Myself and Welfare


Well yes, it's a form of benefit for people who are out of work. At least it is where I live. Are you getting payments made to you even though you're not working?

I used to pay into Social Security, and I have had income or benefit from Social Security, whichever it is.


Yeah, I doubt that.
Four months is one thing- four years means you're not being the man you need to be hombre.
I have done some catering. But I have not found work. I was hired once but the offer was rescinded without an explanation given. I do have a resume.


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It's stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, ie, stealing.
Rather, it's more like the government stealing from everyone, taking a cut of what was taken, and then them redistributing the money, to where everyone is poorer.


It's stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, ie, stealing.

And for what reason should a person be concerned about this? Do we pity the rich now?
Pretty backwards thinking.
Tax money is much better put into helping the poor than dumping massive amounts into the military or the myriad of gov't programs who lavishly spend every penny they can on luxuries.
That's ((actual stealing)) without even so much as helping with their own tax money unlike those on welfare who nonetheless aren't getting a free ride.


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Fact : There are many people in America who through no fault of their own, are unable to earn a living. People who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own and are struggling to find another job. People with spouses and children who have to feed and house them. People who are too disabled to work or too ill, suoffering from diseases and disorders of various kinds. People who are to mentally ill to work and must be confined to mental institutions. And other adverse circumstances.


All of the above is an appeal to emotion.

Facts are as follows:

There are many people in America who rely on the government to sustain them, instead of relying on family, friends, and neighbors. They make no effort (who are able to) to do anything other than live off the government's teat.

Conservative myth: There atre millions of lazy bums in America who are too lazy to work and support themselves and want the government to support them generously while it takes hard-earned money from honest people who do work. False.

Except it's not a myth.

Welfare only encourages people to live off the government paycheck, instead of seeking help from family, friends, and neighbors.

The taxes we pay contribute to the essential social safety net for those down on their luck, among other things.

All while the government takes a cut of the money they take. Meanwhile, everyone becomes poorer and even more unable and more unwilling to help their neighbor.

Anyone can be struck down by misfortune. Without the taxes you pay, YOU could be starving and dying on the streets if setting happens to you. And your family.

If I were jobless and homeless I would hope that family, friends, or neighbors would come to my aid if I asked them to.

As it stands now, most would be unwilling because the cost of living is so high.

Trump is planning to make drastic cuts in government funding for people down on their luck, all so he can give the richest Americans bigger tax cuts. This isn't capitalism. It's barbarism.


We already have many homeless people who are NOT lazy and stupid.

Who, instead of turning to their family or friends or neighbors for help, turn to the government.

The government shouldn't be in the business of taking care of people. That job should fall to the people around the needy.

A strong and secure safety net is not "socialism".

Denying that a socialist program isn't socialism means you're lying to yourself and to others.

It's good government.

It's bad government, which makes it easier to avoid relying on family, friends, and neighbors for help.


If people say that I have a disability and I believe that I do not have a disability then do I simply have SSD not knowing why and yet I am not on welfare? I do not own property. Does that figure in to it? Meaning, are those on welfare simply people who do not have property? Such that I do not have property tax. Income tax only if I work.


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And for what reason should a person be concerned about this? Do we pity the rich now?

Sounds like you're envious of the rich.

Envy is a sin, Crucifer.

Pretty backwards thinking.

Only if you envy the rich and their wealth.

Tax money is much better put into

Infrastructure and criminal justice.

helping the poor

Is not the government's responsibility, according to God.

than dumping massive amounts into the military

I would rather have a well defended nation and the capability of defending other innocent peoples than have an under-funded military.

But that's just me... :idunno:

or the myriad of gov't programs who lavishly spend every penny they can on luxuries.
That's ((actual stealing)) without even so much as helping with their own tax money unlike those on welfare who nonetheless aren't getting a free ride.

One thing is for sure. The Government needs to be DOWNSIZED.


Sounds like you're envious of the rich.

Envy is a sin, Crucifer.

Sounds like you just don't like the poor.

Infrastructure and criminal justice.

(( Criminal justice ))
You can't have a single conversation without some sort of inference of wanting to punish people.

Is not the government's responsibility, according to God.

(( Everything I don't like is against God's will ))

Greed is against God's will.

I would rather have a well defended nation and the capability of defending other innocent peoples than have an under-funded military.

Yeah, you could cut the budget in half and you'd still be giving more money to it than all other military in the world combined.
Your livelihood suffers because America is obsessed with pretend patriotism.


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Sounds like you just don't like the poor.

So you are envious? You should repent of that.

I love the poor.

In fact, I love the poor so much that I want them to work hard so they have the opportunity to have enough wealth to pass on to their children.

But, I keep in mind something that Jesus said:

For the poor you have with you always, but Me you do not have always.” - John 12:8

So, rather than trying to eliminate the poor, going AGAINST what Christ said, I would rather have the poor raise their standard of living, and be able to leave something to their children, so that they are better off.

(( Criminal justice ))
You can't have a single conversation without some sort of inference of wanting to punish people.

Why do you hate talking about criminal justice, considering our nation is desperately lacking in it.

(( Everything I don't like is against God's will ))

Correction: Anything that is or goes against God's will, I do not like.

Greed is against God's will.

The love of money is the root of all evil.

Money itself, however, is not.

There's nothing inherently wrong with being wealthy, and you would have a hard time proving otherwise using Scripture.

Yeah, you could cut the budget in half and you'd still be giving more money to it than all other military in the world combined.

And it's the main reason we're one of if not THE most powerful nation in the world.

And THAT's a good thing.

Your livelihood suffers because America is obsessed with pretend patriotism.

My livelihood suffers because America is obsessed with the government trying to take care of people from cradle to grave, with enacting and enforcing laws that no one knows but lawyers, with letting perverts run wild in the streets, and covering up wickedness.


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If people say that I have a disability and I believe that I do not have a disability then do I simply have SSD not knowing why and yet I am not on welfare? I do not own property. Does that figure in to it? Meaning, are those on welfare simply people who do not have property? Such that I do not have property tax. Income tax only if I work.
Do you get a check from Social Security Disability?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
There are many people in America who rely on the government to sustain them, instead of relying on family, friends, and neighbors. They make no effort (who are able to) to do anything other than live off the government's teat.

There are many people who don't have family and friends where that kind of sustainability could come about. The only help they could realistically get would be through governmental aid of some sort. There's also plenty on welfare/benefits who aren't just sitting around doing nothing to find work but making the effort in the interim and who have paid into the very system that avails them when they're out of work. You are simplistic beyond words.

Welfare only encourages people to live off the government paycheck, instead of seeking help from family, friends, and neighbors.

No, it doesn't and your saying so means absolute squat.

If I were jobless and homeless I would hope that family, friends, or neighbors would come to my aid if I asked them to.

And what if you didn't have any? Would you willingly starve to death?

Who, instead of turning to their family or friends or neighbors for help, turn to the government.

The government shouldn't be in the business of taking care of people. That job should fall to the people around the needy.

So, you'd be prepared to go into run down council estates and charitably provide for people who without government aid would be starving? Those without family or friends who could support and neighbours in a similar position whereby benefits are the only means of buying food? Do you ever think things through in any depth or do you just bloviate?

It's bad government, which makes it easier to avoid relying on family, friends, and neighbors for help.

Once again, many people aren't in a position where they have such support and what makes you think that family, friends and neighbours have some sort of financial means to aid anyway?

So you are envious? You should repent of that.

I love the poor.

Yeah, right...

In fact, I love the poor so much that I want them to work hard so they have the opportunity to have enough wealth to pass on to their children.

But, I keep in mind something that Jesus said:

For the poor you have with you always, but Me you do not have always.” - John 12:8

While denying the needy in society even temporary aid while between jobs even.

So, rather than trying to eliminate the poor, going AGAINST what Christ said, I would rather have the poor raise their standard of living, and be able to leave something to their children, so that they are better off.

There's plenty people who are on benefits who are actively looking for work and reliant on such in the interim.

Correction: Anything that is or goes against God's will, I do not like.

Heck, you don't even get the basics right, as follows:

The love of money is the root of all evil.

Money itself, however, is not.

Of course it isn't and you should be embarrassed at such a misquote, as scholarly as you seem to think you are where it comes to the Bible.

"For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil".

There's many an atrocious act where money plays no part at all, like rape, child molestation etc so quit lecturing when you can't even recognize the downright obvious.


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I think so.
You would have had to have been examined by a doctor to determine if you have a disability (either mental or physical) and the SSD office would have been sent that report of your disability.
So you should already know what your disability is.


You would have had to have been examined by a doctor to determine if you have a disability (either mental or physical) and the SSD office would have been sent that report of your disability.
So you should already know what your disability is.

I do not have a physical disability and I have received diagnosis otherwise but I do not agree with it.