Mexicans are Dumb and Will Destroy America?


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Hall of Fame
This makes no sense. They are criticizing this guy over a dissertation that he wrote at Harvard. If this guy deserves to resign, then so does his dissertation board (3-4 Ph.D.'s who read and approved the dissertation), as well as the administrators who gave him the Ph.D. based on the approval of his dissertation. What, that's retarded? Because dissertations involve a high degree of scholarship? We shouldn't be concerned about popular vs. unpopular opinions when we're doing academic research? We should let the facts be facts and face them as they come? I agree. And the facts are pretty clear to me.


"A Heritage Foundation scholar has resigned after a firestorm erupted over his 2009 dissertation alleging Hispanics do not have 'IQ parity with whites' and that Hispanic immigrants to the United States will have 'low-IQ children and grandchildren'...Richwine’s Harvard University dissertation, written before his employment at Heritage, asserted that an influx of 'low-IQ' immigrants coming to the country would result in 'a lack of socioeconomic assimilation among low-IQ immigrant groups, more underclass behavior, less social trust, and an increase in the proportion of unskilled workers in the American labor market.' 'No one knows whether Hispanics will ever reach IQ parity with whites, but the prediction that new Hispanic immigrants will have low-IQ children and grandchildren is difficult to argue against,' Richwine wrote."

There are two things I CAN'T stand...prejudice and Mexicans.



New member
I don't think you're reading the context very well, and what other smiley would better accompany an admittance of wrongdoing? In any case, the words seem to speak for themselves.
No smiley would be necessary. When you realize you're doing something wrong, you usually admit it without qualification, apologize and try to correct it in the future.

What Trad does is try to whitewash it, laugh about it, justify it and diminish it.
Do you honestly think any attempt will be made in the future to avoid his racism?
That does not sound like an excuse. Consider further that bybee claims it is not a sin at all, I have claimed it is a near occasion of sin, and TH claimed it was a moral failure. Trad's take was harsher than any other.
But he later claims everything is a venial sin. So what's one more?

I'm not impressed by his philosophical mumblings. TH, bybee and you don't practice the kind racism Trad does.


New member
Consider further that bybee claims it is not a sin at all, I have claimed it is a near occasion of sin, and TH claimed it was a moral failure. Trad's take was harsher than any other. :idunno:
I think it's far more serious than any of those, though not necessarily on account of the word itself but what it says about where the sayer's heart really is. Matthew 5:22 and all.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Ok tardboy.

Tell us.

Tell us all about the great bunches of Mexicans and African Americans in Britain.

I know you come from this crappy little island on the butt-end of Europe, but my relatively small American suburban school district has more students than that.

Well for a start you sad little troll, the argument with Trad wasn't solely revolving around Mexicans and African Americans but multi -ethnicity in general. As such Britain is highly diverse and you'd have to be clueless to think otherwise.


Well for a start you sad little troll, the argument with Trad wasn't solely revolving around Mexicans and African Americans but multi -ethnicity in general. As such Britain is highly diverse and you'd have to be clueless to think otherwise.

I cut and pasted his post and your response to that part of his post.

Trad wasn't talking about multi-ethnicity in general, he was talking about Mexicans and African-Americans.

And that's what you were responding to.


New member
Hall of Fame
Well for a start you sad little troll, the argument with Trad wasn't solely revolving around Mexicans and African Americans but multi -ethnicity in general. As such Britain is highly diverse and you'd have to be clueless to think otherwise.

I doubt the wretch has ever left the states. This kind of ignorance is typical--Americans don't travel very much.


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Hall of Fame
Sometimes you make wonderfully funny posts. Other times you make downright stupid posts. This is one of those times.:hammer:

Thanks, Kett. Since I have the little wretch on ignore the only way I had to read this was you quoting him. Appreciate it. You're a champ.

Well, he's insulted or threatened every other woman who I care about at one time or another so I guess this was just a matter of time.

Nice company you folks keep.


New member
No smiley would be necessary. When you realize you're doing something wrong, you usually admit it without qualification, apologize and try to correct it in the future.

I don't know where you reside, but in reality that's simply not true.

What Trad does is try to whitewash it, laugh about it, justify it and diminish it.


Do you honestly think any attempt will be made in the future to avoid his racism?


But he later claims everything is a venial sin. So what's one more?

He is making his original point that it is not as bad as many believe.


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Hall of Fame
This sounds suspiciously like ACW's "stories." Sorry, but it does.

Absolutely not (and since you lost that bet, what do I win?) Racism can and often does cut both ways. That never justifies it, and I don't care who's perpetrating it.

Well, due respect, but you took an observation about assassinations of prominent black leaders and seem to have completely missed the point.

You seem to have an axe to grind.

Sorry you don't believe how i grew up. I guess your drunk on koolaid and think all whites have this wonderful silver spoon in their mouth and all the advantages in the world and never had to work for anything. If that was your life, awesome for you. It wasnt mine.

The elementary school I initially attended is currently a burned out shell in a neighborhood where most of the homes are falling to the ground or have been badly burned out. In fact most of the city there is now in that kind of condition. We moved to the small town where my one of my parents grew up in another state because my parents wanted us to be safer. Then we moved again to another city so my parents could get better jobs.

As to the other stuff you wrote:

Show me what post of yours that you mentioned assassinations of prominent leaders of anything? Post it. Its really hard to get the point of something you didnt say to begin with.


New member
Show me what post of yours that you mentioned assassinations of prominent leaders of anything? Post it. Its really hard to get the point of something you didnt say to begin with.

The ones who encouraged their people to aspire to greatness had a real bad habit of winding up dead.:rolleyes:

This is where he mentioned it albeit in a cloaked kind of way. He assumed you could tell what he was alluding to. I think he is talking about Martin Luther King who encouraged his people to aspire to greatness. This is what happens when you would first try to say something sarcastically rather than speak plainly.


New member
Hall of Fame
All those people were just trying to let you know that Detroit is a proper Noun and should be capitalized.
Next time take I-275 up to I-696 and over if you're trying to bypass.

Actually i had been close to Southfield for a job interview, and after leaving and trying to head back north was on I-75 - the detour took me off I 75, just past downtown and it was poor one, was winding me all around in there and it was after dark and the neighborhood was something out of a nightmare.

I saw a cop a few blocks later and whipped right up beside him, and begged for directions back to the interstate.

Not getting that job was one of the best things that ever happened to me, i would hate to have ended up living up there.


New member
Hall of Fame
This is where he mentioned it albeit in a cloaked kind of way. He assumed you could tell what he was alluding to. I think he is talking about Martin Luther King who encouraged his people to aspire to greatness. This is what happens when you would first try to say something sarcastically rather than speak plainly.

exactly, he assumed. His mistake.


Well-known member
Well if you think calling someone a fat whore is qualitatively similar to saying they enjoy fried chicken or watermelon, I think you're very confused. :idunno:

Come on, zippy. Don't do that. The point is that just because someone isn't insulted by something doesn't mean someone else won't be. And let's not pretend that it's an innocuous comment about enjoying food. Laughing at black people if they like watermelon or fried chicken just isn't the same as talking about a good meal.

And this isn't a private place. You might as well say that having this conversation at a table in a restaurant is a private conversation.


New member
Come on, zippy. Don't do that. The point is that just because someone isn't insulted by something doesn't mean someone else won't be.

Well when you take something that is objectively insulting and try to make that point it doesn't work very well, does it?

And let's not pretend that it's an innocuous comment about enjoying food. Laughing at black people if they like watermelon or fried chicken just isn't the same as talking about a good meal.

There's nothing inherently evil about finding the cultural norm amusing. Black people themselves do it. So using this as an example to show that Trad is doing something evil just doesn't prove anything at all. I can justifiably say that I don't think Trad was being disparaging with the comment, because the comment doesn't carry with it intrinsic evil--at which point you try to compare it to something that is intrinsically evil.

So the point is quite relevant, and I would prefer you not do that (bring in something that is intrinsically evil and therefore not analogous in order to support your point that Trad has done something wrong by being amused at the cultural norm). Your point rises and falls on the illegitimate analogy.

And this isn't a private place. You might as well say that having this conversation at a table in a restaurant is a private conversation.

Even if I grant that, so what?

Let's imagine Trad is at a restaurant, talking over these issues with two friends of his, and he is easily overheard. Some black people overhear them discussing whether using the n-word in private without hateful intent is a mortal sin.

Are you trying to compare such a situation to Trad standing up and hatefully calling the black people n-words, as the racist of old has done? Yes or no? (Anna can answer as well if she likes)

(In truth an anonymous web forum is hardly comparable to the dining room)



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