New Low From Trump


New member
More to the point, would you start caring?

I personally think Trump is a womanizing idiot but pales in comparison to the Clinton's evils past and future. if I had a choice that mattered, I would vote for neither, but we live society filled with low information and low interest voters who always vote R or D. So what choice does a conservative like myself have but to lean towards Trump.


This should put an end, once and for all, to those self-righteous lectures from the "right" that they stand for Christianity and family values!

Yeah, go terminate a fully formed fetus and talk about how others should be more concerned that one was groped.

We stand for Christianity and family values- you see, making the concern for groping a higher priority than aborting a 6 month old fetus does not fit into either of those things.

If there should be an end to lectures from the right, the ending should be good luck when you stand in front of God, *peace out*


New member
So if Trump steps down (and he'd have to step down on his own, the GOP can't force him out), the ballots wouldn't necessarily have to be changed nor would already-cast votes have to be redone. Instead, the votes for Trump will just be for their state's electors to go to the electoral college and vote for the Republican Party's nominee.

It's basically the same thing that would happen if a candidate died the night before the election.

nope, only true for some states.
Then there are the complications peculiar to a presidential race. Under the U.S. Constitution, a vote for a candidate goes to electors in byzantine Electoral College. In many states, those electors have some power to decide how they cast their ballots when the Electoral College meets in December. But at least 25 states and the District of Columbia have laws binding electors to vote based on the outcome of the Nov. 8 general election. In some states they are only bound to vote the party nominee—meaning they could vote for the replacement. But in states like Michigan, they are bound to the candidate listed on the ballot.
removing trump now would be like handing over the white house to Hillary.


New member
Hall of Fame
So what do all of you Trump supporters think of his recent disgusting comments about groping women?

How are you all going to spin this in your minds so that you can continue to support this disgusting loser?

How far into the realm of absurdity and lies will you go to blame this on Hillary and Obama?

Because I know that you will not change your mind about Trump, no matter what he says or does. So you will have to find some way to rationalize away this most recent spate of grotesque comments. And, of course, some of you will agree with his attitude, so these comments won't present you with any difficulty.

So, let's go, I'm ready … spew the bile!

Youre right. It doesn't change my mind about him at all, Ive always been disgusted with him and think him unqualified to lead the nation, in addition to Hillary (should be felon).

Neither are qualified. We are under judgement, that's my opinion.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
yes, Good luck for anyone when they stand before God knowing they voted for either of the 2 running.
I will gladly stand before God and say I voted against the baby-killing homo-marriage Hillary. No problemo.

Hillary engages in lies, crimes, corruption, cover-ups IN RECENT TIMES and she is golden with some of people here, but Trump's locker room talk over a decade ago has the same people aghast. What hypocrisy. What pettiness. Well, this video is good enough for me. If anyone here apologizes to anyone for anything they assume their apology will be accepted. Well, as the good Lord says, Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.



... removing trump now would be like handing over the white house to Hillary.
Trump has already made enough self-inflicted blunders to disqualify a dozen presidential hopefuls - and I suspect that there is still more damning videos and stories out there waiting to be revealed!

Trump has handed the election over to Clinton because he has no voter appeal beyond his core constituency - the only question that remains unanswered is whether American conservatives are willing to dispense with whatever principles and self-respect they have left by voting for him in November!


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
If the GOP were smart and Donald had a decent bone in his body he would step aside and let Pence run against Hillary. I think he might beat her.
Pence is a big reason I'm voting for Trump.
Hopefully he will run for press next.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
yes, Good luck for anyone when they stand before God knowing they voted for either of the 2 running.
I will gladly stand before God and say I voted against the baby-killing homo-marriage Hillary. No problemo.

Hillary engages in lies, crimes, corruption, cover-ups IN RECENT TIMES and she is golden with some of people here, but Trump's locker room talk over a decade ago has the same people aghast. What hypocrisy. What pettiness. Well, this video is good enough for me. If anyone here apologizes to anyone for anything they assume their apology will be accepted. Well, as the good Lord says, Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.



New member
Hall of Fame
I will gladly stand before God and say I voted for the homo and transgender policy loving pervert to women, shapeshifter on abortion and blowhardagainst the baby-killing homo-marriage Hillary. No problemo.

Hillary engages in lies, crimes, corruption, cover-ups IN RECENT TIMES and she is golden with some of you guys, but Trumps locker room talk eight years ago has the same people aghast. What hypocrisy. What pettiness. Well, this video is good enough for me. If anyone here apologizes to anyone for anything they assume their apology will be accepted. Well, as the good Lord says, Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

Fixed that for you, you do know Trump supports the gay thing and transgender in the wrong bathroom thing, dont you and he flops on abortion all the time.

During his 75-minute speech at the Republican National Convention in July, Donald Trump looked genuinely surprised at the roar of applause when he said, "As your president, I will do everything in my power to protect LGBTQ citizens."


New member
I will gladly stand before God and say I voted against the baby-killing homo-marriage Hillary. No problemo.

Hillary engages in lies, crimes, corruption, cover-ups IN RECENT TIMES and she is golden with some of people here, but Trump's locker room talk eight years ago has the same people aghast. What hypocrisy. What pettiness. Well, this video is good enough for me. If anyone here apologizes to anyone for anything they assume their apology will be accepted. Well, as the good Lord says, Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

trump seems halfway decent when he reads from a script but unfortunately he won't be this articulate in the debate.


New member
Trump has already made enough self-imposed blunders to disqualify a dozen presidential hopefuls!

Trump has handed the election over to Clinton - the only question that remains unanswered is whether American conservatives are willing to dispense with whatever principles and self-respect they have left by voting for him!
and who should conservatives vote for in the absence of trump that can stop Hillary, or should we just roll out a red carpet for Hillary to the white house while keeping our "self respect".


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
The word "filth" and the name "Donald Trump" are synonymous.

Yep - all the way back to when his infamously corrupt father would have him accompany him as a child to his meetings with his Mob run Tammany Hall meetings.

The man was raised to believe in corruption like no other candidate in the history of a candidate running for such an important office.

When referring to Donald Trump, you use the word "man" very loosely. I suppose we should take some pity on "The Donald", after all daddy only left him a meager inheritance of somewhere between $40 and $200 million. Sigh, if only money could buy class, Donald would be a very rich man person (I used the word "person" loosely when referring to Donald Trump).

Hillary has ended up no better.

But she is at least still wise enough to obviously believe in leaving behind at least some form of a legacy behind despite her corruption, that will in time be proven having benefitted the country.

Every President, no matter how good or how bad, has left such a legacy.

I have nothing kind to say about Hillary Clinton or her Democrat Party.

Trump will be the exception.

Here he is, destroying his very party's chance to do whatever good it believes in, and yet all he remains focused on is his grossly out of control self-worship.

For Pete's sake, even Bill knew his own daughter was not for sale.

Trump is lower than low.

The King of sleaze, something the people who vetted him obviously knew. Hence their desire to DESTROY the Republican Party.

As for Hillary - she will once more prove (in their next debate) not only can she swim with the best of the sharks Washington DC is so infested with on all sides of the aisle; but especially prove how easy it is to manipulate this dangerous to his own country narcissist Chump into his own corner once more.

I didn't watch the first soap opera, I won't be watching episode 2.

My vote will be for neither of them.

Voting for either of those two would be like voting for which arm to have cut off - my right, or my left :chuckle:

For in the end, all we will have left of our country no matter who of those two wins...will be our sense of humor...

Nor will I vote for either Trump or Clinton, in fact I was thinking that it's time to "refresh the tree of liberty".

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
trump seems halfway decent when he reads from a script but unfortunately he won't be this articulate in the debate.

You know what? Articulate Shmarticluate. Someone can be very articulate and still be 100% WRONG. Someone can also fumble through his words and be 100% RIGHT. Trump is RIGHT on the issues and on policy. Only a boob would vote against that. Let's not forget that we are electing someone to actually fix things. We are not voting for Nice-Guy-in-Chief.