Mean TOL members


New member

don't think they are believing identically.

Adajos makes really good points.

For example, it has been pointed out to me that they tell me that their religion condemns me, their book condemns me, their God hates me and I repulse him and he calls for my death, and I repulse them.

Then they want to know if I want to sign up, and are angry and confused when I say no thanks.

Adajos points out that instead of expressing the forgiveness of God, they only present condemnation. Instead of presenting the love of God, they present his anger and hatred. Instead of offering hope, they offer eternal burning in hell.

When confronted with questionable tactics, they twist the bible.
I couldn't find the word "slut" in the woman of the well story. "You have answered rightly" = slut? um. ok.

But adajos approaches it from a much different way.
He is humble. He is understanding.
He doesn't put words in God's mouth.

So I can listen.

Thanks for your kind words. I know Nineveh has suggested that I have stood between you and Christ because of my stepping between you and Poly. I truly hope that she is wrong about that.

I've read alot of the things you have posted. I think you have quite a bit of fun with some of the people who engage in some very contradictory behavior for those who profess to follow Christ. It's very easy for you to point out their contradictions, and you do it well. I hope, however, that your interest in Christianity and spiritual things is not confined only to that.

In your response to Chileice's farewell post you got a what is I think a valuable nugget of Biblical truth. He who seeks the Truth, will find it. Doing that requires sincere questioning of one's own belief and the beliefs of others---and in some ways it is never really done, even after one has found Christ. But I have the utmost confidence that if you sincerely seek, then you will find, because God promises it to be true.

The Biblical facts that are the Gospel are these:
1. Every human being that ever lived has sinned.
2. Sin separates man from God--from sins that are considered "big" like murder, to "little" ones like envy.
3. God sent his Son, Christ to live a life free of sin, and sacrifice Himself agonizingly to atone for our sins because His love for us is so great.
4. We have but to accept His freely-given gift and then try with all our heart, mind, and strength to follow Christ. We will fail, but God will forgive us of our sin if we but ask and try our best to perfect ourselves with Him as our strength. God can forgive any sin, no matter how great we may think it is and can transform our lives.

Being a frequent reader of this board, I'm sure those facts are not new to you. If you have questions about the old "problem of evil"--you know, how a loving God could send people to hell, we can talk about that. Smaller loves to muddy the waters in such discussions, but as of now I have no interest in debating it with him.

If there are any other philosophical you have that prevent you from taking Christianity seriously, I'd be happy to discuss them. If you are kept from Christianity because you think you will have to give up doing things that you don't want to give up, we can discuss. If you believe Buddhism is the truth, rather than Christianity, there's another topic for us.

I don't have all the answers, and I'm not an expert on those topics. All I can do is try my best to answer whatever questions or objections you have about Christianity in a way that I think is in line with God's truth and is pleasing to Him.

I have been praying that your search for God and His Truth will be a successful one. The number one reason that people don't become Christians is because of the behavior of Christians. As such, perhaps the best piece of advice I can give you is to keep your eyes on God, and not man. Don't let the human failings of every single one of us Christians prevent you from coming to Christ.

One more thing---I have no illusions of me being able to "save you". Only God can do that.

If you just wanna talk about non-spiritual things sometime, that's cool too---apparently we just live across the Mississippi from each other.


New member

Not sure I was targeted to answer your questions, but I will anyway:

1.) In real life, have you ever called a homosexual derogatory names before?

No. Not to their face. I must truthfully admit that at times in the past I have joked about homosexuals when I was strictly in the company of my straight friends.

I always felt it was harmless since nobody seemed hurt by it, but after going through this thread I feel convicted. I am certainly not proud of it.

2.) If so, has that sort of treatment ever caused a homo to repent and start believing in your God?



New member

I think after more than 500 posts I can safely say it would be a waste of my time to add to this thread. It has been sad and frustrating. Probably kept going out of frustration, thinking that surely the hate is love thinking could be corrected with Biblical instruction and rational thinking. But I was wrong. I will seriously consider curtailing or ending my participation at TOL as I now realize that in spite of the freedom to express (which I appreciate) it is a front for a very vile type of perverted Christianity. I want my name associated with grace... not law, with Jesus not Enyart. I also want my name associated sahring the Gospel out of love. I do want all to come to repentance but I dod not want to have to repent for my actions in doing so.

I hope someday Beanie and all others who do not have a personal relationship to Jesus Christ will come to know Him and enjoy Him and rejoice in the freedom and grace of their salvation.

Poly, I hope you will wake up some day. I hope you will stop trying to lead Nin and Sibbie astray. A millstone would be a good alternative. I hope smaller will start his own threads rather than carrying on a sidebar discussion with Aimiel. I hope adajos will keep on growing. See you all somewhere down the road... but not on this thread. Bye.

Well, I hope to see you around here in other threads at least. You'd be a great loss to the TOL community, even if many people don't realize it.

The thing is, the people that disagree with you don't realize that it's just that disagreement that often makes for the most fun posting experiences on TOL.

I have to admit that I have considered bailing from this conversation as well, on the grounds that I don't know if any good is being accomplished by it. Perhaps the only two things that have kept me on it are the hope that beanieboy can realize that witnessing is not inherently a wantonly cruel thing and the fact that at least one person on this thread seems open and interested in this idea as well.

I wish you well. Thanks for your discerning humble Christian spirit, it has been a great blessing and support for me.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by avatar382

These so called so called "truthsmackers" are, deep down inside, prideful creatures. They are prideful because they believe they are chosen by God. They are prideful because they believe they are righteous.
Was Jesus prideful for believing the same? He claimed to be God's only begotten Son. That's an even bolder statement than what Christians make when we say we are going to Heaven! So if you are going to call us prideful, you had better call Jesus prideful as well. And yet you claim...
Humility was at the very center of Christ's message.
I think you might have Jesus and Buddha mixed up or something. Yes, Jesus detests the wickedly proud, but spreading humility was not Christ's core purpose on earth. Jesus didn't die on the cross so we can be humble, unrepentant sinners.
I am not a Christian.
That would explain your unfamiliarity with Christ.
I disbelieve in the supernatural.
Then why do you "truly believe" the meek shall inherit the earth? When does the inheritance take place, before or after the worms begin eating at your rotting flesh. Sad as it sounds, that's all the naturalistic worldview has to offer.


New member

Interesting. Do you think it's possible that the reason they weren't as rude to you when you used derogatory names was because at those times they just blew you off as some kind of dumb jerk? Whereas the times when you were as nice as possible they considered you more serious and the pure message of the gospel you were presenting more offensive in nature than petty name-calling? Just something to think about.

This is an excellent point. In fact I have a similar example from this very thread. You'll notice that somewhere early on in this thread AtheistsSuck tried to draw me into his usual pattern of exchanging pointless one-line insults back-and-forth. I felt that he didn't want to seriously engage the material being talked about and so thus didn't allow myself to be drawn in or baited by him.

I merely ignored him.


New member
Hall of Fame
Re: Re: Yes or No

Re: Re: Yes or No

Originally posted by Freak

I have personally led many homosexuals to Christ without having to call them fags, queers, etc...I called them to repentance and warned them of hell.
Taking you for your word, that's really great to hear. :up:


New member
Hall of Fame
Thanks for answering. :)
Originally posted by adajos

Not sure I was targeted to answer your questions, but I will anyway:

No. Not to their face. I must truthfully admit that at times in the past I have joked about homosexuals when I was strictly in the company of my straight friends.

I always felt it was harmless since nobody seemed hurt by it, but after going through this thread I feel convicted. I am certainly not proud of it.
I appreciate the honestly. I'll admit to making plenty of gay jokes. After all, who would want to hear a sad joke? But I'm not biased in my joking and will make fun of anyone and everything so long as I could think of a joke to go along with it. :D


New member
I've been watching "A Wrinkle in Time" on ABC tonight. It
was one of my favorite books as a child.

I remember only a little from it because it was so long ago I read
it, but one part I remember from the book was when the heroes
gathered and talked about the illuminaries of human history who
fought off the darkness of hatred and prejudice.

I remember from the book that the list included brilliant scientists
and artists throughout the centuries, and the list ended in a
child proclaiming the name "Jesus!"

In the movie they ended the list with St. Francis Asissi.

Why had taken the name Jesus out of the script for the movie?

Because the name Jesus Christ has come to represent hatred
and prejudice in the world at large. How is that possible? Because
of the hateful people who bandy about His Holy name to justify
their hatred and prejudice.

Its a real shame too, because even Moslems who know Jesus as
prophet know Him as wise, and loving. And they know it because
that is how Jesus is portrayed in Scripture, wise, and loving, self

I cry for the name of my Savior, who loves everyone, and wants
to invite everyone to his table and share His bounty in love and
peace. I cry for those who falsley portray Him as harsh and
hateful. All He asks is that we love God and love each other.

When Jesus is known as the source of love that He is, the world
may come to know Him, and there may be hope.

Jesus came to save the world, not to condemn it.

Yours in Christ's Love,



What has been continually neglected on this thread is the claim by the homosexual judges that THEY ARE SINLESS.

IF they admit THEY ALSO HAVE SIN this would go away INSTANTLY.

They think THEIR SIN is LESS THAN others sins (well of course they DO!)

They avoid these questions like the plague that it is TO THEIR POSITIONs.

And they thought homosexuals are EXPOSED?

This simple(ton) lesson seems so easily forgotten:

"So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
8 And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.
9 And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.

When the conscience is so far deteriorated IT NO LONGER RESPONDS to Jesus' Words. In this the psuedo judges here show this condition in themselves:

1 Timothy 4
1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron

You people who name Christs name. You CANNOT SAY you have NO SIN. To do so is to ADMIT that THE TRUTH is NOT IN YOU.

To say such a thing is to SPEAK LIES IN HYPOCRISY.


You accusers have not RID YOURSELVES of SIN. Who do you think you are KIDDING?


Greetings AIM meal

so in order for me to be a true believer I must both condemn beanieboy for not believing like you and condemn him to burn forever in torture?
In order for people who have read The Bible, understood it, applied it to their lives, and walk with The Lord you must believe that hell is the destination of sinners, or you are simply foolish. I don’t know whether you’re a believer or not, and you don’t know if I am (or anyone else for that matter), since only The Lord is privy to that information.

So I must believe that GOD IS AN ETERNAL TORTURER of the majority of mankind to be a "christian?"

quote from smaller
so where I read that "while we were yet enemies, christ died for us"[/b] really does not mean what it says?
Well, some of us (meaning smaller, and others similar to him) still are His enemy, since we don’t stand for The Truth, but promote lies.

I already know you don't like to see the Word whip your baloney pony eh?

quote from smaller
so using your analogy you have put out your fire by using the blood of jesus to totally eradicate your sins, therefore you are able to judge other people in their eternal fates? is this correct?
No, there is Only One Who is capable of judging all of mankind, and that is The Lord.

But YOU are not condemning beanieboy to ETERNAL DAMNATION for his sins????

I cannot in good faith hold any mans sins against him without having MY OWN held against me. How do you justify this juggling act?

quote from smaller
it's all about specifics isn't it. for example I look at a text that says "God is the saviour of all men especially those who believe" (1 tim. 4:10) and accept it as just what it says.
What it says, hunh? OK, let’s look at what it does say, as well as what it does not. It says that The Lord is The Savior. It doesn’t say that all men are now saved, since Jesus died. If it meant to say that, wouldn’t the apostles have known it?

John said the same thing here:
1 John 4:14
And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.

So DOES HE GET THE JOB DONE??? Or is he as you represent??? A nearly COMPLETE FAILURE???
Wouldn’t they have published it abroad? Wouldn’t The Good News be much more ‘popular’ than it seems to be?

You know AIM meal, I have given DOZENS UPON DOZENS of similar texts. This position that GOD IN CHRIST IS INDEED THE SAVIOUR OF ALL MEN is not taken without THE MERIT OF THE WORD.
The reason that He is especially The Savior to those that believe is that they have accepted His Invitation, His Drawing of them to Him. We have found what we have sought for for so long. Please note that many ideas which are quite a bit harder to understand than this are explained at length and exhaustively by The Bible, but that you have to make obscure references and mis-apply scriptures (ignoring many others) to reach the conclusions that you have arrived at.

We certainly KNOW that it justifies YOU. What about the ALL MEN??? How can you just DANCE by that? God either IS the Saviour of ALL MEN or He is NOT.

IF He is NOT then the supposed SAVIOUR OF ALL MEN is simply a LIAR and an ETERNAL TORTURER and a COMPLETE FAILURE to boot and NOT the Saviour of ALL MEN.

He becomes a POTENTIAL SAVIOUR but of course NONE of the writers present a "potential" VICTOR. A SAVIOUR that is connected to the many IF'S that you present THAT DEFEAT Him being THE SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD.

quote from smaller
you however will say several other things. you will say that God is only the potential Saviour and that their Saviour really isn't The Saviour but their eternal torturer.
Looks like you’re as good of a prophet as you are a Christian. I don’t believe that God has ever killed anyone, and don’t believe that He torments anyone, either. His Holiness demands perfection, but He doesn’t torture anyone.

Well there was that little FLOOD THING eh? What kind of nonsense is this AIM meal? God personally murdered nearly an entire planet of people and Personally ordered the killing of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of men, women, and children.

quote from smaller
well now wait a minute! back at the top of this page you said "to have possession of the word requires understanding, submission and diligence." so without these things both the blood and the word are meaningless, useless, ineffective, and not even true such as 1 tim. 4:10?
I believe The Word can answer that best: But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

The faith of Jesus is UNTO ALL and to ALL WHO BELIEVE for there IS NO DIFFERENCE. Romans 3:22.

Are you saying JESUS' FAITH is now worthless also???

quote from smaller:
as for me wanting to side with you, i am sure you can see just a few places where we might have some differences eh?
Only where The Word of God and sound doctrine are concerned.

I really have no desire to become a "christian contortionist."
Other than that, I do resent you using the Green Arrow avatar, because of the noble things that he stands for and the vile perversion that you make of The Word of God. It’s truly despicable.

Oh yeah, that GOD IS LOVE stuff is a little heady eh? What was I THINKING????

quote from smaller
well, this is the year of my half way mark. i turn 50. so i don't expect god to tolerate much more of me than another 50 years or maybe a bit more.
Don’t expect to reach 51, if you haven’t repented. That is my prophecy for your life. On your next birthday, let me get a note from you, so that I know that you have repented, please. I don’t wish anyone (not even you) to have to suffer hell; although many will. I can’t give you a percentage, but it has to be more than 50%, since Jesus said that many are called, and few are chosen.

So you take it upon yourself to both prophsey my death and burning in hell? Can you show any precedent for this in THE ENTIRE TEXT???


Now here is my prophesy for YOU. If this does PROPHESY not come to pass I pray God will spare you the fate you measure to me but leave you MARKED as the liar you are for the duration of your life as a warning to others to avoid your false judgments. You may already be marked in this way with those you know for false prophecy.

You POWER MONGERS are all the same. When you are defeated YOU CONDEMN PEOPLE to both PHYSICAL DEATH and ETERNAL TORTURE.

It is the work of DEVILS upon you.

quote from smaller
in case i have not made the point i find that a little more than presumptuous on your part unless of course you claim to be sinless.
In The Eyes of The Lord, those who are under The Blood of The Lamb are exactly that, sinless. I speak prophecy, when The Spirit of The Lord speaks to me to do so, and that is not presumption, it is obedience. If I were to ignore His Direction, that would be error, on my part.

I notice you have carefully avoided taking on the SINLESS mantle for fear of EXPOSURE. You are less than a common chicken. At least there were a couple of FOOLISH WOMEN here who tripped on this one. You on the other hand are MUCH MORE DEVIOUS in your CONDEMNATIONS of others.

quote from smaller
i would call your relationship is with a bit of an abuser eh?
Maybe you think of The Lord’s Justice as abuse, but He takes judgement seriously. Seriously enough to surrender His Son to torture and murder, in order to provided us with The Holy Fire Extinguisher: Jesus. I only call Him that because of your extremely small amount of understanding of The Word of God.


common chicken.

quote from smaller
so again you are saying that if i believed exactly like you, then I could speak as god?
No, if you believed like I do, you would realize that only God can speak as God, since there is Only One God. We are men, but speak prophecy, as He wills. He gives good gifts to His Children.

I imagine your mouth as BEING SQUARE since you speak out of so many sides of it simultaneously both sides are insufficient.

quote from smaller
someone really needs to start an hbo series on this stuff. it is soooo entertaining. has found TOL so ‘hateful,’ that we are at the top of their list. I guess you agree with, is that correct?

Hate is always shameful. Jesus LOVED even His ENEMIES and DIED FOR THEM.

quote from smaller
I do not desire to see another person tortured for eternity for any reason. in fact i would go there myself before I let another to that fate.
Again, presumption. You assume that if Jesus’ death has not paid the price for every sinner to be able to get into Heaven, then He just isn’t good enough for you, and you’ll jump up on the cross and show Him how He should have done this thing, right?

OH, that's right. You believe that JESUS DIED FOR ALL SINS OF ALL MEN but He TORTURES THEM FOREVER ANYWAY. go figure.

quote from smaller
it is simply beyond my comprehension that God as love could do this either.
And therein lies your quandry: you can’t comprehend.

No, I simply cannot find it in the text. Neither can you.

quote from smaller
i am compelled to love, and not condemn others for what is also in me because you see as i judge in this way so i am judged. by finding god's love for all i receive it in return. this is how i have been led.
I guess you demonstrate for us another parable: the blind leading the blind.

Perhaps LOVE is BLIND. Just as JUSTICE is eh?

quote from smaller
uh huh, but he just doesn't quite get the job done. in fact jesus is nearly a complete and utter failure since most will not make it. is this correct?
This is your smaller and smaller and smaller belief, yes; that God is 'incapable' of saving, if not every soul is saved. It's foolishness, because you haven't taken into account that The Lord knew who would refuse Him and end up in hell, long before He began creation. It doesn't take into account Jesus' words on the matter, either.

It must be nice to speak as a Calvinist when your free will position runs out. Really I just enjoy playing with your pathetic understandings. You are a typical so called believer. A bucket full of holes. The Pope loves people like you.

quote from smaller
and i am supposed to follow this example of failure why?
You are foolishly accusing God.

Uh, I have not ACCUSED GOD OF FAILURE you idiot. That would be YOUR position. I am certain you've derived it from the text however eh?


AIM meal says GOD IS A FAILURE and IS NOT WHAT HE SAID HE IS for MANY REASONS that AIM meal has determined.

go figure

I really am surprised that Jesus let Pharisees live, really. What a God!

You are a testimony to HIS EVERLASTING MERCY.


Free-Agent Smith

New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

4How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?

I've read it. Many times.

What is the speck, and what is the plank?
If I had a fag plank in my eye I would pull it out.


Well-known member
Originally posted by smellier



New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

I don't start threads about homosexuality.
And when I respond to a thread, suddenly I'm flaunting.

I find it much more disturbing to claim to be christian, then excuse any and all behavior because you somehow believe you are exempt for the law.

I find it much more disturbing to quote the bible ("Jesus called the woman at the well a slut") when the bible says no such thing, not even insinuated.

I find it much more disturbing that one calls other Christians to stop being "nice", as in, respectful, kind, gentle, and many of the things Christ called people to do.

I find it disturbing to call oneself Christian, and demand people to repent, yet refusing to acknowledge one's own glaring sins of self exhaltation.

Even though you keep telling me to look over there, I can still see the elephant in the room.

Oh, how the wicked flee when no man pursueth. Did I say YOU in particular flaunt your homosexuality? Or did I say that homosexuals in general do on this board? Which many, not all, of them do. Not too many threads started here about how it's OK to be an immoral heterosexual, are there?

Jesus did not call the woman at the well a slut, for the record. He did, however, not candy-coat what he was saying. As far as the manner Jesus used in addressing someone, my observation is that it pretty much depended on the attitude of the person he was talking to. A repentant attitude got the kind, gentle, respectful attitude Christ is famous for. A funky attitude....refer to His addresses to the Pharasees. I'd say that if anything, Christ's example is to answer a person according to whether they are trying to repent from their sins or merely justify them.

As for Christians being exempt from the Law, we are for the purposes of Salvation. That's what Grace through faith does. Too bad that you don't like it--suffer. It doesn't exempt us from refraining from doing evil, but we aren't condemned by the Law. Don't like it? :baby: Choose differently. No one's forcing you to choose to go to hell.
Last edited:

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by Crow
As for Christians being exempt from the Law, we are for the purposes of Salvation. That's what Grace through faith does. Too bad that you don't like it--suffer. It doesn't exempt us from refraining from doing evil, but we aren't condemned by the Law. Don't like it? :baby: Choose differently. No one's forcing you to choose to go to hell.



People who have NO RESPECT FOR GOD'S WORD's are nothing new AIMmeal.

"What he had promised he was able to perform." Rom. 4:21

"Behold, all souls are mine," saith the Lord. "As the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine." Ezek. 18:4

You think GOD HAS NO POWER over things that ARE HIS?

"I exhort, therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men." 1 Tim. 2:1.

IF you SIN POINTERs were all that concerned about BEANIEBOYS SINS you should DO AS YOU ARE TOLD TO DO in your own WORD First of all...

I really don't care what another christian says I watch "Queer Eye For the Straight Guy" and I ENJOY IT.


Damn hypocrites.

I work with gay people often. I do business with them. They are NO DIFFERENT than YOU OR I. In fact MOST of them are MUCH NICER people. Much nicer.

WHY would I DENIGRATE what IS GOD'S? The SOULs of the Gay people ARE GOD'S. So is the soul of THE TERRORIST.

Have you EVER considered that the things WE SUFFER from in this lifeARE RAISED BY GOD HIMSELF because WE DO NOT LOVE OTHERS OR TRUST GOD???

We REAP what we SOW.

I have already determined that WHEN I leave here I WILL LEAVE IN LOVE for my NEIGHBORS...alllllll of them. I have NO DESIRE TO ENTER INTO HEAVEN with ETERNAL JUDGMENT clinging to MY HEART over someone else's SINS and DAMNING OTHERS who WILL come in.

"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." 1 John 4:18


Do you want to be MADE PERFECT IN LOVE???? As a believer I DO.

Then you should RUN from TORMENT. He who HAS TORMENT is not PERFECTED IN LOVE.

All you gay bashers are really just LITTLE LOVERS. VERY tiny. You have a teeny tiny bit of love that you will sometimes take out of your DUSTY PURSES.

Galatians 6:7
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

Hosea 10:12
Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy



New member
Originally posted by adajos
I hope, however, that your interest in Christianity and spiritual things is not confined only to that.

In your response to Chileice's farewell post you got a what is I think a valuable nugget of Biblical truth. He who seeks the Truth, will find it. Doing that requires sincere questioning of one's own belief and the beliefs of others---and in some ways it is never really done, even after one has found Christ. But I have the utmost confidence that if you sincerely seek, then you will find, because God promises it to be true.

The Biblical facts that are the Gospel are these:
1. Every human being that ever lived has sinned.
2. Sin separates man from God--from sins that are considered "big" like murder, to "little" ones like envy.
3. God sent his Son, Christ to live a life free of sin, and sacrifice Himself agonizingly to atone for our sins because His love for us is so great.
4. We have but to accept His freely-given gift and then try with all our heart, mind, and strength to follow Christ. We will fail, but God will forgive us of our sin if we but ask and try our best to perfect ourselves with Him as our strength. God can forgive any sin, no matter how great we may think it is and can transform our lives.

Being a frequent reader of this board, I'm sure those facts are not new to you. If you have questions about the old "problem of evil"--you know, how a loving God could send people to hell, we can talk about that. Smaller loves to muddy the waters in such discussions, but as of now I have no interest in debating it with him.

I don't have all the answers, and I'm not an expert on those topics. All I can do is try my best to answer whatever questions or objections you have about Christianity in a way that I think is in line with God's truth and is pleasing to Him.

I have been praying that your search for God and His Truth will be a successful one. The number one reason that people don't become Christians is because of the behavior of Christians.
One more thing---I have no illusions of me being able to "save you". Only God can do that.

If you just wanna talk about non-spiritual things sometime, that's cool too---apparently we just live across the Mississippi from each other.

:) I don't tease dogs for fun, never did as a kid. But I come here, and it is like a tax collector coming to Jesus and the Disciples, and the Disciples shooing him away and calling him a bag of puke, and when he leaves, saying, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

And then they would turn to Jesus and say, "How am I doing?" and thing he would give them the thumbs up, pick up a rock and whip it at the guy.

Who would want to look for Truth and Light in that?

But you have said, "I don't have all the answers." That means I can listen, because you are searching as well.
You have said, "I pray for you to find God." That's what you should do. And I will pray for you as well.
And you realize that God saves people, not you.

Sounds like you are on the right track to me (and hopefully they won't burn you at the stake for it.)


New member
Originally posted by Lucky

Was Jesus prideful for believing the same? He claimed to be God's only begotten Son. That's an even bolder statement than what Christians make when we say we are going to Heaven! So if you are going to call us prideful, you had better call Jesus prideful as well.

Jesus said, "He who exhalts himself shall be humbled, and he who humbles himself shall be exhalted."

He didn't say, "I am the Son of God, and you aren't! Well, you're not! YOU'RE NOT! I'm going to sit on the right hand of God! I AM!"

Is it wrong to act like this?
Is it wrong to say, "I'm going to heaven and you're going to hell! Well, y'are! Y'ARE! So there!" without offering how they, too, can find heaven?
Is it wrong to pat yourself on the back because you earned your way into heaven because you are so good, and better than others?
Is it wrong to assume that you are getting into heaven because your parents were Christian, and your grandparents were Christian, but someone else grew up in a culture that was predominately Muslim or Hindu?
Is it wrong to pick out verses of the bible, and justify saying, "When you are thrown into hell, I'm going to say, "Na-na na boo-boo" and dance?


New member
Originally posted by Lucky

Thanks for answering. :)

I appreciate the honestly. I'll admit to making plenty of gay jokes. After all, who would want to hear a sad joke? But I'm not biased in my joking and will make fun of anyone and everything so long as I could think of a joke to go along with it. :D

What do you call a dead christian?

A good start.

Is that funny? Would you like hearing that?

There is a time when Jesus was condemned for not washing his hands before eating, and he said what comes out of your mouth is far more important that what goes in, because what comes out dirties the soul and mind.

I think when you start to make jokes and mock people in derogatory ways, it starts to make you start seeing these people as less that people, and to think that you don't need to treat them with any respect. We are all children of God, and all loved by God. If you are a lost lamb, Jesus is searching for it, and being rude or derogatory will only push them farther away, and that would be on your head.

I remember a friend of mine reading two pages of jokes, like,
"What's the difference between a Jew and a pizza? A pizza doesn't scream when you put it in the oven.
"How do you stop black kids from jumping on the bed?
Put velcro on the ceiling."

I thought they were funny when I was 20, and when people got offended, I told them to lighten up. But then I thought, how would I feel if I was Jewish, or was black, and heard some white guy saying it at a bar?

And now, I'm embarrassed that I ever was a party to it.


New member
Originally posted by Dave Miller
Because the name Jesus Christ has come to represent hatred
and prejudice in the world at large.

Now, THAT'S truthsmacking!

And honestly, it disturbs me even though I'm not Christian.
That's a T-Bone for thought.

(It's really cool that Jesus is in the book.)