Mean TOL members


Merely Christian
Originally posted by smaller


If the "homos" would only just accept and agree to the ETERNAL TORTURE doctrines the "churches" would let them in without a doubt.

Did you miss the part outlining who is appropriate to hold position in the Church?


New member
Originally posted by Nineveh

This is the direct confrontation out of your entire post to beanieboy about his homoism.

About 4 pages later I found his reply:

His reply patted you on the back for being nice, but, he is still unrepentant. Since "your way" hasn't really changed his heart, how then do you disallow other's ways?

Reread the post.

"I can listen to him."

You are angry that there is no instant conversion, as if this is between me and you, or me and Poly.

It's very arrogant. You misquote the bible incessantly.

You have to at least start with someone listening to you.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by beanieboy

He said this to the Pharisees, the people who studied the law, the people who were in the teaching others about God.

Jesus did not call the woman caught in adultery a viper.
Jesus did not call Zaccheus a Child of the Devil.

Why are you so insistent on misrepresenting the bible?

The point I represented was Christ Himself was rude to people when appropriate.

Do you know you are a sinner, beanieboy?


New member
Originally posted by Nineveh

The point I represented was Christ Himself was rude to people when appropriate.

Do you know you are a sinner, beanieboy?

Was he rude to the sinners?

You misrepresent the bible.
You are kind of liar, dude.

Were the Pharisees considered sinners?


Merely Christian
Originally posted by beanieboy

Reread the post.

"I can listen to him."

You are angry that there is no instant conversion, as if this is between me and you, or me and Poly.

It's very arrogant. You misquote the bible incessantly.

You have to at least start with someone listening to you.

If you weren't listening, you wouldn't be replying :)

Anyway, my point to Chilieice, which I will explain to you is: there are many ways to confront you in your sin. I haven't seen any witness touch your heart yet, but you are alive, so there is hope. I keep you in my prayers.


New member
Originally posted by beanieboy
Your love is ridiculous.
Your logic and reasoning is skewed. Your sins are evil. Your God (whether you acknowledge Him or not) condemns you. Only if you believe in him, then will you become forgiven.


New member
Originally posted by Nineveh
but you are alive, so there is hope. I keep you in my prayers.

Until you have the government kill me.

You make no sense, you clanging gong.

I listen to you.
I find you foolish.
What you say is often not what the bible says.
You misquote, you are confronted about it from fellow christians, and still argue it.

You are a blind guide.
I listen, but you are suprised when I don't agree.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by beanieboy

How's the lobbying going on putting all homosexuals to death?

Your love is ridiculous.

LOL your hypocrisy is sometimes amusing. You like to screetch about people misreperenting you or the Bible's message when you have trouble wrapping your mind around a simple point, yourself.

So, once again, (and, once again I won't expect you to actually give an answer) but:

If sodomy was against the law again, and punishable by death, would you sacrifice your life on the alter of sexual perversion as you do now?


New member
Originally posted by Nineveh

LOL your hypocricy is sometimes amusing. You like to screetch about people misreperenting you or the Bible's message when you have trouble wrapping your mind around a simple point, yourself.

So, once again, (and, once again I won't expect you to actually give an answer) but:

If sodomy was against the law again, and punishable by death, would you sacrifice your life on the alter of sexual perversion as you do now?

If christianity were punishable by death from our government, would you convert to something else?


Merely Christian
I didn't think you would have the guts to answer that, it would distroy your misrepresenting of my position on the matter, and you wouldn't be able to whine about it anymore.

The Freedom of religion is a right in our nation, but if it ever became punishable by death to serve Christ, I would be willing to take my place in Fox's Book of Martyrs.


Well-known member
I don't doubt that a big part of the liberal agenda is to more 'liberally' interpret our freedom of religion into freedom from religion, and begin to prosecute anyone who shares their religion with others. It's merely a matter of time.


New member
Originally posted by Nineveh
The Freedom of religion is a right in our nation, but if it ever became punishable by death to serve Christ, I would be willing to take my place in Fox's Book of Martyrs.
As would I, and any true Christian.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Aimiel

I don't doubt that a big part of the liberal agenda is to more 'liberally' interpret our freedom of religion into freedom from religion, and begin to prosecute anyone who shares their religion with others. It's merely a matter of time.

I have to agree with you about that Aimiel. Our neighbors to the north have all but accomplished that very thing in the name of "hate speech".


New member
And I would as well.

Hitler killed gay people as part of the cleansing.
So, yeah, I wouldn't change anything just because my government decided to impose stupid laws that are supported by nothing but an archaic book that also calls for killing anyone who works on the Sabbath (Saturday.)

Do you actually believe that if you can lobby and get our government to pass such laws, and killed literally millions of gay americans, that it wouldn't be known forever the way that we think of the Crusades and the Inquisition?


New member
WE need to do more than just "write our congressman". I'm personally leaning toward establishing a Theocratic Constitutional Monarchy on a fortified Island in the South Pacific....


New member
Originally posted by Aimiel

I don't doubt that a big part of the liberal agenda is to more 'liberally' interpret our freedom of religion into freedom from religion, and begin to prosecute anyone who shares their religion with others. It's merely a matter of time.

You want to inforce everyone to live under Christian law, some even under Levitical law, yet, suggest that you are being persecuted.

I'm a liberal.
I have respect for you to worship Christianity.
I simply don't want it imposed on me or anyone else.

If that bothers you, I suggest moving to somewhere where they live under a Christian theocracy.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by beanieboy

And I would as well.

Hitler killed gay people as part of the cleansing.
So, yeah, I wouldn't change anything just because my government decided to impose stupid laws that are supported by nothing but an archaic book that also calls for killing anyone who works on the Sabbath (Saturday.)

Do you actually believe that if you can lobby and get our government to pass such laws, and killed literally millions of gay americans, that it wouldn't be known forever the way that we think of the Crusades and the Inquisition?

If a law were passed tomorrow you would have the opportunity to not break it, thus not face it's penalty.

Equating God to a sexual perversion is a bit off kilter. Do you hold your god in the same esteem as your sexual lusts?

One last question beanieboy, seeing no homos have been put to death for charges of sodomy, how do you feel about the fact 420,000+ homos have handed out death sentances to each other?

I think you have a misplaced paranoia about our government ever recriminalizing sodomy, SCotUS wouldn't allow it. But keep in mind, just because a messed up government condones criminal acts, doesn't mean God does.

Along with that I would add, I do not think so many would feel their sexual perversion would be worth their lives, as they do now.


It is also rather IRONIC that using Poly, Sibbie, NIN, and AIM meal's understandings that GOD WILL NOT FORCE HIMSELF on anyone, yet THEY FORCE their understandings on people CONTINAULLY, FALSELY and using a DOUBLE standard.

go figure...;)