ECT MADist thought for the day

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SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
It all says the same thing, bible chopper/splitter,

You are nothing more than an Ernest T. Darby throwing rocks at the beautiful glass of orthodoxic/orthopraxic/orthodontic/orthopedic Christianity that the martyrs have shed their blood to protect.

You need to learn this axiom:

In essentials, unity
In non-essentials, charity

We can debate vigorously, but we need not divide over non-essentials.

Is that how Andy behaved? WWAD?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You are nothing more than an Ernest T. Darby throwing rocks at the beautiful glass of orthodoxic/orthopraxic/orthodontic/orthopedic Christianity that the martyrs have shed their blood to protect.

You need to learn this axiom:

In essentials, unity
In non-essentials, charity

We can debate vigorously, but we need not divide over non-essentials.

Is that how Andy behaved? WWAD?

Well, you need to stop "putting God in a box," and Olive, at the Diner, after I tipped her a quarter, told me to tell you:

-No one has ever said that Ernest T. was not a"good, God-fearing Christian."

-God helps those who help themselves.

-If you just have enough faith, (fill in the blank) will happen for you.

-The opposition to you on TOL is God’s way of telling you it is time for you to throw out your man made doctrine, and quit dividing the church, much like Ray Hollister and Barnet were divided on who was the best singer. Ya know, "A capella...A capella.."

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
-No one has ever said that Ernest T. was not a"good, God-fearing Christian."

How about Dud?

He and Charlene were legally married even though it wasn't by a preacher. Ernest T was proposing to commit adultery with Charlene.

What kind of fruit is that?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
How about Dud?

He and Charlene were legally married even though it wasn't by a preacher. Ernest T was proposing to commit adultery with Charlene.

What kind of fruit is that?

Well, all I can say to you, Jubel, is that when God closes a door, He opens a window, usually at the hotel, so the boys can climb down it, after a few snorts from the fruit of the vine in Brisco's jug.


New member
Hall of Fame
Your problem, you carnal wacko, is that you have never done a U-turn on the road of life...that is to say, you have never stopped living by the dictates of your own will, and done the will of the Lord.

I urge you to read the Bible for all it's worth, it is 66 love letters etched in heavenly handwriting. Consider the panoply of scripture and recognize the gross errors of dispensationalism.

God has only had one people, which is beautifully demonstrated by the cultivated Olive Tree by the Apostle Paul. God is not a racist, nor a land baron. There is only one race, the human race. The land promises were a figure of a new heaven and new earth, wherein dwells righteousness.

Your brother in Christ, Hank

What denomination are you if you do not mind my asking?

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
What denomination are you if you do not mind my asking?

:wave2: not at all!

I was raised in a Wesleyan church, switched to Methodist, then to Baptist.

Then, I was saved in 2003. I stayed at the Baptist church until I could no longer tolerate what I was hearing.

I am non-denominational now, just a Bible believing member of Christ's Body by the grace of God.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Well, all I can say to you, Jubel, is that when God closes a door, He opens a window, usually at the hotel, so the boys can climb down it, after a few snorts from the fruit of the vine in Brisco's jug.

I heard that the Darling boys, when you could get them to speak, spoke with other tongues. Do you agree with their non-cessationism?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
:wave2: not at all!

I was raised in a Wesleyan church, switched to Methodist, then to Baptist.

Then, I was saved in 2003. I stayed at the Baptist church until I could no longer tolerate what I was hearing.

I am non-denominational now, just a Bible believing member of Christ's Body by the grace of God.

Same here. I was Episcopalian, raised into that church, went to the same church, now unable to attend church.

I see no personal need. but I do miss the fellowship, now for me, the Methodist church would be fine. I do not like American churches, which make up Old Testament based, or biased rules about drinking, card playing, dancing, not that I do much of this myself, I do not like self-righteous busybodies telling me about mundane morality. They should stop trying to be perfect and put their faith in Christ, not rituals, as if they live by the law.


New member
Hall of Fame
:wave2: not at all!

I was raised in a Wesleyan church, switched to Methodist, then to Baptist.

Then, I was saved in 2003. I stayed at the Baptist church until I could no longer tolerate what I was hearing.

I am non-denominational now, just a Bible believing member of Christ's Body by the grace of God.

Thanks, what kind of baptist church was it? Independant, southern, free will, or calvanist? (lots of "baptist" churches are calvanist too)


Same here. I was Episcopalian, raised into that church, went to the same church, now unable to attend church.

I see no personal need. but I do miss the fellowship, now for me, the Methodist church would be fine. I do not like American churches, which make up Old Testament based, or biased rules about drinking, card playing, dancing, not that I do much of this myself, I do not like self-righteous busybodies telling me about mundane morality. They should stop trying to be perfect and put their faith in Christ, not rituals, as if they live by the law.

That pretty much nails my experience with them too.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Yes, they try to make the church, their church, when it is the house of God. He does not like any misuse of His house, and we all know it! You have the idea right, being too moralistic is another means of personal power and authority, undeserved!

I have to go to bed now, good night.


which make up Old Testament based, or biased rules about drinking,

Here is what the Apostle Paul said about drinking:

(Eph 5:18) Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.

Was the Apostle Paul biased? Was the Apostle Paul basing his statement on the OT? Was the Apostle Paul a legalist?

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Yes, they try to make the church, their church, when it is the house of God.

In my past experience, denominational preachers have made out the "sanctuary" part of the church building to be a special holy if it is the Holy of Holies.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Thanks, what kind of baptist church was it? Independant, southern, free will, or calvanist? (lots of "baptist" churches are calvanist too)

It wasn't independent or calvinist. I am really not sure who they got their orders from.

All I know is 95% of the sermons were out of the 4 gospels. And, I was never told that Paul is the Apostle of the Gentiles. And, I was never shown 1 Cor 15:1-4. Never. :(

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
:wave2: not at all!

I was raised in a Wesleyan church, switched to Methodist, then to Baptist.

Then, I was saved in 2003. I stayed at the Baptist church until I could no longer tolerate what I was hearing.

I am non-denominational now, just a Bible believing member of Christ's Body by the grace of God.

Let's see now I was saved at 14, nine years ago uh oh I'm as old as STP :eek:

STP :straight: Totty

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I heard that the Darling boys, when you could get them to speak, spoke with other tongues. Do you agree with their non-cessationism?

They spoke in lying tongues, asserting that "Bobby Fleet and His Band with a Beat" had another name-"Freddy Fleet and his Band with a Beat." Did they miss "the anointing?"

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
They spoke in lying tongues, asserting that "Bobby Fleet and His Band with a Beat" had another name-"Freddy Fleet and his Band with a Beat." Did they miss "the anointing?"

I believe Brisco caused all of the sacrifice and oblation to cease.

The middle of the 70th week was in 1963, according to the Mayberry Gazette. Rafe Hollister saw the Lord coming in the clouds and wrote it down in his farmer's almanac.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I believe Brisco caused all of the sacrifice and oblation to cease.

The middle of the 70th week was in 1963, according to the Mayberry Gazette. Rafe Hollister saw the Lord coming in the clouds and wrote it down in his farmer's almanac.

Aint Bea no longer needs to "call the man!" Ha! (wink...ROFLOL)I'm still laughing....You "one upped" me-you out "so there"ed me!

That explains why Mayberry-ites entered into the the mil. k. , as Gome was not much of a mechanic in early episode, before the Lord came, just pumping gas only-but, after He came,he can diagnose, and fix all sorts of mechanical problems.


New member
It wasn't independent or calvinist. I am really not sure who they got their orders from.

All I know is 95% of the sermons were out of the 4 gospels. And, I was never told that Paul is the Apostle of the Gentiles. And, I was never shown 1 Cor 15:1-4. Never. :(

You don't believe 1Cor 15:1-4 even after hearing it from Feldik.

Moreover, brethren, I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand, 2 by which also you are saved, if you hold fast that word which I preached to you unless you believed in vain. 3

You ignore the part in bold.

For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures, 5 and that He was seen by Cephas, then by the twelve.

Luke 24:46 -47 Then He said to them, "Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day, "and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.

Yep the gospel is right there in the gospels of all places :chuckle:
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