Mean TOL members


+OL remote satellite affiliate
BB - Yes, but He is the same God who commanded to obey the governing authorities, which was evil Rome at the time when He recorded that command. So it would have been wrong to have simply stoned her, by His own command.

It is possible that she was

repentant, but that is unclear
not guilty, but that seems less likely
she repented and Jesus forgave her, but that is also not clear


If Nin and AIM meal and !way were TRUTHFUL WITNESSES their WITNESS would be the same. Because the ARE NOT TRUTHFUL means their witness FALLS TO THE GROUND as if it were NOTHING, which is what LIES are.


+OL remote satellite affiliate
I agree, you read the same contradictory ill will for so long, and it's just another fly on the wall.

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by smaller

If Nin and AIM meal and !way were TRUTHFUL WITNESSES their WITNESS would be the same. Because the ARE NOT TRUTHFUL means their witness FALLS TO THE GROUND as if it were NOTHING, which is what LIES are.



Your own words condemn the DRIPPING HYPOCISY that you guys walk in


Truth has not yet PREVAILED in YOU.


+OL remote satellite affiliate
BB - I've got some scripture that I think you should consider, if you have the care to check it out... ?


Blessed beyond measure
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Re: Re: Re: :D

Re: Re: Re: :D

Originally posted by beanieboy

Is this why you are Christian?
To stand in judgement of others, and watch them suffer?
No, I am a Christian because I believe that God sent a pure sacrifice, Jesus Christ who died and rose again to pay for my sins.
As a result of this I desire to see the wickedness destroyed and righteousness prevail. I look forward to God's vengeance. He expects this from us.

1Corinthians 6:3
Know ye not that we will judge angels? How much more the things that pertain to this life.

Psalm 58:10
The righteous shall rejoice when he sees the vengeance; He shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked.


New member
Originally posted by 1Way

BB - Slow down a moment. Would you please respond to the first issue about why it is wrong not to oppose someone who is headed towards disaster?

It is good to do so.

For a child, you make the decision. You pull them out of the street when they wander into it.

For an adult, you pull them back only when they don't see a car that is about to hit them.

If you went downtown, and yelled, "GET OUT OF THE STREET! YOU'RE GOING TO GET HIT!" and there were no cars, what should I do? Listen?
"um, thanks for the heads up..."

There are many religions.
All say that theirs is THE TRUTH.
But, for some reason, I am supposed to listen only to one, yours.
Of their followers, I have Poly tapdancing on my grave already, Nineveh repeating himself over and over, Amiel never saying anything about the behavior of anyone who goes by Christian...
I hear people accusing others of worshipping Satan because they don't agree with them, of reading "I worship Nature," getting no further, and being so literal that they can't understand the beauty of what was said, puke icons...

If it weren't for the "satan worshippers" like Chiliece, CoP, ww, etc., I would put you all in the NutJob category that I do with White Supremists, and be done with it.

But much of it contradicts the beauty of the Bible.

And understand, your competition, some Hindu Buddhists that I know, greet me with compassion, take a genuine interest in me as a person - what I think, do, my life - rather than stick a label on me, and because of that, I am also drawn toward their religion.

I appreciate the "warning from danger" and "warnings from hell."
But I don't see much of the positive.

If you had a father that only punished you when you did wrong, but never spent time with you laughing, never said anything complementary, never listened to you, never helped you with homework or ride a bike, but only chastized you or punished you, and said, "I do it because I love you," would you believe it?

My parents punished me a lot.
But they also did things to show me that they loved me that were positive.


New member
Re: Re: Re: Re: :D

Re: Re: Re: Re: :D

Originally posted by Poly

No, I am a Christian because I believe that God sent a pure sacrifice, Jesus Christ who died and rose again to pay for my sins.
As a result of this I desire to see the wickedness destroyed and righteousness prevail. I look forward to God's vengeance. He expects this from us.

1Corinthians 6:3
Know ye not that we will judge angels? How much more the things that pertain to this life.

Psalm 58:10
The righteous shall rejoice when he sees the vengeance; He shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked.

You were once wicked, were you not?
Do you think Jesus came to die for your sins and give you forgiveness, or rejoiced over washing his feet in your blood?


Merely Christian
Originally posted by smaller

If Nin and AIM meal and !way were TRUTHFUL WITNESSES their WITNESS would be the same.

As far as I can see, everyone on here (lately) but you and beanieboy (who doesn't claim to be a Christian) all share the same Gospel. You seem to be the odd man out, thanks for making the point.


New member
Originally posted by 1Way

BB - Yes, but He is the same God who commanded to obey the governing authorities, which was evil Rome at the time when He recorded that command. So it would have been wrong to have simply stoned her, by His own command.

It is possible that she was

repentant, but that is unclear
not guilty, but that seems less likely
she repented and Jesus forgave her, but that is also not clear

How do you know she repented?
It's not quoted in the Bible.
"They have all left, my lord."

That's not "I'm sorry. I repent for my sin."


I do not hold out much hope for SINLESS ONES. These are the MOST VILE people on the face of this earth.


Because they are LIARS.

And when this LIE of being SINLESS is coupled with JESUS it becomes HARDENED into every kind of FALSE JUDGMENT.

There WAS a battle for these people. Jesus came AND LOVED THEM, and RELEASED THEM from SIN, yet SIN was STILL IN THEM.

Because they do not understand that LOVE has NOTHING to do with SIN they have TURNED THEIR BACKS ON LOVE and LIVE IN LIES.

These are the ETERNALLY DAMNING HYPOCRITES of our day. The very ones that JESUS spoke WOE to.



LOVE COVERS a multitude of SINS. Where SIN ABOUNDS grace does MUCH MORE abound.

What does SIN have to do with LOVE...???

Nothing. And that is why THESE HYPOCRITES do not LOVE.

They think in their hearts "I HAVE NO SIN" and that OTHERS DO and then they CONDEMN OTHERS, to eternal torture no less.


These HYPOCRITES will be the FIRST in line for THE FIRE of SEPARATION from their WOOD, HAY, AND STUBBLE on His Day....



+OL remote satellite affiliate
You said
I appreciate the "warning from danger" and "warnings from hell."
But I don't see much of the positive.
That is critical what you just said. YOU DON’T SEE...

And that is the point, those who are purposely headed towards death and destruction, they never see their doom, and all so often it suddenly befalls them when it’s too late.

When it comes to matters of life and death, polite issues are secondary. We are not suggesting we should become your best friends before you get saved, we are saying that you need to get saved, which is a life and death situation.

You need to keep these things more clear...


+OL remote satellite affiliate
I didn't say she repented... ? Please consider what is being offered a little more carefully.


Blessed beyond measure
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: :D

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: :D

Originally posted by beanieboy

You were once wicked, were you not?
Do you think Jesus came to die for your sins and give you forgiveness, or rejoiced over washing his feet in your blood?
You think the ultimate sacrifice isn't going to rejoice when the wicked finally get theirs? If I had never accepted Him, then yes, He would rejoice when I finally got what was coming to me for rejecting Him. Jesus refers to Himself as the "stone that the builders rejected" in Matthew 21:42. He then says

Matthew 21:44. "And whoever falls on this stone will be broken; but on whomever it falls, it will grind him to powder."

Grind him to powder? Doesn't sound like He is too heartbroken over doing it. Saying you are going to crush somebody sounds like you're looking forward to doing so.


Aim meal how pathetic is THAT?

I have NEVER made the quote THAT YOU HAVE POSTED as me.

Your little LIAR is showing yet again. I feel SO SORRY for you. I really do.

What you SENSE in my posts though is that THE THINGS which have captured YOU are going to hell and will be UTTERLY DESTROYED.

They do not like to HEAR THIS TRUTH, but God's Word is UNAVOIDABLE.


Bank on it.


+OL remote satellite affiliate
BB - Are you ready to deal with the truth of these matters and how they apply to your life...


New member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: :D

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: :D

Originally posted by Poly

You think the ultimate sacrifice isn't going to rejoice when the wicked finally get theirs? If I had never accepted Him, then yes, He would rejoice when I finally got what was coming to me for rejecting Him. Jesus refers to Himself as the "stone that the builders rejected" in Matthew 21:42. He then says

Matthew 21:44. "And whoever falls on this stone will be broken; but on whomever it falls, it will grind him to powder."

Grind him to powder? Doesn't sound like He is too heartbroken over doing it. Saying you are going to crush somebody sounds like you're looking forward to doing so.

Why would the shephard leave his 99 sheep to find the one sheep that was lost?
Shouldn't he be rejoicing when it gets attacked by wolves?

Doesn't sound like a very loving God.
Can you explain that?


New member
Originally posted by 1Way

You said That is critical what you just said. YOU DON’T SEE...

And that is the point, those who are purposely headed towards death and destruction, they never see their doom, and all so often it suddenly befalls them when it’s too late.

When it comes to matters of life and death, polite issues are secondary. We are not suggesting we should become your best friends before you get saved, we are saying that you need to get saved, which is a life and death situation.

You need to keep these things more clear...

You avoided the question.

My parents spanked me - a lot.
But I remember when my mother would hug me, and smile, and say she loved me, and not only when she spanked me.
I remember when my mother would tell me that I was special.
I remember when my dad would tell me he was proud of me.
My mom would sing me to sleep,

If all they did was spank me, and criticize me, and say, "I do this because I love you," and nothing more, is that love?
If my mother mocked any mother who would sing to their child, should I listen?