ECT MADist thought for the day

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SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
What is the meaning of your question? I don't understand the grammar of it. You use the word "of" after "justified". What is the "of" referring to?

She said Jesus was justified.

From what?

I was justified because I needed to be. I'm a sinner.

(I know the verse she is thinking of)


New member
The Genesis 9:9 covenant was also with the animals. Were the animals under the old covenant?

It had to do with God's promise to never destroy all living things again.

It was also the same covenant that the law was added to.

The old covenant.

The covenant that leads to death, because the law was later added.

That is why God made a NEW covenant with the house of Israel, and, the house of Judah...and, likewise it is a BETTER covenant, with BETTER promises, that gives life, and all the days of the lives of those who lived in the old covenant, in which we speak, their hearts were in the promise to come/the new covenant in Jesus shed blood.

.......They were in the old, in that they lived in the old covenant time, but their hearts were in the new, (the remnant that had faith).


We now enter by the same faith; but, we have the advantage that we do not have to is available now; salvation..and, has been available for over 2000 years to all nations...beginning with the jew first.

john w

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It means that I believe you are saved, just like me. By grace, and unconditional love, that does not ADD to what is required.


"I believe you all are just as saved as me."-NewScam

No such biblical concept of "just as saved." You winged that. Just like "man made apostacy."


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I just want you to stop neg repping me, and falsely accusing others, in them, like Bybee.

Why don't you show all the pms I sent you?

I am not ashamed of anything I have done on here...accept what I have openly admitted on this board, to you and everyone, publicly, how I ONCE used to come here and judge the salvation of others..which God corrected me on, and eventually, He will correct all of you, likewise.

You are the one that called me a wolf...etc......

Liar, ok, ill show the last one you just sent me - i cant send the others because i am not some psycho who would feel the need to keep some trolls pms.

Your latest pm entitled Hi - you sent it on July 22nd, 2012, 02:05 PM , to get me to open it i guess - and here is your pm text

NewDay said:
I took all my ignore's off for awhile. I am not a liar, just because I choose to do so.

I also sent Bybee your hateful comment, and asked her if it was true.

Why do you call yourself a christian and hate other christian's so much?

I do not really know why I hang around here, other than the few who seem to have a heart for truth, and for God.

My so called "hateful comment" was the word liar because you keep posting to me while telling me you are ignoring me.

You pmed me before also about meshak a few times getting banned and being hateful to me because i kept telling you in that thread meshak deserved it and you kept posting garbage to me in meshaks thread and in pms about it all where you kept trying to get lighthouse banned - and pms to me before that on your other username unless you forgot.

I've never said a word in a rep about bybee or anyone else to you so if you state that i have, then you are a pathetic liar and i give full permission for knight or any other moderator to check your reps and find any comment by me that mentions bybee in your reps by me in any way.

Now stop pming me and actually place me on ignore like you keep saying you have liar. Here is where everyone can see your contention and the junk about meshak and where you told me i was on ignore over and over in this thread and thats when you kept pming also and still are.

I do not know what your obsession with me is, but get over it already.


New member
Bingo! Your're caught! You have just said that we are justified by the works "done through the Spirit."

This is a PERVERSION of the Gospel Sis! We are not justified by any works at all. Justification is wholly objective.


Justification is the full working of the Spirit.

Just like James explained...the 'body' without the Spirit is dead.

Therefore, faith without works is dead, also...because where the Spirit of the Lord is, there WILL be works. It is not possible for HIM NOT to work. Do you serve a Living, or a dead God? Does He work in you mightily, like He did Paul?

The spirit justifies:

1 Cor 6:11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

Even Jesus was justified in the Spirit, showing us the way:

1 Ti 3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

If you have not been justified in the Spirit; as Paul taught, you better wonder where the 'works' are coming from that Paul said 'God created you for.

I think you have been hoodwinked.

Justification in the SPIRIT is the WORK OF GOD; Don't deny He works in you, justifying your good works, so that you can be a Light to the world. It is the reason He saved you.

SO that He could LIVE IN YOU.

Does He live in you, or are you denying it?

HE work's, He just does NOT work by the law of moses.

NO one will EVER be justified through it; now go tell the madists how wrong they are for teaching such nonsense...that a man can do righteoussness through the law of moses. HOGWASH

john w

New member
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I am not a perverter of anything...concerning the gospel.

I believe the gospel, just like you. I despise your escatology, but it is not the gospel.

You do not know the difference, which is why you and your friends feel free to judge blood bought, born again, believers, when some of your friends do not even believe they are born again.......leaving on my fast horse, now.............:yoshi:

You guys are so far off the mark on so many things...but, I do agree you know the gospel.


Bait 'n Switch.

As asked numerous times: Chapter and verse where the LORD God demands I answer every and all questions addressed to me, especially from perverters, like yourself.

Raise the dead, per "the" gospel of Mt. 10 ff., Luke 9 ff.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
some man invented it, it is not biblical.

"some man invented it"-NewScam

Provide us the God made infallible doctrine, you claim you have, or women's teachings, that you say we should follow.

I thought so, you deceiving troll-ette.

Wile E. Coyote

New member
It was also the same covenant that the law was added to.

The old covenant.
You're confused Sis. It plainly says that God made the covenant with the animals too that He would not destroy every living thing again. How do you get the old covenant out of that?


New member
I don't know how to interpret Romans 3:31.

But you seem to be contending with,

Romans 11:6 But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works, otherwise grace is no longer grace.

Is this saying that it was on the basis of works, according to God?

Or that it was on the basis of works, according to man?


And what is the "it"? Salvation? Relationship with God? Fellowship with God?

Salvation is by grace. It was never on the basis of works of the law. It was always on the basis of works of the SPIRIT, THE SPIRIT IS GOD, NOT US.

The 'it' is salvation.

From the beginning, God was both the Author and Finisher of a man's faith....and, likewise it is HIM that does the works.


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He is free to do so, but I have not done anything that you and the rest of your 'group' have done.

I have apologised for saying you were not saved. Have you ever apologised to those who you and your group constantly harass as unsaved? As far as I am concerned there is no worse type of harrassment. It is your group that is constantly doing this to Tet, Andy, Godrulz, myself, and some others....

it is a shame.

This latest episode all began because Angel4, sent me a neg rep, .because I had amened a post from Bybee....and, she hatefully told me in her neg rep that Bybee was talking about people like me, who are unsaved.

So you know,. I did pm Bybee and ask her if it was true. She said for me not to worry about it, that it was not true, that she knows I am saved, and she too, despises the hateful harrassment of telling saved people that they are not saved. You guys whine about being harrassed, when it is YOU and your gang that does this daily to us.

Like I said, I once did, but God corrected me.

I believe you all are just as saved as me.

I believe likewise that God is sad because of this.

It is my hope that you will take heed to your own wrong doing, and learn something new.
I am praying that Knight is more mature than you nit wits.

I believe he is.

You are a liar. I called you a liar because you told me i was on ignore and you keep posting to me.

john w

New member
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I have never claimed I know fact, I admit when I learn something new...and, publicly on this board.

I have come to believe in osas, and he knows it.

He is a immature liar.

..........but, saved none the less.

"I have never claimed I know everything..."-NewScam

So, you admit that you follow the teachings "of men?"

What women teachings should we follow? Yours?

"He is a immature liar."-NewScam

Translated:I, NewScam, never name call, but, since I'm an actress, I will call those MAD wackos "name callers."
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Hall of Fame
A neg rep is not "having a conversation back and forth".

Shes lying right now, i posted her last pm to me and my response to her back was this:

Angel said:
If you pm me again, i am going to report you for harassment.

Thats all i said to the liar, there was no conversation back and forth and i said that like that because i have told her several times before not to pm me again.


Salvation is by grace. It was never on the basis of works of the law. It was always on the basis of works of the SPIRIT, THE SPIRIT IS GOD, NOT US.

The 'it' is salvation.

From the beginning, God was both the Author and Finisher of a man's faith....and, likewise it is HIM that does the works.
I believe you are saying that the works of the law do not merit salvation.

Did the law ever save? We both say no.

Then what was the purpose of the law? If faith came before the law, as I believe it did, then why should there be any law at all? How does God's law exist if it is not, or was not, to be observed?

I believe the law has a purpose in leading us to Christ.

If you are of faith, does that mean you obey God or does it mean you are disobedient?

Can a believer be caught in a tresspass? If the law doesn't apply, and sin is transgression of the law, does that mean we don't sin even if we are not of faith?

Things to think about.


Salvation is by grace. It was never on the basis of works of the law. It was always on the basis of works of the SPIRIT, THE SPIRIT IS GOD, NOT US.

The 'it' is salvation.

From the beginning, God was both the Author and Finisher of a man's faith....and, likewise it is HIM that does the works.
I think you are trying to say that you do not perform the works of the Spirit.

Where can I learn about the works of the Spirit, and what they are?


New member
Liar, ok, ill show the last one you just sent me - i cant send the others because i am not some psycho who would feel the need to keep some trolls pms.

Your latest pm entitled Hi - you sent it on July 22nd, 2012, 02:05 PM , to get me to open it i guess - and here is your pm text

My so called "hateful comment" was the word liar because you keep posting to me while telling me you are ignoring me.

You pmed me before also about meshak a few times getting banned and being hateful to me because i kept telling you in that thread meshak deserved it and you kept posting garbage to me in meshaks thread and in pms about it all where you kept trying to get lighthouse banned - and pms to me before that on your other username unless you forgot.

I've never said a word in a rep about bybee or anyone else to you so if you state that i have, then you are a pathetic liar and i give full permission for knight or any other moderator to check your reps and find any comment by me that mentions bybee in your reps by me in any way.

Now stop pming me and actually place me on ignore like you keep saying you have liar. Here is where everyone can see your contention and the junk about meshak and where you told me i was on ignore over and over in this thread and thats when you kept pming also and still are.

I do not know what your obsession with me is, but get over it already.


this all started because of this:

I had 'amened' a post from Bybee, shown here:

Originally Posted by bybee
Sadly, many persons who call themselves God fearing also misuse facts. They are so dangerous because they misrepresent what Godliness is about.


To that post, where all I said was 'amen', I got this neg rep, with this response from you:

July 21st, 2012 05:57 PM Angel4Truth shes talking about people like you

You had no right to falsely claim that Bybee said that. That is what I would call being 'unecessariily disruptive'...and, you just lied, by claiming you never did it.

All I did was send Bybee a pm, and asking her if that statement was true, since you CHOSE to speak for her.

She sent me back a pm, telling me in so many words that she did not think that, at all.

I sent you a pm, telling you the above.

I will say it again. Why are you so hateful? Why do you feel you have to neg rep someone just for 'amening' someone else?

I never said you was not saved. I was plainly asking you a question..why you claim to be saved, and act so hateful.
It was a question.

Not a statement of fact.

If you want me to post every pm I have ever sent you, I have NO problem with it; I have NOTHING TO HIDE.

Likewise, why you make up stuff about me trying to get LH banned is silly.

I do not like LH 's theology, but, I have never tried to get him banned.

You are an immature child, that is need of growing up.

Learn that if you want to be on a message board, people are going to disagree with you, and even call what you believe is done to me daily. I do not send people neg reps, and the like, I speak publically, or not at all..about how I feel about their theology.

I will pm someone to try to get something straightened out, but if it is not going anywhere, I cease trying.

You owe Bybee an apology, btw.


New member
I think you are trying to say that you do not perform the works of the Spirit.

Where can I learn about the works of the Spirit, and what they are?

Yes, every work is from HIM.

The works of the Spirit are manifested in many ways....through, love, joy, peace, patience, longsuffering, kindness, etc..and, they all have ACTION planted alongside them. That action is what God saved us for, to be LIGHTs TO THE WORLD.

SO, they could see the works of God and rejoice.

Love will manifest in many ways....feeding the hungry, tending to the sick, joy will manifest in many ways, likewise. People SEE these actions, and they can rejoice that God is at work in His people and the world.

It is not about obtaining salvation, it is about WHY He saved us; to use our bodies as a LIVING sacrifice, to bring glory to God.


New member
Hall of Fame

this all started because of this:

I had 'amened' a post from Bybee, shown here:


To that post, where all I said was 'amen', I got this neg rep, with this response from you:

July 21st, 2012 05:57 PM Angel4Truth shes talking about people like you

You had no right to falsely claim that Bybee said that. That is what I would call being 'unecessariily disruptive'...and, you just lied, by claiming you never did it.

All I did was send Bybee a pm, and asking her if that statement was true, since you CHOSE to speak for her.

She sent me back a pm, telling me in so many words that she did not think that, at all.

I sent you a pm, telling you the above.

I will say it again. Why are you so hateful? Why do you feel you have to neg rep someone just for 'amening' someone else?

I never said you was not saved. I was plainly asking you a question..why you claim to be saved, and act so hateful.
It was a question.

Not a statement of fact.

If you want me to post every pm I have ever sent you, I have NO problem with it; I have NOTHING TO HIDE.

Likewise, why you make up stuff about me trying to get LH banned is silly.

I do not like LH 's theology, but, I have never tried to get him banned.

You are an immature child, that is need of growing up.

Learn that if you want to be on a message board, people are going to disagree with you, and even call what you believe is done to me daily. I do not send people neg reps, and the like, I speak publically, or not at all..about how I feel about their theology.

I will pm someone to try to get something straightened out, but if it is not going anywhere, I cease trying.

You owe Bybee an apology, btw.

You are a complete moron. I said shes talking about PEOPLE LIKE you, meaning people like you are people who do this that she said -

many persons who call themselves God fearing also misuse facts. They are so dangerous because they misrepresent what Godliness is about

I never said bybee was talking about you in specific there. Can you even understand what context is?

Shame on you, you lying snake. The other rep, which you DIDN'T post, just says LIAR over you claiming over and over you have ignored me.

PS - Oh and anyone can see the thread i linked earlier in this for themselves and see that you certainly DID try to get lighthouse banned, you are still lying, snake.
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