Mean TOL members


+OL remote satellite affiliate
servant - I hear your claims, with very few exceptions, you not only judge me wrongly, you contradict yourself. I will not waste me time correcting so much falseness and lies. Notable example, I claim to go by a righteous understanding of the entire word of God prior to thinking that I understand it’s individual parts. But you said my theology is made up of what is not written which is 80%, as though that is bad for whatever reason you did not say. So it’s bad for “me” to have a faith that exceeds what is written in scripture, but as for you, you brag about putting down the idea of the closed canon, and you lift up the idea of other faiths, so it must be ok for you to have a faith that is based outside of the closed canon. Say one thing and do another.

God only teaches one faith, not many, not divided. God says to trust Him by His word and not otherwise. He also says that hypocrisy is a sin (leaven) and so you are sinning by condemning me for what you say should be acceptable. It is heresy to place your faith outside the scriptures. Nuff said.


+OL remote satellite affiliate
servant - wait, you end your posts with Christ's love???

What kind of joke or trickery is that? You mock the sufficiency and authority of the fullness of the revelation richly given to us by God in His word, and then you suggest you have God's love... Does not compute. Jesus said, the reason you are of you father the devil, is because you have no room for MY word in you. Jesus placed His message at the center of what it means to have a righteous loving relationship with God. You promote more than one faith, God says that a house divided can not stand, His faith is one and true so you contradict on the very issue that pleases God, faith!

Please explain your punny salutation, or are you mocking us Christians by it somehow?


Merely Christian
Originally posted by servent101
convict me of what? - what are you trying to say I need to repent of?

From earlier conversations we have had, it appears you partake in paganism.


Greetings AIM mea culpa

Just because you imagine that sin is a living thing and can be taken out of someone and judged, does not make it so.

Your false view of this is irrelevant. Sin INDWELLS all people. The same with EVIL PRESENT.

You CANNOT SAY you have NO SIN or you are A LIAR.

Jesus cast these "entities" out continually and SPOKE to them.

Because these THINGS have BEHEADED you, you DO NOT UNDERSTAND. The Words of Christ go UNHEARD because you have NO EARS.
The Word of God does not say that, specifically or by implication. You're not holding onto sound doctrine, it's merly conjecture.

And you have not PAID ATTENTION to the WORDS OF YOUR FATHER, and instead follow your OTHER father of ACCUSATIONS and DESTRUCTIONS and those of his family that you are to HATE.

go figure....



Well-known member
Originally posted by smaller

Your false view of this is irrelevant.
It is only as false as The Word of God, since it is how about 90% of logical persons who read The Word interpret it. You must have something INDWELLING you that tells you otherwise, because what you represent isn't in The Word of God. It must be that the name of the demon that possesses you is, "EVIL PRESENT." You should give him back, since its not a very good present.
Sin INDWELLS all people.
Maybe, but some of us still have communion with it, and get presents from it.
The same with EVIL PRESENT.
You are starting to sound like a broken record. Do you even know what you are saying? Are you typing responses, or just using 'cut-n-paste?'
Jesus cast these "entities" out continually and SPOKE to them.
When are you going to submit yourself to be delivered of them? You're full of them.
Because these THINGS have BEHEADED you, you DO NOT UNDERSTAND.
That makes about as much sense as CryTears' average posts.
The Words of Christ go UNHEARD because you have NO EARS.
Same here. You're repeating yourself, saying the same nonsense, and thinking that what you say will sound more true if you say it often enough. :kookoo:


Greetings AIM mea culpa

Your false view of this is irrelevant.
It is only as false as The Word of God, since it is how about 90% of logical persons who read The Word interpret it.

Most have found the broad path that leads to destruction. You are no exception. You will find FEW who have been led BY LOVE to LOVE.
You must have something INDWELLING you that tells you otherwise, because what you represent isn't in The Word of God.

If you TOLD THE TRUTH I might believe you. Since you do not TELL THE TRUTH (yet alone WALK IN IT) you remain MARKED as A LIAR. This means you have MISSED the MARK of God's Word. This is the way of MOST of you.
It must be that the name of the demon that possesses you is, "EVIL PRESENT."

Nice try, but then again I am not the one condemning the majority of the earth to eternal torture, holding peoples sins against them, and calling myself SINLESS PERFECTION AIM mea culpa. God has MARKED YOU to be the BEARER OF THESE LIES in preparation for JUDGEMENT and the coming DESTRUCTION.

I think God has MARKED YOU adequately as A LIAR and since you AVOID coming the THE LIGHT on these MISSING MARKS it just serves to HARDEN you even more.
You should give him back, since its not a very good present.

If you are selected to remain blinded to these WORD FACTS that is God's Business. I have the pleasure of KNOWING what is IN YOU and MOCKING it.

quote from smaller
Sin INDWELLS all people.

Heaven forbid you would tell the TRUTH on this one. When you DO your own CAPTIVITY is revealed and your FALSE JUDGEMENT OF OTHERS utterly fails.
but some of us still have communion with it, and get presents from it.

Your "present" from "it" is FALSE JUDGEMENT OF OTHERS and SELF RIGHTEOUS JUDGEMENT for yourself in additon to meteing out ETERNAL TORMENT to others for what is ALSO IN YOU and DENYING The Word that bought YOU and calling it all A PRESENT. In your case it is surely rather a PRESENCE than a present.

go figure...

You are starting to sound like a broken record. Do you even know what you are saying? Are you typing responses, or just using 'cut-n-paste?'

You see when you WALK IN TRUTH the LIARS who call themselves SINLESS are very TRANSPARENT.
Jesus cast these "entities" out continually and SPOKE to them.
When are you going to submit yourself to be delivered of them?

I have no choice but to AGREE with The Word. I cannot say I HAVE NO SIN or THE TRUTH IS NOT IN ME.

Can you say the SAME??? I doubt it. You are a mere slave WHO CANNOT TELL THE TRUTH.
You're full of them.


Perhaps God has slated you to have YOUR HEAD put BACK ON???

quote from smaller
Because these THINGS have BEHEADED you, you DO NOT UNDERSTAND.
That makes about as much sense as CryTears' average posts.

Most "christians" are BEHEADED by THE DEVIL for the TESTIMONY that they HELD (past tense.)

This means THEY NO LONGER have THE MIND or THE WORD at the top of their body. You and most so called believers here are in this condition. You are casualties of WAR. Christ will not BLAME YOU for this. A STRONGER enemy has won over your flesh for the time being and YOU CAN NO LONGER LOVE as GOD LOVEs.

You are now the headless body of a HATE MONGERING LIAR who desires to ETERNALLY TORTURE THE ENTIRE POPULATION in FIRE.

go figure....

Nice view huh?

quote from smaller
The Words of Christ go UNHEARD because you have NO EARS.
Same here. You're repeating yourself, saying the same nonsense, and thinking that what you say will sound more true if you say it often enough.

I continue to MARK you LIARS for what you are.

SOME will prevail BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB AND THE WORD OF HIS TESTIMONY. If God has called you to this, HIS VICTORY, YOU WILL COME OUT of the control of THE LIAR that now has you...

but of course to DO THAT you must TELL THE TRUTH. So far YOU COME UP dry.

I do not condemn you to ETERNALLY BURN for this LYING...except for a SHORT while.



Blessed beyond measure
Staff member
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Does anybody else scroll down past smaller's posts as fast as they can just to get to the good stuff?


+OL remote satellite affiliate
(LOL) Just to get the "goods" on the worst stuff, of course! His writings are too anti-reasonable, anti-logical, and anti-biblical to read straight through. And I think God is the one who created your aversion to stupidity and gross error, so the reflex you ask about is natural and fully shared, at least by myself. :D

Free-Agent Smith

New member
Originally posted by Poly

Does anybody else scroll down past smaller's posts as fast as they can just to get to the good stuff?
Yes. I find it hard to read tings when written by someone who appears to be a crackhead.


New member




Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Poly

Does anybody else scroll down past smaller's posts as fast as they can just to get to the good stuff?


Well-known member
Originally posted by Poly

Does anybody else scroll down past smaller's posts as fast as they can just to get to the good stuff?
His posts are so small when 'Ignore' is turned on, that I barely even notice them. It's just the same barrel of lies, hogwash and foolishness as every other post he has ever made, because he is not able to come to a knowledge of the truth, anyway. I still hold out hope for him, but I'm not holding my breath.
Last edited:


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Poly

Does anybody else scroll down past smaller's posts as fast as they can just to get to the good stuff?

Yeah, for the last month or so... You should see the scroll muscle I'm developing :)


Well-known member
Originally posted by smaller

Most have found the broad path that leads to destruction.
The 'destruction' spoken of by this reference is hell. Most people end up in hell. The way to life is narrow and there are few that find it. Many are called but few are chosen. Only those whose names are written in The Lamb's Book of Life will enter into Heaven.
If you TOLD THE TRUTH I might believe you.
I haven't lied to you yet, and you haven't believed a word I've said, you son of the devil.
Nice try, but then again I am not the one condemning the majority of the earth to eternal torture, holding peoples sins against them, and calling myself SINLESS PERFECTION.
Neither am I. I just have a simple understanding of The Word of God, because He wrote it for simple people like me. You are far too wise to read, learn and take God's Word at face value. You apply your perverted logic to it, and come up with nothing but hogwash and dregs.
I have the pleasure of KNOWING what is IN YOU and MOCKING it.
If you knew Who was in me, we wouldn't have any argument.
In your case it is surely rather a PRESENCE than a present.
You've mistaken The PPresence of The Lord for a demon.
You see when you WALK IN TRUTH the LIARS who call themselves SINLESS are very TRANSPARENT.
This is far more true than you seem to realize. No one is fooled by your mockery of God, or by your pretend 'Christianity.' No one but yourself.
Jesus cast these "entities" out continually and SPOKE to them.
He never said that every person would have demons in them, all of their life, as you seem to believe.
I have no choice but to AGREE with The Word.
Would that this were so.
I know how to differentiate between a demon and a character trait. I have bad character traits because I am a Christian, with The Lord inside of me, who is conforming me to The Image of His Son. You are so full of demons that you can't even carry on a normal conversation without getting all worked up and foaming at the mouth. You're screaming (that's what caps means in cyberspace, a raised voice).
You are now the headless body of a HATE MONGERING LIAR who desires to ETERNALLY TORTURE THE ENTIRE POPULATION in FIRE.
The devil will be tormented in The Lake of Fire, as well as all of his demons, and every single soul whose name is not found in The Lamb's Book of Life.


Yeah, question dodgers appear be exceptionally fast scrollers particularly when their theological positions are decimated absurdities. They are very similar to Ostriches in their behaviour of inserting head in sand.