Mean TOL members


New member
Originally posted by Nineveh

You don't even care that much. Set eternal hell aside for a sec, you won't even alert the man to the health benefits of getting out of his perverseness.

Nin - I don't get you.
You've said it 100 times in this thread alone.
I've known about HIV since 1982 when it came out as GRID.
I've heard the "God's Judgement" speech by Jerry Fallwell.
I understand the ways that it is transmitted, and the ways that it is not.

But you are attacking someone for not warning me?
You've warned me about something I already know.
I understand.
I just don't understand why you keep repeating it, and then tell others in the same thread that they must tell me as well, and join you like some Christian Borg. You already have Poly and Sibbie to parrot everything you say and never question you.


New member
Originally posted by 1Way

I saw that too and thought, wow, talk about doing the opposite of what she preaches.

As the saying goes, if they hated me, they will hate you...

If you’re a bible believing Christian, and you oppose the wicked, the judge not Christians will persecute you like there’s no tomorrow, but not the immoral or wicked, they love and accept them.

Who said they hate you? Anyone hate 1Way? Anyone?

I don't.


New member
I think somebody should get Webster to put this sentence in their database as an example to be used to define the word hypocrisy. What a crock. Somebody doesn't know The Lord, but knows 'about' Him.

This might make the muddy waters a little less muddy – a post from another thread.
from what I read of most of the comments of so called followers of the Lord Jesus Christ they are approaching people of a different sexual orientation in the same mindset as calling someone "racca" and as well the crime they are committing is much worse than having a different sexual orientation than the main stream society - which by the way is not that healthy either.

Somehow these people seem to think it is OK to pick out a particular group and call them racca - but for such people, they do not consider themselves doing anything wrong. They are separated from God – and what they consider persecution is simply God’s Wrath on them – they are in hell already.

With Christ’s Love



New member
That's pretty interesting, servant.

I've been thinking about that - that we are all like wires, and God is the electricity. The more we connect with people, the more we connect with God. The more we separate ourselves from others, the more we disconnect from God. And when Jesus said, "the Kingdom of God is within," he meant that you live it here - live heaven or hell now.

Those who are angry or depressed will talk about how their life is hell, and it spiritually is, because they have somehow disconnected from God. Those who are happy dispite hardships, have connected to God, and can never be separated from his love. No matter what happens, it's ok, because they are living heaven, they are with God now.
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+OL remote satellite affiliate
BB - He is not just stating a known statistical fact, it’s making a moral claim, that homosexuality and all sex immorality is a wicked destructive thing, it is unrighteous, it is against God, and as such it is destructive and leads to death.

Secondly, it is immoral to speak about en evil as though it is not evil. And the only righteous godly loving response against evil, is abhorrence and personal rejection. It’s like this. If you saw someone who is unknowingly right at the precipice of their own death, and you could easily stop it, but you did nothing to stop it, but instead you just watched them die. By your willful deliberate allowance, you would be guilty of murder because of the shedding of innocent blood without opposing it.

You’ve lost your moral compass. Today, the replacement is, hey, if they keep it to themselves, don’t ask, don’t tell, it’s ok by me. Morality has longer arms that the wicked would like to think.


Blessed beyond measure
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Originally posted by servent101


I do not know where you get the idea that beanieboy is a homosexual - and I have heard it in a number of people's posts - but have never heard beanieboy respond to your accusations, and never heard beanieboy say that he is a homosexual.
servent, do you bother to read posts around here before you just start spewing garbage? How do I know? Because I can read.

Originally posted by beanieboy
I have never asked for anyone to be tolerant of me being gay.
I disagree that I am hated by God, but think what you will.

Originally posted by servent101

I suspect beanieboy is simply ignoring the accuzation, knowing that you are so blind, deaf and dumb, that you cannot do anything other than make wild accusations - and to try to reach you and tell you any different - is just a waist of time.

Yeah right! A real man who is falsely accused of being a homo is going to saturate this board with all kinds of replies but he's going to just sit back and not reply over false accusations of him being a homo. :kookoo:

It's so obvious that he is a homo to anyone around here with the smarts of a 5 year old yet you acuse me of trying to claim that he is with no proof.

Just who is it that is making the wild accusations here?

Servent, your hypocrisy is really starting to get old.


New member
1-Way -
the only righteous godly loving response against evil, is abhorrence and personal rejection.

The example I follow is Jesus - for instence - The woman at the well - notice how the Lord's abhorrence and personal rejection came through in the response of the woman?

What Bible verse do you use to take your statement
the only righteous godly loving response against evil, is abhorrence and personal rejection.

With Christ's Love



Sozo tries the homo accusation continually when the "dialog" does not go his way. It is a common "christian" tactic against those who disagree with them.

God LOVES ALL people, EVEN you jerks who call yourselves "christians." The fact that He loves EVEN YOU in the midst of your eternal hatred is truly a testament to His LOVE.


New member
false accusations of him being a homo

Anytime you label someone as an act - it is a false accusation - beanieboy is not a homosexual - he is a person - if he does have a different sexual orientation he is not that sexual orientation - he is a person - what he does with his desires - well thinking of people as a particular desire - and not a complete person only entraps people in sin - People are people, and until they are treated as the Lord saw fit - to die for them while they were yet sinners, they will not find the truth of the Good News from people who treat them such as you do.

With Christ's Love



Well-known member
Satan's Servant101,

What Bible verse do you base your, "Christ would be embarrassed. And what a shame it is because he was such a wonderful person," on? I don't think that when He comes to this earth the next time that He's going to be so 'nice' to flamers and terrorists. He's going to destroy them with His Word. The blood will be up to the horse's bridles in a valley that's five miles wide and thirty miles long.


+OL remote satellite affiliate
Servent – That would be true what you posted, if it were true. You sited false teachings from God’s word as though they should mean something good and right. The bible teaches about just cause, that we should not act against someone unless we have just cause. The bible is filled with far worse statements of righteous judgment against the wicked

Mt 5:22 "But I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment. And whoever says to his brother, ‘Raca!’ shall be in danger of the council. But whoever says, ‘You fool!’ shall be in danger of hell fire.

The bible teaches the righteous use of calling people fools.

Ps 14:1 <<To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David.>> The fool has said in his heart, "[There is] no God." They are corrupt, They have done abominable works, There is none who does good.

Ga 3:1 O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified?

So it is godly to call someone a fool, yet calling someone else a fool is worse than calling them an empty head (raca) or being angry. If you judge against someone for just cause, you are right for opposing evil. It is always right to oppose evil.

But you know what the wicked say in return? They want to say it’s not always right, you can’t judge. But guess what, if someone does evil unto them, they are the first to condemn it (and rightly so). The proof is in the pudding.


Well-known member
Originally posted by smaller

Sozo tries the homo accusation continually when the "dialog" does not go his way.
Have you been off your meds again Smellier? Sozo was banned, and hasn't posted on TOL in some time. Duhh.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by servent101


You miss the point -

No, I think you missed the point.

I have practiced what I am preaching: ie crushed by the law, humbled, repentant, saved.

If you aren't sure which Law might convict you, may I suggest the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Commandments.


+OL remote satellite affiliate
Servent – I don’t do as you do, you should not pick and choose favorite examples to support your views. I first get a solid accurate understanding of the whole word of God, then I approach particular issues with particular teachings as appropriate.

Your again wrong about your bible example. The women at the well was not treated as you say she was. He effectively called her an adulterous by holding her sin against her saying go and sin no more. He did not have her stoned because that would violate His own command to be subject to the governing authorities which are God’s minister of wrath, which was wicked Rome, not Israel.


New member
Originally posted by 1Way

BB - He is not just stating a known statistical fact, it’s making a moral claim, that homosexuality and all sex immorality is a wicked destructive thing, it is unrighteous, it is against God, and as such it is destructive and leads to death.

Secondly, it is immoral to speak about en evil as though it is not evil.

But he has.

So, I don't get it.

I walk up to a prostitute.
I say, "What you are doing is separating you from God."
She says, "Whatever."
I say, "Well, it IS!"
She says, "You said that!"
I say, "Well, IT IS!"
I say, "You are going to get STDs!"
She says, "Really??? Do you think I just started? I know what to do to protect myself, and outside of that, I run a risk."
I say, "But it's a sin!"
She says, "Whatever you say."
I say, "But you're going to get STDs!
She says, "Yeah, we covered that!"
I say, "But it's a sin!"
She says, "I got it. Are you drunk?"
I say, "No, but you are going to get STDs! CoP! Come here! Tell her! Tell her how she is sinning and she is going to get STDs!"

Let's say you are the prostitute.
Are you thinking, "Hmm, maybe I should change my ways," or are you thinking the person has a bizarre Obsessive Compulsive Behavior that makes them go on for an hour and a half saying the same thing over and over?


Merely Christian
Originally posted by beanieboy
But you are attacking someone for not warning me?
You've warned me about something I already know.
I understand.
I just don't understand why you keep repeating it, and then tell others in the same thread that they must tell me as well, and join you like some Christian Borg. You already have Poly and Sibbie to parrot everything you say and never question you.

You are lost in sin, and seem to be just fine with that. You know God thinks you are guilty of sin and you know His just punishment that awaits you unless you seek refuge in Christ. I wager you even know the health risks you take with your body.

This is why I adressed smaller. His sin isn't the same as yours, but is easily illustrated here on this thread concerning you. As to the point I am trying to get across to smaller, I doubt you would understand that either, but, you are alive, and there is still hope.


What AMAZES me is the continual ETERNAL DAMNATION SPEW that comes from all of these "so called" believers, yet NONE has stepped up to the plate in RESPONSE to these type of questions. I have BOLDED some traits that I have seen DEMONstrated even here with nearly ALL the eternal damnation dudes.

Have ANY OF YOU eternal damners of BEANIEBOY done ANY of these things?

"Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them."

or these?

"They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless.

Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them."

"The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like.


The fact that MOST of you WILL NOT is a TESTIMONY to how COLD this world has REALLY become and that YOU in your SILENCE of response are the PRIMARY EVIDENCE of hypocrisy and hatred that RULES THE CHURCH.

In your SILENCE you will stand as a COMMON LIAR, at least in my eyes or more accurately stated THE SLAVEs of COMMON LIARS.




New member
Originally posted by 1Way

Servent – I don’t do as you do, you should not pick and choose favorite examples to support your views.
He effectively called her an adulterous by holding her sin against her saying go and sin no more.

He said, "Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more."

He didn't call her an adulterous.

But you left out that part.
You, in effect, picked and chose what part of the verse to quote, to support your view.


Merely Christian

I was just about to complement you on missing servent's mention of HELL and ETERNAL DAMNATION...


Well-known member
Yeah, that's it, Smellier and Smellier, dodge the point, as usual, and hide behind piles of doctrinal hogwash, as usual. Don't answer the question, re-direct. Change the subject back to someone else. Don't take any responsibility at all for your own behavior or 'professed' Christianity. Just slough it off, as usual. What a bum.