The word "filth" and the name "Donald Trump" are synonymous.
Yep - all the way back to when his infamously corrupt father would have him accompany him as a child to his meetings with his Mob run Tammany Hall meetings.
The man was raised to believe in corruption like no other candidate in the history of a candidate running for such an important office.
Hillary has ended up no better.
But she is at least still wise enough to obviously believe in leaving behind at least some form of a legacy behind despite her corruption, that will in time be proven having benefitted the country.
Every President, no matter how good or how bad, has left such a legacy.
Trump will be the exception.
Here he is, destroying his very party's chance to do whatever good it believes in, and yet all he remains focused on is his grossly out of control self-worship.
For Pete's sake, even Bill knew his own daughter was not for sale.
Trump is lower than low.
As for Hillary - she will once more prove (in their next debate) not only can she swim with the best of the sharks Washington DC is so infested with on all sides of the aisle; but especially prove how easy it is to manipulate this dangerous to his own country narcissist Chump into his own corner once more.
My vote will be for neither of them.
Voting for either of those two would be like voting for which arm to have cut off - my right, or my left :chuckle:
For in the end, all we will have left of our country no matter who of those two wins...will be our sense of humor...