Originally posted by 1Way
BB - Slow down a moment. Would you please respond to the first issue about why it is wrong not to oppose someone who is headed towards disaster?
It is good to do so.
For a child, you make the decision. You pull them out of the street when they wander into it.
For an adult, you pull them back only when they don't see a car that is about to hit them.
If you went downtown, and yelled, "GET OUT OF THE STREET! YOU'RE GOING TO GET HIT!" and there were no cars, what should I do? Listen?
"um, thanks for the heads up..."
There are many religions.
All say that theirs is THE TRUTH.
But, for some reason, I am supposed to listen only to one, yours.
Of their followers, I have Poly tapdancing on my grave already, Nineveh repeating himself over and over, Amiel never saying anything about the behavior of anyone who goes by Christian...
I hear people accusing others of worshipping Satan because they don't agree with them, of reading "I worship Nature," getting no further, and being so literal that they can't understand the beauty of what was said, puke icons...
If it weren't for the "satan worshippers" like Chiliece, CoP, ww, etc., I would put you all in the NutJob category that I do with White Supremists, and be done with it.
But much of it contradicts the beauty of the Bible.
And understand, your competition, some Hindu Buddhists that I know, greet me with compassion, take a genuine interest in me as a person - what I think, do, my life - rather than stick a label on me, and because of that, I am also drawn toward their religion.
I appreciate the "warning from danger" and "warnings from hell."
But I don't see much of the positive.
If you had a father that only punished you when you did wrong, but never spent time with you laughing, never said anything complementary, never listened to you, never helped you with homework or ride a bike, but only chastized you or punished you, and said, "I do it because I love you," would you believe it?
My parents punished me a lot.
But they also did things to show me that they loved me that were positive.