Mean TOL members


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That you are more of an enemy of God who pushes people away than any nonbeliever could be?

No. The truth is simply the truth.


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Originally posted by beanieboy

(sigh) Why do you disagree with Jesus?
Why not ask yourself this same question? Jesus says that he is the only way to God but you disagree with Him on this.


New member
But even in Christianity, some sins are considered greater sins that others, right? There's even one that is supposed to be unforgivable. So although all may fall short by the absolute standard you believe in, sin is still ranked by magnitude.

So someone whose deliberate sins are far in expanse and scope than mine is, by definition, a greater sinner than I. Therefore, even using Christian theology, I am less evil than Hitler.

I do not really want to debate the merits of Christian theology - for the most part 80% of Christians are trapped in habitual sin, self doubt, etc - as a result of their Christian theology.

You seemed to miss the point - if you want to get out of your sin - don't rank yourself as better or lesser than anyone - this is sin, thinking God will have mercy on you or whatever the reason because you are less of a sinner than someone else - this entraps you in sin.

Try to be charitable, try to be merciful, try to be chaste - and you will find that you will be more successful than by trying not to be greedy, trying not to be cruel, trying not to lust. The same as if you try to exemplify Jesus instead of being better than Hitler.

We are a complex psyche - and the psyche changes over time. In today's world we motivate ourselves by the positive - what we want to do.

Hope you understand - try to do something good, do not just avoid doing something bad - your Christian walk will improve.

With Christ's Love



New member
Originally posted by Poly

Why not ask yourself this same question? Jesus says that he is the only way to God but you disagree with Him on this.

Why not ask yourself the same question? Jesus says to love one another, yet you can only mock and tease people. Why do you disagree on how to treat one another? How can you say, "I love Jesus," and then mistreat people, and be happy about it?

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

Why not ask yourself the same question? Jesus says to love one another, yet you can only mock and tease people. Why do you disagree on how to treat one another? How can you say, "I love Jesus," and then mistreat people, and be happy about it?

plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck, plank, speck.....


Well-known member
Originally posted by servent101

I do not really want to debate the merits of Christian theology - for the most part 80% of Christians are trapped in habitual sin, self doubt, etc - as a result of their Christian theology.


Hope you understand - try to do something good, do not just avoid doing something bad - your Christian walk will improve.

With Christ's Love

"There is no try, only do." -- Yoda

You can't 'try' to be Christian. That's works. No one is justifed in The Lord's Eyes by their works. It is grace, through faith in Jesus, that leads to salvation. Everything else is filthy rags. To have a Christian walk, one has to BE a Christian, not just sign their posts, "In Christ's Love," and 'try' to be Christ-like. Even keeping all the law, the prophets and being obedient to Jesus will amount to nothing, if you have never made a commitment to Him and come to know Him. There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. We can't correct ourselves into Heaven. It is only by The Shed Blood of The Lamb that God will accept us, and not by our knowledge or our actions. It is only His Grace that can cause Him to consider us sinless, and can cleanse us completely of sin. We are considered sinless when we commit our lives to Him, and we are cleansed of our sins as He wills, and as we allow His Work of Grace to lead, guide and direct us in all Truth. He does the conforming, not us. That's religion, and it stinks in His Nostrils.


New member
Yeah, I've seen how he works. And to be honest I've even found myself hoping at times, when he seems to be just seeking answers that maybe he really is. But he always let's his true colors come shining through. He seems to earnestly want your pearls for a time only to trample them again and again.

I know you mean well – but by judging someone – this does not give you permission to call the whole person one sin that they commit. I know that beanieboy does have some concept of chaste behavior – and there is a possibility that when the solution to the problem that beanieboy has appears – that beanieboy will give up his desire for everything that keeps him apart from God – but you do not have that solution – you are just making the matter worse. All you seem to say is believe what you are doing wrong – because the Bible says it is wrong. This is not faith, this is blind credence, and your blind credence is unable to break the chains of sin.
Originally posted by deardelmar 1Cr 6:2 Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? 1Cr 6:3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life? 1Cr 6:4 If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church. 1Cr 6:5 I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren?

You're wasting your breath, deardelmar. No matter how black and white it is, !!!First thinks he knows better than God. Pretty arrogant huh?

You cal this black and white? – the verses in context would shed some light on what is meant – you cannot take them to justify calling people the sin that they commit – and for the most part they have to do with church discipline, - and there is a huge difference in how a saint would judge and how you judge Polly – and as well theologians are still puzzled at why the least esteemed in the church should be the ones to judge – are you one of the least esteemed here on TOL – in your own eyes are you the least esteemed?

Has the concept that you are judging your brothers and sisters wrongly ever crossed your mind – where you condemn beanie boy – I rather see a fairly bright young man – probably nineteen years old – trying to understand the insanity of what the orthodox church teaches, and at the same time trying to show you the ludicrousness of what you do – as compared to what the Bible teaches.

Beanieboy will eventually find the truth, find that serving God is better than serving his senses – this I am confident of, and when beanieboy breaks his chains – which are much more easily broken than the ones you have – you are not even aware of the sin you do, and the sin you do you somehow think it is right by twisting the Word of God – to allow you to feed your debase nature. There is hope for both you and Beanieboy – I will pray for you both {God Willing}


On Fire

New member
Originally posted by !!!!First
Beanieboy will eventually find the truth, find that serving God is better than serving his senses – this I am confident of, and when beanieboy breaks his chains – which are much more easily broken than the ones you have – you are not even aware of the sin you do, and the sin you do you somehow think it is right by twisting the Word of God – to allow you to feed your debase nature. There is hope for both you and Beanieboy – I will pray for you both {God Willing}


A commendable (if overly hyphenated) statement. But how can you be so sure beanie will recognize the truth when he finds it? He has been presented with the truth time and time again but he refuses to see it.