New Low From Trump


Get ready for more partial birth abortions with Clinton/Kaine

Partial birth abortions are commonplace in the UK, so it's only a matter of time that it comes here- it seems that after they adopt something, it spreads to the rest of the 1st World. We can see that with the gun control debate, homosexual marriage, and so on- all which was set into place there before even been made much mention here.

If anything, it is a proof of how America being a 'Christian country' is mere idealism rather than based in reality. It really just wants to be like other countries.


like marbles on glass
So what do all of you Trump supporters think of his recent disgusting comments about groping women?

How are you all going to spin this in your minds so that you can continue to support this disgusting loser?

How far into the realm of absurdity and lies will you go to blame this on Hillary and Obama?

Because I know that you will not change your mind about Trump, no matter what he says or does. So you will have to find some way to rationalize away this most recent spate of grotesque comments. And, of course, some of you will agree with his attitude, so these comments won't present you with any difficulty.

So, let's go, I'm ready … spew the bile!

They (from reading the ones I don't have on ignore) seem to fall into two camps:

1. They think that it's just normal guy talk, and no big deal. Except Trump was boasting about sexually assaulting women because he felt he had the power to do it. That's what sexual assault is all about. Power and control. The more they try to spin this as "normal," they don't help Trump at all, and the worse they look.

2. Because of Bill's past history with women, it's okay if Trump's a sexual predator, because, well, two wrongs make.... what?

Neither spin (or any other spin) is going to work.


They (from reading the ones I don't have on ignore) seem to fall into two camps:

1. They think that it's just normal guy talk, and no big deal. Except Trump was boasting about sexually assaulting women because he felt he had the power to do it. That's what sexual assault is all about. Power and control. The more they try to spin this as "normal," they don't help Trump at all, and the worse they look.

2. Because of Bill's past history with women, it's okay if Trump's a sexual predator, because, well, two wrongs make.... what?

Neither spin (or any other spin) is going to work.

Trump's not a 'sexual predator'. He may be a bit insensitive and bullish, but calling him a 'sexual predator' is a perfect example of why you people shouldn't be taken seriously.

I mean really, since the subject of partial birth abortion is floating on this thread, let's talk about what the hell a woman is in aborting a nearly fully formed human fetus.

Oh, but that's different. Groping much worse :rolleyes:


New member
The word "filth" and the name "Donald Trump" are synonymous.

Yep - all the way back to when his infamously corrupt father would have him accompany him as a child to his meetings with his Mob run Tammany Hall meetings.

The man was raised to believe in corruption like no other candidate in the history of a candidate running for such an important office.

Hillary has ended up no better.

But she is at least still wise enough to obviously believe in leaving behind at least some form of a legacy behind despite her corruption, that will in time be proven having benefitted the country.

Every President, no matter how good or how bad, has left such a legacy.

Trump will be the exception.

Here he is, destroying his very party's chance to do whatever good it believes in, and yet all he remains focused on is his grossly out of control self-worship.

For Pete's sake, even Bill knew his own daughter was not for sale.

Trump is lower than low.

As for Hillary - she will once more prove (in their next debate) not only can she swim with the best of the sharks Washington DC is so infested with on all sides of the aisle; but especially prove how easy it is to manipulate this dangerous to his own country narcissist Chump into his own corner once more.

My vote will be for neither of them.

Voting for either of those two would be like voting for which arm to have cut off - my right, or my left :chuckle:

For in the end, all we will have left of our country no matter who of those two wins...will be our sense of humor...


New member
Trump's not a 'sexual predator'. He may be a bit insensitive and bullish, but calling him a 'sexual predator' is a perfect example of why you people shouldn't be taken seriously.

I mean really, since the subject of partial birth abortion is floating on this thread, let's talk about what the hell a woman is in aborting a nearly fully formed human fetus.

Oh, but that's different. Groping much worse :rolleyes:

I never realized making lockerroom boasts was being a sexual predator. Of course that's feminism 101, all men who shows signs of testosterone are predators and potential rapists.

Jose Fly

New member
I think it's sad to see so many ordinarily decent people use logical fallacies to avoid having to do what Trump's own VP choice felt compelled to do: refuse to defend or condone the remarks.

It's fascinating to watch, isn't it? And that fact that it's evangelical Christians...the group who goes all aflutter over sexual content in TV shows and movies...who are actively defending a New York billionaire talking about how his fame allows him to grab women by their private parts makes it that much more enthralling.

And not only that, this all took place while he was married, indicating that all that talk about "the sanctity of marriage" from evangelicals was a smokescreen for what was really going on.


New member
Hundreds of thousands of votes have already been cast. Do any of these voters want to change their mind now? It’s generally agreed that it’s too late to replace Donald Trump as the GOP candidate. Nearly 500,000 votes have already been cast, deadlines have passed in many states, and Democrats would sue in court to prevent any substitutions.

But one reason that any replacement of Trump on state ballots would be so difficult is that our Election Day has transformed into Election Month. The Census Bureau tells us that as recently as 1996 nearly 90 percent of voters went to their polling places on Election Day, This year, some 40 percent are expected to vote before Election Day by early or absentee mail-in ballot. Lots of people love “convenience voting,” but it comes at a real cost we should consider in the middle of this latest Trump controversy.

trying to replace Trump now is essentially handing the white house to Hillary. I really hate this election season every righteous action allows a greater evil to win.

Jose Fly

New member

trying to replace Trump now is essentially handing the white house to Hillary. I really hate this election season every righteous action allows a greater evil to win.

Actually, according to our Constitutional system, when you cast your vote for a presidential candidate you're not really voting for that person. Because we have the electoral college, if you check "Donald Trump" on the ballot you are voting to have your state's elector vote for the Republican Party nominee for president....whoever that may be.

So if Trump steps down (and he'd have to step down on his own, the GOP can't force him out), the ballots wouldn't necessarily have to be changed nor would already-cast votes have to be redone. Instead, the votes for Trump will just be for their state's electors to go to the electoral college and vote for the Republican Party's nominee.

It's basically the same thing that would happen if a candidate died the night before the election.


like marbles on glass
But pressure has been building on The Apprentice producers to release unaired raw footage of the show after Friday’s release of a 2005 hot mic video of Donald Trump apparently bragging about sexually assaulting women and trying to have sex with a married woman.

More than 20 former contestants, crew members, and editors told the Associated Press that Trump treated women on the show inappropriately, including talking about which contestants he would like to have sex with and rating them by breast size.

“If there was a break in the conversation, he would then look at one of the female cast members, saying ‘you’re looking kind of hot today, I love that dress on you,’ then he would turn to one of the male cast members and say ‘wouldn’t you sleep with her?’ and then everyone would laugh,” a former crew member, who spoke anonymously due to a non-disclosure agreement, told AP.

“There would be about 10 or 12 cameras rolling and getting that footage, which is why everybody was like, this guy just doesn’t care.”

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
It's fascinating to watch, isn't it? And that fact that it's evangelical Christians...the group who goes all aflutter over sexual content in TV shows and movies...who are actively defending a New York billionaire talking about how his fame allows him to grab women by their private parts makes it that much more enthralling.
It's bizarre. A friend of mine who regularly beats the holier than drum on the issue of homosexual marriage is doing the misdirection two-step for Trump and has twisted himself into many a curious shape in defense of the indefensible.

And not only that, this all took place while he was married, indicating that all that talk about "the sanctity of marriage" from evangelicals was a smokescreen for what was really going on.
I think most trying to support him really want him to be very still and very quiet, so they don't have to think about how he's constituted. So they concentrate on their best demonization efforts with Hillary and draw what comfort they can from it.

The fact is, even our local conservative media outlet here, in the heart of Dixie, the most conservative place on earth, is rejecting Trump now. I think the biggest problem is that Trump has done and said so many horrible things so often, many people (not everyone or all people) have found themselves deeply invested in protecting their own defenses along the way. They've led themselves down that primrose path one compromise at a time. Now they're afraid of looking foolish and feeling duped.


New member
It's fascinating to watch, isn't it? And that fact that it's evangelical Christians...the group who goes all aflutter over sexual content in TV shows and movies...who are actively defending a New York billionaire talking about how his fame allows him to grab women by their private parts makes it that much more enthralling.

And not only that, this all took place while he was married, indicating that all that talk about "the sanctity of marriage" from evangelicals was a smokescreen for what was really going on.

so what's your view on trump actions? as a supporter of the casual sex culture, do you find Trump's antics distasteful or progressive. If he was a liberal democrat running for office would you even care what evangelical Christians think?

Jose Fly

New member
It's bizarre. A friend of mine who regularly beats the holier than drum on the issue of homosexual marriage is doing the misdirection two-step for Trump and has twisted himself into many a curious shape in defense of the indefensible.

I think most trying to support him really want him to be very still and very quiet, so they don't have to think about how he's constituted. So they concentrate on their best demonization efforts with Hillary and draw what comfort they can from it.

The fact is, even our local conservative media outlet here, in the heart of Dixie, the most conservative place on earth, is rejecting Trump now. I think the biggest problem is that Trump has done and said so many horrible things so often, many people (not everyone or all people) have found themselves deeply invested in protecting their own defenses along the way. They've led themselves down that primrose path one compromise at a time. Now they're afraid of looking foolish and feeling duped.

One psychological study of evangelicals I read some years ago noted how they tend to be both highly authoritarian and very loyal. I think that helps explain why they are willing to cast aside their own morals (I can Trump-supporting evangelicals say "look at the trash on TV/movies/the internet" after this) in order to remain loyal to an authoritarian candidate.

Jose Fly

New member
so what's your view on trump actions? as a supporter of the casual sex culture, do you find Trump's antics distasteful or progressive.

Your question doesn't really make sense because I don't know what "the casual sex culture" even is, nor would I ever consider Trump's bragging about being able to grab women by their privates as "progressive".

If he was a liberal democrat running for office would you even care what evangelical Christians think?

That would be an interesting experiment to see if evangelicals would react differently if it was Hillary bragging about her fame allowing her to grab men by their privates.

Kinda like how evangelicals would react if it was Hillary who had 5 kids from 3 different men.


New member
Your question doesn't really make sense because I don't know what "the casual sex culture" even is, nor would I ever consider Trump's bragging about being able to grab women by their privates as "progressive".

That would be an interesting experiment to see if evangelicals would react differently if it was Hillary bragging about her fame allowing her to grab men by their privates.

Kinda like how evangelicals would react if it was Hillary who had 5 kids from 3 different men.

stop evading, I asked you specifically, if trump were a liberal democrat would you even care?


Yes Aaron, I have something called "integrity".

You have something called "judgement".

the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness:

the quality of being judgemental; upholding prejudice.

It's hardly possible for anything to live up to your standard, aCW. For example, even in one's agreement with certain things, you always find a way to make that person seem completely against it.


Trump's not a 'sexual predator'. He may be a bit insensitive and bullish, but calling him a 'sexual predator' is a perfect example of why you people shouldn't be taken seriously.

I mean really, since the subject of partial birth abortion is floating on this thread, let's talk about what the hell a woman is in aborting a nearly fully formed human fetus.

Oh, but that's different. Groping much worse :rolleyes:
This should put an end, once and for all, to those self-righteous lectures from the "right" that they stand for Christianity and family values!


like marbles on glass
If Trump was running on the Demonic Potty ticket

How old are you?

he would be the harmless macho male, them old drip testosterone guy,,,,an easy mark for the tough women of today. Besides the tough women of today love the challenges—of sexual competition—-"I woman hear me roar" ha, ha, ha,.

If Trump was one of those 20 year old male models from the "Men's Wearhouse" women women would be salivating over him……..oooooooo me next,,,,ooooo me next…….

Great, another misogynist for Trump.

I noticed you didn't end your post with AMDG this time. Kinda wouldn't have been appropriate, would it?