Mean TOL members


New member
Originally posted by smaller

Greetings Dave M.

Specifically what? I really like specifics. The MORE OF GOD'S WORD that I can read and understand and accept the better.



You have the same fundamental problem as those you
criticize. You trump up the "Grace" texts and rationalize the
"hell and damnation" texts. You obviously have a great love
for God and God's Will and Word, so somewhere in your
psyche this inconsistancy has to create at least a little

The CS Lewis reference I made might be a way for you to
find some consistancy in Scripture overall, accomodate the
Judgement of God and still honor the Grace of God, which I
agree with you is THE cornerstone Theological point to be
known and shared...

One other point of humor, you are by far the orneryist
universalist I have ever encountered. Universalists are
usually "love, love love, you are forgiven, I'm OK, you're OK."
The apellation "militant Universalist" really is oxymoronic
at the core, but it seems to fit, which I "enjoy!"

take care,



New member
Originally posted by Agent Smith

When the "fellow Chistian" is wrong yes, that is how we are supposed to act.

Acting haughty, and snide, and say, "don't let the door hit ya on the way out?"


What was so wrong about Chiliece that would make you justify that?

Free-Agent Smith

New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

Acting haughty, and snide, and say, "don't let the door hit ya on the way out?"


What was so wrong about Chiliece that would make you justify that?
Since you will probably never repent and come to Christ, I don't feel the need to justify something like that to you, of all people.


New member
Chileice said:
I will seriously consider curtailing or ending my participation at TOL as I now realize that in spite of the freedom to express (which I appreciate) it is a front for a very vile type of perverted Christianity.

You leave now, and "they" win. Giving up is not an option. Splash
some cold water in your face and get back in there! Seriously,
don't be a wimp! You can "kumbayah" anywhere, this is the real



New member
Originally posted by Dave Miller

Chileice said:

You leave now, and "they" win. Giving up is not an option. Splash
some cold water in your face and get back in there! Seriously,
don't be a wimp! You can "kumbayah" anywhere, this is the real


I disagree.

Agent Smith/AthiestSuck is the type of idiot that is more of a waste of time than anything, and egg you on to get you to sink to their level. There is a time when it's healthier to just remove yourself from the situation.


Well-known member
Originally posted by beanieboy

Your own members are voting for themselves and acting like it is an accomplishment.
Your own organization is now promoting TOL, and many of the quotes that they have on their site are either word-for-word quotes directly from The Bible, or merely echo the Word of truth taken from it. Who says God can't use the devil to preach His Word?

Free-Agent Smith

New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

But I don't claim to be a christian. You do.

So, there isn't much difference, except that you are liar.

Call me whatever you want so you can feel better about being a fag that will probably die because you have no self-respect.

I have asked for forgiveness.

You are still an unrepentant fag.

Free-Agent Smith

New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

Don't you kids already have a few threads where you can use this kind of childishness?
I have noticed you have been here on ToL quite a bit lately. Did they close down your favorite bathhouse, amusement park or ice cream stand?


New member
Originally posted by Agent Smith

Call me whatever you want so you can feel better about being a fag that will probably die because you have no self-respect.

I have asked for forgiveness.

You are still an unrepentant fag.

You asked for forgiveness, but you haven't repented.

Free-Agent Smith

New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

You asked for forgiveness, but you haven't repented.

That is your opinion. If you had been a Christian I would take your opinion into consideration. What do you know about repentance, fag?

But you are still a homosexual. You intentionally limit your life and the lives of your "significant others" by your actions and lifestyle.