Mid Acts Disponsationalism

Mid Acts Disponsationalism

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Well-known member
I agree.
Do you think Clete doesn't?

I agree.
Do you think Clete doesn't?

Don't tell me Clete is still being slandered? Gays on parade don't listen to the gospel. It's absurd to claim they do. I know them well....very well. Their conscience can't convict them if they feel no shame. "Hey dude don't walk around in a g-string kissing each other in front of my kids." Say it. They feel no shame in this country because people accept them...even embrace them. Heck, they even put them on a pedestal. I'll say it again. First a person has to feel the NEED for a Saviour. The blind ACKNOWLEDGE they're blind. The lame ACKNOWLEDGE they're lame. It's why they flocked to the Lord when He walked this earth and it's why we all turned to God for salvation. First the need must be recognized. Tell them that....if they deny it, leave them be until God brings them even lower.


Well-known member
So what should the Christian do about criminals?

Three things. In order of importance (based on the number of people effected by each point)....

1. Advocate that the criminal behavior remain criminalized or be recriminalized.

2. Develop a strong social stigma against the behavior.

3. Seek individual repentance and salvation.

None of which is remotely possible in a world where I get judged WAY more harshly by nearly every Christian than any of them would ever judge the most vile of God hating homosexuals. Christians today, as a rule, have it completely backward. They put the criminal under grace and judge the believer as guilty at the first hint of someone's feeling getting hurt. It's madness!

Resting in Him,

Amen. I agree totally. :thumb:


New member
Don't tell me Clete is still being slandered? Gays on parade don't listen to the gospel. It's absurd to claim they do. I know them well....very well. Their conscience can't convict them if they feel no shame. "Hey dude don't walk around in a g-string kissing each other in front of my kids." Say it. They feel no shame in this country because people accept them...even embrace them. Heck, they even put them on a pedestal. I'll say it again. First a person has to feel the NEED for a Saviour. The blind ACKNOWLEDGE they're blind. The lame ACKNOWLEDGE they're lame. It's why they flocked to the Lord when He walked this earth and it's why we all turned to God for salvation. First the need must be recognized. Tell them that....if they deny it, leave them be until God brings them even lower.

Disgusting they are. Very....

And to me, a pedophile is worse then someone who has committed a murder.

And gay does not a pedophile make. Anymore than a career criminal like a life long mobster, does not little mobsters make, though some mobsters have.

It still comes down to the lost being the lost.

But as tempting as "Hey dude don't walk around in a g-string kissing each other in front of my kids" is, it is still the wisdom of words.

Of the flesh in its own moralizing, though one knows that "all were dead."

Inspire out of us the contempt their sick, disgusting behavior does, our reaction out of said contempt is our own giving in to our flesh.

Fact is that "God commended his love toward us in that, while we were yet sinners" - while we were yet offensive to Him - "Christ died for us."

So, no, I don't see this issue as "Hey dude don't walk around in a g-string kissing each other in front of my kids."

I see it as "Hey dude, Christ died for our sins - yours, mine, ours," etc.

This idea that I am somehow better then a lost person, just because I am better off... well, the Clete's of the world can have it.

"Ye have not so learned Christ."

patrick jane

Don't tell me Clete is still being slandered? Gays on parade don't listen to the gospel. It's absurd to claim they do. I know them well....very well. Their conscience can't convict them if they feel no shame. "Hey dude don't walk around in a g-string kissing each other in front of my kids." Say it. They feel no shame in this country because people accept them...even embrace them. Heck, they even put them on a pedestal. I'll say it again. First a person has to feel the NEED for a Saviour. The blind ACKNOWLEDGE they're blind. The lame ACKNOWLEDGE they're lame. It's why they flocked to the Lord when He walked this earth and it's why we all turned to God for salvation. First the need must be recognized. Tell them that....if they deny it, leave them be until God brings them even lower.

good post. each person has different needs and reasons for Christ Jesus and the Truth and gospel of Salvation. it's hard to find out sometimes how to get through -


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
You do every time you scream what you do at a "homo". When are they supposed to hear the gospel of Christ from you, as your screaming, "Get away from me..."? You have deemed them unworthy to hear the good news that is the power of God to save ANY and ALL them that believe! In so doing (not doing), you are not doing the work of the Lord, the work of the ministry. How and when will they hear the word of truth, the gospel of their salvation if not from you, an ambassador for Christ?
No, it's right here and it's sound (2 Timothy 1:7-10 KJV). I'm not the one running around screaming at people for what they do in their flesh, you are.You're an emotional wreck.Great. When will you ever give them the good news?

When will they hear from you that Christ took their place? Where is the word of reconciliation, ambassador for Christ?

When will you use it lawfully as an ambassador for Christ and point to the ground leveling cross of Christ from the scriptures (Romans 3:21-24 KJV, Romans 4:25 KJV, Romans 6:23 KJV, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV, Galatians 3:22 KJV)?

Get in the game (as they say), because as it stands now, you're on the bench.
This is libel.

Clete does not believe anyone is beyond the reach of grace, unless they are already in Hell.

Here's a question for you heir: if someone is not in Christ and they commit murder and are sentenced to death and they never accept Christ's sacrifice on their behalf should they be let into Heaven when they die?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
You're still talking about worldly matters and I'm speaking about
Spiritual matters. Get it? Heir is one of the most Scripturally
sound posters on TOL. Yet, you seek to do battle with her?

I agree that she does at least make an argument. A rare thing around here. But no, I don't seek to do battle with her, she's the one attacking me!

And as for worldly matters vs spiritual matters, I couldn't disagree with you more. God is the one who instituted human government and God is the one who said to execute the murderer, adulterer, rapist and homosexual (among others). The government doesn't say that, the world doesn't say that, God says that. The only question is whether one is going to get their understanding of what justice is from God or from the government or from the majority (i.e. the world) or from the fuzzy feeling they get in their stomach.

Resting in Him,

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I agree that she does at least make an argument. A rare thing around here. But no, I don't seek to do battle with her, she's the one attacking me!

And as for worldly matters vs spiritual matters, I couldn't disagree with you more. God is the one who instituted human government and God is the one who said to execute the murderer, adulterer, rapist and homosexual (among others). The government doesn't say that, the world doesn't say that, God says that. The only question is whether one is going to get their understanding of what justice is from God or from the government or from the majority (i.e. the world) or from the fuzzy feeling they get in their stomach.

Resting in Him,

The executions, for adultery, homosexuality, murder, etc, was
written for the Israelite's. We're living in the "Dispensation of
Grace." However, we still need laws that protect our society from
criminal elements. We need the death penalty (my opinion) for
those who, "Lie in Wait" to murder another person. We need to
have harsh sentences for rapists, child molesters, violent
offenders, etc. What we don't need is to execute adulterers and
homosexuals. The ONLY thing that can change criminals hearts
is the hearing of the Grace Message and the placing of one's
faith in Christ as their Savior. That is the work of the Holy Spirit.

The gays and adulterers need to hear the Message of God's Grace
towards mankind, through faith in Jesus Christ. Some may reject
and some will accept truth. That's the way it is with every kind of
lost sinner.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
The executions, for adultery, homosexuality, murder, etc, was
written for the Israelite's. We're leaving in the "Dispensation of
Grace." However, we still need laws that protect our society from
criminal elements. We need the death penalty (my opinion) for
those who, "Lie in Wait" to murder another person. We need to
have harsh sentences for rapists, child molesters, violent
offenders, etc. What we don't need is to execute adulterers and
homosexuals. The ONLY thing that can change criminals hearts
is the hearing of the Grace Message and the placing of one's
faith in Christ as their Savior. That is the work of the Holy Spirit.

The gays and adulterers need to hear the Message of God's Grace
towards mankind, through faith in Jesus Christ. Some may reject
and some will accept truth. That's the way it is with every kind of
lost sinner.

Yes, let the police worry about criminals, Christians should preach the good news and stay away from the condemnation game.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
The executions, for adultery, homosexuality, murder, etc, was
written for the Israelite's.
The religious (i.e. non moral) law like circumcision laws, the dietary laws, Sabbath day laws, etc had to do with Israel exclusively but the laws concerning issues of morality like stealing, perjury, assault, murder, incest, rape, adultery, etc aren't about religion and they aren't about maintaining a particular nation's separation from the rest of the world. They are about justice. Objective, God ordained justice.

We're living in the "Dispensation of
Grace." However, we still need laws that protect our society from
criminal elements. We need the death penalty (my opinion) for
those who, "Lie in Wait" to murder another person. We need to
have harsh sentences for rapists, child molesters, violent
offenders, etc. What we don't need is to execute adulterers and
homosexuals. The ONLY thing that can change criminals hearts
is the hearing of the Grace Message and the placing of one's
faith in Christ as their Savior. That is the work of the Holy Spirit.
Are you seriously suggesting that God would have us vote on such matters? Nobody cares what anyone's opinion is! I mean seriously! Your opinion! That's the basis upon which you've thrown out the only system of justice found in the Scripture - your opinion?!

The gays and adulterers need to hear the Message of God's Grace
towards mankind, through faith in Jesus Christ. Some may reject
and some will accept truth. That's the way it is with every kind of
lost sinner.
Premeditated murders don't need to hear about God's grace?

On what basis did you form such an opinion? Murderers who thought their crime through and succeeded are somehow worse than those who wanted to commit murder but made some error in planning and failed at the attempt? Smart murderers are somehow worse than the child molester?


Resting in Him,


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Yes, let the police worry about criminals, Christians should preach the good news and stay away from the condemnation game.
And so I suppose Christians aught not be in the police business, right?

What about when the police decide to enforce laws against Christians because Christianity to intolerant toward (fill in the blank). Which is coming STP. Its coming and its coming to a country near you!

You all think that criminal justice doesn't effect you but it does. It effects you and it effects your family and it effects your freedom to do the things that make your life worth living including the practice of your faith and the way you raise your children.

Judge rightly!

Resting in Him,


Well-known member
re: poll

With the horrible doctrinal mixed-bag/Lordship Salvation/Baptist upbringing I had as a baby Christian, I was long unable to make sense of the N.T., and hated it. Then I had my eyes opened to the distinctive aspects of Paul's ministry. I am nowhere near comprehending all the details of God's Word and don't pretend to be, but at least trying to figure out how (or even if) all of God's Word fit together is no longer frustrating. :)


Well-known member
Go to any church that does not recognize the unique and exclusive message of paul. You will find your proof there after hearing several sermons. I guarantee you will find yourself doubting your salvation because they will have you examining your BEHAVIOR. After they have you look closely at your behavior, they have you ask yourself if you really are saved or not. If they understood the exclusivity of pauls gospel to the church age, they would know that behavior has no bearing whatsover upon ones salvation.

That is exactly where I spent years in bondage.


New member
re: poll

With the horrible doctrinal mixed-bag/Lordship Salvation/Baptist upbringing I had as a baby Christian, I was long unable to make sense of the N.T., and hated it. Then I had my eyes opened to the distinctive aspects of Paul's ministry. I am nowhere near comprehending all the details of God's Word and don't pretend to be, but at least trying to figure out how (or even if) all of God's Word fit together is no longer frustrating. :)

I was just thinking on that earlier this morning; how great it is to be able to not only know how to explore these issues, but with others who are also into growing together in their learning.

Its funny - that is exactly what 1 Corinthians 12:13 is actually all about, my fellow Body member.

13. For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.
14. For the body is not one member, but many.
15. If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?
16. And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?

19. And if they were all one member, where were the body?
20. But now are they many members, yet but one body.
21. And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you.
22. Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary:
23. And those members of the body, which we think to be less honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant honour; and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness.
24. For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honour to that part which lacked.
25. That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another.
26. And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it.
27. Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.


Well-known member
Unlike other groupings on TOL (Catholics, Reformed, etc) who tend to ignore their own in-house disagreements for the sake of keeping up appearances, Pauline dispensationalists -- that includes pretty much everyone holding to whatever variant of MAD -- have no qualms about hashing out our disagreements in public. IOW, we're flawed but at least we're honest about it.
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