Mean TOL members


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What's the difference? We'll all end up in heaven whether we like it or not, right?


The ENTIRE point of this exercise Mr. Turbo, was to SEE if others who claim eternal bliss for themselves could ADMIT that THEY TOO have SIN.

There was not ONE SINGLE ETERNAL DAMNER of others in THIS THREAD that could bring themself TO ADMIT that THEY TOO HAVE SIN. Not a ONE.

They will say "I am not perfect" or "God is not done with me yet" but NOT A ONE of these ETERNAL CONDEMNERS can simply admit that THEY TOO HAVE SIN.

I doubt that you will be the exception and answer IN TRUTH.

And if you EVER DO admit it, then HAVING SIN precludes you from CASTING OTHERS (like beanieboy) into the ETERNAL FLAMES for HAVING SIN. get it??? I doubt it!

go figure you spiritual geniuses...



New member
For all have sinned, (O smaller) and come short of the glory of God.

Tell me smaller. On what basis will God allow you into His heaven?


All people are SONS and DAUGHTERS of GOD.

ALL will learn ETERNAL MERCY from OUR Father in our experiences here. I cannot begin to tell you how much comfort I have been able to convey IN TRUTH to the families of suicides and deaths and people CAUGHT UP in SINS from a position of LOVE.

LOVE changes us as HE IS HANDled. We change from OUR OBSERVATIONs of HIM from glory to GLORY.

What a better way to learn about LOVE than to bind everyone to these THINGS called SIN and EVIL and then command us to LOVE ANYWAY when our instincts say FIGHT or FLIGHT. A TRUE combat TEST.

Love is where I expect to spend ETERNITY and I am not waiting.

Enjoy my friend. I know you see it.



I went back to the places I posted at at the time and PUBLICALLY ATE THE proverbial CROW in front of the eternal damners and in front those I used to CONDEMN for their belief that ALL PEOPLE were (or would be) saved.

My hats off to the people who STRONGLY ENGAGED me.


New member
God only teaches one faith, not many, not divided. God says to trust Him by His word and not otherwise. He also says that hypocrisy is a sin (leaven) and so you are sinning by condemning me for what you say should be acceptable. It is heresy to place your faith outside the scriptures. Nuff said.

If you actually could hear the Lord, His Voice - if you could recognize the validity of the Scripture in your heart - you would see that all world faiths have the same source - that the same One God spoke to a lot of isolated geographical communites in many and various ways - you neither understand the Scriptures in other cultures, nor understand your own -

Your second post to servent101 - if you do not recognise the Lord, by searching the closed canon and only the closed canon - which by the way you are never instructed to close the canon - nor are you able to see the effect of your orthodox mindset - so how would you know if someone does hold to the truth?



+OL remote satellite affiliate
Smaller says “All people are SONS and DAUGHTERS of GOD.”

Even though God says

Joh 8:44 "You are of your father the devil, ...

Makes you wonder if smaller confuses the devil as almighty God.


+OL remote satellite affiliate
!!!!First – My, at least you are consistent. You said
  • (1) If you actually could hear the Lord, His Voice - if you could recognize the validity of the Scripture in your heart - (2) you would see that all world faiths have the same source - that the same One God spoke to a lot of isolated geographical communites in many and various ways (3) - you neither understand the Scriptures in other cultures, nor understand your own -

    Your second post to servent101 - if you do not recognise the Lord, by searching the closed canon and only the closed canon - (4) which by the way you are never instructed to close the canon - (5) nor are you able to see the effect of your orthodox mindset - (6) so how would you know if someone does hold to the truth?

(#) I’ll answer granting my view (exclusive) is correct, ...

... then I’ll answer granting your view (inclusive) is correct.

(1) Anyone actually could hear the Lord, He is nearby and willing to be found

My particular geographical perspective indicates that I can and do have access to the Lord. Are you implying that I don’t?

(2) God says there there is only one true faith once delivered and no other scritptural authority applies.

If you would not be so blind as to accept a truer view of God that does not happen to match your presuppositions, you would be better off.

(3) You judge what you do not know, God’s word and gospel unto salvation is an issue of exclusive truth, no man comes to the father except by the specific name of Jesus Christ, the only savior, the only way, the only truth, the only life, the only salvation and true God.

If you would practice what you preach, you would accept my view which does not happen to match yours. But instead you say one thing and do another.

(4) Neither are you instructed to open what is assumed completed as being; sufficient(completed) for every good work, to make not fulfilled what God says “was” the fulfillment of God’s word, and to not add nor subtract nor to nullify any of God’s word, which “has been” specifically delivered once for all.

Your different geographically and culturally derived viewpoint does not invalidate mine understand of absolute truth, so keep your judgmentalism to your self.

(5) Because I do not agree with you, I “can not see” things objectively, I must become enlightened with your culturally shaped version of godliness, and only then may I see how my views affect others. So says the all inclusive hypocrite.

I thought you were promoting the acceptance of those who believe differently than you? Talk about say one thing and do another.

(6) Because for starters, they do not contradict themselves on every point.

Because contradiction is universally false.


New member
You judge what you do not know, God’s word and gospel unto salvation is an issue of exclusive truth, no man comes to the father except by the specific name of Jesus Christ, the only savior, the only way, the only truth, the only life, the only salvation and true God.

You ignore the cause - the time, the place and the circumstance that Jesus spoke these words in - Jesus was addressing a particular and peculiar people - in an isolated geographical location - and the Words of the Lord understood in their context are true, and viable to the Nature of God - they proclaim God - but to take the inverse for the proportional - and take the Words of the Lord out of the isolated geographical particularities, and use them to slander all other dealings that God has throughout the whole world - well you pay a heavy price for that one -1-Way - your sensibility is taken from you and to anyone and everyone - except for your fellow cronies - infested with a Bible Only mentality - well you are in hell already - but what the hay - hell is not all that bad - now is it - in the same way a businessman who is corrupt enjoys his power - you enjoy thinking of the horrible things that will happen to anyone and everyone who does not take the Bible as literally as you - and your punishment- you are blind, and worship the Devil as God the Father... but not to worry - God is still merciful to you, and is trying to convict you of the error of your way - many people come out of the fundamental camp - you too, will someday see the error of your way.

May God bless you.



+OL remote satellite affiliate
I did not miss the historical and cultural significance of absolute truth.

However, your subjective prejudicial selective inclusivsim = everyone should be accepted, unless it’s the teachings of Jesus Christ (exclusivity), is hypocrisy.

May you be buffeted by the devil until you return to “the” faith “once” delivered.


New member
I did not miss the historical and cultural significance of absolute truth.

However, your subjective prejudicial selective inclusivsim = everyone should be accepted, unless it’s the teachings of Jesus Christ (exclusivity), is hypocrisy.

May you be buffeted by the devil until you return to “the” faith “once” delivered.

Your folly is evident to anyone and everyone who has a brain... it is unfortunate that you do not realize the insanity of what you do... the insanity of your doctrines that arise from the Bible Only - you and everyone like you are an abomination to the Lord, His teachings and His Ministry. You paint the Father as a diabolical monster - and you do so from a closed canon - most of what you believe is never directly addressed in the Christian Scripture directly - they are just out of context verses that are causing a severe psychological neurosis in your psyche - you are in hell already – you confuse your current worship of the devil as God for Spiritually - your intelligence has been removed from you, and you think your lack of reasonableness, sensibleness, in deducing doctrine is commanded by God.

When your church burns – it will be the hand of God that destroys it.



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Originally posted by !!!!First


Your folly is evident to anyone and everyone who has a brain... it is unfortunate that you do not realize the insanity of what you do... the insanity of your doctrines that arise from the Bible Only - you and everyone like you are an abomination to the Lord, His teachings and His Ministry. You paint the Father as a diabolical monster - and you do so from a closed canon - most of what you believe is never directly addressed in the Christian Scripture directly - they are just out of context verses that are causing a severe psychological neurosis in your psyche - you are in hell already – you confuse your current worship of the devil as God for Spiritually - your intelligence has been removed from you, and you think your lack of reasonableness, sensibleness, in deducing doctrine is commanded by God.

When your church burns – it will be the hand of God that destroys it.

Smaller is that you?


+OL remote satellite affiliate
LOL - Poly - LOL

Your new icon is a bit, different. :D

My cultural and geographical perspective is the only absolutely wrong one, everyone else’s is godly but mine. :(

Warning, divine wisdom and insight is about to be uttered.

Tolerance is godly, except I will not tolerate intolerance! You worship the devil, you are in hell, cursed to you and your family to the 11th, no to the 12th generation! - - !!!First:


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Originally posted by 1Way

LOL - Poly - LOL
Your new icon is a bit, different. :D
Yeah, Turbo strikes again!
Since I'm always accused of being too harsh, I thought the church lady would be more suitable for me. :D

My cultural and geographical perspective is the only absolutely wrong one, everyone else’s is godly but mine. :(

Warning, divine wisdom and insight is about to be uttered.

Tolerance is godly, except I will not tolerate intolerance! You worship the devil, you are in hell, cursed to you and your family to the 11th, no to the 12th generation! - - !!!First:
Yes, I'm finding that this board is becoming quite saturated with dripping hypocrisy.


Blessed beyond measure
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Originally posted by nuggetgulch

@ poly

what did i do to you to deserve your ignoring?

Sorry, nugget. I didn't see your post.

Welcome back! :wave:


Blessed beyond measure
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Originally posted by nuggetgulch

I'm so glad you still remember me.
have to send you some regards from Susan, you know.

I sent you a PM.
Last edited:


+OL remote satellite affiliate
Omega - Why did you not say this earlier when more people were currently being loving by correcting false ideas?
  • Pr 9:8 Do not correct a scoffer, lest he hate you; Rebuke a wise man, and he will love you.

    Pr 27:5 Open rebuke is better Than love carefully concealed.

    Re 3:19 "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent.
Or did you have this entire thread about caring enough to oppose evil (i.e. not nicer than God)? To not oppose evil makes what may start out as “agape” = godly love, and turns into ungodly sinful hypocrisy through ungodliness.