New Low From Trump


The countdown has started for another "Bill Cosby" moment when those women whom Donald Trump assured a national audience that he never "groped" start coming out of the woodwork with their own narratives that contradict his own self-serving version!

Given that there are still 4 weeks before the election and that the Republican Party is already teetering on the edge of an open revolt, women disputing his just "locker-room talk" explanation could be more than enough to push the whole Trump campaign right over the cliff!


The fact that you felt compelled to note that I got a thanks from a woman only underscores the point yet more.

Yet you think you can speak on behalf of all of them?


Anna will thank every single statement you make defending her unquenchable need for women to be seen as victims. The only thing underscored is your daily routine of acting like a tool as soon as you find anything criticizing their end.

There's a million instances that follows in which one says "Women (insert criticism)", and you automatically go "BLA BLIPITY BLA BLA AHHHHHHH!"

They trained you well. Those like yourself literally sound like you were raised by a pack of dye haired feminists, and you don't even realize it :rolleyes:


Well-known member

Originally Posted by Gurucam View Post]

...With respect to morality, there can be no absolute positions. Morality legitimately varies from person to person, family to family, religion to religion, political party to political party, country to country, etc.:

...The idea of absolute concepts of morality (as exemplified by the ten commandments) was long recognized, to be flawed, by Jesus. Such ideas were done away with, by Jesus, 2000 odd years ago. A new approach was introduce. This new approach has finally come home to earth, to rule.

You responded to the above as follows:

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Wow, where do you find these lies?

I have simply quoted the Holy KJV N.T., as is.

Apparently the Holy KJV N.T. is a book of lies for you?

That is low, but typical for one who simply pretends to be a N.T./Christian person but is actually an O.T./ Mosaic person.

Fake/false Christians routinely corrupt and distort the Holy KJV N.T. Are you a false spying brethren who is falsely presenting him/her self to be Christian?:

Romans: 3 King James Version (KJV)
21 But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;

Romans: 3 King James Version (KJV)
19 Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God.

Morality for those under the law is defined by the ten commandments. This is righteousness of God with the law.

Morality for Christians is defined by God given freedom, liberty, justification and instructions to transgress the ten commandments so as to serve in the newness of spirit. This is righteousness of God that is without the law:

Romans: 8 KJV N.T.
2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

Galatians: 5 KJV N.T.
4 Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.

Acts: 13 King James Version (KJV)
39 And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.

In the above the Holy KJV N.T. confirm that there are at least two sets of morality. One for those who are not onto Christ and another for those who are onto Christ. One set is with the law and one that is without the law.

Galatians: 5 KJV N.T.
18 But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.

. . . so says the Holy KJV N.T. The Holy KJV N.T. is not a book of lies. Stop desecrating the Holy KJV N.T., simply because you are under the law and not under Grace and Christ.

Live and let live. Do not seek to impose your morality on others.

You are free to choose to be under the law and so have the law define your morality.

Please leave alone, those who have dropped the law and embraced the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus which make one free from the law of sin and death. This is righteousness of God that is with out the law. They are under a different morality.

Wake up to truth before to late is your cry.

The Holy KJV N.T. instructs those who are newly converted (newly spiritually aware) to transgress the 'thou shall not covet' commandments so as to serve in the newness of spirit. This defines and anchors a life in Christ.

The instruction is to leave your old spouse and marriage that was held under the 'thou shall not covet' commandments. Ignore and transgress the thou shall not covet' commandment. And get a new spouse according to urging of spirit/love. And go ahead and have procreative sex with your new mate.

This is a very clear and literal instruction in the Holy KJV N.T. 'Thou shall not covet' does not define morality for Christians (i.e. New people in Christ). However it defines morality for those under the law (i.e. Old people in Moses).

Fact is Christian can and must covet, so as to serve in the newness of spirit. This is the Christian moral position which is opposite to the Mosaic/Jewish moral position.

Different strokes for different folks. Different morality for different people.

There is one morality for those who follow Jesus. This morality is God given freedom, liberty, justification and instruction to transgress the ten commandments. This morality is 'thou shall routinely transgress the ten commandments so as to serve spirit/love'.

There is another morality for 'the dead who bury their dead'. This morality is 'thou shall not in the least way transgress the ten commandments'.

Matthew: 8 KJV N.T.
2But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead.

The morality of the world is now superimposed by consciousness. It is the Christian morality which is: 'thou shall ignore and transgress the ten commandments so as to freely serve spirit/love.

The old Mosaic ten commandments morality is totally out the door. There is no longer any place for it on earth.

We are in the Age of Enlightenment in Christ.

. . . the contrary, foolish and corrupt (both people and ideas) will be dispatched from earth.

You are advised to drop the Mosaic morality and get with the Christian morality . . . before too late is your cry.
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Well-known member
This is a non-issue. It has nothing to do with governing the country. Bill Clinton proved THAT. If Bill Clinton can rape, molest, and have sex in OUR White House under the nose of his daughter, and people still think he did a good job, then nobody should even be talking about this.
So you think it's OK that our presidents behave like pigs? (By the way, Bill Clinton is not running for office, his wife is. And she hasn't said or done any of these things.)


Given that there are still 4 weeks before the election and that the Republican Party is already teetering on the edge of an open revolt, women disputing his just "locker-room talk" explanation could be more than enough to push the whole Trump campaign right over the cliff!

What world do you live in, seriously :chuckle:

Nobody really cares about the statement, because a woman being groped is not the apocalypse you morons chalk it up to be. You all have lost your minds to your godforsaken SJW bull :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Two words...


I think its laughable that people who support Hillary can open their mouths at all about anything moral, especially when it comes to the way women are treated.
How has Hillary mistreated women? (Right wing slander and innuendo, and your personal fantasies don't count, you need to provide the actual record of her demeaning women.)

Also, you seem to be justifying Trump's terrible behavior by saying "but Hillary does it too!" What kind of childish justification is that? Why would you vote for either of them?


New member
So you think it's OK that our presidents behave like pigs? (By the way, Bill Clinton is not running for office, his wife is. And she hasn't said or done any of these things.)

No, but she certainly defended him to the point of attacking his victims and destroying their lives.

To make matters worse, she pretends to be a champion of women and a feminist and yet she has taken in millions of dollars from people who demand their women have their genitalia mutilated and from people who stone their women to death for sexual indiscretions like flirting from people who demand women cover their face and never go out on their own.


Well-known member
They (from reading the ones I don't have on ignore) seem to fall into two camps:

1. They think that it's just normal guy talk, and no big deal. Except Trump was boasting about sexually assaulting women because he felt he had the power to do it. That's what sexual assault is all about. Power and control. The more they try to spin this as "normal," they don't help Trump at all, and the worse they look.

2. Because of Bill's past history with women, it's okay if Trump's a sexual predator, because, well, two wrongs make.... what?

Neither spin (or any other spin) is going to work.
Keep in mind that these are supposedly really devout Christians excusing this kind of abusive and predatory behavior toward women. And that are expressing such vile loathing for their fellow human beings. It really calls their Christianity into question, and reflects badly on Christianity, generally, don't you think? Who will ever take them seriously, in the future, when they proclaim their moral superiority, after they've supported such a morally bankrupt candidate for the highest office in the land, and they've so horribly slandered their fellow humans for purely political reasons?
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Well-known member
No, but she certainly defended him to the point of attacking his victims and destroying their lives.
She didn't "attack his victims and destroy their lives". She may have wrongly defended her husband, but that's to be expected of most wives in that situation. As she simply didn't believe those women were assaulted. And it was never proven that they were assaulted. Just because someone makes the accusation doesn't mean it should be taken as the absolute truth, automatically, as you are doing.

Donald Trump is being accused of raping a child. But that doesn't mean it ever really happened. People in politics are routinely accused of things like this. So it's not unusual that Hillary didn't believe it when her husband was accused.

In the case of Monica Lewinsky, Hillary obviously believed that her husband cheated, but did not rape anyone. And she did not slander Lewinsky in any way that I've ever heard. So I think you're making up stuff in your head because you've decided to hate Hillary Clinton for any reason anyone offers, true or not.

I am not a Hillary supporter, but I'm not willing to believe any slander that comes along. I have specific reasons why I don't trust her as a politician. Not because of anything she's done in her personal life.

To make matters worse, she pretends to be a champion of women and a feminist and yet she has taken in millions of dollars from people who demand their women have their genitalia mutilated and from people who stone their women to death for sexual indiscretions like flirting from people who demand women cover their face and never go out on their own.
I have no doubt in my mind that Hillary will be more receptive to women's issues than Donald Trump. And anyone who thinks otherwise is being a complete idiot. Trump has been exploiting and abusing women his whole life, and he routinely expresses his willingness to continue doing so in the future.


like marbles on glass
Keep in mind that these are supposedly really devout Christians excusing this kind of abusive and predatory behavior toward women. And that are expressing such vile loathing for their fellow human beings. It really calls their Christianity into question, and reflects badly on Christianity, generally, don't you think? Who will ever take them seriously, in the future, when they proclaim their moral superiority, after they've supported such a morally bankrupt candidate for the highest office in the land, and they've so horribly slandered their fellow humans for purely political reasons?

Take a look at the Christian men here who've been the most vocally supportive of Trump. That motley crew is the base that Trump feeds. Breitbart cowboys. Trump's their superman.


New member
In the case of Monica Lewinsky, Hillary obviously believed that her husband cheated, but did not rape anyone. And she did not slander Lewinsky in any way that I've ever heard. So I think you're making up stuff in your head because you've decided to hate Hillary Clinton for any reason anyone offers, true or not.

I am not a Hillary supporter, but I'm not willing to believe any slander that comes along. I have specific reasons why I don't trust her as a politician. Not because of anything she's done in her personal life.
In a case of silence speaking louder than words, Hillary Clinton did not deny dismissing Monica Lewinsky as a “narcissistic loony tune” after Lewinsky’s affair with her husband went public.

“I am not gonna comment on what I did or did not say back in the late 90s,” Clinton told ABC’s Diane Sawyer when asked if she uttered the quip.
The name-calling came to light when the private papers of Diane Blair, a longtime friend of Clinton’s, went public after Blair’s death.

Lewinsky reemerged in the public spotlight this past month because of an essay she penned for Vanity Fair, in which she gave her side of the affair and the subsequent fallout. Some Republicans — most notably a potential 2016 opponent, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul — have honed in on the affair as evidence of the Clintons’ “hypocrisy” on women’s issues.


Well-known member
So you think it's OK that our presidents behave like pigs? (By the way, Bill Clinton is not running for office, his wife is. And she hasn't said or done any of these things.)

There is no such absolute position.

One person's pig is another person's food.

Ask a Christian person, then a Moslem person.

These are moral positions. Legitimate but different moral positions.
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New member
She didn't "attack his victims and destroy their lives". She may have wrongly defended her husband, but that's to be expected of most wives in that situation. As she simply didn't believe those women were assaulted. And it was never proven that they were assaulted. Just because someone makes the accusation doesn't mean it should be taken as the absolute truth, automatically, as you are doing.

Donald Trump is being accused of raping a child. But that doesn't mean it ever really happened. People in politics are routinely accused of things like this. So it's not unusual that Hillary didn't believe it when her husband was accused.

In the case of Monica Lewinsky, Hillary obviously believed that her husband cheated, but did not rape anyone. And she did not slander Lewinsky in any way that I've ever heard. So I think you're making up stuff in your head because you've decided to hate Hillary Clinton for any reason anyone offers, true or not.

I am not a Hillary supporter, but I'm not willing to believe any slander that comes along. I have specific reasons why I don't trust her as a politician. Not because of anything she's done in her personal life.

I have no doubt in my mind that Hillary will be more receptive to women's issues than Donald Trump. And anyone who thinks otherwise is being a complete idiot. Trump has been exploiting and abusing women his whole life, and he routinely expresses his willingness to continue doing so in the future.

How is taking money from misogynists with the idea being to protect the way of life that allows them to abuse women being receptive to women's issues?


New member
She didn't "attack his victims and destroy their lives". She may have wrongly defended her husband, but that's to be expected of most wives in that situation. As she simply didn't believe those women were assaulted. And it was never proven that they were assaulted. Just because someone makes the accusation doesn't mean it should be taken as the absolute truth, automatically, as you are doing.

Donald Trump is being accused of raping a child. But that doesn't mean it ever really happened. People in politics are routinely accused of things like this. So it's not unusual that Hillary didn't believe it when her husband was accused.

In the case of Monica Lewinsky, Hillary obviously believed that her husband cheated, but did not rape anyone. And she did not slander Lewinsky in any way that I've ever heard. So I think you're making up stuff in your head because you've decided to hate Hillary Clinton for any reason anyone offers, true or not.

I am not a Hillary supporter, but I'm not willing to believe any slander that comes along. I have specific reasons why I don't trust her as a politician. Not because of anything she's done in her personal life.

I have no doubt in my mind that Hillary will be more receptive to women's issues than Donald Trump. And anyone who thinks otherwise is being a complete idiot. Trump has been exploiting and abusing women his whole life, and he routinely expresses his willingness to continue doing so in the future.

Here are seven instances where Hillary attacked bills victims .

1. Hillary smears Gennifer Flowers; calls her “trailer-trash.”

In an ABC News interview in 1992, Hillary smears Gennifer Flowers, a women Bill would later admit to having an affair with, as “some failed cabaret singer who doesn’t even have much of a résumé to fall back on.” Hillary also referred to Flowers as “trailer trash.”

2. Hillary slams former White House intern Monica Lewinsky as a “narcissistic loony toon” after she had consensual relations with her husband in the Oval Office.

CBS News reports: "According to the friend, Diane Blair -- a political science professor whose papers were donated to the University of Arkansas Special Collections library – Hillary Clinton credited Bill Clinton with trying to break away from Lewinsky, whom she called a 'narcissistic loony toon.'"

3. Hillary, defending an alleged rapist, smears his 12-year-old alleged rape victim, claiming the young girl had a "tendency to seek out older men." She also laughs on tape over the cunning way she had vital evidence dismissed, destroying the alleged rape victim's case.

“I have been informed that the complainant is emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men and engage in fantasizing,” Hillary wrote in the affidavit about the 12-year-old girl.

Hillary is even captured on tape laughing at the fact that she got the only piece of evidence against her client dismissed: “He took a lie detector test. I had him take a polygraph, which he passed, which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs,” Hillary says, audibly laughing.

The alleged rape victim told The Daily Beast what she would say to Hillary if she ever has the chance: "‘You took a case of mine in ’75, you lied on me… I realize the truth now, the heart of what you’ve done to me. And you are supposed to be for women? You call that [being] for women, what you done to me? And I hear you on tape laughing.'"

4. Hillary disparagingly refers to the numerous women her husband was involved with as “bimbos."

In 1991, Mrs. Clinton called the onslaught of women accusing her husband of sexual misconduct or consensual infidelity as the “bimbo eruption.”

5. Hillary reportedly threatens Juanita Broaddrick, Bill's alleged rape victim, into silence at a political fundraiser after the accused rape.

According to Broaddrick, Hillary threatened her while knowing her husband had raped her:

Hillary sought out Broaddrick at the political fundraiser after Bill had raped her; she grabbed her hand and “thanked her” for “everything” she had done for Bill. Feeling frightened, Broaddrick says she tried to turn around and leave, but Hillary allegedly squeezed her hand tighter and wouldn't let her go.

Broaddrick told The Daily Wire that there was "no way" Hillary did not intend for that interaction to be construed as a threat.

“So many people have said since then that, ‘Maybe she just knew that you had been with him, maybe he hadn’t told her the complete description of what he’d done to you,’” she said. “I still feel like she knew.”

6. “I mean, I would crucify her,” Hillary says of Gennifer Flowers.

Hillary "told Esquire magazine in 1992 that if she had the chance to cross-examine Flowers, 'I mean, I would crucify her,'" notes The Washington Post. ​

7. "[W]e have to destroy her story," Hillary allegedly said of one woman state troopers sought out for her husband to have a sexual encounter with.

As noted by National Review: "When a rock groupie alleged that a state trooper approached her on Governor Clinton’s behalf, Hillary said 'we have to destroy her story.'"​


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
How has Hillary mistreated women? (Right wing slander and innuendo, and your personal fantasies don't count, you need to provide the actual record of her demeaning women.)

Also, you seem to be justifying Trump's terrible behavior by saying "but Hillary does it too!" What kind of childish justification is that? Why would you vote for either of them?
You really are stupid.

I would never justify Trump's behavior. There's a difference between pointing out one person's hypocrisy and justifying other's similar actions.

I think it's flat out laughable that someone would act all shocked that a guy such as Trump, who actually does think he's better than most anyone else in almost any way you can name, would speak like he did to another guy. People of excellent moral character don't do that but who exactly is it that believes Trump is a man of excellent moral character?

The same people that are all freaked out over this decade-old tape of Trump talking to another guy are the same people give Bill Clinton a pass for actually doing far worse; they are the same people who don't care whether Hillary worked to cover it up, which she did repeatedly; they are the same people who do not care that Hillary made 250 million dollars "giving speeches" while being Secretary of State; they are the same people who couldn't care less that she blatantly broke the law by deleting tens of thousands of emails that were on an illegal server which had been subpoenaed at the time of the deletion and which was only ever set up to hide what she was doing with the Clinton foundation; they are the same people who don't care that Bill Clinton had a private meeting with the Attorney General days before the justice department was to hand down a decision on whether to prosecute his wife; they are the same people who do not care what Hillary does or says or lies about because she has the same political agenda that they have.

Those people include you, PureX. You're a hypocrite and a fool. You can afford to be so because of the nature of this nation which people like you and Hillary Clinton are in the process of destroying - intentionally. You are part and parcel of what the constitution calls a domestic enemy and when the majority of people in this country get sufficiently fed up with you and your kind, I recommend finding the nearest bullet proof vest and making it a permanent part of your daily wardrobe because the people who believe in the country as founded aren't afraid to defend her with deadly force the way you flimsy-wristed liberal are, which is the reason why Clinton wants to make guns impossible to get (she'd actually settle for impossible to afford - for now).

As for this election, we are stuck with two and only two viable options. A vote for some third party is the equivalent of staying home and removing yourself from having any effect whatsoever. Trump, at the very least, is not a professional politician. His goal is not to grow government power but the reverse. That alone would win him my vote over Hillary Clinton because even a marginal decrease in government power and intrusion into our lives moves us closer to what this country was supposed to be and further away from the tyranny that the founders of this nation came here to get away from and that Hillary aggressively desires to create.

We are already past a point of no return, financially. This country, as well as most, if not all, of the countries in the western world, will collapse under the weight of socialism and probably very much sooner than later. If liberals are in power when it happens, the result will be totalitarianism. Your freedoms will be gone and you won't get them back for generations at least - if ever. The collapse will begin in Europe and all the money will flow to the U.S. and our stock market will boom and the U.S. dollar will explode and the Fed will do all the wrong things like massively inflate the money supply and massively increase interest rates to "cool off" our economy, which they'll only succeed in doing by having unintentionally collapsed the dollar. Then it'll be our turn to have all the chickens come here to roost because someone will start a war because of what they perceive to be our manipulation of the world economy. The whole world will blame us for the collapse that socialism is in the process of causing.

So if you want to survive financially, short the Euro and if you want your freedoms to survive, vote for the most conservative person running for President, whether he's a self-important cad or not.

Resting in Him,

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
...who exactly is it that believes Trump is a man of excellent moral character?
At this point I'd hope no rational human being, which means he can still win in November. I know this because Two Broke Girls is a ratings hit and because the distortions and out and out lies that I watch people paste on FB accounts and Twitter feeds, without doing anything approaching due diligence to investigate tells me that you still won't go broke underestimating the general public.

It's time to do better than that.

The same people that are all freaked out over this decade-old tape of Trump talking to another guy are the same people give Bill Clinton a pass for actually doing far worse
See, I think that's by and large true, though adding the time line feels like part of the lame maelstrom of misdirection going on to gloss over and defend the indefensible by marginalizing it. I think it's easy, when times are good, to look at the guy leading us through it and excuse the inexcusable. It's personal, we say. Sure, he's a scoundrel, but the trains are running on time and we're prosperous. Who's perfect? They're all like that, it goes. No normal human being wants or seeks that sort of ego gratifying power...and on and on. Any number of ways to justify what we should repudiate.

I understand the justifications. I've done it myself. It took this horror show of an election cycle to shake me awake on the point.

As for this election, we are stuck with two and only two viable options. A vote for some third party is the equivalent of staying home and removing yourself from having any effect whatsoever
And there, right there, you abandon any semblance of the moral high ground. The minute you insist on choosing between evils, you choose evil.



like marbles on glass
You are part and parcel of what the constitution calls a domestic enemy and when the majority of people in this country get sufficiently fed up with you and your kind, I recommend finding the nearest bullet proof vest and making it a permanent part of your daily wardrobe

Resting in Him,
