ECT MADist thought for the day

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New member
Are you upset because you believe MAD and she doesn't?

What is a God made belief system?

He's upset, because I tell him you cannot mix the law of moses with the new covenant...and, that is why his doctrine is baloney.

Just like everyone else that does not know or understand that...get's upset when you speak the truth of it.


He's upset, because I tell him you cannot mix the law of moses with the new covenant...and, that is why his doctrine is baloney.

Just like everyone else that does not know or understand that...get's upset when you speak the truth of it.
Some dispensationalists believe that even under the old covenant a person was not saved by works.


New member
I'm asking if you believe this your statement because you believe MAD. Meaning, are you saying this because she is against your particular Theological mindset?

What other belief have you seen her identify as being of man?

I have never claimed I know fact, I admit when I learn something new...and, publicly on this board.

I have come to believe in osas, and he knows it.

He is a immature liar.

..........but, saved none the less.


I have never claimed I know fact, I admit when I learn something new...and, publicly on this board.

I have come to believe in osas, and he knows it.

He is a immature liar.

..........but, saved none the less.
I didn't know you believe in osas. Or how that makes him a liar.


New member
I do NOT believe that they justify. Justification is objective. Justification has nothing to do with what God does in us.

The bible says the spirit justifies..and, I said the works are from the spirit....guess what?

It is still being justified freely by Him.

You are wrong to falsely accuse me.

I highly respect you, and I find your post's easy to read and agree with.

I do not respect being called something I am not.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
The Genesis 9:9 covenant was also with the animals. Were the animals under the old covenant?

It had to do with God's promise to never destroy all living things again.

I agree. There was a rainbow promise also.

The covenant that was made Old is the one between God and the nation Israel based on their obedience to the Law.

NewDay cannot be shown anything other than "it began in Gen 9:9"


New member
Maybe this is where you could be seen as mixing them, by saying no one was ever saved by works.

Faith was from the beginning. It was not EVER mixed with the law of whatever do you mean?

Those who lived DURING the old covenant who walked by faith, were never OF the old covenant, just like we are in the world, but NOT OF the WORLD, even now.

There is no mixing...going on in my mind. It becomes 'mixing', when you teach that men of FAITH DO THE LAW OF MOSES, and that is even God's will. It is a lie.


Faith was from the beginning. It was not EVER mixed with the law of whatever do you mean?

Those who lived DURING the old covenant who walked by faith, were never OF the old covenant, just like we are in the world, but NOT OF the WORLD, even now.

There is no mixing...going on in my mind. It becomes 'mixing', when you teach that men of FAITH DO THE LAW OF MOSES, and that is even God's will. It is a lie.
I don't know how to interpret Romans 3:31.

But you seem to be contending with,

Romans 11:6 But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works, otherwise grace is no longer grace.

Is this saying that it was on the basis of works, according to God?

Or that it was on the basis of works, according to man?


And what is the "it"? Salvation? Relationship with God? Fellowship with God?


New member
Some dispensationalists believe that even under the old covenant a person was not saved by works.

no one has ever been saved by works of any kind, other than the works of God, ...or justified by any 'work', other than the works done through the SPIRIT.

The Spirit does justify. Some don't understand that, yet.

Abraham was justified by works done through the Spirit in his life.

We are justified by the works done through the Spirit in our life.

Jesus was even justified in the Spirit.

Faith is of the Spirit; we are justified by faith.

Some do not seem to yet know what OF means.

Wile E. Coyote

New member
no one has ever been saved by works...or justified by any 'work', other than the works done through the SPIRIT.

The Spirit does justify. Some don't understand that, yet.
Bingo! You're caught! You have just said that we are justified by the works "done through the Spirit."

This is a PERVERSION of the Gospel Sis! We are not justified by any works at all. Justification is wholly objective.
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no one has ever been saved by works of any kind, other than the works of God, ...or justified by any 'work', other than the works done through the SPIRIT.

The Spirit does justify. Some don't understand that, yet.

Abraham was justified by works done through the Spirit in his life.

We are justified by the works done through the Spirit in our life.

Jesus was even justified in the Spirit.

Faith is of the Spirit; we are justified by faith.

Some do not seem to yet know what OF means.
You talk about the Spirit, life, justification, faith, works, Jesus, of, and through.
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