New Low From Trump


New member
Apparently they have more dirt on Trump, just waiting to be exposed?
Ed Henry(Fox News Chief National Correspondent)twitter

@RealBenCarson told me he & @realDonaldTrump talked about more revelations coming: "They have have more things & they will drip them out"


New member
Get ready for more partial birth abortions with Clinton/Kaine

more like welfare abortions.
Clinton has repeatedly referenced her support for repealing the Hyde Amendment, a decades-old budget rider that prohibits federal funding from covering abortion services. In practice, Hyde ensures that low-income women can’t use their Medicaid plans to pay for an abortion, leaving them stuck paying hundreds of dollars out of pocket for the procedure.


Trump wasn't seen as a racist or sexist until he ran against the Democrats.
Why is it not surprising?
Because that is what the Left does- they are professional liars and defamers.


New member
wow Hillary is just unbelievably corrupt.
One January 2015 strategy document – designed to plant stories on Clinton’s decision-making process about whether to run for president – singled out reporter Maggie Haberman, then of Politico, now covering the election for the New York Times, as a “friendly journalist” who has “teed up” stories for them in the past and “never disappointed” them. Nick Merrill, the campaign press secretary, produced the memo, according to the document metadata:

hat strategy document plotted how Clinton aides could induce Haberman to write a story on the thoroughness and profound introspection involved in Clinton’s decision-making process. The following month, when she was then at the Times, Haberman published two stories on Clinton’s vetting process; in this instance, Haberman’s stories were more sophisticated, nuanced and even somewhat more critical than what the Clinton memo envisioned....

Other documents listed those whom the campaign regarded as their most reliable “surrogates” – such as CNN’s Hilary Rosen and Donna Brazile, as well as Center for American Progress President Neera Tanden – but then also listed operatives whom they believed were either good “progressive helpers” or more potentially friendly media figures who might be worth targeting with messaging. The metadata of the surrogate document shows that the file was authored by Jennifer Palmieri, the communications director of the campaign. As The Intercept previously reported, pundits regularly featured on cable news programs were paid by the Clinton campaign without any disclosure when they appeared; several of them are included on this “surrogates” list, including Stephanie Cutter and Maria Cardona:

there is even more evidence of Clinton corruption of the media in the rest of the article. Just look at that list of who Clinton considers and pays to be surrogates.


New member
Kaine does disagree with Clinton on repealing the Act.

Seems he has hung on to some Missouri values even though he couldn't push his liberal agenda here and had to move out and seek office elsewhere.

no he doesn't, it's only a personal disagreement. he would support the overturn of partial birth abortions if that is what Clinton wanted


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
So what do all of you Trump supporters think of his recent disgusting comments about groping women?

How are you all going to spin this in your minds so that you can continue to support this disgusting loser?

How far into the realm of absurdity and lies will you go to blame this on Hillary and Obama?

Because I know that you will not change your mind about Trump, no matter what he says or does. So you will have to find some way to rationalize away this most recent spate of grotesque comments. And, of course, some of you will agree with his attitude, so these comments won't present you with any difficulty.

So, let's go, I'm ready … spew the bile!

Two words...


I think its laughable that people who support Hillary can open their mouths at all about anything moral, especially when it comes to the way women are treated.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Two words...


I think its laughable that people who support Hillary can open their mouths at all about anything moral, especially when it comes to the way women are treated.
I think it's sad to see so many ordinarily decent people use logical fallacies to avoid having to do what Trump's own VP choice felt compelled to do: refuse to defend or condone the remarks.

So much of what I'm reading from scrambling Trump supporters might as well go, "Yeah, my guy raped a few people, but X killed a few people. We can't have a murderer represent us!" :plain:


Well-known member
Obviously you're unaware of Donald Trump's socialist plans for America?

Subsidized child care, elderly parent care, socialized medicine (Obamacare with Trump's name on it), etc. etc. is anything but free enterprise.

Study up on your candidate, he's part of the establishment.

Would you consider that consciousness empowered Hitler so as to have a particular, precise and limited thing happen then he was dismissed. This being related to Jesus' statement:

Romans: 12 King James Version (KJV)
19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

Trump can easily be expedient for transformation of the U.S.A. (according to unfolding consciousness) and not at all for his own agendas/rhetoric.

If this is so no one can stop Trump. He will win like the Brexit vote. Then all the pre-election talk, worry, discussion, etc. will be found to be humans killing their own boredom.

The point being that things happen if consciousness demand it and all that humans can do, is to be present on the ride with awareness, instead of unawareness. The ride and its end being fixed (predetermined) like an indoor Disney attraction.

The Brexit vote must be a reflection of something. It must be a reflection of the will of ruling collective consciousness. And clearly the Brexit vote was in opposition to the ideas of Clinton, Obama and the past ruling status quo.

The traditional expectation, that Trump will not win, seems set to be wrong, i.e. according to new prevailing world wide consciousness as exemplified by the trend of the Brexit vote.
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like marbles on glass
I'll take my chances on a rough, tough, honest groper rather than a shrewed, clever, self - serving elitist.


Says a lot about the Trump base that was already well known. Groping is A-okay, as long as the right person is doing the groping.

By the way, for those who may not know it, AMDG means "for the greater glory of God."

Somehow, I don't think condoning sexual assault is on the list of things that give "greater glory to God."


like marbles on glass
I think it's sad to see so many ordinarily decent people use logical fallacies to avoid having to do what Trump's own VP choice felt compelled to do: refuse to defend or condone the remarks.

So much of what I'm reading from scrambling Trump supporters might as well go, "Yeah, my guy raped a few people, but X killed a few people. We can't have a murderer represent us!" :plain:

I agree, except for the "ordinarily decent" part.


Groping is A-okay, as long as the right person is doing the groping.

That's something that all women universally agree with, even if they don't think so when they are on 'self worship' mode- where when even being looked at is commensurate to rape :chuckle:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I agree, except for the "ordinarily decent" part.
Then we disagree. I have great many conservative friends who invested heavily in Trump as change and they're in real denial. They're also good people. I'm watching them peel away from Trump, but it's a painful process.

In Al, a traditional bastion of conservatism, only just said, "When".

The headline?

"Endorsement: We're with Hillary Clinton. Frankly, Donald Trump's dangerous." link

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Right, which is why I placed that as our point of disagreement. I don't consider all of his supporters decent. Some are decent, some never were. You didn't specify your personal friends specifically, or I would've made the distinction.

"I think it's sad to see so many ordinarily decent people use logical fallacies to avoid having to do what Trump's own VP choice felt compelled to do: refuse to defend or condone the remarks."

"So many" is not "every" or "all" and I even included a nod to Trump's VP within the remark as one rejecting those efforts. As he still supports Trump, it cannot be logically asserted that I meant to speak to every follower or consider any particular number of them decent or otherwise. Instead, I literally meant what I wrote, that I was saddened by seeing so many (a great but unspecified number) struggling to avoid a painful truth.