Mean TOL members


It has been pointed out repeatedly that YOU ALSO have your burdens.

You ARE NOT sinless. YOU are NOT walking IN LOVE.

As such YOU are in NO POSITION to ETERNALLY JUDGE beanieboy for his BURDEN.



You and the others, Poly, Sibbie, AIM meal, EXEMPLIFY the very people who KILLED THE WORD and who CONTINUE TO KILL HIM TO THIS VERY DAY.


YOU yourself DO NOT GO IN.

YOU are full of DEAD MENS BONES.

YOU are PARADING ABOUT in public as SINLESS GOD ACTIVATORS who are really just BLATANT eternally condemning LIARS.



I will NEVER BUY your package of lies Ninevah.


You, Poly, Sibbie, and AIM meal are NO EXCEPTION.

As such you CANNOT CONDEMN another person to BURN IN HELL FOREVER and it is MORE LIES on your part TO DO SO.


And you also DENIGRATE others who would LOVE rather than FALSELY ETERNALLY CONDEMN.

There is NO LIGHT shining from YOUR DARKNESS.


Why don't you post or reply to what is ORIGINALLY AND CONTINUALLY OVERLOOKED by the Modern Day Pharisees????


So NINevah, how does one RID THEMSELVES of SIN????

Step into my TRAP please....


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Nineveh

So your "love" will consist of flowers at his premature funeral then?

4th and counting, don't ever accuse someone else of not answering your questions, hypocrite.


Nice try Nin.

You PHARISEES continually put up your STRAWMEN.

I have posted to YOU from the beginning of your involvement in this thread to SAY YOU HAVE NO SIN.

Anyone following this thread can SEE THIS.

Poly, Sibbie have even gone so far as to SAY THEY ARE SINLESS because at least their PHARASITICAL HEARTS know that THEY MUST be in order to JUDGE ANOTHER person to ETERNAL TORTURE.

You on the other hand are a DEEPER child of HELL. A DOUBLE SON so to speak even though you are a woman.

So you can post about flowers at someones funeral




you STAND as the Pharisee that GOD MADE YOU TO BE...

You are LOCKED INTO the ETERNAL JUDGMENT OF OTHERS and there is NOTHING you can do about it.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Nineveh

So your "love" will consist of flowers at his premature funeral then?

5th and counting, hypocrite.
Regardless on your take of hell, his deathstyle will cost him his health and life. Won't you even see your way clear to warm him of that at least?

Big Finn

New member
From a long ways back in this thread, as far as I could stomach to read.

Hey, beanie, why don't you start a thread where we can post halves of stuff? Half a bible verse. Half truths. Stuff like that.

It seems that beanieboy doesn't need to start a thread for that purpose, this thread fits the bill. This thread is one of the most perverted pictures of God's character ever given by "Christians".


New member
Originally posted by Nineveh

Not harsh to anonymous strangers? The woman at the well didn't seem to know Jesus, yet he all but called her a slut, didn't He? I don't think the Bible indicates anything other than brothers (in Christ) and neighbors. Who do you consider "too anonymous" to share the Gospel with?
You read a different Bible than I do. He was very respectful to that woman. He let her point out her own sin and treated her with the dignity no one in that town had shown her for years. She was at the well during the bright sunshine and not in the morning with the other women because they wouldn't have her. They probably looked a lot like you and Poly, wagging their tongues and pointing their fingers and calling it love. But Jesus took the time to talk to her... a Samaritan first of all, a woman second and an adultress third. He had every right to pass her by but he did not. He would not have bypassed Beanie either. He is kind to the sinner but not easy on their sin. I follow His example and not that of the Enyarites.

Originally posted by Nineveh

About all I've seen so far fom Chileice is what I have read from you and a couple others. If you both have brought beanieboy the Law so he can see he needs a Savior, I have no complaint against either of your witnesses.

No man is saved by the law. We all fall short of the glory of God. That is why I try to bring Beanie and anyone else to the foot of the cross where they may receive grace and mercy and salvation full and free.
Grace, Grace God's grace
that is what we need:) :thumb:


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Chileice

You read a different Bible than I do. He was very respectful to that woman. He let her point out her own sin and treated her with the dignity no one in that town had shown her for years.

Well, we must be reading different Bibles, because in mine she tried to lie to Jesus refereing to her husband. Jesus then pointed out to her she had had many husbands, and the man she was now living with wasn't. That would be quite rude to say to someone.

No man is saved by the law. We all fall short of the glory of God. That is why I try to bring Beanie and anyone else to the foot of the cross where they may receive grace and mercy and salvation full and free.
Grace, Grace God's grace
that is what we need:) :thumb:

The Law is much harsher on sinners than I could ever be. It crushes people. There is nothing nice about being confronted about personal sins, it makes one humble toward the Creator God. If beanieboy doesn't know he is a sinner, he doesn't need to repent.

By the way, all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness...

Could you please point me to one of your posts addressing beanieboy's need of Salvation? I would be interested in seeing your witness, thank you :)


New member
Originally posted by Nineveh

Well, we must be reading different Bibles, because in mine she tried to lie to Jesus refereing to her husband. Jesus then pointed out to her she had had many husbands, and the man she was now living with wasn't. That would be quite rude to say to someone.
You have now proven to everyone that you are completely ignorant of the scriptures and are just spouting lines you have heard in some dark corner. Maybe you have the Revised Nazi Version of the Bible but here is what it says:
7 A woman of Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her, "Give Me a drink." 8 For His disciples had gone away into the city to buy food.
9 Then the woman of Samaria said to Him, "How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?" For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.
10 Jesus answered and said to her, "If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, "Give Me a drink,' you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water."
11 The woman said to Him, "Sir, You have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep. Where then do You get that living water? 12 Are You greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well, and drank from it himself, as well as his sons and his livestock?"
13 Jesus answered and said to her, "Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, 14 but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life."
15 The woman said to Him, "Sir, give me this water, that I may not thirst, nor come here to draw."
16 Jesus said to her, "Go, call your husband, and come here."
17 The woman answered and said, "I have no husband."
Jesus said to her, "You have well said, "I have no husband,' 18 for you have had five husbands, and the one whom you now have is not your husband; in that you spoke truly."

She did NOT lie. She spoke the truth and Jeus commended her for it... rather than condemn her. You have things so screwed up you even read the Bible backwards. I am sorry to be harsh, but as you have pointed out on many occassions... it is sometimes necessary... but not as the first line of reasoning. PLEASE, before you embarrass yourself or God`s people any more at least get your Bible stories straight.

Originally posted by Nineveh
Could you please point me to one of your posts addressing beanieboy's need of Salvation? I would be interested in seeing your witness, thank you :)

If you read this very thread you will see where I have shared with Beanie. Since I do not believe you are truly intersted, I will let you look it up for yourself. My guess is that you just want to somehow attack my character or my methodology and if that is your purpose, you will at least have to work for it.

As everyone on this thread knows, it is not my style nor desire to be harsh on anyone, unlike the original intent of this thread. However, when someone lies directly about a passage of Scripture, that must be dealt with to protect the ignorant and uninformed. I truly hope you will read the BIBLE and not someone`s loose and warped interpretation of it. You can malign me, but to malign the Lord Jesus Christ and say he called women sluts, that is an evil against the very one who died for your sins. I hope you will ask the Lord`s forgiveness for slandering Him and then proclaiming that slander as Gospel truth.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Chileice

She did NOT lie. She spoke the truth and Jeus commended her for it... rather than condemn her. You have things so screwed up you even read the Bible backwards. I am sorry to be harsh, but as you have pointed out on many occassions... it is sometimes necessary... but not as the first line of reasoning. PLEASE, before you embarrass yourself or God`s people any more at least get your Bible stories straight.

Jesus said to her, "You are right when you say you have no husband. The fact is, you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband. What you have just said is quite true."

You are right, she wasn't lying technically. Then He goes on to tell the "rest of the story". So she she wasn't being exactly honest, as Jesus pointed out to her.

If you read this very thread you will see where I have shared with Beanie. Since I do not believe you are truly intersted, I will let you look it up for yourself. My guess is that you just want to somehow attack my character or my methodology and if that is your purpose, you will at least have to work for it.

This is a large thread, I'm sorry, I thought you might take the opportunity to show me how it's done. I guess you are free to read into my intentions anything you like.

As everyone on this thread knows, it is not my style nor desire to be harsh on anyone, unlike the original intent of this thread. However, when someone lies directly about a passage of Scripture, that must be dealt with to protect the ignorant and uninformed. I truly hope you will read the BIBLE and not someone`s loose and warped interpretation of it. You can malign me, but to malign the Lord Jesus Christ and say he called women sluts, that is an evil against the very one who died for your sins. I hope you will ask the Lord`s forgiveness for slandering Him and then proclaiming that slander as Gospel truth.

I'm glad you witness in a different way than others (I wish you had shared an example with me). However I am not in agreement that all parts of the Body have the same calling or "style".

As to the rest of your judgements, I feel they are in error :shrugs: I will point out I didn't "say he called women sluts". I said, "yet he all but called her a slut". Unless you feel 5 husbands and a live in lover doesn't classify.

I tend to think Jesus knowing this woman's life as well as He did had the desired effect on her, she was willing to listen when He said, "I who speak to you am he."

Then, leaving her water jar, the woman went back to the town and said to the people, "Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Christ?" They came out of the town and made their way toward him.


New member
Wow!!! Looks like we've all had lots of fun while I was out of town. I'm back now, so I'll try to jump back in. Chileice has done a stellar job in my absence though, and has saved me a bunch of work!!

I'll respond either later tonight or later tomorrow night.


Ah, you guys who still think beanieboy will be tortured in fire forever but treat him nice UNTIL THEN are no better in your hearts than Ninevah.


New member


You have done a good job defending your position, as well as clearing up the many misconceptions about it. I don't consider you "mean" at all.

Thanks. I pray that I haven't done harm to unbelivers through my involvement in the thread as Nineveh has suggested. I don't think I have---I don't think standing up for what I sincerely believe is God's truth is harmful.