Mean TOL members


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Originally posted by !!!!First

Christians are not called to judge people of the world -

1Cr 6:2 Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?

1Cr 6:3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?

1Cr 6:4 If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church.

1Cr 6:5 I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren?


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Originally posted by deardelmar

1Cr 6:2 Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?

1Cr 6:3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?

1Cr 6:4 If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church.

1Cr 6:5 I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren?
You're wasting your breath, deardelmar. No matter how black and white it is, !!!First thinks he knows better than God. Pretty arrogant huh?

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by beanieboy
I have yet to see a Buddhist yell at someone who won't agree with them, or become one.

Why do you continue to compare Buddha to Jesus? You and wickedwoman have made it clear that Buddhism has nothing to do with God or religion.

As for why a Buddhist wouldn't yell at someone who won't agree with's because they believe in NOTHING. Benjamin Franklin had better words of wisdom.


New member
Originally posted by Poly

I know that there are many on here who could care less about their ego being padded if it ever came to you humbling yourself before the Lord. There'd be way too much overwhelming joy over this to even think of anything else.

Again, your joy depends on me, and convincing me to agree with what you believe.

I have yet to see the tiniest of sparks of any kind of joy in you. They only happiness you get is from mocking other people or insulting them, and laughing at them.

It's hypocritical love. I hate you because I love you. I mock you because I love you.

But I look to you to simply see your happiness in the Good News of Jesus.

And the only thing that makes you happy is that others won't be there. That's fills you with joy - the suffering of those that don't agree with you, your belief of doing the Told You So dance.

That's not love or joy, Poly.

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

Again, your joy depends on me, and convincing me to agree with what you believe.

I have yet to see the tiniest of sparks of any kind of joy in you. They only happiness you get is from mocking other people or insulting them, and laughing at them.

It's hypocritical love. I hate you because I love you. I mock you because I love you.

But I look to you to simply see your happiness in the Good News of Jesus.

And the only thing that makes you happy is that others won't be there. That's fills you with joy - the suffering of those that don't agree with you, your belief of doing the Told You So dance.

That's not love or joy, Poly.

Listen to yourself.


New member
Originally posted by AtheistsSuck

Why do you continue to compare Buddha to Jesus? You and wickedwoman have made it clear that Buddhism has nothing to do with God or religion.

As for why a Buddhist wouldn't yell at someone who won't agree with's because they believe in NOTHING. Benjamin Franklin had better words of wisdom.

Buddhists don't demand that you agree with them.
If you don't listen, you don't listen.

Remember the rich man that asked Jesus what to do to enter the Kingdom of Heaven? Jesus told him, and the man went away to think about it. Jesus didn't yell at him. He didn't say he was going to burn in hell. He said something to the disciples after the man went away, to show the power of riches.

Why do I compare Buddha to Jesus?
They have a lot in common.

Why do you think everything they had in common is stupid?
Buddhism talks about treating one another with respect, and courtesy, and to care about the welfare of others as you would about yourself.
If someone says, "That's just stupid!", and it agrees with what Jesus teaches, aren't they disagreeing with Jesus?

I'm asked not to quote the bible, because I'm not christian. So, I talk about Buddhism, and now I'm told not to talk about Buddhism.

Why is it that you are so afraid to hear?

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

Buddhists don't demand that you agree with them.
If you don't listen, you don't listen.
They voted you teir spokesman?

Remember the rich man that asked Jesus what to do to enter the Kingdom of Heaven? Jesus told him, and the man went away to think about it. Jesus didn't yell at him. He didn't say he was going to burn in hell. He said something to the disciples after the man went away, to show the power of riches.

You've gone away to think about it, came back and told Jesus "I don't care what you say, I'm gonna have sex with men and I certainly don't want to follow you."

Now you're living with that choice.

Why do I compare Buddha to Jesus?
They have a lot in common.

Who cares?

The rest of your post amounted to crying and whining.


New member
Originally posted by granite1010

Why is it that anyone who disagrees with AS or Poly is written off as "whining" or "crying"?

When you don't have a logical response, you attack the speaker.

I did it for a while at the beginning of the thread.
"Wahhh, big baby want me to agwee with hooo."
I did it for everything she said.
The result? She just stopped posting.

It severs communication.

But it really starts to get to you. You start to kind of hate the person. It's like the mocking starts to invade your soul and become a part of you.

So, even to prove a point, I needed to stop.


New member
Originally posted by AtheistsSuck
You've gone away to think about it, came back and told Jesus "I don't care what you say, I'm gonna have sex with men and I certainly don't want to follow you."


On Fire

New member
Originally posted by beanieboy


You gave an example, I expounded on it. DOes the truth hurt so much, beanie? Is God asking you to question your feelings? Is He asking you to place Him above your gratification? Does it pain you to think about letting your sin go?


New member
Originally posted by AtheistsSuck

You gave an example, I expounded on it. DOes the truth hurt so much, beanie? Is God asking you to question your feelings? Is He asking you to place Him above your gratification? Does it pain you to think about letting your sin go?

(sigh) Why do you disagree with Jesus? Do you hate Jesus, just because it is similar to Buddha? Why, AS? Why do you hate Jesus so much? Why? Does it pain you to realize that you are a hypocrite?

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

(sigh) Why do you disagree with Jesus? Do you hate Jesus, just because it is similar to Buddha? Why, AS? Why do you hate Jesus so much? Why? Does it pain you to realize that you are a hypocrite?

I don't.

He's not.

I don't.

I don't.

I don't.

I'm not.

See. I can answer your stupid questions.

Does the truth hurt so much, beanie? Is God asking you to question your feelings? Is He asking you to place Him above your gratification? Does it pain you to think about letting your sin go?


New member
Originally posted by AtheistsSuck

I don't.

He's not.

I don't.

I don't.

I don't.

I'm not.

See. I can answer your stupid questions.

Does the truth hurt so much, beanie? Is God asking you to question your feelings? Is He asking you to place Him above your gratification? Does it pain you to think about letting your sin go?

Why do you deny you hate Jesus?
Why do you insist on being mean to people when you know it's wrong?
Why do you continue being a hypocrite? Does it pain you to think about letting your sin go?


New member
Originally posted by AtheistsSuck

It's called denial. It's normal. It will pass.

Speaking from experience?

Why do call yourself a Christian if you hate Jesus so much?
Why lie about it.

Just be honest. If you hate people, then hate them, be mean, call them names, just don't call yourself a christian.

If you enjoy pushing people's buttons, that's your choice. Just stop lying about you love for Jesus.

Why do you continue to lie?

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

Speaking from experience?

Why do call yourself a Christian if you hate Jesus so much?
Why lie about it.

Just be honest. If you hate people, then hate them, be mean, call them names, just don't call yourself a christian.

If you enjoy pushing people's buttons, that's your choice. Just stop lying about you love for Jesus.

Why do you continue to lie?


I hate sin, not Jesus.

I don't hate people.

I don't push buttons. I apparently ask tough questions.

I don't lie. Well, hardly ever. Certainly not here.


New member
Originally posted by AtheistsSuck


I hate sin, not Jesus.

I don't hate people.

I don't push buttons. I apparently ask tough questions.

I don't lie. Well, hardly ever. Certainly not here.


Lie. You judge by this standard: If you disobey the bible, you hate God. You disobey the bible with your attitude. Therefore, you hate God. And you lied. You sinned.

You claim not to hate people, but make vomit icons when you talk about them, or simply mock them. That's calling hate love. It's another lie. Lie #2

Lie #3. You push buttons in order to stop conversation. You don't debate, you attack. You mock. You rarely add to the debate with anything intelligent. You simply mock and taunt.

Lie #4: You have lied four times in this post of alone.

Now, who would the father of lies be?