Mean TOL members


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-as posted to Poly
I have no interest in YOUR God, not the True God.

Poly only thinks that rejection is a sign she is following the Truth - your going to have to do much better to get her to see that it is her interpretation of Scripture that you find fault with, not God.

With Christ's Love



New member
Have you ever humbled yourself before the living God and repented?

Have you ever considered that you worship the Devil as the God the Father?

Have you ever considered that you need to repent?

With Christ's Love



Merely Christian
Originally posted by servent101

Have you ever considered that you worship the Devil as the God the Father?

After having lived 20 years under the tutelage of satan, I finally decided to see what his Adversary thought. I will admit, it was quite painful to realize all the things I had done were found to be worthy of damnation by the One who created all we see around us today.

Have you ever considered that you need to repent?

Why yes, as a matter of fact I did :) Thank you for asking. I found myself crushed and broken hearted one night as I was reading Leviticus. I found myself in fear I would be counted among those found guilty before the Righteous God who's Law was convicting me. You?


New member
Originally posted by servent101


-as posted to Poly

Poly only thinks that rejection is a sign she is following the Truth - your going to have to do much better to get her to see that it is her interpretation of Scripture that you find fault with, not God.

With Christ's Love


I can cast only seeds.
If the ground is hard, it does not good.
If I then curse the ground, it does no good.
The Spirit is the only one that can change her heart, make the ground fertile, and make things grow.
I can only be patient, kind, and pray with deligence.


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Originally posted by beanieboy

Poly, I said that I don't worship YOUR God.
This one in particular was a response you made to one who hasn't been harsh with you.
Originally posted by beanieboy
I'm a liberal.
I have respect for you to worship Christianity.
I simply don't want it imposed on me or anyone else.
You're pathetic, beanieboy. You want to come across as one who is seeking answers and possibly considering Christ. Yet you've made it perfectly clear that you are set in your ways. This makes you a liar.

You tell others not to be harsh yet you are harsh. You tell others not to judge yet you judge. This makes you a hypocrite.

You say that one should be humble yet you make it clear that you have no need of Christ and that you feel you are good enough for God to love you. This makes you prideful.

You use the bible to make your case against Christians yet you claim not to believe it. This makes you a fool.

Oh and lest we forget you've "left the natural use of the woman, burned in your lust, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in yourself the penalty of your error which is due", according to Romans 1, so this makes you a disgusting, filthy, perverted homo.


New member
Originally posted by Nineveh

After having lived 20 years under the tutelage of satan, I finally decided to see what his Adversary thought. I will admit, it was quite painful to realize all the things I had done were found to be worthy of damnation by the One who created all we see around us today.

Why yes, as a matter of fact I did :) Thank you for asking. I found myself crushed and broken hearted one night as I was reading Leviticus. I found myself in fear I would be counted among those found guilty before the Righteous God who's Law was convicting me. You?

May I ask where?


Well-known member
Originally posted by Poly

This one in particular was a response you made to one who hasn't been harsh with you.

You're pathetic, beanieboy. You want to come across as one who is seeking answers and possibly considering Christ. Yet you've made it perfectly clear that you are set in your ways. This makes you a liar.

You tell others not to be harsh yet you are harsh. You tell others not to judge yet you judge. This makes you a hypocrite.

You say that one should be humble yet you make it clear that you have no need of Christ and that you feel you are good enough for God to love you. This makes you prideful.

You use the bible to make your case against Christians yet you claim not to believe it. This makes you a fool.

Oh and lest we forget you've "left the natural use of the woman, burned in your lust, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in yourself the penalty of your error which is due", according to Romans 1, so this makes you a disgusting, filthy, perverted homo.
Great job, Poly. Wish I'd said all that. Well, maybe not all, but still, you got my POTD (week, actually)


Well-known member
Originally posted by beanieboy

May God's peace that passeth all understanding be with you, Poly.
That's the only point of any and all communication of Christians with non-Christians, that God's peace might be with you. We know that it isn't, but it looks like you're afraid to admit it, being in denial.


New member
Originally posted by the Sibbie

Sorry, beanie. Poly's right about this. Go look in the mirror.

I will do that.
Thank you.
May God's spirit be with you, and may he bless you and keep you, and draw you close to him.


New member
Originally posted by Aimiel

That's the only point of any and all communication of Christians with non-Christians, that God's peace might be with you. We know that it isn't, but it looks like you're afraid to admit it, being in denial.

Food for thought.
I will seek out God and ask him about this.
May God bless you.


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Originally posted by beanieboy

Food for thought.
I will seek out God and ask him about this.
May God bless you.
You're not fooling anybody, beanie.


Well-known member
Burn me once, shame on you. Burn me twice, shame on me. Love believes all things, but someone who isn't trustworthy, has to then prove themselves to regain that trust. Twice the work, twice the shame.


New member
Originally posted by Poly

You're not fooling anybody, beanie.

I have said that I will seek out God, and still you condemn me.
There is nothing more I can do.
May God's blessing and peace be with you.


New member
Originally posted by Aimiel

Burn me once, shame on you. Burn me twice, shame on me. Love believes all things, but someone who isn't trustworthy, has to then prove themselves to regain that trust. Twice the work, twice the shame.

I tell you that I will think about it, and you call me a liar?


Blessed beyond measure
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Originally posted by beanieboy

I have said that I will seek out God, and still you condemn me.
There is nothing more I can do.
May God's blessing and peace be with you.
Normally, when somebody says "I'll think about what you said" I wouldn't dream of making a remark, saying that they weren't fooling anybody. But how can you expect to be taken seriously when you say that you'll "seek out God"? Time and again you make it seem as though your considering what has been said as if maybe you're contemplating your need of Christ only to come right back and again make it clear that you feel you don't need Him. You make fools out of Christians who continually encourage you to repent, because they feel that maybe you might be seeking answers, only to be slapped in the face by you when you turn right around and mock God, saying you have no need of him. I've watched this pattern out of you for a long time.

Repent, Beanie! While you still have life in you there will always be opportunity for this. Humble yourself before Jesus Christ, a perfect and blameless sacrifice who decided that instead of beanie and Poly, and Sibbie and Nineveh and all the world, paying for all the wicked acts we've committed, He would do it instead since He could be the only perfect and needed sacrifice. But you have to realize that you are too wicked to save yourself and that only He can do it. If you do not, there will come a day where He will "crush you like powder". And all the bellyaching in the world about how mean Christians were to you, won't keep Him from doing this. So you would be a fool not to take advantage of this incredible opportunity for Him to wipe your slate clean, as if you'd never committed one wicked act.


+OL remote satellite affiliate


Poly – LOL, that is so good! I just read your first post and you really pack a punch with that one!!!
Refreshing, encouraging, (armor is more readied for action) that’ll last me good for quite a while!

Dave’s favorite verse is many Christian’s favorite verse, God is love.

Poly – Big surprise! :rolleyes:

It’s like righteousness and justice are somehow subjugated by political correctness, but as you pointed out, “love” is subject to righteousness, because if it does not (justly and rightly) abhor evil, it is hypocrisy instead. BTW, the word for love in that verse, is “agape”(!!!)

Being too accepting and nicer than God is mean and sinful.

And what tops the icing for your thread. :D You express God’s word on the matter as the basis for opposing evil redeeming the time ministering reconciliation through God’s ways, and CHRISTIANS become harsh and judgmental against YOU(!!!) instead of someone purposefully opposing God!!! They hate judgmental Christians for being too judgmental, so they judge us!!! :eek:


Come judgment day, knowing that believers are not appointed to wrath, I want to stand around folks like you and AthiestsSuck, and Clete, and shimei, (sorry if I slighted anyone, scanned parts of this thread) instead of folks like Chileice (hi chileice) and Dave (oh boy) and smaller (what a fruit basket of repeat contradiction) and Beanieboy, (opps, maybe the bb will be on the wrath end of things) because when they see the vengeance, ,,,

we will be rejoicing, but they will absolutely freak out. You know, mass hysteria, trampling, mob craze, the whole ugly bit. I think God will have to send a couple million angles complete with mob control regalia to keep them from running off and falling into the lake of fire. And you know I think God will not make us control them, because we’ve had to put up with this reaction for a lifetime already! :D LOL Let the angles rub shoulders with these left wingers for a change.

You know, I once told a liberal friend of mine (she really is a nice lady, but she has no idea how liberal she is), who has occasionally preached in her church (yep, she’s a paid minister), that Jesus in the one in Revelation with a sword out of His mouth and will lay waste to the nations, she said that is not Jesus. I said but it says that His name is the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords, and she said, no, can’t be Jesus. (!!!) The delusion that these “nicer than God” Christians live under is deep and desperate. Keep up the good work!!! People do not here the meat rightly divided from the word of God from their comfort zone pews and cliché talk, so serve it up hot and fresh, direct from the maker’s own repository where justice and righteousness still actually mean something. :thumb:
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Free-Agent Smith

New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

I got that on the first page.
And if I don't agree with you?
You believe I will go to hell. I understand that.
I don't agree with you.
So now what?

Jesus said, Behold, I stand at the door in knock.

Kind of polite way to be let in, don't you think?
And would you bother to open the door?