Mean TOL members


AIM meal strikes again
Have you never read the parable of the publican? He said, in his heart, "Thank You, God, that I am not like 'so-and-so'..." and he was in error. The one that Jesus called justified beat his breast saying, "Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner." That is why I don't condemn you, because you recognize that homosexuality is sin. If you didn't, you'd be just like the 'publican.' You're obviously searching for truth, or you wouldn't be here.

And you are CONFESSING that YOU are a SINNER as well??? Or do you stand as the PUBLICAN???

Surprise me.
I don't agree with hating anyone, either. I don't believe that is what Jesus taught. You go right ahead and speak from the courage of your convictions, I admire that in anyone.

EXCEPT of course if they do not follow YOUR LIST of dubiously SELECTIVE requirements IN WHICH CASE you promptly condemn OTHERS to BURN FOREVER IN FIRE....of course this is LOVE in your eyes
He does. He also loves you too much to leave you in your sin.

Yes, you MUST make yourself SINLESS like AIM meal or God will BURN YOU forver.
He has a Plan of Salvation, and part of that Plan is to bring you out of your sin, not condemning you or ridiculing you.

Of course the god of AIM meal has done this FOR HIM, but alas this "god" is quite INEFFECTIVE when it comes to extricating YOU from YOUR sins.
I don't believe that anyone can be ridiculed into salvation, which is why I try to avoid that tactic.

Yes, skip the RIDICULE and jump right into ETERNAL CONDEMNATION and INANE HYPOCRISY. It is thought by most so called christians to be much more effective in making OTHERS like THEM. Double sons of HELL Jesus called them.
I don't try to 'lure' anyone, either. I ask The Lord when to speak and when not to, and even what to say (though far too often I forget to do so, and speak my mind instead of His, and often get into trouble for doing so).

I believe I have heard the Lord distinctly telling you to keep quiet because your tongue is A FIRE.



+OL remote satellite affiliate
BB - You never stick with one issue all the way to completion. You always jump from one issue to another. And you constantly sling out false accusations against conservative Christians and act like your golden in so doing.

We do NOT enjoy the pain and destruction that sin and evil inflict in people's lives. You fail to see the love of God which abhors evil, and how that is the same source of love for all things good and righteous and godly. There IS NO DISPARITY in the godly love that abhors against evil, and clings to good!

Ever learning never attaining understanding. Itching ears, but that is all.


Witness of the hand of the accuser upon 1Way

You never stick
You always jump
you constantly sling
and act like your golden
You fail to see

1Way could use a good snake charmer...


+OL remote satellite affiliate
Where's that ignore button... I'm getting dumber here, can't find the button.

Help, it's smaller, and I can't ignore! (Oh the pain)


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by beanieboy

One of the things I have been thinking about is:
Are the not "Nicer than God" crowd going to be bored in heaven?
If one spend their entire earthly life harshly judging others, name calling, quoting scripture to justify grisly murder of the enemy and bathing in the blood, what will you do in heaven?

You will have no one to mock, to rejoice over their suffering, to namecall...

Will you be bored?

If I didn't know better I would think you were mocking me but that could never happen because you would never judge anyone. Right?


New member
Originally posted by deardelmar

If I didn't know better I would think you were mocking me but that could never happen because you would never judge anyone. Right?

I didn't name names.

I'm simply asking that if you enjoy mocking people alot, what are you going to do in heaven? If you call people names all day long on TOL, what will you do in heaven. Won't you be bored?

That's all I'm saying.

I don't enjoy name calling. I refrain as much as possible, and need to refrain even more. I delete half of my responses.
But I imagine heaven to be a fight free place. I imagine everyone being kind to one another, so I want to create that here.

It just seems that if you are in love with yelling at people, mocking them, and calling them names, and think being kind is boring, that you will be bored for eternity. Eternity. That's a long time.

I also don't understand someone who says, "We should judge one another," and then gets upset when someone judges them.

Which is it? Do it, or not do it? You can't condemn people for what you say one should do. It's non logical.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by beanieboy

I didn't name names.

I'm simply asking that if you enjoy mocking people alot, what are you going to do in heaven? If you call people names all day long on TOL, what will you do in heaven. Won't you be bored?

That's all I'm saying.
No if I get bored I'll just keep mocking thoose who rejected God and went to Hell.
I don't enjoy name calling. I refrain as much as possible, and need to refrain even more. I delete half of my responses.
Why bother saying it if your just going pretend you didn't. I let my statment stand. If I need to repentI will do that but I won't pretend I didn't say what I said.
But I imagine heaven to be a fight free place. I imagine everyone being kind to one another, so I want to create that here.

It just seems that if you are in love with yelling at people, mocking them, and calling them names, and think being kind is boring, that you will be bored for eternity. Eternity. That's a long time.

I also don't understand someone who says, "We should judge one another," and then gets upset when someone judges them.
Do you think I'm upset with you?

Which is it? Do it, or not do it? You can't condemn people for what you say one should do. It's non logical.

What makes no sense at all is to judge people for judging when your position is, that you can't judge for anything!


+OL remote satellite affiliate
BB - You are over the top. You said
I also don't understand someone who says, "We should judge one another," and then gets upset when someone judges them.
Baloney. You should know our argumentation way better than that by now. And therein I see you are being purposefully ignorant, which is a shame to say the least.

We are "not" upset that people actually judge even if they judge us, we are upset and oppose "hypocrisy". It's when people SAY, judge not, you should not judge others, and then WITH THEIR LIFE AND ACTIONS, they judge against others! Which is hypocrisy, say one thing and do another.

It's ok to judge, it's not ok to be a hypocrite.

And I echo Delmar's sentiment about not erasing your posts because much of them include judgmental name calling. See, no matter what, you felt that way, no matter if you express the name or not, you still had the exact same thoughts of opposition and personal rejection just the same. You can not erase the fact of the matter even if you erase the symbols that represented your thoughts and feelings.

You acting like an escapist, someone who covers up what is actually going on instead of simply dealing with it. Maybe you think you are dealing with it, but forgive me for judging you, but you feign ignorance over the distinction between righteous judgment and hypocrisy in order to support your world view, so since you do not have integrity in such an easy issue, I doubt you do much better with more complex issues.

Or can you admit that you do a lot of leg pulling for the sake of being problematic against us who you do not want to agree with?


New member
I never said one shouldn't judge.

I don't know why you keep saying that.

I don't think it is good to judge people by surface. Jesus says the same, if you have read the bible. You just aren't supposed to be quick to make hasty, surface judgements, or ones are done to exhalt yourself. Buddhism says the same.

I'm not asking you to repent. You keep misinterpreting what I said.

I said, If one enjoys being Christian and being snide, name callling, etc., and is rarely anything else, aren't you going to be bored in heaven?

And you response is:
No if I get bored I'll just keep mocking thoose who rejected God and went to Hell.

For eternity?
And when Hell is no more?

You will be bored out of your skull, dude.


+OL remote satellite affiliate
BB - Please excuse my jumping in, you said
I never said one shouldn't judge.

I don't know why you keep saying that.
I didn't say that! And I doubt that Delmar said that either, though he might have said, do not judge like a hypocrite, or do not judge what you do not know. As for me, I said you feigned ignorance over the distinction between righteous judging and hypocrisy. I said that your question about us getting upset when others judge us, that it has nothing to do with others judging us, it's only when they do so hypocritically (or falsely) that we get upset. And even then, we don't become unruly or irrational just because we may get offended, when you are standing on the solid rock of truth and righteousness, life is good, and eternity is a bonus.

Also, there is no joy over the death of the wicked, but there is joy in the Lord that justice is served against the wicked. God wants everyone to be saved, and He takes NO pleasure in the death of anyone who ends up not getting saved, yet at the same time, because they remain evil and oppose God and all that is good and righteous and honorable, it is good that they remain eternally separated from those things. They prefer what is bad and evil and wicked and destructive and rotten, then they get what they worship and honor. It's a perfect setup. And trust me, you have no idea how excellent it will be to be right with God for all eternity. You are not talking to people a priori, we already have part of heaven with us here and now, so we know what apparently you do not know. God is the God of all that is good and righteous and wonderful and awesome and great and wise and is the source of our joy and happiness. Heaven will be ,,, like heaven, and hell will be ,,, like hell. (go figure) (please)


New member
Originally posted by 1Way

BB - You are over the top. You said Baloney. You should know our argumentation way better than that by now. And therein I see you are being purposefully ignorant, which is a shame to say the least.

We are "not" upset that people actually judge even if they judge us, we are upset and oppose "hypocrisy". It's when people SAY, judge not, you should not judge others, and then WITH THEIR LIFE AND ACTIONS, they judge against others! Which is hypocrisy, say one thing and do another.

It's ok to judge, it's not ok to be a hypocrite.

Actually, Jesus says that you should not overlook the huge gap in yourself while picking out the miniscule flaws of others. You should first work on your own enormous flaw.

I don't oppose all judgement. I oppose surface judgement, quick judgement, I'm better than you judgement. So does Jesus.

I have a friend that I love. However, when we go somewhere, whenever a girl is nearby, she is snide. She says of one girl that she is a whore, because she has her navel exposed. She once turned away physically, and refused to even meet one person because she had already made up her mind. I say, "Don't be so judgemental." I'm not saying that she should never form a judgement or opinion. I'm simply saying keep your mind open, don't condemn someone guilty without listening to the whole story.

I do this. Lately, God has been telling me to back off on someone, and to pray instead. He's telling me that they are angry for reasons I can't understand. Maybe they had parents who told them they were a burden. Maybe kids pick on them at school. Maybe their mom died, and they are angry. I don't know. But any of these things would make you look at the person much, much differently - with compassion, instead of quick anger, with understanding instead of self righteousness. It makes you say things like, "wow, if my mom was waking me up in the middle of the night to dance for her drunk friends, I would be pretty angry too.

That's all I'm saying. I've said it repeatedly.

There is also a danger in labeling someone. Let's say I say, "George Bush is evil." Now, I believe he is incapable of doing anything good. He trips little kids walking past him. But we all have times when we do something good, even a killer, although they made a huge mistake, still has good and bad in his heart, and may actually do something possitive that would shock you. But the easiest is to label it, and be done with it.

Beanie won't ever change. Have fun in hell, etc.

It's tricky. You have to judge lovingly, and thoughtfully, and with as much compassion and knowledge of the situation as possible.


New member
Originally posted by deardelmar

If I didn't know better I would think you were mocking me but that could never happen because you would never judge anyone. Right?

Does this not suggest that I am a Do Not Judge-r being accused of Judging?


New member
Originally posted by 1Way
Also, there is no joy over the death of the wicked, but there is joy in the Lord that justice is served against the wicked. (go figure) (please)

Why are you arguing this with me.

This is what one of your fellow believers said:

No if I get bored I'll just keep mocking thoose who rejected God and went to Hell.

Take it up with him.


+OL remote satellite affiliate
Jesus does not teach against people being better and worse than others. He teaches humility where right and wrong are not at stake. But when someone is wrong, He teaches judgment against that. He teaches us to understand the difference between evil and good men, between fools and the wise, etc. etc. etc.

YOU pray to God. YOU teach Christian precepts to others?!?!

Excuse me, but, I thought you were anything but a believer in God. Are you claiming to be a saved Christian all of a sudden?


+OL remote satellite affiliate
BB - I took it up with him a long time ago, and we both realized that we agree. (go figure) (please)


New member
Originally posted by 1Way

Jesus does not teach against people being better and worse than others. He teaches humility where right and wrong are not at stake. But when someone is wrong, He teaches judgment against that. He teaches us to understand the difference between evil and good men, between fools and the wise, etc. etc. etc.

YOU pray to God. YOU teach Christian precepts to others?!?!

Excuse me, but, I thought you were anything but a believer in God. Are you claiming to be a saved Christian all of a sudden?

I simply quoted the bible.

What is it with Christians getting angry at that own bible?

Yes, I pray to God. No, I don't teach Christian precepts.
But if one is going to act one way, and claim to be a christian, then expect to be called on it when you aren't.

I'm practicing Buddhism. I would expect to be corrected when I have not acted in a Budda-like manner.
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New member
Originally posted by 1Way

BB - I took it up with him a long time ago, and we both realized that we agree. (go figure) (please)

Originally posted by 1Way
Also, there is no joy over the death of the wicked, but there is joy in the Lord that justice is served against the wicked. (go figure) (please)

Originally posted by d-
No if I get bored I'll just keep mocking thoose who rejected God and went to Hell.

Mocking those who went to hell is different than rejoicing in justice. I don't go to jails and mock people who were sent there.
That's twisted.

You can believe you agree.
It doesn't make it true.

Poly will even rejoice at the wicked cast into hell, which leads me to believe that she mourns at those that aren't.

That's just sad.


+OL remote satellite affiliate
BB - You are sad. You constantly try to divorce as being incongruent or as being exclusive



love and godly joy.

THERE IS SIMPLY NO SUCH DICHOTOMY. I will rejoice when I see the vengeance, yes! And my heart is hurt for all who do not become saved, yes! That is one and the same righteous love!

On this note, you ALWAYS pervert and mess up. You NEVER present our view right, you seem not a man of understanding, you judge what you do not know, so, again, go figure. please.
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Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by beanieboy

Why are you arguing this with me.

This is what one of your fellow believers said:

by deardelmar
No if I get bored I'll just keep mocking thoose who rejected God and went to Hell.

by beanieboy
Take it up with him.

See here is the thing. You said I would be bored in heaven cause I had nobody to mock. So I played along with your premise...
get it ? It's sort of like a joke! Do they have those where you come from?


+OL remote satellite affiliate
The concept that love is bound to righteousness as in to abhor against evil, is so foreign to people yet is exactly what the bible teaches.
  • Agape love is both kind and just,
    it is gentle and harsh,
    it is warm and accepting and it is bold and rejecting,
all depending upon the level of godliness or ungodliness being responded to. In ANY situation, from a mother lavishing her nurturing love over her precious new born baby, to a congregation stoning to death a capitol offender, it is not agape that needs to change in order to become more like God, it is the wickedness being opposed that is the problem.

Godly love is only good and righteous if it is good and righteous, it must abhor evil, and cling to good BOTH! There is no dichotomy between the various displays of agape. Yes they are very different, but they are from the EXACT SAME RIGHTEOUS GODLY LOVE.

EVERYTIME love is contrasted against harshness and judgment and rejection, that is a false dichotomy. You simply can not be more loving and nice than God.
  • Ro 12:9 [Let] love [be] without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good.
Here is the standard fair wrong view of this verse, what it directly implies or means.
  • In order to keep your love from turning into Hypocrisy, you must do the following two (contrasting) things

    Abhor which is evil


    cling to what is good.
And quotes a right teaching with a wrong interpretation. The truth is more profound and deep than presenting these two seemingly polar extremes. Consider.

Abhoring evil is ALWAYS good and righteous.

Clinging to what is good is ALWAYS good and rightoues.

They are two expressions of the same issue from godly love, they both express goodness and righteousness. So to abhor evil is to do what is right, and to cling to good is to do what is right, they are synonyms not dichotomous teachings. It is the wicked that needs to be opposed or corrected, not the righteous response of love against evil.
Lastly, the bible's teaching on moral hypocrisy is analogous to ungodliness and sin, Christ is our unleavened (sinless and righteous) sacrifice, we should reject sin and become more like Christ.
  • Lu 12:1 In the meantime, when an innumerable multitude of people had gathered together, so that they trampled one another, He began to say to His disciples first [of all], "Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.
The leaven of unrighteousness has a natural way of spreading about, we need to be vigilant against sin.
  • 1Co 5:5 deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. 6 Your glorying is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? 7 Therefore purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, since you truly are unleavened. For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us.
Here sinners and hypocrites are naturally correlated.
  • Isa 33:14 The sinners in Zion are afraid; Fearfulness has seized the hypocrites: ...
It is the simplest idea that godly love is also righteous and just and good so it always abhors evil and clings to what is good, yet the unbiblical notion of being kinder than God has seduced the masses, if they see someone being harsh or judgmental, they immediately want to help correct that supposed imbalance with godly love and kindness. YOU CAN NOT BE KINDER AND MORE LOVING NOR MORE RIGHTEOUS THAN GOD. There is no dichotomy between godly love and goodness and kindness and righteousness and justice, they are all good and right and from godly love. ALL! It's the wickedness that needs the correction, NOT THE RIGHTEOUS and GOOD.