Are you trying to compare such a situation to Trad standing up and hatefully calling the black people n-words, as the racist of old has done? Yes or no? (Anna can answer as well if she likes)
In terms of him tossing it around? To an extent, I do, yes. It's not as simple as you want to make it, zippy. Trad's intentionally saying some of this stuff specifically to get a rise. So yeah, he's using it to hurt people, intentionally. Though I don't think Trad is driven by hate in his racism in ways that others might be.
But, that said, as far as him putting it here in this thread, I don't care about his intent anyway. Because his intent doesn't matter towards the way someone may hear it.
Towards that, I realized I was in a sense, doing an almost identical thing. I'd posted a comment here a couple of days ago, facetiously. But I realized that someone could very easily read it and not understand that. I edited it, and I need to watch that. (I would have deleted it, but it'd been responded to, and I don't like deleting responded to posts, so I just clarified it.)
(In truth an anonymous web forum is hardly comparable to the dining room)
Why? A couple having dinner overhears someone at the other table talking about n****rs. If that's all they hear, who cares what the person's context is, or who the person is? That person's anonymous even though they're right at the next table. You think it really matters? Same with here at TOL. You think it matters that there isn't a face attached to it? You really think everyone that stumbles across TOL reads everything enough to understand someone's intent? You can't even get people who are following the thread to agree.
Consider I usually don't read TOL in public anymore because of that stuff. Thread titles that say Mexicans are dumb and ruining America? Caricatures of Obama eating watermelon? Trad's posts about n****rs in his courtyard? It's not worth having someone catch stuff that over my shoulder.
This is a pubic forum.