New Low From Trump


You didnt answer my question, were you not aware that Trump is a supporter of gay rights and trannies in the wrong bathroom and that he flip flips on abortion?

Trump is aware, just as Hillary and everyone who were in the race, that none of those things are something that the Presidency can influence. They are state issues, and people are forgetting that the oval office is not a throne.

They are all going to say whatever gives them the vote, it's a fact of life that you all need to accept because mankind was never any different when voting was invented.


Yeah, go terminate a fully formed fetus and talk about how others should be more concerned that one was groped.

We stand for Christianity and family values- you see, making the concern for groping a higher priority than aborting a 6 month old fetus does not fit into either of those things.

If there should be an end to lectures from the right, the ending should be good luck when you stand in front of God, *peace out*
Unlike "Crucible," I do not presume to do God's judging for Him!

These same "Christianity and family values" would would unleash the might of the nation against poor young pregnant women rewards sexual predatory multibillionaires like Donald Trump with not paying taxes!


New member
Hall of Fame
You know what? Articulate Shmarticluate. Someone can be very articulate and still be 100% WRONG. Someone can also fumble through his words and be 100% RIGHT. Trump is RIGHT on the issues and on policy. Only a boob would vote against that. Let's not forget that we are electing someone to actually fix things. We are not voting for Nice-Guy-in-Chief.

Then you support LGBT rights like he does?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
.....Trannies in the wrong bathroom (not that Trump supporters care).....

I'll bet Jesus would sup with Jenner and speak to Jenner while you stood outside the door sneering & scowling, just like when he ate with the tax collectors and his apostles got mad. Darn that Jesus.

State's evidence #1......
You always did fancy yourself the judge of everyone else didn't you.


Trump is aware, just as Hillary and everyone who were in the race, that none of those things are something that the Presidency can influence. They are state issues, and people are forgetting that the oval office is not a throne.

They are all going to say whatever gives them the vote, it's a fact of life that you all need to accept because mankind was never any different when voting was invented.

I must have missed in this video where Donald Trump said that drag queens using a women's restroom is a "state issue". Perhaps you could point out where he said that?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
.....Trannies in the wrong bathroom (not that Trump supporters care).....

I'll bet Jesus would sup with Jenner and speak to Jenner while you stood outside the door sneering & scowling, just like when he ate with the tax collectors and his apostles got mad. Darn that Jesus.

My Bible says that God created man and woman (Genesis 1 and 2). In fact, my Bible talks about cross dressing and pretending to be member of the opposite sex and how it is a sin (Deuteronomy 22:5)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Jesus Christ, the Son of God/God in flesh didn't embrace the sins of men, He showed them that there is a better way: through Him.


These same "Christianity and family values" would would unleash the might of the nation against poor young pregnant women rewards sexual predatory multibillionaires like Donald Trump by not paying taxes!

That statement is too dumb to even deserve a response :wave2:

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
So let's sum this up.... ...Clinton was a rapist, a horrible abuser of women, and got his cigar smoked in the tax payers White House under the nose of his daughter and wife, and you Democrats think he was awesome, the cat's meow.

Trump says some bad things, and he is evil, awful, and unqualified to serve.

Am I missing anything?


New member
Hall of Fame
Trump is aware, just as Hillary and everyone who were in the race, that none of those things are something that the Presidency can influence. They are state issues, and people are forgetting that the oval office is not a throne.

They are all going to say whatever gives them the vote, it's a fact of life that you all need to accept because mankind was never any different when voting was invented.

Sure they can influence it, they are who choose the supreme court justices.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I'll bet Jesus would sup with Jenner and speak to Jenner while you stood outside the door sneering & scowling, just like when he ate with the tax collectors and his apostles got mad. Darn that Jesus.

You always did fancy yourself the judge of everyone else didn't you.
....My Bible says.......

.....your Bible says nothing because you ripped every page out and saved just one passage that you glued to the cover: "On the testimony of two or three witnesses a person is to be put to death."


New member
You know what? Articulate Shmarticluate. Someone can be very articulate and still be 100% WRONG. Someone can also fumble through his words and be 100% RIGHT. Trump is RIGHT on the issues and on policy. Only a boob would vote against that. Let's not forget that we are electing someone to actually fix things. We are not voting for Nice-Guy-in-Chief.

the debates have a direct impact on undecideds that can a turn a swing towards any candidate, Trump must effectively counter Hillary's attacks if he is to have a chance at winning some swing states.


.....your Bible says nothing because you ripped every page out and saved just one passage that you glued to the cover: "On the testimony of two or three witnesses a person is to be put to death."

My Bible also has numerous verses and passages about the role of civil government: Romans 13:4 is one.

Do you think that a candidate such as Donald Trump fits the bill when it comes to Romans 13:4?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
the debates have a direct impact on undecideds that can a turn a swing towards any candidate, Trump must effectively counter Hillary's attacks if he is to have a chance at winning some swing states.

Okay. THAT I do agree with. I am just saying, people who listen to HOW he speaks instead of WHAT he says will do us all a disservice.