ECT MADist thought for the day

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Untellectual;3155866]I believe you are saying that the works of the law do not merit salvation.

Yes, and they never can.

Did the law ever save? We both say no.


Then what was the purpose of the law?

to condemn sinners. I am speaking of the law of moses, not the law of faith/Christ.

If faith came before the law, as I believe it did, then why should there be any law at all?

Because God revealed that man could not hear His true law/faith; because he was spiritually discerned, so God gave mankind the law to condemn them, so that they could repent and, be saved, and receive the Holy Spirit so that they could begin to hear HIS WILL, or law, or whatever you want to call it; it is the law of the Spirit, as Paul said, and it teaches us the mind of Christ.

How does God's law exist if it is not, or was not, to be observed?

God gave it to a carnal nation to observe so that it could be a schoolmaster to lead them TO Christ, through repentance.

I believe the law has a purpose in leading us to Christ.

Yes, amen.

If you are of faith, does that mean you obey God or does it mean you are disobedient?

You obey through works love. It also works joy, peace, etc.

all of these, will work He uses our bodies as a living sacrifice...which is our reasonable service, as Paul said.

Can a believer be caught in a tresspass? If the law doesn't apply, and sin is transgression of the law, does that mean we don't sin even if we are not of faith?

We can be caught in sin, all the time, there is just no condemnation; we will reap the rewards for every sin, in this life....through reaping and sowing. That is why God wants us to learn HIS WILL, for when we walk in faith, working by love, we do not have to undergo so much heartache.

Things to think about.



Yes, every work is from HIM.

The works of the Spirit are manifested in many ways....through, love, joy, peace, patience, longsuffering, kindness, etc..and, they all have ACTION planted alongside them. That action is what God saved us for, to be LIGHTs TO THE WORLD.

SO, they could see the works of God and rejoice.

Love will manifest in many ways....feeding the hungry, tending to the sick, joy will manifest in many ways, likewise. People SEE these actions, and they can rejoice that God is at work in His people and the world.

It is not about obtaining salvation, it is about WHY He saved us; to use our bodies as a LIVING sacrifice, to bring glory to God.
Do you have any verses that have given you your understanding of "the works of the Spirit" you are talking or want to talk about?


New member
You're confused Sis. It plainly says that God made the covenant with the animals too that He would not destroy every living thing again. How do you get the old covenant out of that?

There are only TWO I see it. Paul explains that here:

Gal 4:22 For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman.

Gal 4:23 But he [who was] of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman [was] by promise.

Gal 4:24 Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar.

The bible says the law was added to the covenant given to Abraham, and, when it was added; David's house fell, all men became sinners, behold, there is none righteouss, no not one....yet, Abraham always had his HEART in the promise; which is the new covenant. Abraham walked prior to the law, but, his covenant later had the law added, so that all men could be found a sinner, so that God could fulfill the PROMISE to Abraham, by making a new covenant, so that men could be saved. Abraham was not saved in his day; he was always looking forward to the new covenant, knowing it was coming...through the SEED, which is Christ.

The law being added brought condemnation and death; making a way for the promise to come. Jesus...via the new covenant, that even Abraham knew he needed.


New member
No, YOU do for starting crap over a lie that YOU told. Snake.

what lie did I tell? That I put you on ignore?...and, after my vacation, decided to take all my ignore's off?

I never told you I put you on ignore forever. You dreamed that one up, too...but, tell ya what. You can put me on ignore...and keep me there always.....wink.


Yes, and they never can.
Then what are they for if Romans 3:31?

to condemn sinners. I am speaking of the law of moses, not the law of faith/Christ.
It's important not to create a new law and say it is not a law. I believe you are using the word law in a different sense, which appears deceptive... but you can explain if you wish.
Because God revealed that man could not hear His true law/faith; because he was spiritually discerned, so God gave mankind the law to condemn them, so that they could repent and, be saved, and receive the Holy Spirit so that they could begin to hear HIS WILL, or law, or whatever you want to call it; it is the law of the Spirit, as Paul said, and it teaches us the mind of Christ.
I believe Paul in Romans speaks of "the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus". Is this where you are mistakenly getting your idea of "the law of the Spirit"?
God gave it to a carnal nation to observe so that it could be a schoolmaster to lead them TO Christ, through repentance.
If they were of faith and had salvation, you still think they needed the law to lead them to Christ?

Trying to understand... and understand where we are at in the conversation.
Yes, amen.

You obey through works love. It also works joy, peace, etc.
Faith and obedience are closely related. There is something called "the obedience of faith", or "the obedience that is by faith".
all of these, will work He uses our bodies as a living sacrifice...which is our reasonable service, as Paul said.
We can be caught in sin, all the time, there is just no condemnation; we will reap the rewards for every sin, in this life....through reaping and sowing. That is why God wants us to learn HIS WILL, for when we walk in faith, working by love, we do not have to undergo so much heartache.
Do you believe Christians do not need to repent of their sins because they already have forgiveness?


New member
This does not explain how ND gets the idea that the old covenant began in Genesis 9:9.

The old covenant began when God made a covenant with the first man in genesis.

The law was later added to it. Therefore, a need for the new covenant was put in place.

Does that clearly answer your question? I hope so, brother.


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Hall of Fame
what lie did I tell? That I put you on ignore?...and, after my vacation, decided to take all my ignore's off?

I never told you I put you on ignore forever. You dreamed that one up, too...but, tell ya what. You can put me on ignore...and keep me there always.....wink.

You lied to bybee about what i said to you. I never said for one remote second by anyones stretch of imagination - that she said anything about you personally.

You literally took my obvious words about people in general and lied to her and claimed i said something about HER in your reps, when i did not.

I am so glad you posted it all for everyone to see how you twist and writhe just like a serpent.

And no, i wont put you on ignore snake - i like correcting the lies of serpents like you.


She said Jesus was justified.

From what?

I was justified because I needed to be. I'm a sinner.

(I know the verse she is thinking of)
What about:

Romans 3:26 To declare, [I say], at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.

I guess not.


New member
"I have never claimed I know everything..."-NewScam

So, you admit that you follow the teachings "of men?"

What women teachings should we follow? Yours?

"He is a immature liar."-NewScam

Translated:I, NewScam, never name call, but, since I'm an actress, I will call those MAD wackos "name callers."

Name calling, that has to do with your inability to discern facts, etc...and name calling that insinuates the person is not saved like, 'wolfette', 'jezabel', etc..fall into two different categories.

At least in own mom called me immature at times, and she also called me a nit wit, a few times, but she would never call me 'wolfette, jezabel, and any other name that signifies 'unsaved'..why? LOVE.

You can think otherwise.

I love freedom, don't you?


New member
Hall of Fame
Im putting you back on ignore now, ok?

If I decide to take you back off in the future, please do not call me a liar for making a freewill choice.

That is not very mature.

not mature is making up lies about people and telling innocent bystanders that they were talked about privately when they were not.

You are a liar. Yes, ignore me unless you want to lie some more snake.

But dont ever pm me again, got it?


New member
You lied to bybee about what i said to you. I never said for one remote second by anyones stretch of imagination - that she said anything about you personally.

You literally took my obvious words about people in general and lied to her and claimed i said something about HER in your reps, when i did not.

I am so glad you posted it all for everyone to see how you twist and writhe just like a serpent.

And no, i wont put you on ignore snake - i like correcting the lies of serpents like you.

hmmmmmmmmm, wondering if I should post the pm to bybee..and, prove you a liar once again.

I did not tell bybee, anything of the like. I pmed her and ASKED her what she thought...about me.

She wrote me back and very lovingly telling me not to worry that YOUR words were NOT HER THOUGHTS AT ALL, EVEN THOUGH IT WAS YOU WHO CHOSE TO SAY SHE THOUGHT THAT.

GET A GRIP ON REALITY....if you do not want to apologise to her for speaking lies about me, claiming it was her thoughts, that is your problem, and I will leave it for her to deal with.

IF she chooses.

She may think it is not worth it.

I cannot read her mind, anymore than I can yours, but you, oh read Bybee's, and claimed she was saying that about me.

You are a immature child.

Grow up.

Now, you are back on ignore, I do not care to hear one more thing from you at this time.


New member
Hall of Fame
hmmmmmmmmm, wondering if I should post the pm to bybee..and, prove you a liar once again.

I did not tell bybee, anything of the like. I pmed her and ASKED her what she thought...about me.

She wrote me back and very lovingly telling me not to worry that YOUR words were NOT HER THOUGHTS AT ALL, EVEN THOUGH IT WAS YOU WHO CHOSE TO SAY SHE THOUGHT THAT.

GET A GRIP ON REALITY....if you do not want to apologise to her for speaking lies about me, from her, that is your and her problem, not mine.

Keep going you lying serpent, ive already sent her a pm telling her to come to this thread and see for herself what you did you snake.

Shell see clearly the bait and switch you pulled. You led her to believe i said something about her, when i said something about YOU.

You were even corrected and you persist. Answer to God for your lies demon.


New member
not mature is making up lies about people and telling innocent bystanders that they were talked about privately when they were not.

You are a liar. Yes, ignore me unless you want to lie some more snake.

But dont ever pm me again, got it?

Before I hit the ignore button for you, one more time. I did not lie. You said 'she is saying that about you'.

She never said that about me, and it never even entered her head....LIAR...and, it was your harrassing me, for neg repping me, just for amening her post. That is what this is about...anyways. What gives you the right to think you can neg rep someone and harass them just because they say amen to someone?

You talk about 'context', but you certainly do not read in context.

Grow up.


New member
Keep going you lying serpent, ive already sent her a pm telling her to come to this thread and see for herself what you did you snake.

Shell see clearly the bait and switch you pulled. You led her to believe i said something about her, when i said something about YOU.

You were even corrected and you persist. Answer to God for your lies demon.

Bybee knows I asked her if she thought that about me..(what you claimed she thought).

I will post my pm to Bybee so everyone can see, if that is what is needed for you to grow up...and, I will also post her reply..if that is needed, too.

Bybee is sick of you judges...who come on here daily and tell other christians that they are not saved; etc...calling us wolves, snakes, etc.

Grow up, child.

Edit to add. I received a neg rep from Angel4, for this post and called a lying snake.
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