Mean TOL members


Well-known member
Now back to our topic: Mean TOL Members...

I don't think that it is 'mean' to be loving of sinners enough to point out that they need to repent. It would be mean if we were to gloss it over, or deny it, altogether, as many seem to do. If someone is overtaken in a fault, we are to restore them to fellowship. That takes place in the community of faith. If someone rejects The Truth, we aren't supposed to agree with them and bless them or even bid them Godspeed. We are to have more righteousness than the Pharisees, not less. We are to be examples to the world, if we are to preach The Gospel, but we aren't to compromise The Word of Truth. Meanness is saying something that couches sin, which will cause some 'little one' to stumble. That is the last thing that we should desire to become, a stumblingblock for the lambs. Jesus loves His Lambs, and no one will be fitted with a millstone for causing one of them to stumble. That was what The Word tells us would be better than the fate of those that do such things. The Lake of Fire is what He is referring to, and He wasn't kidding.

I don't think that those that prefer name-calling and mudslinging are good examples of The Lord. I don't even agree that doing so in political campaigns is necessary, but that's just me. I also don't believe in apologizing to sinners for their sin. We need to call things for what they are, and not apologize for The Word of Truth. As Paul Simon said, "...just give me some tenderness beneath your honesty." Too many use Truth as a weapon of self-exhaltation instead of using it to attack the enemy. The enemy is not the sinner, and it is not the Taliban or the Chinese. The enemy makes use of our un-saved neighbors and relatives (as well as potential friends) and when he does, we need to recognize that spirit and come against him, not the one whose puppet-strings he is pulling.


New member
Originally posted by !!!!First

I will treat you as a Pharisee.

Treat me however you want, but the fact remains that you are a pervert for calling homosexuality an "alternate lifestyle"


New member
Originally posted by AtheistsSuck

May I remind you of your first post in this thread? What exactly is the topic here?

I was being "not nicer than God". I was following the point of the thread. I found it to make me feel bitter towards others, and abandon it.

Currently, I am speaking about how Jesus was harsh with those inside the temple - the moneychangers, for example, - but he wasn't bringing a whip into the whore houses.

Your point?

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

I was being "not nicer than God". I was following the point of the thread. I found it to make me feel bitter towards others, and abandon it.

Currently, I am speaking about how Jesus was harsh with those inside the temple - the moneychangers, for example, - but he wasn't bringing a whip into the whore houses.

Your point?

Your body is Christ's temple. What do you bring into your body that glorifies or degrades God?


New member
Originally posted by Aimiel

Now back to our topic: Mean TOL Members...

I don't think that it is 'mean' to be loving of sinners enough to point out that they need to repent. It would be mean if we were to gloss it over, or deny it, altogether, as many seem to do.
No one is denying this.

I don't think that those that prefer name-calling and mudslinging are good examples of The Lord. I don't even agree that doing so in political campaigns is necessary, but that's just me.

Prepare to be tarred and feathered for that.

That's all anyone is saying.

If someone is overweight, who will be of more help, the one that befriends the person, stresses concern for the person's weight, says they can walk together, then run

or the one telling the person they are a lard ***, and screams that they are going to give themselves a heart attack, and that they make you puke?

Seven, anyone?

If the latter was the way all christians were, I would completely denounce it in a heartbeat. And what they worship is a false god, not the true god.

Anyone who cringes at kindness, gentleness, compassion, patience, etc., and celebrates harshness, foul language, etc., is truly the enemy of God, even when they say they are on his team.
It's all lies - and childless, bad lies at that.

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by beanieboy
Anyone who cringes at kindness, gentleness, compassion, patience, etc., and celebrates harshness, foul language, etc., is truly the enemy of God, even when they say they are on his team.
It's all lies - and childless, bad lies at that.

So you're saying that if everyone here came along side you, loved you, supported you, that you would eventually repent of your homosexuality?


New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

If someone is overweight, who will be of more help, the one that befriends the person, stresses concern for the person's weight, says they can walk together, then run

or the one telling the person they are a lard ***, and screams that they are going to give themselves a heart attack, and that they make you puke?

No one is doing that.

An overweight person is not running off at the mouth justifying their gluttony.

You give hearty approval to being a faggot, and that is why we insult your perversion of the truth.

If you were to agree with God that you are a pervert, and it is a struggle in your life that you would like to be free from, then how we approach it would be another matter. However, you, and the other godless perverts, continue to promote it, and that is why we know that there is no life in you.


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Hall of Fame
Basically the attitude I'm seeing from some is that it's fine for a Christian to be as vulgar and degrading as he wants, just because he happens to be a Christian. Nice attitude.


New member
Pretty much.
In fact, you can lie, and say that you are a Christian, and as long as you are a hair shy of the F word, you can be as vulgar as you want to be.

Just claim to love Jesus, and hide behind the bible.

And no one will reprimand you for it.

Lazy religion.


New member
Originally posted by granite1010

Basically the attitude I'm seeing from some is that it's fine for a Christian to be as vulgar and degrading as he wants, just because he happens to be a Christian. Nice attitude.

As opposed to what?

Which "attitude" do you propose? Tolerance? Indifference?

Would you like us to stroke the hair of the abortion doctor as she crushes the head of an 8 1/2 moth old, and tell her we love her?

Would you like us to applaud the perverted child molestor for sharing their time with children?


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Sozo

As opposed to what?

Which "attitude" do you propose? Tolerance? Indifference?

Would you like us to stroke the hair of the abortion doctor as she crushes the head of an 8 1/2 moth old, and tell her we love her?

Would you like us to applaud the perverted child molestor for sharing their time with children?

Well, Sozo, you and AS prove my point on a regular basis (though you have been a little more civil lately; maybe it's my imagination).

Is civility too much to ask for? I know this is the net. You can go a little crazy when you're not face to face. But, really, people. The most vulgar people on TOL...are professing Christians. I'm not sure this is exactly the right kind of message.

See, the thing is, I mention that Christians spew filth here, and then everyone gets defensive. Total non-sequitar. Observe:

"Hey, can we stop with the fag and rectal talk?"

"Well what's your PROBLEM, granite? You a friend of kiddy perverts now?"

" I was just--"

"So you're pro-choice, huh?"

"No. This is my point. It's possible to disagree with someone, or something, and still talk and act like a grown adult. I don't remember Jesus running around with a sign that said GOD HATES FAGS. A lot of people on TOL are long on name-calling and very, very short on witnessing and mercy."

(Long pause.)



New member
Civility is too much to ask from some folks here.

Either you show the Hindus they worship a false god by throwing rocks through their window (in the name of love), or you don't, which is the same as condoning it.

It's a lie. And it pushes people away from God, which is the point.

They mock the God they worship.
Blind fools.

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

Civility is too much to ask from some folks here.

Either you show the Hindus they worship a false god by throwing rocks through their window (in the name of love), or you don't, which is the same as condoning it.

It's a lie. And it pushes people away from God, which is the point.

They mock the God they worship.
Blind fools.

So you're saying that if everyone here came along side you, loved you, supported you, that you would eventually repent of your homosexuality?


New member
Originally posted by granite1010

Well, Sozo, you and AS prove my point on a regular basis (though you have been a little more civil lately; maybe it's my imagination).

Is civility too much to ask for? I know this is the net. You can go a little crazy when you're not face to face. But, really, people. The most vulgar people on TOL...are professing Christians. I'm not sure this is exactly the right kind of message.

See, the thing is, I mention that Christians spew filth here, and then everyone gets defensive. Total non-sequitar. Observe:

"Hey, can we stop with the fag and rectal talk?"

"Well what's your PROBLEM, granite? You a friend of kiddy perverts now?"

" I was just--"

"So you're pro-choice, huh?"

"No. This is my point. It's possible to disagree with someone, or something, and still talk and act like a grown adult. I don't remember Jesus running around with a sign that said GOD HATES FAGS. A lot of people on TOL are long on name-calling and very, very short on witnessing and mercy."

(Long pause.)


Civility? Sure, in context. However, there is more than one message being proclaimed on this website, and there are those who sole purpose is to proclaim "alternate lifestyles", "abortion", etc.

The problem is that they feed others minds with the idea that these are acceptable and may cause others to consider participation, and that is by far worse than anying we can say to expose them. They have influenced you, and many others to be tolerant, and that is why it is a constant battle.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by AtheistsSuck

So you're saying that if everyone here came along side you, loved you, supported you, that you would eventually repent of your homosexuality?

No one's asking you to accept or support behavior you disagree with. I guess what I'm saying is that it's not necessary to throw insults and vulgarity every other word to get your point across.


New member
Buddhism says that one is to speak with gentle words, and to remove vulgarity from your vocabulary.

Is this not true of Christianity?


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Sozo

Civility? Sure, in context. However, there is more than one message being proclaimed on this website, and there are those who sole purpose is to proclaim "alternate lifestyles", "abortion", etc.

The problem is that they feed others minds with the idea that these are acceptable and may cause others to consider participation, and that is by far worse than anying we can say to expose them. They have influenced you, and many others to be tolerant, and that is why it is a constant battle.

Uh, Sozo? Newsflash, but no one here at TOL influences my behavior (except maybe cry; she just amuses me, but that's it). I haven't suddenly shed my skin of intolerance when I started posting here. I think that's the same for most posters: they bring who they are to the party and don't change much, for better or worse.

"Tolerance" on an individual basis is not the worst thing that can happen. Somehow I doubt that if you bumped into a gay co-worker--or family member; whatever--you'd start shrieking at the top of your lungs about how despicable they are and how much you'd enjoy a ring-side seat at their Lake of Fire exhibition. Then again, maybe not. Like I said, this being the virtual world, the rules of engagement and behavior do change.


New member
Originally posted by granite1010

No one's asking you to accept or support behavior you disagree with. I guess what I'm saying is that it's not necessary to throw insults and vulgarity every other word to get your point across.

Which is wrong:

Caling Hitler a murderer and a monster?


Hitler killing 6 million people?


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Sozo

Which is wrong:

Caling Hitler a murderer and a monster?


Hitler killing 6 million people?

That's another non-sequitar. Sozo, are you even READING what I post? Pretty much posting back and forth with you is a completely one-way discussion. You DON'T have a "discussion" with people. You talk at them. There's a difference. I forgot what a joy it was trying to talk like a rational human being with you for more than five seconds.

What's your point? Hitler was a monster. And he killed millions. So?