Mid Acts Disponsationalism

Mid Acts Disponsationalism

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Unlike other groupings on TOL (Catholics, Reformed, etc) who ignore their own in-house disagreements for the sake of keeping up appearances, Pauline dispensationalists -- that includes pretty much everyone holding to whatever variant of MAD -- have no qualms about hashing out our disagreements in public. IOW, we're flawed but at least we're honest about it.

Perhaps on forums, but not in some of the Mid-Acts assemblies I have visited.

Where I was reminded of when you go to a friend's house and they want to play their music. And when they come to your house, they want to play their music, lol.

I used to run with a guy just like Jerry. Everywhere we went, and no matter the subject, whether with one another, or with other people, he just had to steer the subject to his need to pet peeve others in to his pet-peeve passages.

Lol, we often left those places having left a storm of contention behind.

I swear the guy had a neon sign on his forehead that said "NOT for US!!!"

Lol, and when we'd visit a Grace assembly, you could almost hear the grumbling when people looked up and saw him.

Another time I ended up at an Acts 28 assembly, as I was away from home, sought some fellowship, and they were at least about Paul and I was curious as heck about them.

Afterwards, they cornered me when asked and I said I was Acts 9.

We differed on a great deal, but I will never forget their practice of the actual sense of Philippians 1:10's "things that are excellent" even though they assert that passage is talking about "things that differ" as to Israel, an Acts Body, and a post Acts Body.

Some of the most gracious bunch I have ever met. Every bit as much as some of the Mid-Acts assemblies I have been privileged to also visit where the issues are out in the open, but more so, there is a strong focus on the "things that are excellent" - faith, hope, and love, 1 Cor. 12: 31; 1 Cor. 13: 13, hence, why Paul even mentioned what he does in 1 Cor. 12:13 in the first place.


Well-known member
Perhaps all we can do is what we (I confess I'm very much included) should have been doing all along: avoiding, as best we can, foolish arguments that seem important to us, but which edify no one because in the end, each of us will stand alone before our Lord, answering to Him...alone.

That's a big part of the reason I took a brief hiatus from TOL, but I find I'm still very susceptible to falling back into my old patterns. For me, that must stop.


New member
Perhaps all we can do is what we (I confess I'm very much included) should have been doing all along: avoiding, as best we can, foolish arguments that seem important to us, but which edify no one because in the end, each of us will stand alone before our Lord, answering to Him...alone.

That's a big part of the reason I took a brief hiatus from TOL, but I find I'm still very susceptible to falling back into my old patterns. For me, that must stop.

Just don't allow yourself to take such moments personally.

When they happen, pause, and ask yourself 'what passage might I apply to this feeling, and by this, turn it around into an opportunity to obey a passage, and by that, extract the Word's built in, empowering victory over this?' Rom. 5:2-5.

Resentment is from the word resentire (reh-zen-tee-reh): to feel again.

If you cut off such e-motions in the very moment they begin to rise up from within your old ways of looking at things, then later, you will not re-feel them, Rom. 12:1-3.

Grace can only be made perfect in a willing weakness.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Unlike other groupings on TOL (Catholics, Reformed, etc) who tend to ignore their own in-house disagreements for the sake of keeping up appearances, Pauline dispensationalists -- that includes pretty much everyone holding to whatever variant of MAD -- have no qualms about hashing out our disagreements in public. IOW, we're flawed but at least we're honest about it.

Good post.

Mocking You

New member
Unlike other groupings on TOL (Catholics, Reformed, etc) who tend to ignore their own in-house disagreements for the sake of keeping up appearances, Pauline dispensationalists -- that includes pretty much everyone holding to whatever variant of MAD -- have no qualms about hashing out our disagreements in public. IOW, we're flawed but at least we're honest about it.

As a relative newcomer to TOL I can confirm that I've observed this. It is somewhat refreshing.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Premeditated murders don't need to hear about God's grace?


I stated: They DO need to hear about God's Grace. Read carefully
next time. Unless you're trying to pull a "fast one" on me and say
what I didn't say? Was that what you were doing? Just to get a rise
out of observant's perhaps?

I believe ALL of mankind NEEDS to hear the TRUE Gospel (Paul's
Gospel) and have a chance to leave planet earth at death and
enter eternal life!

Re-read what I said in that post and stop your mischief.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It seems Clete would like to see the Old Testament Laws to be enforced
today? Well, should we start stoning (executing) adulterers? If that were
to happen, we'd run out of stones really quick! And, should we start stoning
(executing) unruly children? We'd run out of heir's real quick as well.

Think twice Clete, about what you want reestablished?

patrick jane

It seems Clete would like to see the Old Testament Laws to be enforced
today? Well, should we start stoning (executing) adulterers? If that were
to happen, we'd run out of stones really quick! And, should we start stoning
(executing) unruly children? We'd run out of heir's real quick as well.

Think twice Clete, about what you want reestablished?

yep. good gros - :patrol:


Well-known member
It seems Clete would like to see the Old Testament Laws to be enforced today?

I don't know Clete at all, but what I'm getting from him is the fact that healthy societies are supposed to be enforcing penalties against that which common sense alone tells us erodes societal cohesion and order -- and it just so happens that biblical sins do exactly that. Western society used to apply social pressures and legal penalties against all such, and it was to society's good. Now those same sins are excused if not celebrated (the end time's godlessness and lawlessness beneath a false skin of 'godliness' that was foretold to come), and we're rapidly falling apart.

Anyway, if I'm reading my own views into Clete's, I will gladly accept his correction. I don't see that he's being theocratic about this, unlike a few on TOL...that CHRISTIANS should be in the position of executing (literally!) judgment on behalf of God per the O.T. Law.


Well-known member
Just don't allow yourself to take such moments personally.

I don't. It's about this:

Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them that are causing the divisions and occasions of stumbling, contrary to the doctrine which ye learned: and turn away from them.

Do not let any unwholesome word go forth out of your mouth, but only good, for edification of the need, so that it may give grace to those hearing.

Reject a factious man after one and a second admonition...
If I'm being honest with myself and realize I'm not being edified but am drawn more and more into the flesh to engage in useless contention -- even when (maybe especially when) I'm convinced I'm correct -- then I'm certainly going to cause the same to happen to someone who reads what I post. No one will be edified. I don't want either to happen anymore.

When they happen, pause, and ask yourself 'what passage might I apply to this feeling, and by this, turn it around into an opportunity to obey a passage, and by that, extract the Word's built in, empowering victory over this?' Rom. 5:2-5.
In situations like many on TOL, Paul says the only victory is to stop and walk away.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Jesus said in John 3:17---"For God sent not his Son into
the world to condemn the world; but that the world
through him might be saved."

Jesus came to die on a cross for the sins of, drunkards,
adulterers, homosexuals, child molesters, thieves, liars,
gluttons, murderers, etc, etc. What ever the sin, Christ
paid the price for it. Every sinner needs to hear the
Grace Message and, have an opportunity to receive
God's Grace through the "Risen Christ."

ALL sins are forgivable. Once one has been sealed,
indwelt, baptized, (not by water) into the Body of
Christ by the Holy Spirit and received the
righteousness of Christ, they are considered a
Child of God and a new creature.

There is no sin that can keep one from becoming
a Child of God, through faith in Christ.

So far as the laws of the land go, we need law
enforcement to protect all of us. Perpetrators
need to be imprisoned, Murderers need to be
put to death, child molesters and rapists need
harsh sentencing, maybe even life imprisonment?
(Personal opinion)

Perpetual violent criminals need longer penalties.
Society needs protection from such. This is based
upon the sinful world we live in. However, these
types and others need the Grace Gospel preached
to them.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
I stated: They DO need to hear about God's Grace. Read carefully
next time. Unless you're trying to pull a "fast one" on me and say
what I didn't say? Was that what you were doing? Just to get a rise
out of observant's perhaps?

I believe ALL of mankind NEEDS to hear the TRUE Gospel (Paul's
Gospel) and have a chance to leave planet earth at death and
enter eternal life!

Re-read what I said in that post and stop your mischief.
I quoted you post directly.

You said, "We need the death penalty (my opinion) for
those who, "Lie in Wait" to murder another person."

You then said,"The gays and adulterers need to hear the Message of God's Grace towards mankind, through faith in Jesus Christ. Some may reject and some will accept truth. That's the way it is with every kind of lost sinner. "

This draws a distinction between murderers and ever other "kind of lost sinner".

A distinction that you clearly made and that I read and understood with perfect clarity.

I ask you again...

By what standard do you make such distinctions?

Presumably we, as a society, are to execute murders and preach to everyone else while imposing a "harsh" sentence on some. Perhaps you could clarify just what your opinion dictates as being harsh.

I am not playing games with you. I am trying to force you to think through the things you say. Answer the question. By what standard do you support the death penalty for murderers but not for the child rapist.

Resting in Him,