Mean TOL members


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I still want to know how the 3 pigs reference has sexual overtones.
They were brothers, acording to the story.
The wolf wanted to eat them.

Or does your version of Christianity read into stuff that isn't there?


New member
Originally posted by Sozo

It also has something to say about pigs, and I'd say you have perfectly fulfilled the observation...

"A sow, after washing, returns to wallowing in the mire."

Ah. I am the sinner.
And not you.


Just like a true Pharisee.
"Look at me! Look how good I am!"



New member
Originally posted by Aimiel

If you did, you would know that He said that in order to just see The Kingdom, you have to first be born-again. You haven't done that yet, and you expect to enter The Kingdom on your merits (so it seems). In order to claim to listen to God (read: do what He says) you have to hear all of His Word, and respond to Him, not call Him a Liar.

It's a process, dude.
You don't talk to God and turn into a perfect person.
It's a process.


New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

Ah. I am the sinner.
And not you.


Just like a true Pharisee.
"Look at me! Look how good I am!"


I am no better than you are.

The difference is that... I agree with God what sin is, and you don't.


New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

Congrats on reaching perfection.

Thank you!

You see, beanie, it is not an issue of us being righteous and you're not. It is that you have never come to grips with the fact that what you do is sin. You think that you are above God's standard for righteousness, and thus have established your own.

We know that we are unworthy of God's forgiveness and that in our flesh dwells no good thing, but you defend and justify your behavior as though it is perfectly fine with God, and that you are exempt from calling it what it is... a perversion.


New member
No, your version is "you are a sow that's gets cleaned and then returns to the mud", but NOT YOU.

That's bologna. You sin. You just feel guilty about it.
But you can now condemn others. And that's what your false religion is about - exhalting the self.

Meanwhile, I will concentrate on being the change I want to see in the world.

You can just run through town pointing and labeling people.
That's pretty much all JC did, right?


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Originally posted by beanieboy

You can just run through town pointing and labeling people.
That's pretty much all JC did, right?
Well, not all but He certainly did quite a bit of it. He labeled people hypocrites, Satan, foxes, sons of the devil, gentile dogs, blind guides, swine. Jesus was pretty big on labeling.


New member
Originally posted by Poly

Well, not all but He certainly did quite a bit of it. He labeled people hypocrites, Satan, foxes, sons of the devil, gentile dogs, blind guides, swine. Jesus was pretty big on labeling.

For those of us who don't know, could you quote the context?
Who exactly was he addressing?


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Originally posted by beanieboy

For those of us who don't know, could you quote the context?
Who exactly was he addressing?
Pharisees, gentiles, Peter, Herod.

Speaking of pharisees, a pharisee was one who would not accept Christ. Let's see....

One who doesn't accept Christ= Pharisee
One who doesn't accept Christ=beanieboy


New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

No, your version is "you are a sow that's gets cleaned and then returns to the mud", but NOT YOU.

YOU are the one who claims to be clean, and YOU are the one who has returned to the mud.

You just don't see it (perhaps you have mud in your eyes), but you refuse to admit that what you do is a perversion, and contrary to God's law.

As a Christian, you are certainly not under the law, but a Christian would never call evil good, and good evil as you heartily do.
But you can now condemn others
I have never condemned you, I have just called you a pervert. You are either a pervert who has accept Christ, or you are a pervert who has never accepted Christ. However, the fact remains that you are still a pervert.


New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

For those of us who don't know, could you quote the context?
Who exactly was he addressing?

Could you please answer this?

Quote the passage. Show me.

Pharisees were religious leaders.
Peter was a follower of Christ.

But Christ thinks nonJews are dogs?

Quote it. Discuss it.


New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

If you say so.

Make you feel better?

Actually, I only have God's view to call you a pervert, and no it does not make me feel good at all... it makes me feel very sad for you.

How does it make you feel being one?


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Originally posted by beanieboy

Could you please answer this?
I did
Quote the passage. Show me.

Pharisees were religious leaders.
Peter was a follower of Christ.

But Christ thinks nonJews are dogs?

Quote it. Discuss it.

Paul makes it clear that all who believe are one in Christ being neither Jew nor Gentile. But during Christ's ministry He responded to a non Jewish woman saying,
Matthew 15:26
... "It is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the little dogs."