Mean TOL members


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For the record, I don't spit in the face of God, or disrespect Christians.
I disrespect people who claim to be christians, but live by substandard behaviors of those of the people they criticize.
No one demands perfection from you, but if you demand it of others, don't be surprised when you are exposed, as Jerry Fallwell was, and have no sympathy given to you.


New member
Originally posted by Nineveh
You admit only at the bottom of your diatribe, that you are wrong.

I tend to believe you are not only wrong about me, but Poly as well.

I will however accept your apology.

His point was, do you follow a muslim around a mall, and when they don't convert, harrass them or mock them?

He questioned Poly's tactics, and you only defend them.
That makes me question you. One should be pointing out the specks of one's fellow christians as well, but you not only ignore them, you support them.

But to then post that you are right and willing to accept an apology, well that's just plain arrogant.


Well-known member
Originally posted by beanieboy

But Poly is excited about rejoicing about people being thrown into hell.

You say people won't.

Don't you think you may want to address this with Poly?
I am not concerned about her salvation. I believe that she has a fundamental faith in The Lord, and will trust her 'grooming' as it were, to The Lord, and to her peers. I'm more concerned about addressing issues which might lead to someone coming to a saving faith in The Lord, while on this earth. If someone gets into Heaven and has some points which need to be corrected, that makes a whole lot less difference than if they go to hell, because I was too busy helping someone correct their theology to take the time to speak to someone about the possibility of being saved. That's what is important to me: The Great Commission. Preaching The Gospel to every single soul who hasn't yet responded to The Lord's call.


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So, if you act contrary to the bible, as long as one gives lip service, you no longer care, nor care about their behavior, or how they represent your God?


Banned by Mod
Poly and Nineveh, how do you feel about those humans born that are considered sexually ambiguous. This is actually more common than we assume, it happens to about 1 in 200 people.

The only way to determine the sex in some cases is by genetic analyses. Males are born with xy chromosomes, females have xx. Unfortunately, genetics has less influence on our gender than hormone levels. Often, the doctors make hastie decisions, and remove what appears to be un/underdeveloped external genitals from babies that are actually male. Or in some case they use cosmetic surgery to make the male genitals look more average, when the genetics of the individual is actually xx.

Should we hate these people as well?


Well-known member
Originally posted by beanieboy

So, if you act contrary to the bible, as long as one gives lip service, you no longer care, nor care about their behavior, or how they represent your God?
Did I say that? She serves God, and does a beautiful job of it. The speck that I see in her eye is nothing worthy of my notice, since I'm walking around with a telephone pole superglued to my nose. I'm doing what I beleive is expedient: serving The Lord by seeking to save that which was lost, not trying to heal those who are well, or to find those who are already in the 'flock.' Get a clue, OK?

On Fire

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Originally posted by Dimo
Should we hate these people as well?

No one hates beanie. He's a sinner like all the rest of us. The only difference is, HE can't handle the TruthSmack.


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Originally posted by Lucky

Thank you for answering, Nineveh. :)

Your turn, Poly. Also, if any other "non-mean" yet "not-nicer-than-God" Christians would like to answer, go for it.

Let me again be more specific in question #1 and ask that you exclude "sinner" as a derogatory name. I'm talking about derogatory names that would only apply to a homosexual person.

1.) In real life, have you ever called a homosexual derogatory names before?

2.) If so, has that sort of treatment ever caused a homo to repent and start believing in your God?


New member
Originally posted by Aimiel

Did I say that? She serves God, and does a beautiful job of it. The speck that I see in her eye is nothing worthy of my notice, since I'm walking around with a telephone pole superglued to my nose. I'm doing what I beleive is expedient: serving The Lord by seeking to save that which was lost, not trying to heal those who are well, or to find those who are already in the 'flock.' Get a clue, OK?

You don't have to say it.
You demonstrate it.
She serves God, and does a beautiful job of it?:confused:


Well-known member
Beanie is so :1Way: that he believes he is the only one to deserve Heaven :emarie: and seems to be stuck :Tye: trying to prove it to us. I guess we should count ourselves fortunate :lucky: that there aren't a whole lot here that are like him, but I wish there were more. He seems to be a 'straight-shooter' and gets right to the point of things :Grizzly: even though he's just a little bit rough around the edges :BillyBob: I still think that he's a lot of fun :joker: to speak to. At least he doesn't get angry :madmad: or simply say the same thing over and over :vomit: or act unconcerned :yawn: as is the problem with many on TOL, not to mention all the :kookoo: :kookoo: and :LeoVolnt:


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Originally posted by Poly

We have a righteous, just, and awesome God who has done a profound thing in making a way for us to be justified with Him by offering a Son as a Sacrifice. I refuse to let somebody mock this, dragging the name of Christ through the dirt, the way that beanieboy does.
:sozo: Then ban him already! :hammer:

After all, if you really want to refuse him from posting things that are offensive to the Lord, that's the only way it's going to happen. As we've seen thread and thread again, calling beanieboy names doesn't help any. In fact, it seems to just build up his God-hating posts. Why would you even want to be responsible for that? I'm sure every other mod is in agreement with you. I'm sure they also "refuse to let somebody mock..." Don't you have enough spine to ban him?


Well-known member
Originally posted by beanieboy

She serves God, and does a beautiful job of it?:confused:

We're all servants. Either servants of The Lord, if we believe in Him, or servants of the devil, if we don't. I believe that Poly does a wonderful job of representing Jesus on this earth, which she has been appointed to do. If I see a little fuzz on someone's sweater, I don't normally pick it off, because I would think someone was trying to tell me I was dirty if they did it to me; but I would do so for someone who knew me well enough to know that I don't think like that. If I saw someone who was stuck in quicksand, and all that they needed was a hand, I would give them one. Poly has a really small insignifcant speck on her, but your stuck in a quagmire, and I am trying to lend a hand. Do you get the illustration, now? :thumb:


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Originally posted by Lucky

Thank you for answering, Nineveh. :)

Your turn, Poly. Also, if any other "non-mean" yet "not-nicer-than-God" Christians would like to answer, go for it.

Let me again be more specific in question #1 and ask that you exclude "sinner" as a derogatory name. I'm talking about derogatory names that would only apply to a homosexual person.

1.) In real life, have you ever called a homosexual derogatory names before?

2.) If so, has that sort of treatment ever caused a homo to repent and start believing in your God?
Yes to both.
Just what is your reasoning for asking this, Lucky?

Originally posted by Lucky

:sozo: Then ban him already! :hammer:

After all, if you really want to refuse him from posting things that are offensive to the Lord, that's the only way it's going to happen. As we've seen thread and thread again, calling beanieboy names doesn't help any. In fact, it seems to just build up his God-hating posts. Why would you even want to be responsible for that? I'm sure every other mod is in agreement with you. I'm sure they also "refuse to let somebody mock..." Don't you have enough spine to ban him?

Since when is anybody ever banned around here for their beliefs? Nobody on TOL is ever banned unless they do something that violates the TOL rules.

Maybe you should go back and read them yourself.


New member
Originally posted by Aimiel
Poly has a really small insignifcant speck on her, but your stuck in a quagmire, and I am trying to lend a hand. Do you get the illustration, now? :thumb:

I believe that we have to agree to disagree.

I think CoP has things I admire, and I would check out his belief system.
I admire adjos, and listen to what he believes.

But I point out how you contradict the bible, and you don't care.
I point it out in another, and you support it.

That's all I'm pointing out.
You are incredibly defensive.

I have said that I will think about if I have arrogance as well.
Can't you at least do the same?


New member
Oh give me a break! Grow a backbone for God already will ya?

I didn't realize a supposedly all powerful God needed a backbone grown for him.

Because David took it personally when somebody blatently spoke against his God as beanieboy does. He was sick of seeing what the wicked did. We make God out to be a wimp when we don't let ones like this know that God will not stand for their evil and neither will we. My God is not a wimp and does not like for His people to make Him look like one.

David also had sex with a woman and had her rightful husband murdered, and commited war crimes/genocide against his enemies of war, and kept a concubine. I suppose it is no surprise that you use him as a role-model.

Tell me: Does God need you to defend him? Did he make you an enforcer of his supposed will? Did he make you a Judge? You come off not as one who merely seeks to uphold virtue, but rather as an inquisitor. Do you see yourself as an inquisitor? Why won't you "Christians" follow your own Christ's example and be humble servants like he was?

From the Bible you hold so dear:
Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 13Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 14And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
15Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. 16Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. Colossians 3:12-16

I see no compassion in you, no kindness, no humility. Where is the gentleness? Where is the patience? Do you have peace, Poly? Don't you think something is wrong when you don't exude the qualities as Jesus did?


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Originally posted by AtheistsSuck

Don'tcha just love it when heathens quote the bible?
Oh yeah! I find it comical that avatar382 thinks that we shouldn't pay attention to David's words because of his sins. If that's the case then why should we read what he quoted out of Colossians? Those words came from a man who persecuted Christians.