Mean TOL members


New member
Originally posted by Agent Smith

That is your opinion. If you had been a Christian I would take your opinion into consideration. What do you know about repentance, fag?

But you are still a homosexual. You intentionally limit your life and the lives of your "significant others" by your actions and lifestyle.

No, you do that.
That's all you can see me as.
You limit me to that, and then treat me as subhuman, and disregard the bible in ways of which you should behave.
You grant yourself forgiveness, yet hold others in contempt.

God's Mercy be upon you.


New member
Originally posted by AtheistsSuck

You've done neither.

A nonbeliever usually doesn't.
But shouldn't it be seen by example of a believer?
Isn't it foolish for a believer to expect it of a nonbeliever, while not demonstrating it themself?


Well-known member
Originally posted by Dave Miller

Chileice said:

You leave now, and "they" win. Giving up is not an option. Splash
some cold water in your face and get back in there! Seriously,
don't be a wimp! You can "kumbayah" anywhere, this is the real
Omega recently left TOL because he saw a 'lack of respect' from people's posts. Chileice seems to feel the same way, that sinners should recognize the 'burden' that she places them under, and that they have to 'play nice' or she's going to take her ball and go home. What a crock. We're tossed to the lions, and we have to get used to persecution. They crucified Jesus, and won't do less to His Children, since they see The Master has gone on a long journey. Really, people, wake up.


New member
Originally posted by Aimiel

Omega recently left TOL because he saw a 'lack of respect' from people's posts. Chileice seems to feel the same way, that sinners should recognize the 'burden' that she places them under, and that they have to 'play nice' or she's going to take her ball and go home. What a crock. We're tossed to the lions, and we have to get used to persecution. They crucified Jesus, and won't do less to His Children, since they see The Master has gone on a long journey. Really, people, wake up.

We have to get used to persecution, so we disrespect other people.

Good mental gymnastics there.


Well-known member
Originally posted by beanieboy

But shouldn't it be seen by example of a believer?
Isn't it foolish for a believer to expect it of a nonbeliever, while not demonstrating it themself?
Of course, but we can hope. I hope you repent. I would venture that most Christians hope that you repent before you face your judgement; but don't wait to see a 'perfect Christian,' to make up your mind to finally become one, because you won't find one, until you meet Jesus. He is The Only One Who is Perfect. We're just humble enough to say, "Lord, forgive my sin," and become subject to Him. The only difference between believers and un-believers is that we're forgiven. The Lord can't forgive someone's sin that doesn't believe. Believers aren't perfect, just forgiven. The Lord is working on us, every single day. In my life, He's got His Work cut out for Him, and He is very, very busy, indeed. Paul was the Chief of sinners, but I'm their Self-Elected Emperor for Life.

Free-Agent Smith

New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

No, you do that.
That's all you can see me as.
You limit me to that, and then treat me as subhuman, and disregard the bible in ways of which you should behave.
You grant yourself forgiveness, yet hold others in contempt.

God's Mercy be upon you.
I only limit you by your own standards. I can't save myself that is why I had to repent and ask for forgiveness. You lead a lifestyle that is an abomination. Your lifestyle is the center of your self-rightous pride, not Jesus. I have asked for God's forgiveness. Have you humbled yourself and asked for forgiveness for your sins and transgressions against God?

If you need more help understanding proper judgement please read Matthew 7: 1-6 and take time to understand it.

Free-Agent Smith

New member
Originally posted by Aimiel
but I'm their Self-Elected Emperor for Life.
Hmmm? How about we work together on this in shifts?:p

Disclaimer 2

****I am joking. The statement in question isn't only meant to be taken as a bit of humor. I cannot assume responsibility for any misinterpretations. Any problems concerning this post can be directed towards Mister Bunny for further consideration. Appropriate action may follow. Nap time is at 4:30, dinner will be follow naptime.


New member
Originally posted by Agent Smith

I only limit you by your own standards. I can't save myself that is why I had to repent and ask for forgiveness. You lead a lifestyle that is an abomination. Your lifestyle is the center of your self-rightous pride, not Jesus. I have asked for God's forgiveness. Have you humbled yourself and asked for forgiveness for your sins and transgressions against God?

If you need more help understanding proper judgement please read Matthew 7: 1-6 and take time to understand it.

4How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?

I've read it. Many times.

What is the speck, and what is the plank?

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Originally posted by Nineveh

I'm sorry, it's a term I'm using to distingush between those who usually find fault with judgement and those that don't.

Judgers and Judge-not-ers, see?

Aye, it was actually easy, but i didnt got it when i tryed to figure it out first time.


New member

These so called so called "truthsmackers" are, deep down inside, prideful creatures. They are prideful because they believe they are chosen by God. They are prideful because they believe they are righteous. They are prideful because they believe that by "truthsmacking", they are doing the Lords' Work.

If they would look inside themselves, recognize their own prideful spirit, and strive to acheive the humility the Christ himself showed, they would see the error of their ways. However, the proud do not like to be humbled.

Humility was at the very center of Christ's message.

Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a servant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. Philippians 2:5 - 8

I am not a Christian. I disbelieve in the supernatural. Be that as it may, it doesn't stop me from admiring the writings of one of the most humble figures of literature/history. Man is prideful by nature, that is why the truly humble stand out from the rest of us.

It's too bad that some of those who claim to be Christ's most fervent followers do not emulate his humility.

"The meek shall inherit the earth". I truly believe this.

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

You asked for forgiveness, but you haven't repented.


I would nominate it as POTD, but who cares about the opinion of top #2 meanie anyway :chuckle:

Same goes for some other fags who love to believe that they are Christians while they havent been willing to clean the filth out of their minds. The same Bible they use for justification of their non-christian behaviour is their judge in the day of judgement.

Maybe they will be hit with the same door what they thought that might hit their "opponents". Who knows... God only.


New member
Originally posted by Dread Helm

WE need to do more than just "write our congressman". I'm personally leaning toward establishing a Theocratic Constitutional Monarchy on a fortified Island in the South Pacific....
Then feel free to do so. Or is this mere talk?


New member
Originally posted by Chileice

I want my name associated with grace... not law, with Jesus not Enyart.
Jesus is our author and finisher of our faith not the author of plot materials.


New member
Re: Yes or No

Re: Yes or No

Originally posted by Lucky

Two simple, yes-or-no questions...

1.) In real life, have you ever called a homosexual derogatory names before?

2.) If so, has that sort of treatment ever caused a homo to repent and start believing in your God?

I have personally led many homosexuals to Christ without having to call them fags, queers, etc...I called them to repentance and warned them of hell.

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Originally posted by avatar382


These so called so called "truthsmackers" are, deep down inside, prideful creatures. They are prideful because they believe they are chosen by God. They are prideful because they believe they are righteous. They are prideful because they believe that by "truthsmacking", they are doing the Lords' Work.

If they would look inside themselves, recognize their own prideful spirit, and strive to acheive the humility the Christ himself showed, they would see the error of their ways. However, the proud do not like to be humbled.

Humility was at the very center of Christ's message.


Even better nominate for POTD.

I am not a Christian.

Isn't it actually an irony that when i started to read your message you sounded like "normal Christians" i meet very often in real life. And for those I'M-THE-JUDGE people - nope, those christians are devoted ones, who hate sin and try to live with pure hearts. And then it appears that you are even not Christian, but reflect the Christian mentality much more than some I'M-THE-JUDGE's.

Isn't it the irony of how God sometimes gives His message? He forsakes those who are proud in their heart (religious proud is not better than being proud of sin, btw), and uses people who got humble heart even if they aren't Christian by "official" labels.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by avatar382


These so called so called "truthsmackers" are, deep down inside, prideful creatures. They are prideful because they believe they are chosen by God. They are prideful because they believe they are righteous. They are prideful because they believe that by "truthsmacking", they are doing the Lords' Work.

If they would look inside themselves, recognize their own prideful spirit, and strive to acheive the humility the Christ himself showed, they would see the error of their ways. However, the proud do not like to be humbled.

Humility was at the very center of Christ's message.

I am not a Christian. I disbelieve in the supernatural. Be that as it may, it doesn't stop me from admiring the writings of one of the most humble figures of literature/history. Man is prideful by nature, that is why the truly humble stand out from the rest of us.

It's too bad that some of those who claim to be Christ's most fervent followers do not emulate his humility.

"The meek shall inherit the earth". I truly believe this.

How does speaking the truth we find in scripture equate to thinking we are "chosen". God has chosen you to know the truth to but you refuse.


New member
Hall of Fame
Thanks for responding. :)
Originally posted by Agent Smith

1.) In real life, have you ever called a homosexual derogatory names before?

Many times.

2.) If so, has that sort of treatment ever caused a homo to repent and start believing in your God?

No, but then again when I would try being as nice as possible, they would be even more rude than when I used derogatory names.
Interesting. Do you think it's possible that the reason they weren't as rude to you when you used derogatory names was because at those times they just blew you off as some kind of dumb jerk? Whereas the times when you were as nice as possible they considered you more serious and the pure message of the gospel you were presenting more offensive in nature than petty name-calling? Just something to think about.