Mean TOL members


"Tell me, hypocrite, do you revel in your neighbor partaking of a distructive life?" says Ninevah as she condemns beanieboy to burn in fire forever.....

gimme a h-H!
gimme a y-Y!
gimme a p-P!
gimme a o-O!
gimme a c-C!
gimme a r-R!
gimme a i- I!
gimme a t-T!
gimme a e-E!

You sinless god activators are toooo much...and soooo funny fuming around in your temporal smoke filled nostrils....

2 Cor. 10:6
6 And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when YOUR obedience is fulfilled.


To do this is to DAMN yourself:



His love was enough for ALL PEOPLE but alas, as Jesus said:

"to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little."

How little love has a person who condemns another to burn forever???




Merely Christian
At the very least, smaller, I have told beanieboy his perversion is unhealthy. I don't want to see him get sick or die prematurely. Your quest to relieve unrepentant people from the fear of hell isn't even allowing you to warn him of the physical dangers he faces.
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Free-Agent Smith

New member
Just to keep things clear since smaller keeps clouding them:

smaller is here to judge those who have faith. his intentions seem to be that he wants Christians to feel useless next to him(smaller). he seems to want you to cower before his words. he doesn't want you to be judgemental to others because he is busy judging you. he just can't keep things simple.

beanieboy knows that he leads a life that is an abomination according to God but he doesn't care. I keep fighting the urge to call him "My little Pony" instead.


Well-known member
Originally posted by beanieboy

I tell you that I will think about it, and you call me a liar?
Is your conscience burning you? I merely stated some axioms, to no one in particular. When I single you out and call you on something you've said or done, I will address you directly.


+OL remote satellite affiliate
Everyone – You’ll have to excuse smallish, he’s a little eccentric (in a foolish sort of way).

Don’t be eating or drinking or chewing gum or the like when you read this, but smallerness is completely dumfounded by the following “question”.
  • Can God make Himself to have never existed?
He either says that God can do anything, so yes, God can make Himself to have never existed, you know, the everlasting God of the bible, the one that exists and he supposedly is our savior, (about 60% frequency), or, after the utter lunacy of that answer starts to set in, he says, well you can’t know one way or the other because God is unlimited and we are limited and you can not define God (about 40% frequency). Even though He defines God in almost every single of his contradictory posts, say one thing and do another.

So if smallish is judging you for being wrong or contradictory, consider the source. I’ve heard of anti-matter, even anti-energy Click here :darwinsm:, but if there such a anti-logic, or anti-righteousness, smaller is it!


+OL remote satellite affiliate
Agent Smith – Great one on smallish, but as to BB, either that’s excessive with perverse overtones, or I don’t get your pony comment. If it’s crude, please PM me instead.

Free-Agent Smith

New member
Originally posted by 1Way

Agent Smith – Great one on smallish, but as to BB, either that’s excessive with perverse overtones, or I don’t get your pony comment. If it’s crude, please PM me instead.

Well, everytime I see beanie boy's name I think of kids toys, ie., beanie babies and such. But knowing he is gay, I get the urge use other toys for his name: "My Little Pony", a girls toy / Smurfette, a cartoon character my female cousin used to own a stuffed toy of / Barbie, self explanatory I hope / or maybe the name of one of the teletubbies, I believe the purple one was Tinky Winky*.

*I found this name on a toy website.

** I don't believe this is offensive but oh well. I thought it was rather funny.

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by Agent Smith

Well, everytime I see beanie boy's name I think of kids toys, ie., beanie babies and such. But knowing he is gay, I get the urge use other toys for his name: "My Little Pony", a girls toy / Smurfette, a cartoon character my female cousin used to own a stuffed toy of / Barbie, self explanatory I hope / or maybe the name of one of the teletubbies, I believe the purple on was Tinky Winky*.

*I found this name on a toy website.

Anyone who calls himself "beanieboy" has got to have a screw loose. Do you think he collects Beanie Babies?

Free-Agent Smith

New member
Originally posted by AtheistsSuck

Anyone who calls himself "beanieboy" has got to have a screw loose. Do you think he collects Beanie Babies?
I don't think we should inquire too deep on this subject.
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Greetings Nin:

At the very least, smaller, I have told beanieboy his perversion is unhealthy.

Yeah, so you condemn him to ETERNAL TORTURE on the basis of his temporal ILL HEALTH PRACTICES??? Who are you kidding?

And I don't imagine you eat high fat foods etc?
I don't want to see him get sick or die prematurely. Your quest to relieve unrepentant people from the fear of hell isn't even allowing you to warn him of the physical dangers he faces.

Your fear is what? That he will PHYSICALLY DIE and not accept Christ and then BURN FOREVER IN FIRE???

Your position of pointing beanieboy to HELL for SIN is a purely subjective view on YOUR part, since YOU are neither SINLESS or PERFECT yourself. Christ CONDONES no SIN. Not a SINGLE ONE.

IF YOU are "eternally judged" on the BASIS OF YOUR WORKS then you too will suffer THE SAME FATE you are meteing out because YOU STILL HAVE SIN...

yet ALL OF YOU want to see BEANIEBOY burn for HIS SIN.

and you wonder why you are hypocrites...

Not even the HYPOCRITES of Jesus day believed in ETERNAL what does this make you your double son of hell?



Greetings 1Way

Can God make Himself to have never existed?
He either says that God can do anything, so yes, God can make Himself to have never existed, you know, the everlasting God of the bible, the one that exists and he supposedly is our savior, (about 60% frequency), or, after the utter lunacy of that answer starts to set in, he says, well you can’t know one way or the other because God is unlimited and we are limited and you can not define God (about 40% frequency).

My consistent answer to YOUR questions of determinations about WHAT GOD CAN AND CANNOT DO are based on the FAIRLY SIMPLE premise that YOU DO NOT KNOW so YOU CANNOT SAY.

This of course DRIVES YOU wild because YOU LIMIT GOD on a CONTINUAL BASIS along with the BALANCE of your eternal damnation pals.

A postion that God can do ANYTHING is not NEW you idiot.
Even though He defines God in almost every single of his contradictory posts, say one thing and do another.


get a clue dumbo.
So if smallish is judging you for being wrong or contradictory, consider the source. I’ve heard of anti-matter, even anti-energy Click here , but if there such a anti-logic, or anti-righteousness, smaller is it!

I admit to being a NON worshipper of the LIMITED god you think you serve which is ONE YOU HAVE DREAMT up in your own head.



Greetings Agent B. Smithe
Just to keep things clear since smaller keeps clouding them:

smaller is here to judge those who have faith.

The only faith you have is to CONDEMN OTHERS TO ETERNAL TORTURE. You belong in IRAQ.
his intentions seem to be that he wants Christians to feel useless next to him(smaller). he seems to want you to cower before his words.

I could care less what you do or think. I do like to make observations about various positions when they are PURE UNADULTERATED NONSENSE. It humors me.
he doesn't want you to be judgemental to others because he is busy judging you. he just can't keep things simple.

When you see me ADVOCATING SIN then you can make your FALSE CLAIMS. Right now you are a TYPICAL LIAR and FALSE ACCUSER. A false accuser is ONE WITHOUT SPECIFICS or one who does something and THEN condemns someone else for DOING THE SAME THING.
beanieboy knows that he leads a life that is an abomination according to God but he doesn't care. I keep fighting the urge to call him "My little Pony" instead.

Your desires are showing Mr. Pony RIDER.



New member
Originally posted by AtheistsSuck

Anyone who calls himself "beanieboy" has got to have a screw loose. Do you think he collects Beanie Babies?

Beanieboy is a character that I remember from my childhood.

approximates when I was born, and when I was a kid, I had a big thing for beanies, like Spanky.

Not a big fan of beanie babies, or anything mother's kill each other to buy.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by smaller

Yeah, so you condemn him to ETERNAL TORTURE on the basis of his temporal ILL HEALTH PRACTICES???

You don't even care that much. Set eternal hell aside for a sec, you won't even alert the man to the health benefits of getting out of his perverseness.


New member
Oh and lest we forget you've "left the natural use of the woman, burned in your lust, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in yourself the penalty of your error which is due", according to Romans 1, so this makes you a disgusting, filthy, perverted homo.

I do not know where you get the idea that beanieboy is a homosexual - and I have heard it in a number of people's posts - but have never heard beanieboy respond to your accusations, and never heard beanieboy say that he is a homosexual.

I suspect beanieboy is simply ignoring the accuzation, knowing that you are so blind, deaf and dumb, that you cannot do anything other than make wild accusations - and to try to reach you and tell you any different - is just a waist of time.

Part of the reason why the world is not being evangelized the way it needs to be is that people go on a trip with their religion - they use what they have been given and start to accuse others who do not hold to the same apologetics of being disgusting and vile, somehow making themselves much more appreciated by God, and much closer to God. Personally Poly - I think you are twice as worthy to go to hell as any homosexual on the planet - and that you just use religion to fuel some sort of prideful arrogance.

With Christ's Love



Well-known member
Originally posted by servent101

Personally Poly - I think you are twice as worthy to go to hell as any homosexual on the planet - and that you just use religion to fuel some sort of prideful arrogance.
I think somebody should get Webster to put this sentence in their database as an example to be used to define the word hypocracy. What a crock. Somebody doesn't know The Lord, but knows 'about' Him.


New member

You miss the point - I asked you if your present way of deluge concerning the Scripture - do you need to repent from your current wicked ways? - I knew already that you made an attempt to correctly understand the closed canon of Christian Scripture.

If you are not aware that I too am making an attempt - well what can I do, telling you so - if you are blind and deaf, if you do not know from what I have posted - I will not speak directly to a blind and deaf person.

Not that this is what you are... it is just that your question is rather redundant to me. I am aware that the Lord resides in you, also aware that your interpretation of Scriptures leaves you unable to contemplate the validity of anything that is not in your Sacred Text, and that without a Bible Verse - no matter how out of context, you simply do not understand the validity of any statement without a Bible verse to back it up. As far as common sense – you probably know yourself – that you reject it based on the out of context verse - lean not on your own understanding.

With Christ's Love



+OL remote satellite affiliate
I saw that too and thought, wow, talk about doing the opposite of what she preaches.

As the saying goes, if they hated me, they will hate you...

If you’re a bible believing Christian, and you oppose the wicked, the judge not Christians will persecute you like there’s no tomorrow, but not the immoral or wicked, they love and accept them.