ECT Mad finds itself in the trash by applying simple logic


New member
I really don't need you to defend me. It's like Custer asking the Indians to defend him and his men at the Little Big Horn.

Has nothing to do with whether or not you in your false pride need it, but with its' being the right thing to do, no mater who the person, friend or foe.

Whereas you and yours only fend for one another, whether right or wrong.

In this, you and yours are, in a word...cult-like.


New member
Well if you weren't so pointless as a poster, we wouldn't wonder about you being a pointless person.
Nothing wrong with be retired, but your contribution to debates is nonexistent. Makes me think that you came to this forum looking for friends, not truth.

So far, he has avoided dealing with the OP, as on and on he anything but...


Well-known member
Um, you think I'm discouraged because madists are unable to respond to my challenge?

Hi and you will never be a CHALLENGE , as I have more than confident in the word and that is why you can never explain why and HOW you were saved as that question involves 1 Cor 2:14 , then Acts 16:14 and THEN Rom 10:9 , just as starters !!

At one time I was just like you BUT Pauline Dispensantionalism will set you free from all the confusion as Jesus in His earthly ministry NOT Peter preach the dispensation of the MYSTERY as the Mystery was BEFORE PENTECOST as Eph 1:4 and 2 Tim 1:9 prove that we Grace believers were CHOSEN in Him before th FOUNDATION of the world !!

dan p

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Well if you weren't so pointless as a poster, we wouldn't wonder about you being a pointless person.
Nothing wrong with be retired, but your contribution to debates is nonexistent. Makes me think that you came to this forum looking for friends, not truth.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It's kind of ironic that those who aren't overly crazy about old GM and say my posts are pointless, seem to post copious amounts of posts to make that clear? Isn't that kind of "pointless", as well?


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Andy, I was reading over some of the earlier post in this thread and it hit me what the problem is.

That which is flesh is flesh and that which is spirit is spirit.

Those who worship God must worship God in Spirit and in truth.

Madist are rigid and spiritless otherwise they as you and others could see the GRACE of God working in spite of the law > Madist operate and walk in the flesh and not in the Spirit . Madist cannot see that truth because they are so busy following their rules ( which most are not even scriptural ) , just like the Pharisees , that they have hemmed themselves in with.

The Spirit makes alive and following the flesh kills.

Name a single MAD who says grace didn't work with the law. And provide a quote.

Otherwise you'll be henceforth known as "Lying Scum."

The woman caught in the act of adultery was not the subject of the OP.
However, Jesus didn't condemn her while knowing she was guilty. Yet Jesus condemned the pharisees, even though they had not committed an act condemned by the law.

You read the gospels through hyperdispenationalist sun glasses.
  1. Did Jesus witness her adultery?
  2. The fact you think the Pharisees weren't breaking the Law proves you don't actually know the Law.


New member
It's kind of ironic that those who aren't overly crazy about old GM and say my posts are pointless, seem to post copious amounts of posts to make that clear? Isn't that kind of "pointless", as well?

Well if you want to spend the rest of your days on this website pinging messages of approval and disapproval to everyone, that's one boring retirement. Why don't you go and buy a fishing rod or something?


New member
Did Jesus witness her adultery?

The fact you think the Pharisees weren't breaking the Law proves you don't actually know the Law.

They didn't think they were breaking the law. Tradition had compromised some laws, but other than that they were strict law keepers.

There is the letter of the law, which the pharisees followed, and the spirit of the law which exposes the sin nature. However, as long as they didn't commit the act of sin by breaking the law, they were free of outward external condemnation.
Jesus came to expose the heart, and to show that although people may not commit the act of sin, the desire to to commit sin exposes the inner man.

Romans 7:5 For when we were in the flesh, the sinful passions which were aroused by the law were at work in our members to bear fruit to death.

You see that?

Sinful passions are aroused by the law, which is why Paul said, "that which was supposed to bring life, actually brought death.

Because God originally created Adam and Eve to have dominion. The flesh was not created to serve anything or anyone. Therefore when it comes under legal restraint, the inner desire is to rebel. Jesus came to expose that inner desire (sin nature), in the hope that people would respond as Paul did......

But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?



New member
Hi and you will never be a CHALLENGE , as I have more than confident in the word and that is why you can never explain why and HOW you were saved as that question involves 1 Cor 2:14 , then Acts 16:14 and THEN Rom 10:9 , just as starters !!

At one time I was just like you BUT Pauline Dispensantionalism will set you free from all the confusion as Jesus in His earthly ministry NOT Peter preach the dispensation of the MYSTERY as the Mystery was BEFORE PENTECOST as Eph 1:4 and 2 Tim 1:9 prove that we Grace believers were CHOSEN in Him before th FOUNDATION of the world !!

dan p

Why not have a crack at the challenge in the OP?

Do you also think that Jesus could do what he wants because he's God?
He can overrule God's word whenever he feels like it?


New member
What challenge?

The faith of the woman in Luke 7, saved her. Jesus forgave her many sins.

What was the woman's faith in?
What was Jesus' forgiveness based on?

Can you or anyone offer a response other than, "well God can do what he likes because he's God". Even deny his own word if he wants to?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The faith of the woman in Luke 7, saved her. Jesus forgave her many sins.

What was the woman's faith in?
What was Jesus' forgiveness based on?

Can you or anyone offer a response other than, "well God can do what he likes because he's God". Even deny his own word if he wants to?

Another question would be: "Why are you so obsessed with this woman being forgiven?" I don't understand that?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Well if you want to spend the rest of your days on this website pinging messages of approval and disapproval to everyone, that's one boring retirement. Why don't you go and buy a fishing rod or something?

Have you been appointed as my "Activities advisor?" If so, how much am I paying you? I'd really be interested in an answer to that important question.

Lazy afternoon

Andy, I was reading over some of the earlier post in this thread and it hit me what the problem is.

That which is flesh is flesh and that which is spirit is spirit.

Those who worship God must worship God in Spirit and in truth.

Madist are rigid and spiritless otherwise they as you and others could see the GRACE of God working in spite of the law > Madist operate and walk in the flesh and not in the Spirit . Madist cannot see that truth because they are so busy following their rules ( which most are not even scriptural ) , just like the Pharisees , that they have hemmed themselves in with.

The Spirit makes alive and following the flesh kills.


True, but they can not speak of Him who they do not know.

In other words, people who have never seen do not know what it is like to see.
