Mean TOL members

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by beanieboy
You could claim to be Buddhist and talk smack, but you better hope there isn't another one in the room.

I wonder what they do to eachother?

Ummm...on second thought, I don't want to know.


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Hall of Fame
Originally posted by AtheistsSuck

Here's a test. Mark each of these either SIN or NOT A SIN:






pre-marital sex

Maybe we should have a spelling contest first.:rolleyes:


New member
You, granite, are as evil as Hitler

How much bigger an idiot can you become, Sozo, before you undergo gravitational collapse? Everything you post is a celebration of witless stupidity.

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by Flipper

How much bigger an idiot can you become, Sozo, before you undergo gravitational collapse? Everything you post is a celebration of witless stupidity.

u r a dork.


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Originally posted by Flipper

How much bigger an idiot can you become, Sozo, before you undergo gravitational collapse? Everything you post is a celebration of witless stupidity.
And this coming from a jerk who thinks everything he has to say is just sheer brilliance.


New member
Treat me however you want, but the fact remains that you are a pervert for calling homosexuality an "alternate lifestyle"

and what is someone who perverts the Word of God - much worse than a person addicted to sense gratification - You use the Word of God for mental masturbation - for entertainment, to go out and find fault with others so you can enjoy some wicked ego tripping on someone else’s expense - you are sick - and in need of a doctor.

Seems no one is willing to answer the question I asked, and there are a lot of people who claim to follow the Lord, but not His example. Enjoying yourself too much Sozo to follow the Truth.

As the church burns inside - filled with all manner of evil deed - and your sin is one of the most flagrant - using the Word for mental masturbation - seeking sick gratification on the sins of those whom Jesus showed nothing but longsuffering and patience towards - What you are doing Jesus gave no example of - and rather the opposite example - there is enough in the church you would do well to call to repentance - but you appear to huddle together and condemn anyone who does not have the same energy feed as you do.

Think about it, while you still can - or if you still can.

With Christ's Love



Blessed beyond measure
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Originally posted by servent101


and what is someone who perverts the Word of God - much worse than a person addicted to sense gratification -
beanie perverts the word of God but you would never be this harsh with him. You're preach against harshness yet you don't hesitate to be harsh with those who preach against wickedness. You're such a hypocrite!


New member
Originally posted by Flipper

How much bigger an idiot can you become, Sozo, before you undergo gravitational collapse? Everything you post is a celebration of witless stupidity.

What behavior of yours qualifies you to be less evil than Hitler?


New member
Poly wrote:

And this coming from a jerk who thinks everything he has to say is just sheer brilliance.

I don't believe I've ever made such a claim. Anyone can look like Pele playing football against five-year-olds but it would be foolish to take much pride in it.

What's wrong, Poly? Don't you like it when people poke fun? Can't you see that I'm trying to help you and that I've got your best interests at heart? Don't you know that Jesus mocked people on occasion? What are you, stupid?


New member
Originally posted by Flipper


Gee, I dunno. Maybe my preference for empathy over ordering the genocide of millions of jews?

You just don't get it, do you?



New member
yet you don't hesitate to be harsh with those who preach against wickedness. You're such a hypocrite!

This is my example from the Lord - to be gentle with the sinner, and harsh with the people who claim to preach against wickedness - where is the example of Jesus as !!!!First pointed out
find a sinner that Jesus talks to harshly - besides the Pharisees
are you a Pharisee of the Temple? or are you a follower of the Lord - find one place in the Bible where Jesus speaks harshly to a sinner like beanieboy.

I ask you the same question Poly – where is your example of the Lord doing what you are doing?

With Christ’s Love



New member

You just don't get it, do you?

Is what you're driving at is that all sin is allegedly repulsive in the eyes of God? But I'm sure you'd agree that some sins are worse than others.

Ordering the destruction of an entire group of people makes Hitler a worse person than me. Isn't that consistent with both Christian theology and a secularist morality? The difference is that, in your view, we'll both end up in Hell. I remain unpersuaded that there is any evidence of such a place.


New member
Originally posted by Flipper


Is what you're driving at is that all sin is allegedly repulsive in the eyes of God? But I'm sure you'd agree that some sins are worse than others.

Ordering the destruction of an entire group of people makes Hitler a worse person than me. Isn't that consistent with both Christian theology and a secularist morality? The difference is that, in your view, we'll both end up in Hell. I remain unpersuaded that there is any evidence of such a place.

I will accept that you reject the prospect of God or a place called Hell, but you are correct in your evaluation that it is not the scope of the behavior that defines it. I have no choice but to argue my points from a biblical perspective, and for that reason you are in error to consider them as unsound. However, if you choose to discount them based on your disbelief in God, than that is another matter entirely.

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by AtheistsSuck

Here's a test. Mark each of these either SIN or NOT A SIN:






pre-marital sex

I wonder why Granite won't answer?


New member
But I'm sure you'd agree that some sins are worse than others.

The traditional view of sin does not represent anything in the Bible - We fall short of perfection - we try to be charitable - but we are not charitable enough, we try to be kind - but we are not kind enough - whatever we do - there is always room for improvement.

The concept of sin as being doing something wrong is not in the Good News - the idea is something that has been a real hindrance to the progress of Christianity.

We try to be chaste - but we are not chaste enough - We try to pray - but we are not praying well enough - etc. etc.

To strive to do something is the path of Christianity - the idea of not doing something bad is born out of two thousand years of confusion in the Christian Faith.

Hope you understand - it is a fine point of articulation... if you can control the tong - you can move mountains. By perseverance and right means - we can control the mind and increase in our ability to serve the Lord - This is available to everyone.

With Christ's Love
