Mean TOL members


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But even in Christianity, some sins are considered greater sins that others, right? There's even one that is supposed to be unforgivable. So although all may fall short by the absolute standard you believe in, sin is still ranked by magnitude.

So someone whose deliberate sins are far in expanse and scope than mine is, by definition, a greater sinner than I. Therefore, even using Christian theology, I am less evil than Hitler.


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Originally posted by servent101
find a sinner that Jesus talks to harshly - besides the Pharisees
Don't you get it? beanieboy is a perfect example of how the Pharisees thought. beanieboy thinks he doesn't need Christ and that he can be in good standing with God without Christ. Christ had no tolerance with those who rejected Him. Why do you think that he would be hunky dorey with beanieboy who also rejects Him?


New member
Ok, first of all, Pharisees were the teachers in the temple.

Do you think I am a pastor?
Or a rabbi?

You're really reaching, darling.

I ask you to be civil. I try to act that way myself, and when I don't, I apologize.

The Pharisees made other people stick to laws and burdened them, yet didn't do so themselves.
They prayed on street corner to show how holy they were.
If they were alive today, they would have a cross around their neck and a fish on their car.

This is how you see me?


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Originally posted by AtheistsSuck

And, what did I misspell?

No problem. I was mostly just being a smart aleck there.:D

So...back to your list.

Lust--specifically condemned as a sin

Adultery--same as above

Masturbation--not condemned so I don't see how we can without being legalistic

Homosexuality--no brainer, condemned

Pedophilia--corruption against children, condemned

Pre-marital sex--tough one only because it's not specifically condemned in Leviticus or elsewhere; condemnations of pre-martial sex must approach the text with the presupposition that pre-marital sex MUST be the short answer is I don't know.

Sorry I took long getting back to you, it's been very busy today at work.

On Fire

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Originally posted by granite1010
Masturbation--not condemned so I don't see how we can without being legalistic

I've heard it described as "self sex" which is not sex with your spouse and is therefore a sin.


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Hall of Fame
Originally posted by AtheistsSuck

I've heard it described as "self sex" which is not sex with your spouse and is therefore a sin.

But it's with someone you love.:D

Who describes it as "self six" and, thus, sinful? Scripture doesn't.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by beanieboy

"thou has well said, "i have no husband."

That's harsh? That's akin to calling me a fag?


you conveniently left out the harshest part ....

Jhn 4:18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.

...which in that day was akin to calling her a whore!


New member
Originally posted by deardelmar

you conveniently left out the harshest part ....

Jhn 4:18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.

...which in that day was akin to calling her a whore!

In that day, they had a word for whore. It was whore.

He doesn't name call her at all.
He simply says, you have spoken the truth.

You're really reaching.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by beanieboy

In that day, they had a word for whore. It was whore.

He doesn't name call her at all.
He simply says, you have spoken the truth.

You're really reaching.

The fact that you can't see it has to do with the death of shame!You see there was a time that a man would have been ashamed if someone said they had sex men, but this does not shame you! It is therefore necessary for someone who is trying to offend you to call you faggot!

BTW I'm still not mad at you.

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Originally posted by Sozo

Who am I, Cyrus of Perversion?

Do you really want to see who you are?

Nah, i will give this "joy" to those who ask about you from me if you keep your anti-christian style up in those boards.

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Originally posted by Cyrus of Persia

Do you really want to see who you are?

Nah, i will give this "joy" to those who ask about you from me if you keep your anti-christian style up in those boards.

Btw, i don't think that the word "perversion" fits as well to me, because i have never used perverted words in those boards. What i cannot say about you.

So it would me more honest to call yourself with such names, not those who are not guilty of that sin.


New member
Originally posted by Cyrus of Persia

Btw, i don't think that the word "perversion" fits as well to me, because i have never used perverted words in those boards.

That is where you are wrong.

per·verse ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pr-vûrs, pûrvûrs)

Directed away from what is right or good; perverted.

You do this in nearly every post.

Marked by a disposition to oppose and contradict

You oppose the message of Christ, and you constantly contradict the truth.

You are a pervert, and a promoter of perversion.

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Originally posted by Sozo

That is where you are wrong.

per·verse ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pr-vûrs, pûrvûrs)

Directed away from what is right or good; perverted.

You do this in nearly every post.

Marked by a disposition to oppose and contradict

You oppose the message of Christ, and you constantly contradict the truth.

You are a pervert, and a promoter of perversion.

Do i? You have not even troubled to check my posts yet, and you hurry to conclusions.

But you admit that you use perverted words?


New member
Originally posted by deardelmar

The fact that you can't see it has to do with the death of shame!You see there was a time that a man would have been ashamed if someone said they had sex men, but this does not shame you! It is therefore necessary for someone who is trying to offend you to call you faggot!

BTW I'm still not mad at you.

I'm not offended by faggot.
Even the nonbelievers use that word.

In fact, one time a guy saw me crossing with a friend, and yelled, "Faggots!" from the car. My friend held my hand, and the guy in the car said, "Oh my God! They really ARE faggots!"

So, they were calling us that, thinking we were straight.

What's the difference between a christian and a nonbeliever calling you a faggot? The christian does it out of love.

Yeah, not all the funny, but only because it doesn't make sense.

btw - I'm not parading my sexuality on the board.
I asked about what is taking the name of God in vain, and was attacked for being homosexual.
It's not me bringing it up.


New member
Originally posted by Cyrus of Persia

Do i? You have not even troubled to check my posts yet, and you hurry to conclusions.
I have read your posts, and you are foreign to understanding the message of Christ.
But you admit that you use perverted words?
It is not perverse to call a fag, a fag.

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Originally posted by Sozo

I have read your posts, and you are foreign to understanding the message of Christ.

You forgot to add "...according to Sozo's interpretation of this message".

It is not perverse to call a fag, a fag.

But it is perverse to call someone's mom as slut and sent PM's where you used "f"-word (and it was not "fag", but something what is related with sex) few times while shouting at me.

And it is perverse to wish someone a horrible death like you did. Especially it's perverse to hear it from a mouth of someone who professes Christianity.

Go figure!