ECT MADist thought for the day

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I gave you positive rep, and when I can positive rep you again, I will tell you to grow up again if you keep acting so immature.

Yes, i am so immature for calling you on lying with my words, or telling nang she is shameful for implying i behave inappropriately in pms with a man who isn't my husband - that btw is the post you repped with the comment. When none of those things have anything to do with anything here.

Im glad you think its ok for an older christian woman to imply about a younger christian woman without cause at all to say such a thing.

And then tell me how i see you when ive said none of those things to you.

I'm immature? ok


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Hall of Fame
Keep it up, and maybe by the time you're 56 you will be just like John W

I see One in Christ as some sort of "MAD Cheerleader"

He/she doesn't ever really post anything of substance, he/she more or less comes into a thread and cheers on the MADists and takes shots at those who oppose MAD.

This of course is when he/she is not busy reporting posts to the woodshed.

It's pointless Nang

A4T and others will defend MAD and their fellow MADists no matter what.

John W is a hero to them, they love his posts. They positive rep John, and encourage him to keep doing what he does.

Now that's more like it.

You're making Johnny W proud.

Yes, and very biased.

What was that again? Oh its just you holding me responsible for things i never said right? Im so immature though and you are so adult.


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She called me a liar, then said she never called me anything on that list that included "liar"

Obviously both her statements can't be true.

Obviously according to context, i was taking your quote as a whole.

You however have been putting words in my mouth and blaming me for what someone else says to you and so has nang.

I am responsible for what *I* say, no one else, and for what *I* believe, no one else.

Blaming me for others thoughts and words, is mature? Saying i am having an inappropriate relationship is mature?

If those things are mature, feel free to keep calling me immature, because i do not want part of your version of maturity, or nangs.


Obviously according to context, i was taking your quote as a whole.

Ok, fair enough.

You however have been putting words in my mouth and blaming me for what someone else says to you and so has nang.

I am responsible for what *I* say, no one else, and for what *I* believe, no one else.

That's good, however in the future you might not want to follow a question with "if so, you're a pathetic loser". It comes across as very hostile.

Blaming me for others thoughts and words, is mature? Saying i am having an inappropriate relationship is mature?

I can't speak for Nang, but I don't think she meant anything inappropriate. I think she meant a relationship like a cult leader would have with one of his cult members, not anything romantic.

If those things are mature, feel free to keep calling me immature, because i do not want part of your version of maturity, or nangs.



New member
Hall of Fame
That's good, however in the future you might not want to follow a question with "if so, you're a pathetic loser". It comes across as very hostile.

That would sound hostile, but that is not what i said - you added the word loser there, i never said that.

This is what i said and it was in response to your claim that you dont talk about others badly then you said the following to which i responded and was also asking about johns claim that you posted his adress on here and made comments about his home if that was really where he lives.

I see One in Christ as some sort of "MAD Cheerleader"

He/she doesn't ever really post anything of substance, he/she more or less comes into a thread and cheers on the MADists and takes shots at those who oppose MAD.

This of course is when he/she is not busy reporting posts to the woodshed.

You don't talk about people though do you. Did you really post someones address on here and make fun of where they live? If so, Youre pathetic.

So stop lying. Your still doing it. Liar is all ive called you.


That would sound hostile, but that is not what i said - you added the word loser there, i never said that.

Ok, I'm tired, I didn't go back and check the exact wording.

Whatever you said after the question was hostile. In the future you might not want to do that after a question.

I'm going to bed, so I'll give you the last word.


New member
Hall of Fame
I also explained my post to you here so there was no misunderstanding at all and you know that too:

No, I didn't post someone's address and make fun of where they live.

If John W would quote people properly, instead of out of context, we wouldn't have this problem. Why do you think he purposely doesn't use quote tags?

He quotes me and others out of context, or flat out makes up things we never said to make gullible people like you believe him.

And by believing him, you just encouraged him to keep doing it.

Read what i said again, i said if you did it, youre pathetic. I actually asked you if you did or not, didnt i.

But that's ok right? He's a MADist, and MAD has to be defended at all costs.

I have seen your posts, you are a perfect fit for MAD.


Then after that, you took just the words "youre pathetic" and made a whole new quote from just those words and acted like i said that to you, completely out of context.

Talk to me about maturity some more.
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