Mean TOL members


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Poly

Because you have given every indication that this will be true. But please, by all means, prove me wrong on this one.

I'd love for beanieboy to prove you wrong too, Poly :)

Btw, beanieboy, you never responded to post #718. What say ye?


+OL remote satellite affiliate
BB - He said he still holds out for hope.

You dont have to state every exception to every rule. If you seem hell bound and determined, then it would be more questionable to not judge against that.


+OL remote satellite affiliate
BB - Slow down a moment. Would you please respond to the first issue about why it is wrong not to oppose someone who is headed towards disaster?


Well-known member
Originally posted by beanieboy
"Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more."

You are ignoring half the verse.
It would seem that you're the one who is ignoring His reprimand. Why?


you can dance all you want NIN, and 1Way....

you KNOW I am hunting the HIDDEN things IN YOU and not the EXPOSED things in BEANIEBOY.

Beanieboys heart is already on the table of sharing.

Your hearts are HIDDEN behind your PHARISEE'S CLOAKS with DAGGERS in your hands.

The Sword of God's Word is sufficient to HANDle all things.


Well-known member
Originally posted by Nineveh

I tend to agree with you Aimiel :) But I figure if he can get that far (you know, being coherent) the hard part would have already taken place....
Oh, you're right. That would make him 'approachable,' instead of hypocritical and self-righteous.


+OL remote satellite affiliate
The condemnation was a reflexive over stoning her, that does not indicate Jesus held no judgement against her, it means He did not condemn her to be stoned.


Well-known member
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.


The adulterous woman was forgiven

the sin indwelling her will have it's day of wrath resulting in total destruction.

Jesus never DENIED The Law, but RIGHTLY applied it.


New member
Originally posted by Poly
But how can you expect to be taken seriously when you say that you'll "seek out God"?

I can understand why you said it.

Can you answer this:
If you were unsaved, and you didn't convert, and I said to you, "You will never convert, and when you burn in hell, I will laugh", what would be your response?

If you then decided to convert, and I said, "Yeah, whatever! You will never convert!" what would be your response?

The truth is, I have been thinking about it. But the day I did follow something in the bible - to try to only return evil with kindness and blessing, I was attacked. And something, the thing I call God, released me - and I knew it was God I answered to, and not you.


The fact that SIN has MULTIPLIED in our present day should be no surprise to ANY believer.

The LAW came so that THE TRESPASS would INCREASE and SIN would eventually become UTTERLY SINFUL.

Welcome to OUR day. The "devil" spawns "children." These "children" are not people, but devils and demons who LIVE in the flesh.

If you HAVE SIN and SIN is OF THE DEVIL then YOU have it.

NO one can say THEY HAVE NO SIN and BE IN TRUTH.

Currently in our local high school there are boys making out with boys in the HALLWAYS. Girls are doing the SAME.

This NEVER happened in my high school 30+ years ago. Never. Such a thing would have been ABHORRENT.

You SINLESS ones, IF you walked IN TRUTH yourselves WOULD SEE that THESE THINGS have captured ALL PEOPLE.

Rightly DIVIDE yourself from IT and your own WITNESS will bear TRUTH rather than the DRIPPING HYPOCRITICAL NONSENSE that most of you SPEW.

There will be things spewed out OF THE MOUTH OF JESUS...and it is NOT people.



Blessed beyond measure
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Re: :D

Re: :D

Originally posted by 1Way

Come judgment day, knowing that believers are not appointed to wrath, I want to stand around folks like you and AthiestsSuck, and Clete, and shimei, (sorry if I slighted anyone, scanned parts of this thread) instead of folks like Chileice (hi chileice) and Dave (oh boy) and smaller (what a fruit basket of repeat contradiction) and Beanieboy, (opps, maybe the bb will be on the wrath end of things) because when they see the vengeance, ,,,
It will be an awesome day when we see righteousness finally prevail. I'm also looking forward to standing with ones like you, and those on here who long to defend righteousness and see the wicked destroyed. I'm personally hoping that I get to be one of the ones to throw the book at Hillary Clinton. :thumb:


New member
Originally posted by 1Way

The condemnation was a reflexive over stoning her, that does not indicate Jesus held no judgement against her, it means He did not condemn her to be stoned.

Did he not believe in the law?
It's in Leviticus that she should have been stoned to death.


New member
Re: Re: :D

Re: Re: :D

Originally posted by Poly

It will be an awesome day when we see righteousness finally prevail. I'm also looking forward to standing with ones like you, and those on here who long to defend righteousness and see the wicked destroyed. I'm personally hoping that I get to be one of the ones to throw the book at Hillary Clinton. :thumb:

Is this why you are Christian?
To stand in judgement of others, and watch them suffer?


+OL remote satellite affiliate
BB - Would you please respond to the first issue about why it is wrong not to oppose someone who is headed towards disaster. Do you agree or disagree with people trying to help someone in trouble, even if the person in trouble does not want the help?


Well-known member
Seeing Smellier's posts is starting to remind me of the, "See Rock City," barns and the old, "Burma Shave," signs on the highway. After a while, you don't even notice them, because they say the same thing, over and over.