Mean TOL members


New member

1.) In real life, have you ever called a homosexual derogatory names before?

2.) If so, has that sort of treatment ever caused a homo to repent and start believing in your God?

Yes to both.

I doubt that. If a person can't even admit to the possibility of being self-righteous, then I already doubt their honesty.


Speaking of not repsonding to questions, I'm still waiting to see an example of "how it's done" from you....


I will explain once again why I do not take issue with people who are witnessing rightly to beanieboy:

If this is "witnessing rightly" then you are blatantly refusing to be reasonable and so I am done here.

I should have followed Chileice's lead sooner.


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Originally posted by Poly

Yes to both.
Just what is your reasoning for asking this, Lucky?
I wanted to find out if name-calling has ever really helped someone to repent. So far, you are the first person to claim it has.
Since when is anybody ever banned around here for their beliefs? Nobody on TOL is ever banned unless they do something that violates the TOL rules.
(responded to via PM)


Well-known member
Originally posted by beanieboy

I believe that we have to agree to disagree.
I assumed that, before I ever typed the first character to you. I hoped (and still do) that you'll repent, but I won't hold my breath till you do.
But I point out how you contradict the bible, and you don't care.
Would you mind repeating it, I think I missed something.
I point it out in another, and you support it.
I don't think that you've pinned anything on Poly, either; if that is what you're referring to. If so, then why are you faulting me for someone else's alleged shortcomings? I am not a 'fruit-inspector,' and don't go around trying to 'fix' the world; I just try to deliver what Word that I can.
I have said that I will think about if I have arrogance as well.
Can't you at least do the same?
OK, where, exactly did you say that, and what 'arrogance' do you see in me? Of course, I'll repent if I've offended you, I did not mean to, and will certainly take a look at what you perceive as character flaws. My boss will, too.


New member
Don'tcha just love it when heathens quote the bible?

"Heathen?" That sounds like a word an inquisitor would use.

I find it comical that avatar382 thinks that we shouldn't pay attention to David's words because of his sins. If that's the case then why should we read what he quoted out of Colossians? Those words came from a man who persecuted Christians.

Pay attention to whatever you want. I've been observing you and noticed how you focus on the bloodsoaked Old Testament and things like judgement and hellfire over the messages of humility and compassion in the New. It displays your inquisitor nature for all to see.

I personally see the entire Bible as a collection of myth. Some of it is violent and typical of the history of an ancient warrior tribe living in a harsh world, other parts of it are quite beautiful. I have a certain appreciation for the story Christ and his examples of love, compassion and humility. I only wish that more of his followers were more like him.


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Originally posted by adajos

I doubt that. If a person can't even admit to the possibility of being self-righteous, then I already doubt their honesty.
It's one thing for us to disagree, adajos. It's another thing, totally, to call somebody a liar. I think you honestly believe what you do. You're wrong but you're not being deceitful. I realize that you'd love to make an issue of my credibility because it would help your case. That's pretty low. You may disagree with me and strongly at that. But however wrong you think I may be, you have to agree that I sincerely believe what I do as well.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by adajos

Thank you.

Much like Chilieice's witness, it's sort of hard to discern which is witnessing to beanieboy and against other's witnesses on this thread. His response is the same to you as with Chilieice's, he is still unrepentant. So I will ask you, as I did Chilieice: Since the outcome is the same, why is your way superior?

If this is "witnessing rightly" then you are blatantly refusing to be reasonable and so I am done here.

I should have followed Chileice's lead sooner.

Perhaps you are right.

Did Dread Helm's list have 10 on it? 8 meanies to go...


New member
Originally posted by Aimiel

I assumed that, before I ever typed the first character to you. I hoped (and still do) that you'll repent, but I won't hold my breath till you do.Would you mind repeating it, I think I missed something.I don't think that you've pinned anything on Poly, either; if that is what you're referring to. If so, then why are you faulting me for someone else's alleged shortcomings? I am not a 'fruit-inspector,' and don't go around trying to 'fix' the world; I just try to deliver what Word that I can.OK, where, exactly did you say that, and what 'arrogance' do you see in me? Of course, I'll repent if I've offended you, I did not mean to, and will certainly take a look at what you perceive as character flaws. My boss will, too.

That's right.
Only I should repent.
Only I should self reflect.

I'm done here.


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Originally posted by avatar382

Jesus was in no way prideful. Although he claimed to be the son of God, he sure didn't act like you'd think a heavanly prince would... He was born to a common woman in a manger. He was a carpenter. He lived a humble life and encouraged others to do the same. He never boasted and he was never self-righteous. To Jesus, humility was a virtue.
From your perspective, this is true. But this was not how many of the Pharisees and other religious leaders viewed Jesus at all. And I think your view of Christians is very similar to how the Pharisees viewed Jesus.

Pride is arguably the most dangerous and oldest of all sins.
Perhaps spreading the message of humility was not Jesus' main purpose, however, who can deny the fact that Jeses was one of the most humble people to ever live?
I don't know everyone who has ever lived, so I cannot make that judgement. Yes, many a time Jesus was humble in his approach. But even some of those opposed to using name-calling in evagelism will point out that Jesus was at times very harsh.
Are Christians not supposed to be Christlike?
I've often defined Christian as "like Christ", but sometimes "follower of Christ" is more accurate. Only Christ (who is God) has the power to forgive me of all my sins. Thus, I cannot be "like Christ" in that respect, as I am powerless to forgive someone of all their sins.

But that's probably besides the point. You mean Christ-like in the sense that we should be humble 24/7. I find it hilariously idiotic when a non-Christian attempts to render a Christian useless in a debate by telling them, in a roundabout way, they "need to be more Christian."

Is humility not a virtue?
Yes, but not the only virtue.
Do you believe that Christians should be humble?
Humble, yes. Neutered, no.
I am not a practicing Christian now - (thanks to experiences with people who were much like the "truthsmackers" around here...)
How convenient to blame fellow Christians. Have fun trying to justify that excuse to God.
I will assume that you say I am "unfamilair" in the sense that I am not a member of your faith,
You assume correctly.
I believe that those who are humble and meek have a better chance of achiving true happiness than those who are prideful and vain. If all of humanity were more humble, the world would be a better place.
So to you, inheriting the earth means happiness on earth. Okay.


New member
From your perspective, this is true. But this was not how many of the Pharisees and other religious leaders viewed Jesus at all. And I think your view of Christians is very similar to how the Pharisees viewed Jesus.

How exactly did the Pharisees view Jesus, in your view? BTW, there are thousands of sects of Christianity. I harbor no particular negativity torwards Christians as a whole, only those who are rather nasty people.

But even some of those opposed to using name-calling in evagelism will point out that Jesus was at times very harsh.

Interestingly, Jesus was harshest to the proud. I am not saying that harshness and humility are mutually exclusive. However - in this thread, the harshness present seems to arise from a sentiment of superiority - you're a sinner and I'm not - become like me or you will burn in hell... unless there is a case of imminent harm or personal offense, what use is harshness in witness anyway? Unless maybe the purpose of said harshness is not really to edify, but to berate...

Humble, yes. Neutered, no.

What do you mean by "neutered"? Humility is defined by:
hum·ble ( P ) Pronunciation Key (hmbl)
adj. hum·bler, hum·blest

1. Marked by meekness or modesty in behavior, attitude, or spirit; not arrogant or prideful.

Are you suggesting that humility leads to weakness?

But that's probably besides the point. You mean Christ-like in the sense that we should be humble 24/7. I find it hilariously idiotic when a non-Christian attempts to render a Christian useless in a debate by telling them, in a roundabout way, they "need to be more Christian."

That was not my intention at all. I throughly enjoy debate. Being humble does not mean being weak. Being humble means not being prideful and arrogant. One can debate successfuly without being prideful and arrogant. What's wrong with being humble all the time anyway? Probably no one can reach that ideal, but I think it's a worthy goal.

How convenient to blame fellow Christians. Have fun trying to justify that excuse to God.

I "blame" no one for my deconversion. I am very thankful for it and am happier now than I ever was as a believer. I simply stated that one of the major causes that led to my eventual deconversion were my dealings with arrogant, prideful Christians. Honestly, I should be thanking them.

So to you, inheriting the earth means happiness on earth. Okay.

Yes, From my perspective, this life is all we have that is guaranteed. It seems to me that those who are humble tend to make the most of it.
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Free-Agent Smith

New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

I asked:
What is the speck, and what is the plank?
You didn't answer.
Do you just not know?
I know you think that many Christians are full of hatred for you and other gay people. I don't hate you, neither does Poly or Nineveh. We just want you to ask for forgiveness for your actions, repent and humble yourself before God.


New member
I got that on the first page.
And if I don't agree with you?
You believe I will go to hell. I understand that.
I don't agree with you.
So now what?

Jesus said, Behold, I stand at the door in knock.

Kind of polite way to be let in, don't you think?


Well-known member
Originally posted by beanieboy

Jesus said, Behold, I stand at the door in knock.

Kind of polite way to be let in, don't you think?
Do you believe that if you came face-to-face with Him when He was walking this earth that He would not have confronted your sin? What did He do with the woman at the well? He didn't ignore it. He didn't make fun of her, but He did confront her with it. That, IMHO, is how we need to deal with un-repentant sinners. Confront them with their sin, and allow them to repent of it. If they don't, as did many people that Jesus confronted, they are reprobate, and will not enter into life. They will take part in the second death, as well as the first.


Merely Christian
"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me."

And if I don't agree with you?

Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son.


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Originally posted by Aimiel

Do you believe that if you came face-to-face with Him when He was walking this earth that He would not have confronted your sin?
That's a good question, Aimiel.

Beanieboy, what would you have said to Christ when he said "repent"? Maybe you would have responded to Him arrogantly in the same way that you responded to others on here telling you to repent.
Originally posted by beanieboy
It's creepy.
All in the name of Go-wad.
Originally posted by beanieboy
But it is my choice.
a response made when told that to reject Christ was to reject life
Originally posted by beanieboy
That is why I reject your bloodthirsty God.
You can explain that to God while I'm playing chess with Gandhi.
Originally posted by beanieboy
You want me to love a God that would have me put to death.
Originally posted by beanieboy
IGod doesn't live in a cage that you build for him.
He is where he wants to be.
He can reveal himself in any book, any religion. He is not limited to the Bible.
And I believe that all are created in the image of God. All of us have, deep down, a soul that is like a reflection of God. Buddhists call it the Buddha within.
Once you understand this, guilt replaces hope.
Sadness is replaced with calm confidence.
Originally posted by beanieboy
Am I sincere in my religions that God will admit me into heaven?
It doesn't matter. What matters is how I live here.
Originally posted by beanieboy
But I have seen the ugliness of Christianity, and the arrogance that no matter what you do or how you act, if you are a christian, God will forgive you.
I don't agree with that.
Originally posted by beanieboy
Then they want to know if I want to sign up, and are angry and confused when I say no thanks.
Originally posted by beanieboy
I'm a liberal.
I have respect for you to worship Christianity.
I simply don't want it imposed on me or anyone else.


Merely Christian
Do you know you will not be with Christ, that He will send you away from Him because of your rejection?


New member
Yes. You've said it over and over.
I got it.
Give it a rest.

Jesus knocks.
He doesn't bang.
He doesn't threaten that he's going to kill you if you let him in.
He doesn't demand.
He knocks.

Knock knock knock.

Why can't you follow that example?


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Originally posted by beanieboy

Knock knock knock.

Why can't you follow that example?
Many on here have. You refuse to open the door. You're actually arrogant enough to turn Jesus away. You say you have no need of opening the door.

Or maybe you're trying to convince him that nobody's home. (I'd believe it.)