Marijuana legalization: LESS government?


Weed.. it's horrible.

How many times does Phelps use the word "mistake(s)" in this short video? (Note how the picture was taken after he won the medals). Do you drug pushers have any evidence showing that Phelps was a dope user while competing? (I didn't think so).

Drunk driving...


Oh my...

Robert Lewis Dear’s Online Dating Profile & Rants

Robert Lewis Dear, the suspect in the shooting at Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs, appears to have posted religious rants and solicitations for women on the website, and also had a dating ad at

Dear’s posts on the message board were first uncovered by the New York Times. A dating profile on has the same username Dear used when posting online.

Dear was married for several years. He and his wife, Pamela Ross, divorced in 2000. Originally from South Carolina, he has also lived in North Carolina and was most recently in Colorado. His apparent dating ad, which you can see below, is seeking women for “A discreet relationship, Casual sex, BDSM, A long term relationship, Spanking."...

Read more:



Hall of Fame
I wonder if children are affected by 2nd hand pot smoke Sandy?

Oh ... did someone state they were not? Careful, your selective morality is showing ... :)

(Review the thread so that you don't look so foolish).

Take your own advice ... and review all of your posts and threads, past and present.


You wouldn't know honest truth if it bit you on the rear end. ;)


Just HALF a joint of cannabis 'causes psychosis-like effects in healthy people that's similar to schizophrenia', say experts

Active ingredient in cannabis delta-9-THC is linked to psychosis effects
Scientists do not fully understand mechanisms that cause these effects
Yale team found delta-9-THC increases random neural activity, or noise
Believe increased neural noise plays role in psychosis triggered by drug
Experts say effects are similar to the symptoms of schizophrenia

How long have you been a dope smoker gc? (your schizo personality is showing).


New member
Just HALF a joint of cannabis 'causes psychosis-like effects in healthy people that's similar to schizophrenia', say experts

Active ingredient in cannabis delta-9-THC is linked to psychosis effects
Scientists do not fully understand mechanisms that cause these effects
Yale team found delta-9-THC increases random neural activity, or noise
Believe increased neural noise plays role in psychosis triggered by drug
Experts say effects are similar to the symptoms of schizophrenia

How long have you been a dope smoker gc? (your schizo personality is showing).

Another paper you quote without reading beyond the The Daily Mail headline. The TL;DR is "NO PSYCHOSIS WAS OBSERVED IN THE EXPERIMENTAL SUBJECTS. IT WASNT'T EVEN LOOKED FOR.".

Try reading - it helps, especially if you lower yourself to quoting from the Mail, which is similar to the National Enquirer in it's quest for truth.


Another paper you quote without reading beyond the The Daily Mail headline. The TL;DR is "NO PSYCHOSIS WAS OBSERVED IN THE EXPERIMENTAL SUBJECTS. IT WASNT'T EVEN LOOKED FOR.".

Try reading - it helps, especially if you lower yourself to quoting from the Mail, which is similar to the National Enquirer in it's quest for truth.

I fear that you're way past the point of no return gc.


Or... you could have tried to answer the points raised. But it has been a long time since I expected rational responses from you.


Surely you're not under the impression that I'm attempting to reason with you are you gc? I learned long ago in the 4 part fag thread that you (and your fellow secular humanists) can't be reasoned with.

This thread is for people with an open mind and an ounce of decency. Marijuana use is extremely harmful, you're living proof.


New member
Surely you're not under the impression that I'm attempting to reason with you are you gc? I learned long ago in the 4 part fag thread that you (and your fellow secular humanists) can't be reasoned with.

This thread is for people with an open mind and an ounce of decency. Marijuana use is extremely harmful, you're living proof.



New member
Just HALF a joint of cannabis 'causes psychosis-like effects in healthy people that's similar to schizophrenia', say experts

Active ingredient in cannabis delta-9-THC is linked to psychosis effects
Scientists do not fully understand mechanisms that cause these effects
Yale team found delta-9-THC increases random neural activity, or noise
Believe increased neural noise plays role in psychosis triggered by drug
Experts say effects are similar to the symptoms of schizophrenia

How long have you been a dope smoker gc? (your schizo personality is showing).

I've been doing my own case study for 17 years. No psychosis to report.

from your quote of the article. . .
Scientists do not fully understand mechanisms that cause these effects

And yet you take it as truth.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I've been doing my own case study for 17 years. No psychosis to report.

from your quote of the article. . .

And yet you take it as truth.

i don't understand the mechanisms that cause gravity, but i'm not worried about floating off into space when i step out the door

:noid: unless i'm stoned


New member
Ted Cruz Voices Support For States' Right To Legalize Marijuana

A the annual gathering of conservative activists and Republican Party leaders, Fox News' Sean Hannity asked Cruz if he thought Colorado's legalization of marijuana was a good idea.

“Look, I actually think this is a great embodiment of what Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis called ‘the laboratories of democracy,'" Cruz replied. "If the citizens of Colorado decide they want to go down that road, that’s their prerogative. I personally don’t agree with it, but that’s their right.”


patrick jane

Ted Cruz Voices Support For States' Right To Legalize Marijuana

A the annual gathering of conservative activists and Republican Party leaders, Fox News' Sean Hannity asked Cruz if he thought Colorado's legalization of marijuana was a good idea.

“Look, I actually think this is a great embodiment of what Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis called ‘the laboratories of democracy,'" Cruz replied. "If the citizens of Colorado decide they want to go down that road, that’s their prerogative. I personally don’t agree with it, but that’s their right.”

Go Sweaty Teddy !!!


Just HALF a joint of cannabis 'causes psychosis-like effects in healthy people that's similar to schizophrenia', say experts

I used to smoke entire bags worth of joints all the time with friends. We would play video games, order food, go swimming, drink beer :)chuckle:), go hang out somewhere- basically anything.

You need to snap out of it. You are just a big, giant tool if you think such a simple thing as marijuana is so bad. Has it ever crossed your mind why it's being decriminalized and made legal in places?

It's because it's safe. You cannot overdose on THC, it has never led to violent behavior, and it reaps far less issues than virtually any other drug, period. Even over the counter medicines.

It's medically used to treat night blindness for crying out loud.

REALITY. Accept it, and stop acting like an idiot :doh: