Mean TOL members

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by granite1010

No one's asking you to accept or support behavior you disagree with. I guess what I'm saying is that it's not necessary to throw insults and vulgarity every other word to get your point across.

Yet beanie continues to ask questions that he doesn't want to hear the answers for, misquotes the Bible, embraces new age practices, supports gay marriage and homosexuality in general?


New member
Originally posted by granite1010

Uh, Sozo? Newsflash, but no one here at TOL influences my behavior (except maybe cry; she just amuses me, but that's it).
Someone has.
Somehow I doubt that if you bumped into a gay co-worker--or family member; whatever--you'd start shrieking at the top of your lungs about how despicable they are and how much you'd enjoy a ring-side seat at their Lake of Fire exhibition.
First of all, I don't scream. Secondly, this has nothing to do, from my vantage point, with one's eternal destiny.


Well-known member
INDEED, beanieboy, corrupt communication is not to come out of the mouth of someone who follows The Lord's Directions.

Here is an article I just ran across, which I thought might be appropriate here:


Recently we took our kids on a vacation to a historical city. While going on a tour through an old house, we followed a family from New York City. They didn’t tell me they were from New York. They didn’t have to. I could tell. They wore New York City clothes. Their teenager had one half of his head shaved and on the other half of his head, his hair hung past his shoulders. The daughter wore layered clothes and long beads. The mother looked like she’d raided her daughter’s closet,
and the dad’s hair was down the back of his neck.

I had them all figured out. The kid was probably on drugs. The parents were going through a midlife crisis. They were rich and miserable and in need of counseling. Good thing I was nearby in case they wanted spiritual counsel.

After a few moments they introduced themselves. I was right; they were from New York City. But that is all I got right. When I told them my name, they were flabbergasted. “We can’t believe it!” they said. “We’ve read your books. We use them in our Sunday school class in church. I tried to get over to hear you when you spoke in our area, but that was
our family night and …”

Sunday school? Church? Family night? Oh, boy. I’d made a mistake. A big mistake. I’d applied the label before examining the contents.

We’ve all used labels. We stick them on jars and manila folders so we’ll know what’s inside. We also stick them on people for the same reason.

John tells of a time the disciples applied a label. Jesus and his followers came upon a man who had been blind from birth. Here is the question the disciples asked Jesus: “Teacher, whose sin caused this man to be born blind—his own sin or his parents’ sin?” (John 9:2).

Never mind that the man is a beggar in need of help. Never mind that the man has spent his life in a dark cave. Never mind that the man seated in front of them is in earshot of their voices. Let’s talk about his sin.

How could they be so harsh? So insensitive? So … blind.

The answer? (You may not like it.) It’s easier to talk about a person than to help a person. It’s easier to debate homosexuality than to be a friend to a gay person. It’s easier to discuss divorce than to help the divorced. It’s easier to argue abortion than to support an orphanage. It’s easier to complain about the welfare system than to help the poor.

It’s easier to label than to love.

Is that to say we should be unconcerned for doctrine or lax in a desire for holiness? Absolutely not. That is to say there is something wrong with applying the label before examining the contents.

It’s easier to label than to love.
From A Gentle Thunder -- by Max Lucado

Copyright 1995 Max Lucado


New member
Originally posted by granite1010

What's your point? Hitler was a monster. And he killed millions. So?

beanieboy is a queer, he sleeps with men/boys.

I see little difference.

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

Buddhism says that one is to speak with gentle words, and to remove vulgarity from your vocabulary.

Is this not true of Christianity?

Pointed question (again).

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

Aimel - very cool. Thanks for posting that.

So if everyone here came along side you, loved you, supported you, that you would eventually repent of your homosexuality?



New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Sozo

beanieboy is a queer, he sleeps with men/boys.

I see little difference.

If you can't differentiate between starting a world war and someone's sexual habits, I'm not the one with the problem.

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

Ya think?

Must be lead in their water...

So if everyone here came along side you, loved you, supported you, that you would eventually repent of your homosexuality?


You can't do it, can you? The truth hurts!


New member
I have you on ignore, AS, because you have nothing intelligent to say, and no matter what we are talking about, you bring up homosexuality. I'm done talking with you.

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

I have you on ignore, AS, because you have nothing intelligent to say, and no matter what we are talking about, you bring up homosexuality. I'm done talking with you.

It's what you represent. Your entire reason for being here is to find acceptance of your sin.


New member
Originally posted by granite1010

If you can't differentiate between starting a world war and someone's sexual habits, I'm not the one with the problem.

You are the one with the problem, because you can not see clearly enough to know that there is NO justification for sin.

You have repeatedly tolerated it over and over again, and have given hearty approval of those who promote it.

You, granite, are as evil as Hitler.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Sozo

You are the one with the problem, because you can not see clearly enough to know that there is NO justification for sin.

You have repeatedly tolerated it over and over again, and have given hearty approval of those who promote it.

You, granite, are as evil as Hitler.

Sozo, what the heck are you talking about? Have me confused with someone else? When have I "tolerated" evil behavior?

By the way, some of my ancestors were turned into smog by the Nazis. Don't go there again.


New member
Originally posted by granite1010

Sozo, what the heck are you talking about? Have me confused with someone else? When have I "tolerated" evil behavior?

By the way, some of my ancestors were turned into smog by the Nazis. Don't go there again.

There you go again :rolleyes:

You have NO tolerance, (you say), for Hitler, and have no problem insulting him for his behavior, but if it comes down to perverts and child killers, you want us to be nice.

You are a hypocrite.

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Originally posted by Sozo

You are the one with the problem, because you can not see clearly enough to know that there is NO justification for sin.

Then why do you, Sozo, justify YOUR OWN sins what you have commited in those boards?

Do i need to bring the evidence?


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Sozo

There you go again :rolleyes:

You have NO tolerance, (you say), for Hitler, and have no problem insulting him for his behavior, but if it comes down to perverts and child killers, you want us to be nice.

You are a hypocrite.

Umm--when did child killers get brought into the discussion? Sorry, must've missed that.

Treating someone with civility and basic courtesy is one thing. Expecting people to treat homosexuals or whatever on the same level as a genocidal maniac is something else.


New member
Odd that one can been so vile, and simultaneously hide behind Christianity, and many of the small c's say nothing.

Again, you could never to that in Buddhism.

You could claim to be Buddhist and talk smack, but you better hope there isn't another one in the room.

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by granite1010

Umm--when did child killers get brought into the discussion? Sorry, must've missed that.

Treating someone with civility and basic courtesy is one thing. Expecting people to treat homosexuals or whatever on the same level as a genocidal maniac is something else.

Here's a test. Mark each of these either SIN or NOT A SIN:






pre-marital sex