ECT MAD implies both Jesus and Paul are liars.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame

1 Timothy 1:15-16

15 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am first.

16 However, for this reason I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show all longsuffering, as a pattern to those who are going to believe on Him for everlasting life.

patrick jane


With the majority of the nation Israel having been concluded by the Law and the Prophets as being in unbelief, for their having filled up their sins against the LORD and His Christ, said nation was now "in UNcircumcision" or "under sin" with the Gentiles, Acts 4; Acts 7, Rom. 1-3.

With that, the world was now headed for events that would culminate in God's Prophesied wrath, followed by His Prophesied Grace, thus, why Stephen saw the Lord standing, Is. 3:13; 66:16, Ezek. 30:26-38, etc.

But as God had also planned: where sin abounded, God's Unprohesied Grace did much more abound, Rom. 5, and with that began to unfold an Unprophesied Mystery pattern of longsuffering towards all without distinction, Rom. 3:21-31.

Paul being the first God began to show said longsuffering in, and through, to them that should thereafter believe, , 1 Tim 1:11-16; Titus 1:2-3, etc.

THIS is the Actual Acts 9 aka Mid-Acts Position, on the intended sense of 1 Tim. 1:16's "longsuffering."
You don't know how to study a thing out


New member
You don't know how to study a thing out

So says you: one of three professed "MADs" on TOL who has yet to produce even one study on a thing, let alone, an able defense of any "MAD" distinctive.

Let me know when you are actually ready to learn how to study from one of the greats and I'll share with you how to begin to move yourself toward being able to study a thing out from the Acts 9 Position.

2 Tim. 2:2


New member
You remain completely oblivious to why Paul even used the word "also."

Simple Study Principle:

The simple question 'what was this writer of Scripture talking about in these passages before he then added to that what he then added to it?'

The fact is that the Apostle Paul was not even talking about who was or who was not in the Body of Christ, when he then said what you think he said.

Fact is, he was talking about something else and THEN said that, in line with what he was actually talking about, to begin with.

And what he was talking about when he then added that to what he was talking about - was about various servants in the Lord.

He was talking about those who had been serving the Lord before he was.

You will have to do the impossible for you.

You will have to prove your pet theory by some other passage.

Impossible for you in that you have yet proven you are even able to properly discern that what Stam described a Dispensation is, is the exact same description the source you quoted described it as.

You are only proving yourself unable to discern a thing that is the same, from a thing that differs.

Pick up your sword, wipe your face, dodge, and get back to the Scripture for it's answers, it's way, over your notions.

Prov. 27:17

Also in context with what Paul said was there were others "also" in Christ before Paul.

Rom 16:7
Salute Andronicus and Junia, my kinsmen, and my fellowprisoners, who are of note among the apostles, who also were in Christ before me.

patrick jane

So says you: one of three professed "MADs" on TOL who has yet to produce even one study on a thing, let alone, an able defense of any "MAD" distinctive.

Let me know when you are actually ready to learn how to study from one of the greats and I'll share with you how to begin to move yourself toward being able to study a thing out from the Acts 9 Position.

2 Tim. 2:2
You missed one of my first posts here, before I heard of MAD. I was getting back to reading the Bible and started a thread called the Mystery of Christ after watching a video from Justin at Grace Ambassadors. I was really early in my studies and I learned a lot more on here. I learn the most by studying alone with the Bible.

patrick jane

Says the man that belief in Jesus is NOT Paul's Gospel. Go read some more then get back with me.
I meant that that is not the new information that Christ Jesus gave to Paul, obviously you must believe in Jesus, that goes without saying. That's why you have so much trouble comprehending what Paul wrote.

2 Peter 3:16 KJV -


New member
I meant that that is not the new information that Christ Jesus gave to Paul, obviously you must believe in Jesus, that goes without saying. That's why you have so much trouble comprehending what Paul wrote.

2 Peter 3:16 KJV -

Nope, I got that message settled in 1978, and I suggest you place your faith in Jesus and stop following and trusting systems and other men.


New member
You missed one of my first posts here, before I heard of MAD. I was getting back to reading the Bible and started a thread called the Mystery of Christ after watching a video from Justin at Grace Ambassadors. I was really early in my studies and I learned a lot more on here. I learn the most by studying alone with the Bible.

Nope. I remember that very confused post of yours, as you reposted it some time later.

And even if it had been coherent and or sound, so what; that was way, way back when...

Justin is one I find holds to Actual Acts 9 based conclusions, by the way.

But as the old, still very valid Chinese proverb goes, bro...

"Give a man a fish; feed him for a day. Teach a man how to fish; feed him for a lifetime."

And most teaching out there, including one shade of MAD or another; is not really devoted to teaching how to study, as that is not the intent.

The intent is to "teach the Word, rightly divided."

Which is a thing that greatly differs from teaching how to study a thing out.

The result being that most end up winging it; which ends up at the mercy of whatever ability at sorting one thing from another the particular person happens to be any good at.

Unless they seek out learning how to study.

Which is why the major groups within MAD each has a Pastor-Teacher training, where such are taught how to go beyond the basics one happens to pick up here and there from one sermon or another.

As I said, bro, there is study, and then there is...the study of study (of how to study a thing out).


New member
Nope, I got that message settled in 1978, and I suggest you place your faith in Jesus and stop following and trusting systems and other men.

Which - that you repented of your sin (what ever that means beyond the obvious - that YOU did something towards your salvation) or that you simply believed the passages - that there was nothing you could do but trust that Christ died for your sins?


New member
Which - that you repented of your sin (what ever that means beyond the obvious - that YOU did something towards your salvation) or that you simply believed the passages - that there was nothing you could do but trust that Christ died for your sins?

You have no clue what "humility" before God means do you ?

God resist the proud and gives grace to the humble.


New member
Answer the question, mr. ever deflecting :chuckle:

Rom. 5:8
Prov. 27:17

1 Pe. 5:5

Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.

Cheap grace is approaching God YOUR way and cutting off everything God requires because people love their sin more than they love God.


New member
1 Pe. 5:5

Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.

Cheap grace is approaching God YOUR way and cutting off everything God requires because people love their sin more than they love God.

Answer the question - did YOU DO something (like repent, as you put it) or did you ignore your obvious pride and simply trust that Christ ALONE did it ALL...ALONE.


New member
Answer the question - did YOU DO something (like repent, as you put it) or did you ignore your obvious pride and simply trust that Christ ALONE did it ALL...ALONE.

You do not get to demand ANYTHING of me NOTHING.

You have seen what I depend in many times and YOU have commented on what I believe several times about salvation, but I will do it one more time. YOU are beginning to act like dan asking the same question whenever you believe it fits YOUR narrative , which I find disingenuous and dishonest.

Salvation is trusting in the Lord Jesus' sacrifice as a payment for sin believed through faith.Grace is 100% provided by God as a result of faith, but it does not stop there as per scripture. You cannot place your faith in God if you refuse to repent of a known sin that the Holy Spirit has convicted to lead you to place your faith in the Lord Jesus.

There is a verse that says ," they loved their sin more than God;another words, they refused to repent of their sin=lost.

patrick jane

You do not get to demand ANYTHING of me NOTHING.

You have seen what I depend in many times and YOU have commented on what I believe several times about salvation, but I will do it one more time. YOU are beginning to act like dan asking the same question whenever you believe it fits YOUR narrative , which I find disingenuous and dishonest.

Salvation is trusting in the Lord Jesus' sacrifice as a payment for sin believed through faith.Grace is 100
% provided by God as a result of faith, but it does not stop there as per scripture. You cannot place your faith in God if you refuse to repent of a known sin that the Holy Spirit has convicted to lead you to place your faith in the Lord Jesus.

There is a verse that says ," they loved their sin more than God;another words, they refused to repent of their sin=lost.
Sorry for being so hard on you, I now realize you're "not all there" - my condolences


Well-known member
You do not get to demand ANYTHING of me NOTHING.

You have seen what I depend in many times and YOU have commented on what I believe several times about salvation, but I will do it one more time. YOU are beginning to act like dan asking the same question whenever you believe it fits YOUR narrative , which I find disingenuous and dishonest.

Salvation is trusting in the Lord Jesus' sacrifice as a payment for sin believed through faith.Grace is 100% provided by God as a result of faith, but it does not stop there as per scripture. You cannot place your faith in God if you refuse to repent of a known sin that the Holy Spirit has convicted to lead you to place your faith in the Lord Jesus.

There is a verse that says ," they loved their sin more than God;another words, they refused to repent of their sin=lost.

There you go....trying to climb up on the cross so you can boast in your own salvation.

Saved by Grace through faith......NOT OF YOURSELVES. You, Dodge, are a worker bee, denying salvation is a gift...insisting it must be earned. :down:

The verse you were referring to is here. Is repenting of sin seen anywhere in there? Stop saying in other words. You don't get to add to the word of God, and you shouldn't try to explain what is said until you can understand what is being said.

John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.​