Mean TOL members


Greetings AIM meal

Thank you btw for being such a fine example of some basic differences. Separations have REASONS. Paul said it was GOOD that divisions come.
Like this, "Damn me to hell..." because I know that you don't know your Word. You don't understand, much less know The Word of God, so it isn't yours, anyway. To have possession of The Word requires understanding, submission and diligence. These things are, obviously, foreign to you. Your peril, as well as your folly, are quite serious. You need to repent.

I see. So in ORDER for me to be A TRUE BELIEVER I must both CONDEMN beanieboy for NOT believing LIKE YOU and CONDEMN HIM TO BURN FOREVER IN TORTURE???

IS this correct???
Newsflash...the blood of Jesus is ineffective without (Aimiel) activating it!
It is not ineffective without application, merely un-applied.

So where I read that "WHILE WE WERE YET ENEMIES, CHRIST DIED FOR US" really does not mean what it says???
here is another analogy which will probably be just like 'roof' jokes to smaller: if you are offered a fire extinguisher before setting off on a voyage across the ocean, in your little sailboat, but refuse, or even if you just forget to take it along (such as people who get 'saved' and then forget The Lord); then, about half-way across the ocean your cooking skills set a very small fire, but it soon gets out of control, you'll then understand that there is an 'effective' fire extinguisher on the dock, back at port, but you can't 'activate' it from the middle of the Atlantic.

So using your analogy you have PUT OUT YOUR FIRE by using the BLOOD OF JESUS to TOTALLY ERADICATE YOUR SINS, therefore YOU are able to JUDGE OTHER PEOPLE in their ETERNAL FATES? Is this correct???
Maybe you need to re-think this 'Universalist' nonsense, and seek The Lord to give you wisdom and understanding regarding His Word, instead of regurgitating the same bucket of slop over and over ad naseum. You're really denigrating The Word of God by dragging it through the gutter the way you do. It's childish and foolish.

It's all about specifics isn't it AIM meal. For example I look at a text that says "GOD IS THE SAVIOUR OF ALL MEN especially those who believe" (1 Tim. 4:10) and accept it as just what it says.

You however will say several OTHER things. You will say that God is only the POTENTIAL Saviour and that THEIR SAVIOUR really ISN'T the Saviour but THEIR ETERNAL TORTURER.

And you say I have it wrong??? To say that is only to enter your arena of SUBJECTIVE UNDERSTANDINGS which really means that YOU JUSTIFY YOURSELF and CONDEMN OTHERS and call it OF GOD.

For some reason I have a hard time buying that. go figure...

quote from smaller
I see. So the Blood OF Christ was shed for all men so they could save themselves?
Once again, you have demonstrated your shallow, almost imperceptible understanding of sound principles taught to us by The Word of God. We don't save ourselves.

Well now wait a minute! Back at the top of this page you said "To have possession of The Word requires understanding, submission and diligence."

So WITHOUT THESE THINGS both THE BLOOD and THE WORD are meaningless, useless, ineffective, and not even TRUE such as 1 Tim. 4:10????
The Word says that we are saved by Grace, but also that we are saved through faith. When we respond to His Invitation, through faith, it is Him that gives us that faith. It is not of or from ourselves, it is His Faith. We are merely 'activating' it, by accepting it, so that we can carry it on our journey, as opposed to what you suggest people do with it, to leave it on the dock.

Let's see. Jesus GIVES YOU FAITH but again it is WORTHLESS AND INEFFECTIVE unless you ACT, CARRY, AND RESPOND??? Can we add these three conjectures to your other list of UNDERSTANDING, SUBMISSION, AND DILIGENCE???

Are we going to have a FULL AND COMPLETE list of YOUR requirements anytime soon??? Did you forget to add NOT SIN, PRAY, FAST, DO GOOD WORKS, etc, etc.???? I could probably come up with SEVERAL more requirements that should be on your SAVED BY GRACE LIST

quote from smaller
How do you know this?
Because of the way that you don't discern the bretheren.

I know my brothers by THEIR LOVE. Besides I could NEVER commit another fellow Minnesotan to burn forever in fire. It would just not be polite.
The Lord said that the world will know Christians because of their love for the bretheren (other Christians).

That is why I asked you earlier IF the sign of MY true status as a believer is that I must AGREE WITH YOU that the majority of humanity will be utterly tortured in fire forever? Is this what you are saying? You see this is EXACTLY what the "Southern Baptists" ask to join their "club." You must agree with the eternal torture of the majority of the world, and I am not certain that using their own doctrines will allow them to ESCAPE this fate either. I am DEADLY serious here AIM meal.
They should be the apple of your eye, if you are one. Instead, all that you do is to spout non-sensical, circular, repetitive and shallow arguments to try to defend Universalism, which isn't the least bit true, and place Christians in the center of your 'bullseye' and then just fire away.

You might notice that I have not given the FREE PASS to SIN, denied THE LAW STANDS, or justified beanieboy on the basis of HIS SINs.

As for me wanting to SIDE with you, I am sure you can SEE just a few places where we might have some differences eh?
You don't understand that you're attacking The Lord when you do so.

Oh? How is that? You know the Pope said the same thing. Funny how MOST everyone says I must do this YET none of them REALLY agree on much of anything except THAT MOST WILL BURN and that THEY THEMSELVES are CERTAINLY off the hook. go figure...
He will not tolerate this type of behavior from you for long.

Well, this is the year of my HALF WAY mark. I turn 50. So I don't expect God to tolerate much more of me than another 50 years or maybe a bit more.

quote from smaller
But you see you are speaking for Jesus already. In case I have not made the point I find that a little more than presumptuous on your part unless of course you claim to be sinless.
I'm sorry that you don't understand what it is like to be in a relationship with someone.

I would call your relationship is with a bit of an ABUSER eh?
It means that, oftentimes, you are called upon to speak on their behalf, or in their name. Jesus has given me leave to do so, and if you were to be in a relationship with Him, you might have a better chance of understanding that type of thing, and maybe even be called upon to do so.

So again you are saying that IF I believed EXACTLY LIKE YOU, then I could SPEAK AS GOD???

Someone really needs to start an HBO series on this stuff. It is SOOOO entertaining.

quote from smaller
You and the others, Poly, Sibbie, (Aimiel), exemplify the very people who killed The Word and who continue to kill Him to this very day.

Oh boy, this should be good....I say all people are already saved and this makes me anti-semetic how?
You said, "...the very people who killed the word and who continue to kill him to this very day," and I believe that your use of this accusation is not to promote The Gospel, but to try to promote hatred of Israeli's.

I guess I don't quite follow you on this one AIM meal. Are you trying to say THE JEWS killed JESUS and when I say YOU kill the word as well I am being ANTI-semetic in calling you a CHRIST KILLER along with THEM????

quote from smaller
Well let's see. You and your pack condemn nearly everyone to burn in fire forever and I say all people are God's Children and as such are saved and you are not full of hatred and spite and I am?
We don't condemn anyone, The Word of God provides conviction to sinners, and those who don't repent only find their own condemnation.

You'll have to forgive me AIM meal. I am not sinless and speak AS GOD so this is kinda NEW TERRITORY for me.
The truth is, if we didn't love the sinner, we wouldn't try to warn them about hell... pretty much what you're doing; but maybe what you're doing is worse, because you're professing to know, understand and represent the truth, and telling lies (you shall not surely die) like what your father (the devil) told in Eden.

Well isn't it true that YOUR POSITION says that people will NEVER DIE, but be TORTURED FOR ETERNITY in FIRE. You know...CONSCIOUS ETERNAL TORMENT is not DEATH. Death is just ENDING. Conscious eternal torment is MUCH WORSE than death.
It (Jesus' Blood) will be (upon me, and my children).

Thank God. That is The Only Thing which can cleanse away sin. Without His Blood, no one will make it into Heaven.

Well, let's not be forgetful of "the list."

quote from smaller
What did God tell you when you were in Heaven?
Some things which I have shared, preached and meditated on, to this very day; but many more which I have yet to be released to speak of, to anyone.

When you cite these things can you make a *INSIGNIA by it so I know that it is THE DIRECT WORD OF GOD to you AIM meal???

quote from smaller
That I believe that the blood of Jesus was sufficient for all of creation regardless of men's actings?
No, the position of not having to do anything at all to make Heaven your home. If someone dies in their sin, who was by the wayside, and you had chances to share faith in The Lord with them, and all you said was, "Everybody goes to Heaven," and then: lo, and behold, we get to Heaven to find out that souls are being cast into The Lake of Fire if they have no faith in Jesus; you're in trouble.

Well you know AIMmeal I am not God. AND I really struggle to find a coherent LIST from all you other Gods' and all your various understandings....

But one thing is FOR CERTAIN. I DO NOT desire to see another person tortured for eternity FOR ANY REASON. In fact I WOULD GO THERE myself before I let another to that fate. It is simply beyond my comprehension that God AS LOVE could do this either.

So really there was just no where else to stand BUT ON LOVE.
If my doctrine is wrong, I have done no harm, except to bring people into a relationship with The Lord who might not have ever had one before they got to the Universal Heaven.[/quote]

Again you and I see differently on this matter. I am compelled to LOVE, and not CONDEMN others for what is ALSO IN ME because you see AS I JUDGE in this way SO I AM JUDGED. BY finding GOD'S LOVE FOR ALL I receive IT in return. This is how I have been led.

quote from smaller
Yes, God's Own Son was tortured and killed so that God could burn the majority of humanity in fire forever?
Your confusion seems to be festering into coma. He sent His Son to save men from the flames of hell, and direct them to Heaven.

Uh huh, but HE just doesn't quite get the JOB DONE. In fact Jesus is nearly A COMPLETE AND UTTER FAILURE since MOST will not make it. Is this correct?

And I am supposed to follow this EXAMPLE OF FAILURE why?

quote from smaller
So MY desire will go unfulfilled and yours fulfilled? How is that?
Yours does not take into account The Word of God. Your will and your desire will only be granted as you align yourself with The Word of God. If I desire that The Lord bless me with money, and I am not a tither, I am asking for the impossible. Your account is probably bankrupt (desires which line up with The Word of God, not your bank account).

How would you explain then that I do not tithe to ETERNAL DAMNATION yet have been abundantly blessed??? Is the DEVIL blessing me???




and I see Chileice ducking out because she really does believe that beanieboy will be ETERNALLY TORMENTED as well but just can't quite bring herself to SAY IT.

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by smaller
How would you explain then that I do not tithe to ETERNAL DAMNATION yet have been abundantly blessed??? Is the DEVIL blessing me???


He could be fooling you.

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Originally posted by Nineveh

Again... the judge notters worried over words instead of actions...

What is "notters"? I did not found it from large English-Estonian dictionary, so i dont get what you wanted to say :confused:

Do you have something you want to focus on and discuss or are you just meandering around in this discussion?

Nope. How much DISCUSSION have you seen over such matters in TOL compared to messages that just bash homos, or those who oppose homos? Your own sentence shows that there is no point of wasting my time on debates where other side refuses to learn ANYTHING:

Sodomy is the apparent topic of this thread, so, if you feel compelled to preach about another of those on the list, TOL has plenty of room for new threads :)


New member
Hall of Fame
Yes or No

Yes or No

Two simple, yes-or-no questions...

1.) In real life, have you ever called a homosexual derogatory names before?

2.) If so, has that sort of treatment ever caused a homo to repent and start believing in your God?
Last edited:


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Cyrus of Persia

What is "notters"? I did not found it from large English-Estonian dictionary, so i dont get what you wanted to say :confused:

I'm sorry, it's a term I'm using to distingush between those who usually find fault with judgement and those that don't.

Judgers and Judge-not-ers, see?

To explain:

You took issue with the word sodomy. In my experience folks who would rather take issue with a term usually have more to judge about the term than the actions it is describing.

Nope. How much DISCUSSION have you seen over such matters in TOL compared to messages that just bash homos, or those who oppose homos? Your own sentence shows that there is no point of wasting my time on debates where other side refuses to learn ANYTHING:

You took issue with the sin being discussed. If you feel there is a lack of threads that are devoted to a particular sin you wanted to expound upon, it's up to you to start it.

I think there might be a lot more DISCUSSION directly to homosexuals at TOL if the threads didn't get bogged down with those who would rather chastise the methods. The last Christ follower who misused his judgement is currently banned. So to be quite honest, I think you are overstating the case. Or it could be my focus has been more on witnessing to those who need to know the Gospel instead of on those getting the message out in ways I may or may not personally approve of.


New member
Hall of Fame
Re: Yes or No

Re: Yes or No

I edited the first question to be more specific, hopefully you hadn't started a response yet.

My answers...

  • 1.) In real life, have you ever called a homosexual derogatory names before?


  • 2.) If so, has that sort of treatment ever caused a homo to repent and start believing in your God?



Merely Christian
Re: Yes or No

Re: Yes or No

Originally posted by Lucky

Two simple, yes-or-no questions...

1.) In real life, have you ever called a homosexual derogatory names before?

No, the need hasn't arisen, yet. I haven't had the opportunity to visit with my homo aquaintences in a long long while. Along with that, I will add I speak to beanieboy in the same "tone" I spoke to them face to face.

2.) If so, has that sort of treatment ever caused a homo to repent and start believing in your God?

I guess this question sort of rests on if you feel I have acted improperly toward beanieboy or not...

As far as I know, their lives are still the same, but like I said, it's been a while, they might have repented by now, if so it may have had nothing to do with what I said or didn't say to them. The Holy Spirit does some amazing work in the quiet still moments of a person's life.

I can tell you this however, had someone pulled my secret sins out infront of my eyes in more black and white terms, I may have had a few more years of being a Christian than I do today :)


New member
Originally posted by Chileice

I think after more than 500 posts I can safely say it would be a waste of my time to add to this thread. It has been sad and frustrating. Probably kept going out of frustration, thinking that surely the hate is love thinking could be corrected with Biblical instruction and rational thinking. But I was wrong. I will seriously consider curtailing or ending my participation at TOL as I now realize that in spite of the freedom to express (which I appreciate) it is a front for a very vile type of perverted Christianity. I want my name associated with grace... not law, with Jesus not Enyart. I also want my name associated sahring the Gospel out of love. I do want all to come to repentance but I dod not want to have to repent for my actions in doing so.

I hope someday Beanie and all others who do not have a personal relationship to Jesus Christ will come to know Him and enjoy Him and rejoice in the freedom and grace of their salvation.

Poly, I hope you will wake up some day. I hope you will stop trying to lead Nin and Sibbie astray. A millstone would be a good alternative. I hope smaller will start his own threads rather than carrying on a sidebar discussion with Aimiel. I hope adajos will keep on growing. See you all somewhere down the road... but not on this thread. Bye.

Chiliece, I will miss you participation, but as I see it, if I am seeking Truth, if Christianity is it, I should be led back to it.

I appreciate the things you have said, and also appreciate admitting to the bizarre cult like following of Enyart, and the questionable behavior of those who claim to speak for your God.

May God bless you.


New member
Hall of Fame
Thank you for answering, Nineveh. :)

Your turn, Poly. Also, if any other "non-mean" yet "not-nicer-than-God" Christians would like to answer, go for it.

Let me again be more specific in question #1 and ask that you exclude "sinner" as a derogatory name. I'm talking about derogatory names that would only apply to a homosexual person.

1.) In real life, have you ever called a homosexual derogatory names before?

2.) If so, has that sort of treatment ever caused a homo to repent and start believing in your God?


Well-known member
originally posted by smaller case

so in order for me to be a true believer I must both condemn beanieboy for not believing like you and condemn him to burn forever in torture?
In order for people who have read The Bible, understood it, applied it to their lives, and walk with The Lord you must believe that hell is the destination of sinners, or you are simply foolish. I don’t know whether you’re a believer or not, and you don’t know if I am (or anyone else for that matter), since only The Lord is privy to that information.
so where I read that "while we were yet enemies, christ died for us"[/b] really does not mean what it says?
Well, some of us (meaning smaller, and others similar to him) still are His enemy, since we don’t stand for The Truth, but promote lies.
so using your analogy you have put out your fire by using the blood of jesus to totally eradicate your sins, therefore you are able to judge other people in their eternal fates? is this correct?
No, there is Only One Who is capable of judging all of mankind, and that is The Lord.
it's all about specifics isn't it. for example i look at a text that says "god is the saviour of all men especially those who believe" (1 tim. 4:10) and accept it as just what it says.
What it says, hunh? OK, let’s look at what it does say, as well as what it does not. It says that The Lord is The Savior. It doesn’t say that all men are now saved, since Jesus died. If it meant to say that, wouldn’t the apostles have known it? Wouldn’t they have published it abroad? Wouldn’t The Good News be much more ‘popular’ than it seems to be? The reason that He is especially The Savior to those that believe is that they have accepted His Invitation, His Drawing of them to Him. We have found what we have sought for for so long. Please note that many ideas which are quite a bit harder to understand than this are explained at length and exhaustively by The Bible, but that you have to make obscure references and mis-apply scriptures (ignoring many others) to reach the conclusions that you have arrived at.
you however will say several other things. you will say that God is only the potential Saviour and that their Saviour really isn't The Saviour but their eternal torturer.
Looks like you’re as good of a prophet as you are a Christian. I don’t believe that God has ever killed anyone, and don’t believe that He torments anyone, either. His Holiness demands perfection, but He doesn’t torture anyone.
well now wait a minute! back at the top of this page you said "to have possession of the word requires understanding, submission and diligence." so without these things both the blood and the word are meaningless, useless, ineffective, and not even true such as 1 tim. 4:10?
I believe The Word can answer that best: But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
are we going to have a full and complete list of your requirements anytime soon?
Sure. Here, again, is The Word of God: Only believe.
as for me wanting to side with you, i am sure you can see just a few places where we might have some differences eh?
Only where The Word of God and sound doctrine are concerned. Other than that, I do resent you using the Green Arrow avatar, because of the noble things that he stands for and the vile perversion that you make of The Word of God. It’s truly despicable.
well, this is the year of my half way mark. i turn 50. so i don't expect god to tolerate much more of me than another 50 years or maybe a bit more.
Don’t expect to reach 51, if you haven’t repented. That is my prophecy for your life. On your next birthday, let me get a note from you, so that I know that you have repented, please. I don’t wish anyone (not even you) to have to suffer hell; although many will. I can’t give you a percentage, but it has to be more than 50%, since Jesus said that many are called, and few are chosen.
but you see you are speaking for jesus already.
Exactly. We’re His Ambassadors in this earth, and He is Our Representative in Heaven.
in case i have not made the point i find that a little more than presumptuous on your part unless of course you claim to be sinless.
In The Eyes of The Lord, those who are under The Blood of The Lamb are exactly that, sinless. I speak prophecy, when The Spirit of The Lord speaks to me to do so, and that is not presumption, it is obedience. If I were to ignore His Direction, that would be error, on my part.
i would call your relationship is with a bit of an abuser eh?
Maybe you think of The Lord’s Justice as abuse, but He takes judgement seriously. Seriously enough to surrender His Son to torture and murder, in order to provided us with The Holy Fire Extinguisher: Jesus. I only call Him that because of your extremely small amount of understanding of The Word of God.
so again you are saying that if i believed exactly like you, then i could speak as god?
No, if you believed like I do, you would realize that only God can speak as God, since there is Only One God. We are men, but speak prophecy, as He wills. He gives good gifts to His Children.
someone really needs to start an hbo series on this stuff. it is soooo entertaining. has found TOL so ‘hateful,’ that we are at the top of their list. I guess you agree with, is that correct?
i do not desire to see another person tortured for eternity for any reason. in fact i would go there myself before i let another to that fate.
Again, presumption. You assume that if Jesus’ death has not paid the price for every sinner to be able to get into Heaven, then He just isn’t good enough for you, and you’ll jump up on the cross and show Him how He should have done this thing, right?
it is simply beyond my comprehension that god as love could do this either.
And therein lies your quandry: you can’t comprehend.
i am compelled to love, and not condemn others for what is also in me because you see as i judge in this way so i am judged. by finding god's love for all i receive it in return. this is how i have been led.
I guess you demonstrate for us another parable: the blind leading the blind.
uh huh, but he just doesn't quite get the job done. in fact jesus is nearly a complete and utter failure since most will not make it. is this correct?
This is your smaller and smaller and smaller belief, yes; that God is 'incapable' of saving, if not every soul is saved. It's foolishness, because you haven't taken into account that The Lord knew who would refuse Him and end up in hell, long before He began creation. It doesn't take into account Jesus' words on the matter, either.
and i am supposed to follow this example of failure why?
You are foolishly accusing God.
how would you explain then that i do not tithe to eternal damnation yet have been abundantly blessed? is the devil blessing me?
Who’s yer daddy?


Well-known member

If you call the bitter bile that you spew love, then yes, you are 'blessed,' indeed; but it is not from The Lord.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Chileice

I will seriously consider curtailing or ending my participation at TOL as I now realize that in spite of the freedom to express (which I appreciate) it is a front for a very vile type of perverted Christianity.
I'm gonna send you a PM later today when I get off of work. But for now let me just say please don't go!


Blessed beyond measure
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Originally posted by Chileice

See you all somewhere down the road... but not on this thread. Bye.
Don't let the door hit ya on your way out!


New member
Originally posted by Aimiel has found TOL so ‘hateful,’ that we are at the top of their list. I guess you agree with, is that correct?

Your own members are voting for themselves and acting like it is an accomplishment.

Free-Agent Smith

New member
Originally posted by Lucky
1.) In real life, have you ever called a homosexual derogatory names before?
Many times.
2.) If so, has that sort of treatment ever caused a homo to repent and start believing in your God?
No, but then again when I would try being as nice as possible, they would be even more rude than when I used derogatory names.