR:

You got a ~thanks~ from a woman, so I guess it's mission accomplished :chuckle:

Next on the agenda: Bras are sexist.

The fact that you felt compelled to note that I got a thanks from a woman only underscores the point yet more.

Yet you think you can speak on behalf of all of them?



And it's all based in reality- Trump hasn't said anything bad to anyone who didn't straight up deserve it.
People can act all in shock about it like some 60 year old Puritan virgin who's never heard a rap album-- I don't really care :idunno:

Donald Trump Vows Retaliation as Republicans Abandon Him
OCT. 9, 2016

The Republican Party was at the brink of civil war on Sunday as Donald J. Trump signaled he would retaliate against lawmakers who withdraw their support from his campaign, and senior party leaders privately acknowledged that they now feared losing control of both houses of Congress.

Even before Mr. Trump’s second debate against Hillary Clinton, the party faced an internal rift unseen in modern times. A wave of defections from Mr. Trump’s candidacy, prompted by the revelation of a recording that showed him bragging about sexual assault, was met with boastful defiance by the Republican presidential nominee.

On Twitter, Mr. Trump attacked the Republicans fleeing his campaign as “self-righteous hypocrites” and predicted their defeat at the ballot box. In a set of talking points sent to his supporters Sunday morning, Mr. Trump’s campaign urged them to attack turncoat Republicans as “more concerned with their political future than they are about the country ...”
"The Donald" is about to find that those Republican politicians who are concerned about the long term damage he is doing to their brand aren't as easily intimidated as the women he has tried to "grope!"


Literal lunatic
Irrelevant. Rape trumps dumping emails.

Except yer rape charge is alleged.

Hillary's e-mail dump in violation of a subpoena is confirmed by her fact checkers.

Here's a quote from NYDT after last night's debate.


Trump: Clinton and Trump once again sparred on the issue of the private email server she used during her tenure as secretary of state, with Trump, in one stretch, lumping together hacks on Democratic National Committee servers and alleged hacks on Clinton’s private server. “All you have to do is take a look at WikiLeaks and see what they say about Sanders and see what Wasserman-Schultz had in mind … I think the one you should really be apologizing for and this thing you should be apologizing for are the 33,000 e-mails that you deleted and that you acid washed.”

FALSE: While it is known that Clinton did delete about 32,000 emails from that server, there is no evidence that server was ever hacked. FBI Director James Comey said in July, in fact, that his organization had concluded that foreign powers had not hacked the sever.

The emails related to Florida congresswoman and former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schulz, on the other hand, are known to have been hacked by Russian intelligence elements.