Myself and Welfare


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Then it does matter?
Make up your mind.
Debating if it's a good thing to do for a company to find loopholes in a corrupt system, in the long term, does not matter. As I said, you could weigh the pros and cons, but either way, you'd be promoting, to an extent, a wicked and unjust system.

Rather than do such, I am advocating getting rid of the unjust system and replacing it with one that is just.


Debating if it's a good thing to do for a company to find loopholes in a corrupt system, in the long term, does not matter. As I said, you could weigh the pros and cons, but either way, you'd be promoting, to an extent, a wicked and unjust system.

Rather than do such, I am advocating getting rid of the unjust system and replacing it with one that is just.

Carry on then....keep fighting the good fight!


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
So, if someone does not have enough to eat,
Then they don't have enough to eat.

does the government have any responsibility?
The ones that earn money to feed their families should not have a group designated to TAKE money from their pockets to care for everyone else.
Any money given to support strangers should be voluntary, not mandatory.

What would you have the government do?
Stay out of their so-called "charity" business, as FORCING people to give is not charity at all, it's theft.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I do not know who it is exactly. Social Security is my understanding. I also have Medicare. But Medicare ends up being for insurance.
So, do you know anyone who gets most of their money from welfare?


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame

Why don't you ask your parents all these questions?
They will know more about your situation than any strangers on the internet.



Why don't you ask your parents all these questions?
They will know more about your situation than any strangers on the internet.

I can of course talk with my parents. I am also learning without them.

Thank you.


Okay. So, you are not a Citizen. I believe that you also do not understand Welfare. I don't.

The Horn

Judge Rightly, so what would YOU do if you lost your job through no fault of your own and could not afford rent and food etc ? Do you really think family and friends or private charities will be able to help you and your family for as long as you needed ? If so, you are extremely naive .
What if you were (God forbid ) injured so badly in an accident you were no longer able to work at all ? Or you came down ( God forbid ) with some serious illness or disorder through no fault of your own ? What if the costs of medical care were too high for you to afford ? Or God forbid , one of your children or spouse had the same thing happen to them ?
I would never want this to happen to you or your family, but what if it did ? Who will pay for the expensive medical treatment if you can't ?
Would you like do die a slow, agonizing death from some terrible disease because you couldn't afford treatment ? Or a loved one ? Would you like to lose your home because you couldn't afford rent and be on the street with your family and had lost your home because you lost your job ? . Well, without government help, you WOULD . And so would other Americans .
The US government has absolutely no right to allow people who are down on their luck to starve, die and suffer . No government does . But if you voted fro Trump, you are increasing your chances of being up the creek without a paddle . Be careful what you ask for . You just might get it .
And is it the right thing to do to allow helpless children and infants to live like this ?


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Judge Rightly, so what would YOU do if you lost your job through no fault of your own and could not afford rent and food etc?

I would go to friends, family, or neighbors, and see if they could provide for me until I find a job, then I would start looking for a job.

Do you really think family and friends or private charities

Who said anything about "private charities"?

will be able to help you and your family for as long as you needed?

My hope would be that they would be willing to help as much as is possible. And if not, then that's ok.

If so, you are extremely naive.


What if you were (God forbid ) injured so badly in an accident you were no longer able to work at all?

Considering that there are paralyzed people who have jobs, I don't see where you're getting the "you were no longer able to work" bit...

Here's the article, btw:

So, next time you think that people can't work because of some disability, think of those who are paralyzed and still able to work.

Or you came down ( God forbid ) with some serious illness or disorder through no fault of your own?

"Disorder"? Such as?

If I got sick, then I would hope that I have saved up enough to afford the medical care that I need (which, in a society with only 5% personal increase tax, would not be very hard to do.

What if the costs of medical care were too high for you to afford?

Why would they be too high? They're too high now because of the system we have currently.

Or God forbid , one of your children or spouse had the same thing happen to them?

Then again, I would hope that I have saved up enough to pay for any medical costs, again, which would not be hard to do.

I would never want this to happen to you or your family,

I should hope not...

but what if it did? Who will pay for the expensive medical treatment if you can't?

Then I would go to friends, family, neighbors and ask for help.


Would you like do die a slow, agonizing death from some terrible disease because you couldn't afford treatment? Or a loved one?

If I couldn't afford it, I would hope that my family, friends, or neighbors would be charitable enough that, if I asked them, they would be willing to help, or even if I could work to pay them back, somehow.

Would you like to lose your home because you couldn't afford rent and be on the street with your family and had lost your home because you lost your job?

See above.

Well, without government help, you WOULD. And so would other Americans.

This is called question begging. You are assuming that which you must prove.

The US government has absolutely no right to allow people who are down on their luck to starve, die and suffer.

It has no right to do anything other than provide infrastructure and a good criminal justice system and military.

No government does. But if you voted fro Trump, you are increasing your chances of being up the creek without a paddle. Be careful what you ask for. You just might get it.

I didn't vote, period.

And is it the right thing to do to allow helpless children and infants to live like this ?

And this is an appeal to emotion.

The fact is, many children do, and it's because of the system we have now. If we get rid of the welfare and social safety nets we have, people will be able to afford the things they need to survive, even thrive.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The US government has absolutely no right ...

this is the first intelligent thing you've said in your silly rant

the government does not have rights - none, nada, zip

it has responsibilities and it has restrictions

go back to seventh grade, take a remedial civics class and come back and have a discussion in which your ignorance is less obvious :)

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
the horn reminds me of the exchange between kathy newman and jordan peterson in which newman asks "Why should your right to freedom of speech trump a trans person’s right not to be offended?”

peterson took the high road in responding, because he had a broader point to make

i would have pounced on her infantile suggestion that a "trans person" (or anyone at all) had a "right not to be offended" :dizzy:

this illustrates the difficulty in having a discussion with leftists/liberals like the horn - they are operating in an alternate universe where feelings have more weight than logic, reason and evidence