Mean TOL members


Well-known member
Jesus certainly didn't accuse the woman of her sin, which is actually what He said, Himself; but also wouldn't have gone to the cross, unless it was necessary to do so. He did so because The Word says that the wages of sin is death; without the shedding of blood (loss of life) there is no forgiveness for sin. Jesus gave up His Blood (life) for ours, if we believe in Him, so that we don't have to die, and so that we can be forgiven of sin. We are not only forgiven of it, but The Lord looks upon us as if we have never sinned. It is only because we have believed in the substitutionary death of His Son in our place (on the cross) that He does so. Without that substitution (His Righteousness in exchange for our sin) we are sinners, lost, and God cannot allow us into His Presence. Nothing that defiles is allowed into Heaven.


New member
Originally posted by rene

Not sure if you have had one cup of coffee too much or what - but Matthew 9:1-2 is not addressing the woman brought to be stoned for adultry at ALL - which is what I made reply to.

Care to try again - or would you rather drop it?


Sorry. The adultery woman did not say, "Your sins have been forgiven."

But the bible does have Jesus forgiving sins prior to crucifiction, right?


Well-known member
Jesus' life is His Own. He is not 'sold out' to sin, as men are. He never sinned, so death has no hold upon Him. He laid down His Life, or the Romans could never have killed Him. His disciples have been poisoned, stoned, beaten and boiled in oil without dying, because of The Life that is in Him being imparted to them. Dead have been raised by His disciples, in many generations. There is only one other account (that I remember) in the Scriptures of a similar occurence: Elisha's bones, where a man went into Elisha's tomb to seek shelter for his dead friend, and when the body was laid in the tomb, the dead one came back to life.


New member
Yes, Jesus did indeed forgive sins before His death.

It was His death tho that made it possible for it to be not just for the generation that He lived in to have this done for them - but all mankind till He returns for His church/bride.



Well-known member
Originally posted by beanieboy

Sorry. The adultery woman did not say, "Your sins have been forgiven."

But the bible does have Jesus forgiving sins prior to crucifiction, right?

You don't seem to understand. Jesus is The Supreme Judge of The Universe. He has also been called: "The Lamb of God, Slain Before the Foundation of the Earth." If He deems someone worthy of forgiveness, then their sins are forgiven. Time and space are meaningless to The Lord. Because of this, the angels proclaimed, at Jesus' birth: "Peace on earth, goodwill towards men." The Son of God had not died yet, much less risen from the dead and then revealed the mystery of The Gospel to men. He had just been born. The Lord wants us to do good to our enemies. That doesn't include condoning his sin. It means we are to pray for them, that they might be drawn out of their sin, to the light. You're (apparently) observing what people say on this message board and thinking that you know everything that someone says and does by reading a few posts that have been written by them, and believing that you can then pass judgement on them, since they don't measure up to your standards. We don't measure up. None of us do. No one. Only Jesus was, is and always will be sinless. We aspire to being perfect, and The Lord is 'conforming' us to The Image of His Dear Son; but He isn't finished on us yet. Your critique of others is only belying your own 'shuffling' of your culpability for your own actions. You need to confess your sin to The Lord, repent of it and seek Jesus to give you His Forgiveness. Anything less than that and you're selling yourself short.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by beanieboy

Do you believe that Jesus had to die for our sins?

And if so, then how was he able to forgive without dying?

I think you said that you are not a Christian . So are you trying to understand Jesus' sacrfice or disprove it?


New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

Do you believe that Jesus had to die for our sins?

And if so, then how was he able to forgive without dying?

Christ was able to forgive sins before He died. He forgave some people's sins in His earthly life. But would they never sin again after that point in their lives? Not likely. And would Christ in a human body reach every person who would ever live and forgive all of their sins? No.

God's plan was that salvation be available to all.

So Christ died to pay the penalty of sin for all who would believe in Him and call on Him in faith for Salvation. This is the Grace that Paul speaks of, and by Grace through faith, He made it possible that all could be saved if they accepted Him as Savior, not just the select few lucky enough to meet Him in person.

Even 2000 years later, people are still being saved by His sacrifice.


New member
Originally posted by Aimiel

If He deems someone worthy of forgiveness, then their sins are forgiven.

Some are worthy to be forgiven? Hm.

You're (apparently) observing what people say on this message board and thinking that you know everything that someone says and does by reading a few posts that have been written by them, and believing that you can then pass judgement on them, since they don't measure up to your standards. We don't measure up. None of us do. No one. Only Jesus was, is and always will be sinless.

On the contrary, I am simply pointing out the behavior.
I am not saying, "You are going to hell-ah!" No. I am simply pointing out some, well, nonBuddhist like beviour. Mistreating people, even if you claim it in the name of a deity, is still wrong.
I don't condemn these people. I just don't condone their behavior.

When I hear someone blindly following Enyart, who says that Love the Sinner, not the Sin, is not biblical, and therefore, one should hate the sinner and the sin, well, then I'm going to speak up.

We aspire to being perfect, and The Lord is 'conforming' us to The Image of His Dear Son; but He isn't finished on us yet. Your critique of others is only belying your own 'shuffling' of your culpability for your own actions. You need to confess your sin to The Lord, repent of it and seek Jesus to give you His Forgiveness. Anything less than that and you're selling yourself short.

I do review my shortcomings, and try to improve upon myself. It's just that I am seen as one sin, over and over. God doesn't see me as that. God loves me very much.

For all the obsession people have with YAHTZEE, you would think they would do a little research. But they don't. YAHTZEE is a good way to point to someone else and say, "YOU ARE A SINNER" and ignore your own. You can hang a label on me, and call yourself righteous.

It's a lie.


New member
Originally posted by deardelmar

I think you said that you are not a Christian . So are you trying to understand Jesus' sacrfice or disprove it?

I'm not trying to disprove it.
That's is the paranoia of the christians on TOL.

I'm simply trying to understand it, from the POV of Christians. That ok?

I'm sure that someone will say :jump: You mean you are going to accept Jesus????

I'm reading about Hinduism, but I'm not converting there.
I simply have an open heart, and an open mind.

There are parts of Christianity that simply make no sense, and I'm trying to understand them.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by beanieboy

I'm not trying to disprove it.
That's is the paranoia of the christians on TOL.

I'm simply trying to understand it, from the POV of Christians. That ok?

I'm sure that someone will say :jump: You mean you are going to accept Jesus????

I'm reading about Hinduism, but I'm not converting there.
I simply have an open heart, and an open mind.

There are parts of Christianity that simply make no sense, and I'm trying to understand them.

I asked a question, That OK?


New member
One of the things I have been thinking about is:
Are the not "Nicer than God" crowd going to be bored in heaven?
If one spend their entire earthly life harshly judging others, name calling, quoting scripture to justify grisly murder of the enemy and bathing in the blood, what will you do in heaven?

You will have no one to mock, to rejoice over their suffering, to namecall...

Will you be bored?


Well-known member
Originally posted by beanieboy

Some are worthy to be forgiven? Hm.
Have you never read the parable of the publican? He said, in his heart, "Thank You, God, that I am not like 'so-and-so'..." and he was in error. The one that Jesus called justified beat his breast saying, "Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner." That is why I don't condemn you, because you recognize that homosexuality is sin. If you didn't, you'd be just like the 'publican.' You're obviously searching for truth, or you wouldn't be here.
When I hear someone blindly following Enyart, who says that Love the Sinner, not the Sin, is not biblical, and therefore, one should hate the sinner and the sin, well, then I'm going to speak up.
I don't agree with hating anyone, either. I don't believe that is what Jesus taught. You go right ahead and speak from the courage of your convictions, I admire that in anyone.
I do review my shortcomings, and try to improve upon myself. It's just that I am seen as one sin, over and over. God doesn't see me as that. God loves me very much.
He does. He also loves you too much to leave you in your sin. He has a Plan of Salvation, and part of that Plan is to bring you out of your sin, not condemning you or ridiculing you. I don't believe that anyone can be ridiculed into salvation, which is why I try to avoid that tactic. I don't try to 'lure' anyone, either. I ask The Lord when to speak and when not to, and even what to say (though far too often I forget to do so, and speak my mind instead of His, and often get into trouble for doing so).