What we have is not capitalism, or, at the very least, it's not pure capitalism. We do not have a free market
It's capitalism, and a vicious one in that it subjugates people by it.
Right, because people are too lazy and used to living off the teat of the government.
Most people on welfare work. They weren't 'blessed' with the opportunities that these 'blessed' people have.
Modern Christianity, particularly American right wing Christianity, has basically just turned conflated greed and/or indifference with having been the apple of God's eyes and everyone else are just, well, bad.
Do all employers "exploit" their employees?
Not at first, but ultimately yes.
Capitalism is the art of greed, you eventually have to rip people off at some point and that's exactly what happens.
God says that if a man does not work, he shall not eat.
A statement which, when even implied by the more fortunate is in and of itself inherently wicked. While they live 'blessed', they have a loaf of bread on a hook and have others render to their will.
God commands men to "serve one another."
Funny how it conveniently only works one way.
In fact, you are quick to scourge the less fortunate by the Old Law while setting it aside for the fortunate who are no less guilty of anything.
Very slanted bias, which connects with I mentioned about modern, American Christianity.
Any job will do, so long as they're working.
It's not enough, and those as yourself don't even pretend it is so why even make that statement