Mean TOL members


Merely Christian
Originally posted by beanieboy

I'm sorry you feel that way.

I have read your outright rejections of Christ. I feel that way because of your own words. But, I still hold out hope.


New member
Originally posted by Nineveh

I have read your outright rejections of Christ. I feel that way because of your own words. But, I still hold out hope.

Poly has said that I will never come to Christ.
And you say nothing.


I just love to MANIPULATE the little liars that rule you Nin, and Aimiel.

So much so that you CANNOT EVEN address simple repeated questions because TO DO SO is TO DAMN YOURSELVES.

Poly and Sibbie have already FOULED themselves.

I will continue to AWAIT your (false) DECLARATIONs. Those who see you CONTINUE your dodges can be entertained as well.


Merely Christian

Judging by your judgment smaller, I'll take that as a complement.

If you should ever learn the basics of conversation, witnessing and judging, you might have the potential to be an asset.


You are too much Nin.

Do I need to repost it?

You have already stated YOU ARE NOT PERFECT.

So how does your IMPERFECTION gain you and beanieboys cause LOSS???

Perhaps this is more palatable for you.


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Originally posted by beanieboy

Poly has said that I will never come to Christ.
Because you have given every indication that this will be true. But please, by all means, prove me wrong on this one.

Btw, beanieboy, you never responded to post #718. What say ye?


+OL remote satellite affiliate
BB – What difference does it make if someone says you’ll never come to Christ?


Well-known member
Originally posted by Nineveh


Judging by your judgment smaller, I'll take that as a complement.

If you should ever learn the basics of conversation, witnessing and judging, you might have the potential to be an asset.
An asset to a conversation. Much more work will be required to make smellier an asset to The Lord.

(The only reason I deliberately mis-spell his name is that every single time he posts to me he butchers mine, so I figure that fair is fair.)

Nanny-nanny-boo-boo. :raspberry:


Merely Christian
Originally posted by smaller

Do I need to repost it?

You can if you want, but isn't that the same cut and paste you have used for moths now? They all seem basically the same....

Meanwhile, still not a single word to beanieboy. Is it because he doesn't fear hell that makes him righteous in your world view?


New member
Originally posted by Nineveh

Because that is the part you are choosing to ignore.

I didn't say that Jesus said, "Neither do I condemn you."
I quoted, "Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more."

You are ignoring half the verse.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Aimiel

An asset to a conversation. Much more work will be required to make smellier an asset to The Lord.

I tend to agree with you Aimiel :) But I figure if he can get that far (you know, being coherent) the hard part would have already taken place....


New member
Originally posted by 1Way

BB – What difference does it make if someone says you’ll never come to Christ?

You don't see that as a questionable behavior?
Judging that someone will never come to Christ?


I went on record for position about homosexuality early in this thread.

Now when are NIN and AIM meal and 1Say et al going to "fess up?"