Liberals, why would things like this be acceptable to you?


Hall of Fame
You are both jaded about Trump, you see things through distorted lenses of the radical left. Obsessing over evidence that doesn't exist

Or ... perhaps you are just gullible because you need to believe the man you have so vehemently defended couldn't possibly have done the things he is accused of.

I get that. You are invested in believing in Trump. Is there anything that could happen that would cause you to no longer support him, Patrick? From what I have seen, there is not.

As for me, I am going by Trump's OWN words and the information collected by the CIA and FBI. He now is speaking of doing exactly what Flynn promised ... lifting sanctions and giving two compounds back to the very country who attacked our democracy.

This isn't a big joke. Trump is destroying our alliances, democracy and country as he gives a big high five to his buddy, Putin.


New member
Have you heard your brethren at protests and Town Halls?

We're not looking for a war, Pat. We'd like to avoid them. We won't be mown down if the Trump administration resorts to violence, but the history is that once a Putinist party grabs hold of power, it doesn't let go peacefully.

The resistance to Trump is one of the largest, most diverse movements in history, and it's overwhelmingly peaceful. That's by design. The ruling party, however, finds itself unable to control its violent tendencies.


Hall of Fame
We're not looking for a war, Pat. We'd like to avoid them. We won't be mown down if the Trump administration resorts to violence, but the history is that once a Putinist party grabs hold of power, it doesn't let go peacefully.

Indeed ... resist and persist.


Hall of Fame
I guess you think Clinton's little speech yesterday was right on the money.

And some. Trump DID conspire with the Russians and wikileaks. It's not just the mounting evidence that convinced me but Trump's OWN words. He LOVES wikileaks.

"Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing, I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press".


Hall of Fame
I guess you think Clinton's little speech yesterday was right on the money.

On Trump and the Russians, I DO. There is a reason that up until now most of the GOP were suspicious of Russia and considered them a threat. The only reason they are staying silent NOW is because what Russia did worked out well for them. For now.

patrick jane

On Trump and the Russians, I DO. There is a reason that up until now most of the GOP were suspicious of Russia and considered them a threat. The only reason they are staying silent NOW is because what Russia did worked out well for them. For now.
I guess climate change is important too.

patrick jane

:think: Oh look, a squirrel!

Sorry Patrick, but using the Trump method of throwing something into a conversation that has nothing whatsoever to do with what I said doesn't cut it.
:chuckle: I have a short attention span, like my President