Mean TOL members

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Originally posted by Sozo

I insulted your mom before I got banned, and directly after you insulted my relationship with my wife and kids. You provoked me, because it is the only way you can get rid of those who will expose you for the fraud you are.

Provide me with a quote. HERE and NOW! Until then you are bearing false witness against me.


New member
Originally posted by Cyrus of Persia

Provide me with a quote. HERE and NOW! Until then you are bearing false witness against me.

The thread is closed. However, here is exactly what you said...

"I really hope that in real life you are not wife-beater, because i would really hesitate to be in the shoes of your wife and kids."


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If Sozo put as much energy into actually talking about theology as he does using scat, we'd all be happier...


New member
Originally posted by deardelmar

Just saying what I think!

I know, and I agree that I could be sensitive to those whom are easily offended. However, Paul speaks of not having any corrupt word procede from our mouths, which is exactly what is being done by those who are attempting to lead many away from the truth, and the reason that I have been abrasive in my responses to them.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Abrasive is fine it's what this whole thread is about. When you are blamed for what is right that's OK. I just think it's important not to give people just reason to blame you and when you give them such reason to own up to it.

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Originally posted by Sozo

The thread is closed. However, here is exactly what you said...

"I really hope that in real life you are not wife-beater, because i would really hesitate to be in the shoes of your wife and kids."

I'm sorry that it offended you. It just happens that violent people in threads can happen to be violent also in real life. Of course it's not always so.


New member
Originally posted by Cyrus of Persia

I'm sorry that it offended you.
Then I also apologize for insulting your mother.

I never speak to my wife, kids, friends, or family members the way I speak to some of you. And they never find it necessary to provoke me.

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Originally posted by Sozo

Then I also apologize for insulting your mother.

I never speak to my wife, kids, friends, or family members the way I speak to some of you. And they never find it necessary to provoke me.


Peace for tonight here, i hope :)


New member
Why do you think that he would be hunky dorey with beanieboy who also rejects Him?

Beanieboy has not rejected Christ - he is asking you about Him, and as well me and everyone here.

Beanieboy has told you that he has rejected you - Poly's claim to be a Christian and able to lead people to the truth - and he has told you several times, that it is you who is a hypocrate.

I understand thay you believe in all sincerity to be a follower of the Lord - and that will do well for you - but there is much truth in what beanieboy says about the doctrine that you teach that makes no sense - and you would do well to listen to him.

Without your fundamentalist doctrine of hell - everything you believe falls apart - and beanieboy, myself and a lot of people reject your concept of hell - and we also reject your orthodox mindset - which in fact is what you preach and teach - a mindset to take the very metaphorical teachings in the Bible and take them literaly.

What you do is simply create a Bad News message out of a Good News message - and beanieboy has not rejected the Truth - he has rejected your fundamental mindset that makes your truth seem real.

Servent 101, Cyrus of Persia, Wickwoman are doing what Jesus would do - and what are you doing - you are taking one sin that a person has and calling him or her that sin - which is completely wrong to any intelligent person in this day and age - with the level of education that we have available to people at large. Christians are not called to judge people of the world - beanieboy is simply inquirering of the Christian Faith - and luckily there are a few people here who can share both what to do, and what not to do. Your example is one of what not to do - and hopefully when beanieboy - when and if he decides to follow the Lord - that is if he is not already -he will remember your bad example and stay clear of such behaviour himself.

If it were not for the fact that you are a professing Christian - Servent 101 would not speak to you harshly - since beanieboy has not made a conscious choice to become a Christian and declared himself to be a follower of the Lord - though in many ways he is learning what this means - and what it does not mean - it is the Christian responsibility to be polite to such people, and not judge them, or call them names.

In many ways what you do Poly is as much a sin in God's eyes as what beanieboy does - you are both honestly thinking you do no evil in God's eyes, and I myself am aware of the fact that I may do evil that I think is not a sin - if I condemn you - is this not also self defeating for myself?


On Fire

New member
Originally posted by granite1010

But it's with someone you love.:D

Who describes it as "self sex" and, thus, sinful? Scripture doesn't.

I've heard various counselors and therapists use the term. I think it's appropriate.


Well-known member
Originally posted by deardelmar

I just think it's important not to give people just reason to blame you and when you give them such reason to own up to it.
Let not then your good be evil spoken of:


Well-known member
Originally posted by Sozo

I know, and I agree that I could be sensitive to those whom are easily offended.
How will they ever grow any skin, then?
However, Paul speaks of not having any corrupt word procede from our mouths, which is exactly what is being done by those who are attempting to lead many away from the truth, and the reason that I have been abrasive in my responses to them.
The 'corrupt word' that you are referring to is the abusive and derisive words that you spew. When someone speaks words which lead people away from The Truth, that is the 'other gospel' which Paul spoke of:

Galatians 1:8
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

Corrupt communication is anything which might cause your mother to make you brush your teeth with soap. Mine did.


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Originally posted by AtheistsSuck

I've heard various counselors and therapists use the term. I think it's appropriate.

I didn't ask what some quasi-professional therapist or counselor had to say about it. I asked what SCRIPTURE said about the matter (which it doesn't). So, condemnation of masturbation on BIBLICAL grounds is impossible. And condemning it is basically legalism.


New member
Originally posted by Aimiel

The 'corrupt word' that you are referring to is the abusive and derisive words that you spew. When someone speaks words which lead people away from The Truth, that is the 'other gospel' which Paul spoke of:

That is the stupidest thing you have ever said, and completely dishonest. I assure you that God is much more concerned that you have blatantly chosen to flat-out lie against the truth, then any abrasive word that has ever come from my mouth!


The "other gospel", is the one that he is spending this time writing about...

"Having begun by the spirit, are you now being made perfect through the flesh?"

It is YOU who are preaching the false gospel, through trying to disqualify me for my words, and justify yourself for YOURS!!


Blessed beyond measure
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Originally posted by !!!!First


Beanieboy has not rejected Christ - he is asking you about Him, and as well me and everyone here.
Originally posted by Nineveh
But to reject Christ is to reject life.
Originally posted by beanieboy
But it is my choice.

Originally posted by beanieboy
I'm a liberal.
I have respect for you to worship Christianity.
I simply don't want it imposed on me or anyone else.

Originally posted by !!!!First

beanieboy is simply inquirering of the Christian Faith -
Yeah, I've seen how he works. And to be honest I've even found myself hoping at times, when he seems to be just seeking answers that maybe he really is. But he always let's his true colors come shining through. He seems to earnestly want your pearls for a time only to trample them again and again.

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by granite1010

I didn't ask what some quasi-professional therapist or counselor had to say about it. I asked what SCRIPTURE said about the matter (which it doesn't). So, condemnation of masturbation on BIBLICAL grounds is impossible. And condemning it is basically legalism.

I don't feel strongly enough about it to argue, however....

Masturbation is self sex and usually involves fantasy - both of which have been known to be biblically condemned.

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by Poly
Yeah, I've seen how he works. And to be honest I've even found myself hoping at times, when he seems to be just seeking answers that maybe he really is. But he always let's his true colors come shining through. He seems to earnestly want your pearls for a time only to trample them again and again.

I believe this is accurate.


New member
Your opinion of me has no bearing on anything.
It doesn't effect my salvation or lack of it.
It doesn't effect my searching for God.
It doesn't effect my heart.
It doesn't effect my conversations with God.
It doesn't effect my prayers or meditation.
It effects nothing, except satisfies your need to harm other people.

I remember this guy who asked me if I wanted to talk about Jesus. I said no, thanks, and that I was waiting for a friend. So he launched into it anyway. Annoyed, I listened and debated. In fact, I knew the bible better than he did. When I wouldn't agree with him, and say Jesus was my Lord and Savior(TM) etc., he yelled at me. He got mad. "Well, if you die tonight, your blood is on your hands!" "Thanks a lot - it would have been better for you to never have said anything then!"

He didn't God.
He was just trying to pad his ego.
"Look how many people I brought to Jesus."
It's weird.

I have yet to see a Buddhist yell at someone who won't agree with them, or become one.

So, so what you want.
Bulletproof vest.


Blessed beyond measure
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Originally posted by beanieboy

He was just trying to pad his ego.
"Look how many people I brought to Jesus."
It's weird.
I know that there are many on here who could care less about their ego being padded if it ever came to you humbling yourself before the Lord. There'd be way too much overwhelming joy over this to even think of anything else.