Mean TOL members


+OL remote satellite affiliate
I avoded alot of your sayings. If you are going to be unresponsive, that is your choice. Your point is a no brainer, I did not argue against it because,,, I agreed with it.

Are you, or are you not ready to deal with these issues as they pertain to your life? Yes or no?


New member
Originally posted by 1Way

BB - Are you ready to deal with the truth of these matters and how they apply to your life...

First you must explain this:

You have a tag line: Let you love be without hypocracy. Abhor what is evil, cling to what is good.

But it continues:

9Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. 11Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality.
14Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. 15Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. 16Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position.[3] Do not be conceited.
17Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. 18If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay,"[4] says the Lord. 20On the contrary:
"If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head."[5] 21Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

You seem to ignore the other part.

So my question is:
Which parts to I pay attention to, and which parts do I ignore?

When you see things, such as "Do not be proud" and it is pointed out in your brethren, you disregard it.

Which parts of the Bible shall I disregard?

When you see "Bless those who persecute you. Bless and do not curse", you ignore that, and any brethren that does it.

When I quote the bible, a few have mocked me for using the bible itself. They refuse to listen to what it says, saying that it a nonbeliever who says it. But it is still the word of God, yet they ignore it.

So if you could simplify the verses ones should disregard and ignore, and the ones I should pay attention to, or give a list of sheep verses and goat verses, then I can answer your question truthfully.


The fact that you do not understand Atheistssuck is that YOU HAVE BEEN BEHEADED.

"WE cannot say WE HAVE NO SIN or we decieve ourselves AND THE TRUTH IS NOT IN US."

When anyone says I HAVE NO SIN they show 2 things. One, that THE TRUTH is not in them...making them LIARS...

So LIAR is #1

and those who say such things are also DECEIVERS, since they deceive THEMSELVES...

So those who walk in this sinless state ARE both LIARS and DECEIVERS.

As such THESE THINGS that CONTROL the mortal bodies of THAT PERSON will surely have their place in the LAKE OF FIRE.

Because YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND you show that you have been BEHEADED by these things.

The EVIL that is present within all men is POWERLESS, so instead they turn to TERRORISM and they BEHEAD their "victims."

All liars will have their place in THE FIRE.

You have been beheaded for YOUR PREVIOUS TESTIMONY about Jesus Christ.

This is the condition of any man or woman who WALKS IN THE LIE and is an ETERNAL TERRORIST without POWER.

God on the other hand, being INFINITE in both POWER and ABILITY can walk IN TRUTH as TRUTH in ETERNAL MERCY and AS LOVE.

enjoy if you can hear under the altar...



+OL remote satellite affiliate
BB – You said
  • ”You seem to ignore the other part.

    So my question is:
    Which parts to I pay attention to, and which parts do I ignore?”
Correction, there is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death. (so says God) There are not two sides there, in both sides you see, I see only one godly love, but you see two and don’t see how they both are true. It is impossible to have godly love is you are not righteous or just. Most people want to just accept the accepting and kind and easy and nice part of love, but the fact is, that it can not godly love if it is at the expense of opposing evil because of righteousness. So you have to have them both without conflict or you have neither because of conflict.


Yeah beanieboy

According to NEARLY EVERYONE here you MUST BE PERFECT in order for GOD TO LOVE you.

otherwise GOD IS COMPELLED by His Divine Eternal Love and Eternal MERCY to burn and torture you FOREVER....

What a PUTRID god these liars present. Not even THEY can STAND UP to their OWN GOD.


+OL remote satellite affiliate
Ya know, smaller is wigging out with morbid detail lately, he said to me that he likes to see it that my guts are carved out. And he capitalized the graphic violence details. Now he sees you as decapitated, all caps again.

Please do not keep treating this fool with the treat of our responses as he enjoys spewing very gross and vile returns no matter what we say to him. Soon he’ll have to talk to himself in order to freakishly and violently condemn someone.


New member
Originally posted by 1Way

BB – You said
  • ”You seem to ignore the other part.

    So my question is:
    Which parts to I pay attention to, and which parts do I ignore?”
Correction, there is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death. (so says God) There are not two sides there, in both sides you see, I see only one godly love, but you see two and don’t see how they both are true. It is impossible to have godly love is you are not righteous or just. Most people want to just accept the accepting and kind and easy and nice part of love, but the fact is, that it can not godly love if it is at the expense of opposing evil because of righteousness. So you have to have them both without conflict or you have neither because of conflict.

I agree there is God of Vengence.

But if you only believe in God of Vengence, you are ok with that.

If you only quote the first part of Romans 12:9, and ignore rest.

You dodge the question.

If one claims that God is Love, and does not take into account the vengeful verses, you rebuke them.

When one claims that God is Vengeful, and ignores call to gentleness, kindness, blessing one's enemy, etc., you are ok with that. You encourage it. You condone it.

So, tell me exactly what I should pay attention to, and what I should ignore in the bible, and I can make a decision as to whether I will follow in your ways.


New member
Originally posted by 1Way

Ya know, smaller is wigging out with morbid detail lately, he said to me that he likes to see it that my guts are carved out. And he capitalized the graphic violence details. Now he sees you as decapitated, all caps again.

Poly quotes the verse about bathing in the blood of the wicked.
That's pretty graphic.
Yet, you ignore it.



Greetings 1Way

You have nothing to say to me but to accuse. The way of the ACCUSER is YOUR WAY, your 1WAY. You can do no more...
Ya know, smaller is wigging out with morbid detail lately, he said to me that he likes to see it that my guts are carved out. And he capitalized the graphic violence details. Now he sees you as decapitated, all caps again.

And again you always SEE and JUDGE only the flesh and you want to BURN IT eternally. When you do not understand you ATTACK in FEAR and PROMOTE fear.

Perfect LOVE casts out FEAR. You REEK in FEAR. Fear is what you use to TERRORIZE others.
Please do not keep treating this fool with the treat of our responses as he enjoys spewing very gross and vile returns no matter what we say to him. Soon he’ll have to talk to himself in order to freakishly and violently condemn someone.


Because YOU CANNOT say you are sinless you should WEAR YOUR WHITE GOWN and should KEEP QUITE in the "church" as the proper BRIDE does you WAYWARD AND CONTENTIOUS WOMAN.

get it????

I doubt it.



Well-known member
Originally posted by smaller

Yeah beanieboy

According to NEARLY EVERYONE here you MUST BE PERFECT in order for GOD TO LOVE you.
I've never seen anyone on TOL post such a lie, much less believe it.

Those who know The Lord, know that He sent His Son to die for us, in our place (if we believe), while we were yet sinners. He didn't wait until we were perfect, which, by the way, we are now, just like He is.
otherwise GOD IS COMPELLED by His Divine Eternal Love and Eternal MERCY to burn and torture you FOREVER...
No, His Justice demands that what men sow they should also reap. We don't get justice from God, if we are Christian, we get grace. The only way to grace is through faith. You forget that, to your doom.
What a PUTRID god these liars present. Not even THEY can STAND UP to their OWN GOD.
If we served the foolish god that you represent, we would be fools, indeed.


+OL remote satellite affiliate
BB - I've been giving you the same message every time, why don't you see it?

When you are opposing evil, that is good. When you kindly accept what is good and righteous, that is also,,, good. That is the SAME goodness, the same love.

Eze 33:11 "Say to them: ‘[As] I live,’ says the Lord GOD, ‘I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways! ...

So while there’s hope, God is faithful to accept a repentant heart, but after the fact, and they still do not accept God, God looks forward to doing away with all evil and wickedness for good! The good there used in a double sense on purpose.

You ever hear of KISS? Not the rock group, the acronym, keep it simple stupid. Boil all of life and meaning down into one moment. In this moment you are about to experience something very bad and destructive, or something good and wonderful. You don’t know what it will be, yet the choice for what one should choose is simple, and the difference between the two is like night and day. Now expand that out into all eternity, and it is easy to see that good and evil must be separated, they are mutually exclusive and thankfully so.

So which was it for you? Wanted to get something terrible and wicked happen to you, or something good and godly?


Are you going to retract your last lie AIM meal? I doubt it. You LOVE lies and PROMOTE them and the others who do the same.

Now I've said that YOU present that YOU MUST BE PERFECT in order for GOD TO LOVE YOU.

and you said:
I've never seen anyone on TOL post such a lie, much less believe it.

Do you HAVE SIN in your MORTAL BODY AIM mea culpa???
Those who know The Lord, know that He sent His Son to die for us, in our place (if we believe), while we were yet sinners. He didn't wait until we were perfect, which, by the way, we are now, just like He is.

So you are NOW SINLESS PERFECTION AIM mea at others???

quote from smaller
otherwise GOD IS COMPELLED by His Divine Eternal Love and Eternal MERCY to burn and torture you FOREVER...
No, His Justice demands that what men sow they should also reap.

So MEN who SOW temporal sin REAP eternal punishment???? Is THIS what your "god" demands?
We don't get justice from God, if we are Christian, we get grace.

"Where SIN abounds GRACE does MUCH MORE aboud."
"Those who are forgiven MUCH love MORE. Those who are FORGIVEN LESS love LESS."

Since YOU ARE SINLESS PERFECTION then I presume GRACE has NO NEED at YOUR place?
The only way to grace is through faith. You forget that, to your doom.

"The faith OF JESUS is UNTO ALL and unto those who believe FOR THEIR IS NO DIFFERENCE." Romans 3:22

quote from smaller
What a PUTRID god these liars present. Not even THEY can STAND UP to their OWN GOD.
If we served the foolish god that you represent, we would be fools, indeed.




New member
The blood will be up to the horse's bridles in a valley that's five miles wide and thirty miles long.

You worship the devil, Aimiel, and the devil is just like you... you think you can take the closed canon and take it as the only source of Spiritual knowledge - and no matter what your closed canon says - whatever you take out of context to support the erroneous idea of it's exclusive dealing between God and ALL of mankind - this is where you get your doctrine from... thinking only you and the people who hold to the closed canon ONLY- this type of thinking is the basis of eighty per-cent of your beliefs - including worshiping the diabolical monster you conceive from your orthodox mindset - You worship the Devil, and you think you are worshiping the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ... there is no Truth in you... and I do not post this for your benefit - but for those who can still Hear.

With Christ's Love



New member
The bible is filled with far worse statements of righteous judgment against the wicked

Yes there are Scriptures for our example - to learn from... in the time, place and circumstance - what ones would you like to follow today?

Even the idea that the law can be carried out by the witness of two people - do you want to be judged by the justice system of old... do you know how easy it is to frame someone today?

With Christ's Love



Well-known member
Originally posted by smaller

The adulterous woman was forgiven

the sin indwelling her will have it's day of wrath resulting in total destruction.

Jesus never DENIED The Law, but RIGHTLY applied it.
Just because you imagine that sin is a living thing and can be taken out of someone and judged, does not make it so. The Word of God does not say that, specifically or by implication. You're not holding onto sound doctrine, it's merly conjecture.


New member
I first get a solid accurate understanding of the whole word of God

I think you honestly do think you have a solid accurate understanding of the whole word of God - and I do not question your sincerity - I do though, question if you have a solid accurate understanding of the whole word of God - or have simply been instilled with an orthodox mindset.

Without a Scripture verse to support your view - you cannot hold a view ... and what is not written makes up 80% of your theology - your flat out rejection of faiths from other isolated geographical locations - why? - it is simply a matter of an orthodox mindset being instilled in you.

I do not know exactly what you believe - but in general the main problem I see is that people tend to worship any diabolical monster that comes from the literal or fundamental interpretation of Scripture from a closed canon - be it Christian or otherwise. They all simply do not use their reasonableness in constructing the nature of God.

With Christ's Love



Well-known member
Originally posted by servent101


... I do not post this for your benefit - but for those who can still Hear.

With Christ's Love

You call that Christ's Love? That's nothing but garbage. Puhhhleeeaze, the next time that you want to post something that is NOT for my benefit, don't put my address on it. I already get enough junk mail, and the mailman is overworked and underpaid. I'm sorry, but trash has to be taken out and burned, if it's infested. That's what has to happen.


Well-known member
834 & 838 are repeating

834 & 838 are repeating

HEY Satan's Servant101, the record's stuck the record's stuck the record's stuck the record's stuck the record's stuck the record's stuck the record's stuck the record's stuck the record's stuck the record's stuck the record's stuck the record's stuck the record's stuck the record's stuck the record's stuck the record's stuck the record's stuck the record's stuck the record's stuck the record's stuck the record's stuck the record's stuck the record's stuck the record's stuck the record's stuck the record's stuck the record's stuck the record's stuck